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Lv 1121 points

carastin s

Favorite Answers12%
  • how to get more money when you've already accepted less?

    I've been a nanny for about three years , started a new position for a new family 6 months ago I watch a two year old boy and live with them rent free, I accepted 800$ a month to only realize I should be making about 600$ a week. now I realize it would be a big pay difference but the duties and tasks I have on hand everyday were not in the agreement , about a day or so more throughout the week i am watching not only the boy but his brothers (9&&11)and two of their friends(5&9) then sometimes the two years olds little girl friend who is three . I'm the maid around the house yet was only signed up for lite house work granted the mom does all their laundry, I'm the taxi driver. I don't mind all this I'd just like to be rightfully paid, the mom is home always great woman , my time was supposed to be divided on the two year old but realizing I'm catering to his needs as much as the mom's she doesn't drive so I'm constantly driving her to work the kid and I are in the car for about two hours he'll take a nap puts us at 3 critical to his development I have taken plenty of courses in college high school and interned for child care places while attending high school completed many hours . I also took on taking care of their dog . How do I go about getting far more than what I'm receiving

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby6 years ago
  • can you define this quote for me by Chaplin, Ralph?

    “Mourn not the dead that in the cool earth lie, but rather mourn the apathetic, throng the coward and the meek who see the world's great anguish and its wrong, and dare not speak.”

    and someone make sense of this for me.

    2 AnswersQuotations8 years ago
  • how should power in your opinion be divided between the federal government and the states?

    im starting to learn more in government but want to hear more views on topics related. please express your views. Thankyou

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Movie question metaphor?

    In tim burtons movie 'Big Fish' what is his metaphor like why does he use the term big fish so much.

    Kinda digging deeper in dept what does this movie mean the whole!

    I hoope the question is understandable..

    Thankyou very much: ))

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • How did world war 2 affect americas minorities? were the effects positive or negative?

    I'm trying to reallly trying to get this answer correct please people help !

    Has to have pargraphs about:

    Women -effects and analysis

    Affrican americans



    !!!!please please please . Help my mother asked me this I can only go hang out with my friends with the first time in weeeks if I get it right. "/ strict parents"/ helppp

    2 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • why does my friends back hurt so bad?

    just started roughly two days ago...

    he hasnt done anything crazy at all just woke up and it was bad! continuing to just get worse"/


    upper back is killing him

    now lower back is beginning hurt

    when he breathes it hurts him real bad

    he couldn't move for a while kinda just stayed in the same position


    *currently icing (first thing we've tried next will be heat)

    please give me home options!

    i dont want comments left in such as he should see a doctor.

    i understand that but he doesnt have insurance .

    NOTHING iss HELPING it PLEASE HELP>>>>thanks

    ( :

    thanks so much!

    P.S. his whole family seems to bee having back problems lately too?/

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Give me a let me hear thee rapp(;?

    Explain 'high' to me ina rap. Listen to 'high' by big sean . I want a rap like that just spin me some stuff .. (: thanks

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago
  • Medical question ina sense try and answer please&&thankss?

    Yesterday my friend was on her way over too meet me..and when she gets too me she tells me what has happened and why it took so my question is, is there any logical explanation for her having to pull overr too throw up vigriously and then too pee her pants..

    She's dignoased bipoloar disorder and has white blood cells eating at her esophageous. ( not sure if that has anything too do with it)

    I'm just worried and it doesn't seem right.

    Ooh and she only has an appetite when she smokes weeed or else I have to force her too eat, she's not a hard core smoker at all she has barley tried it . She just realized she actually has an appetite when she smokes and she can hold foood down.

    I'm worried please let me know ..and for the white blood cells doctors have no idea what iss wrong with her please tell me your opinion.

    No rude or smirky remarks please&&thanks(:



    2 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Step by step procedure pleasee?

    So I'm at six flags but I want the pictures that we took in the very beggining but don't have the money so how do I get them on line ..? And if the ones that the rides toook please let me know thanks so much((:

    6 AnswersLos Angeles10 years ago
  • Best way too loose weight ill try anything!?

    I'm sixteen and unhappy with the way I look . I'm 5'4 and 160lb. I goto the gym a lot...nothing changes it says I loose weight but no progress its all back the next day...

    Things I've tried...working out , starving myself(but I got hungry and knew it wasn't smart), drugs(I hate them.),

    I'm just outta shape I have nice muscular legs my stomach and arms are just stomach iss ooh my hell, disgusting. I don't want pitty I want real ****...I don't care what it is tell me., also easiest way..iknow its all work but fastest one.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Struggles~we all have em whats yours?

    discuss a time in life when you had to overcome long odds, or battle through some kind of adversity to achieve something meaningful.

    5 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop10 years ago
  • Highschoool student jr.?

    Okay so I'm wondering if I were to drop my spanish 2 class because I'm faling 6weeks in...I don't understand anything. If there was/is a college that I could take it over summer or an asl class over summer so I could get into a four year college. This is a big decsion...because I have to have to get in to a four year college for my future and I don't understand whatsoever nothing zip nada...and I don't wanna have to just fail completely and become a t.a....please do give me a solid goood answer and something that could help me. I live in san diego county so I neeed a gooood thing.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • Can someone help me.. I don't have cable and I need extra credit please please please. ?

    Sunday evening on PBS (Channel 11 if you have Cox)  A series on Prohibition begins.  Any student who watches, takes notes, and writes a good summary can earn up to 200 points per episode.

    P.S. I know its a bit cheating, but I can't fail. Please.

    1 AnswerCivic Participation10 years ago
  • To what extent did the south prevent newly freed blacks from attaining equality?

    I neeed this to be answered with a lead, thesis, and a plan. Please . And it needs to be an essay. I have done this six times with multiple different ideas and styles and information....its still not goood enough for A potential. So if someone could do this for me that d be awesome.

    1 AnswerHistory10 years ago
  • Job application I need help ?

    So under hours available to work it say JSI which means???

    Then employment desired and position applied for I wanna do everything so what do I put and what's it mean?

    I'm 16 and it asks how many hours can I work weekly I'd like to work full time from 9:30 am to 7:00 pm can I??

    Then asks " an application form sometimes makes it difficult for me to summarize a complete background. Use this space to summarize any additional info necessary to describe your full qualifications for the specific position which I'm applying for" what do j put??

    Please help and thanks for all those who do

    1 AnswerFood Service1 decade ago
  • I neeeeed help with math geometry?

    I need every geometry formulas all of em! Please, and thanks no websites just all of em. Thankssss

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • SADDNESS:( help? Please reAd?

    I'm always depressed I feel like I'm nothing, I eat too take thee pain somewhat away, I have amazing friends so it's not them I am not close with my mom or dad just my brother I honestly dislike my mom even though she does a lot for me and loves me unconditionally , my dad also is the same way but I get along with hims, I feel it's a teenage thing with my mom because I'm sixteen but I've honestly never really EVER met my mom eye to eye. But iiddkk I feel like always depressed, no matter how hard I try to bee happy it doesn't always work out:/ I hate feeling this way. My moods are all ducked up! I'm not bipolar, well I honestly don't know how to know know if I have it. I always feel like crying, and just so terribly sad please help....thankyou very much for anyone's and everyone's help please help me,.... Well tell me your ideas.

    P.S.... I hate waking up, I hate living at home, I'm depressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What happens in the first three acts of Julius caesar ?

    I need a summary please help there lingo is too hard for me to understand:/

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • What's a cup of dreams about it's also called la cops de Los suenos?

    So I watched this movie in school and I need to write a review for it and I missed most of the movie because I was absent and my teacher is kinda a b**** and she doesn't care please help. From what I know now is it's a soccer movie about young boys Ina orphanage wanting to beat some other kids.....they do. That's it and it needs to be a page or so long with two paragraphs 8 sentences each, ..

    1 AnswerLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • I wanna be an actress and I need help?

    So I like to act, no I'm not crazy goood but I'd still love to addition and what not I'm a sixteen year old girl blonde blue eyes live in SanDiego California and was wondering if someone could help me out?! Please and thanks:D


    2 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago