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  • I got suspended from school soo..?

    I got suspended from school for 3 days ( Im in 7th grade by the way I don't know if that matters ) but anyways I got suspended for 3 days and today was my first day and Monday & Tuesday will be my last days and I go back on Wednesday. Since I got suspended I got an envelope with all my work in it and a note for my mom that said I wouldn't be able to attend extracurricular activities for 2 weeks starting on the 12th ( Today ) And I have a field trip this coming Friday so will I not be able to go . (: Cause I don't want to but would that count as a Extracurricular activity? Thanks!

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • What do you think about this?..?

    Ok, I'm gonig to replace the names of my two friends to Katie and Marie lol, So my best friend is Katie and my second best friend would be Marie, and at the begining of the school year they never got along. So Katie told me to make a fake facebook account for Marie because she didn't know how to make an email so I did. I made a fake facebook for Marie and gave the password to Katie ( I know I shouldn't of done that) . So Katie gets on it and messages people in our grade calling them sluts and that theyr'e fake and ugly and that she's gonig to punch them in the face and beat their a** . So we were called down to the office today for being suspected of doing it & the principal mainly knows its Katie, but she says if she doesn't admit to it( The messages) she'll get the police involved, they'll find out where the account was made ( Like city wise and address and stuff) and the person will get charges pressed against them . And the account was made at my house! But Katie lives in a different city then me and she was the one that messaged people calling them things and saying mean things on peoples photos and all I did was make the account and give her the password. Do you think the principal would really have the police involved and track it down for calling people sluts and ugly and saying im going to punch you and kick your *** . ? D: ( PS were only in 7th grade.

    1 AnswerLyrics8 years ago
  • Does anyone know who this guy is?

    Does anyone know who the guy is in this video It's not anywhere and it doesn't tell on wikipedia I know the girl is Katie Chonacas but who is this guy? Link -

    1 AnswerCelebrities8 years ago
  • Why did I gain a pound?

    OK, So all I had today was 2 glasses of orange juice, one soda and a small yogurt.

    Yogurt - 100 calories

    Soda - 170

    Orange juice I don't know how many calories,

    But I just drank the 2nd orange juice and my first soda ( I mixed it together like half a cup of orange juice and then the soda in it ) But I just got on the scale and I just gained a pound because i check my weight in the morning and around this time cause thats all i eat so , WHY did i gain a pound? Will it be gone by the morning or no..

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Is it bad I only ate this much today..?

    Granola bar, jolly rancher and half a cup of orange juice..

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Math Homework how would you do this?

    A perigrine falcon can fly 322 kilometers per hour. How many meters per hour can the falcon fly?

    Ok that is the question and i got 32,200 m. which is wrong probably. So what would the answer be OR. how would i figure it out to get the right answer? Thank's.

    3 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Things you should never do while presenting infront of an audience?

    What are some things you should NOT do while presenting in front of an audience?

    8 AnswersTheatre & Acting9 years ago
  • I don't understand exponets..?

    Okay, I know your probably thinking i'm stupid, but I don't understand exponents. At all. We're just starting to learn them in math and I don't understand. And yes I pay attention in class.

    Like example , how in the world does 2 to the 3rd power equal 8?

    or 3 to the 4th power equal 81?

    or 5 to the 3rd power equal 125?

    Please explain !

    8 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • What does this word mean ?

    Okay, for school we got a word, And I got the word campaign. My mom told me it means when like a president makes a commerical or something like that telling people why and to vote for them. Is that right? If not what does it mean ? Thanks (:

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Memory card "unusable" ?

    Ok I got a camera for Christmas its a fugi film, or however its spelt, and it stopped working about 2 months ago ( Its a digital camera were you upload pictures ) Whenever i try and take a picture it says "Memory card unusable/full , insert new memory card. "

    So today my mom and me went to walmart to get a new one and i just got home to see if it worked and it says the same thing.! I dont think its the battery since it says memory card unusable/full ect. But at a time i put the battery in wrong and had to get it out with tweezers lol. And i saw scratches on it so..

    And NO, The SD card IS NOT locked. And i dont think id need to charge it, plus i cant really send anything back i think since we dont have the receipt. But i have the box and everything that came with it. Plus the camera wont let me take pictures/or look at pictures that were in there before.

    So yeah ? Any ideas ?

    1 AnswerCameras9 years ago
  • Loll does this sound like a bad idea ?

    Okaay , so i ride my bike alot with my dad and older sister (: And not this summer, but next summer, like 2013 summer my dad said we should ride our bikes to California, and i wouldnt mind doing it, cause i want to (:

    BUT... We live in Ohio , so Ohio to California, so do you think its a good idea or,,,not so much.

    Thaayynks XD

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Is this bullying..cause honestly im getting sick of it.?

    Okay , i'm not sure if this is bullying or not. So i'm going to ask you all. So i have friends, im not one of those "unpopular kids that people "pick" on. I'm nice to everyone and every one is nice back.Except one person . But I have two "best friends." i hang out with the most. Anyways the girl that i think bullys me and not just me but some other's , is so mean

    Example 1 : Yesterday in third period ( Which is our snack time ) I had a snack and I ALWAYS have pepperments in my pocket that I sure with anyone. But unfortunally i only had three. So i gave one to one of my friends and the other one to another one of my friends. And i had the last one. Olivia( The mean one. ) Said "Give me one." And i replied with no, because i had none left whatsoever. And she kept putting out her hand for me to give her one , but i did not. So after the bell rung i was walking downstairs to my next class, and she punches and kicks me the whole WAY DOWN.

    Sorry this is so long. I'll post more after i have some responses. Because there is much more to it.!

    4 AnswersHealth & Safety9 years ago
  • I have a few questionss ...?

    Ok i have a couple different questions i need help with

    #1-The name of those hats worn by Jewish men,?

    #2-If you have to find the area of a square that has 12 yds and 13.3 feet , do you know what it would be? The length is 13.3 and height is 12 yds!


    1 AnswerOther - Science9 years ago
  • Please helppppppppp !?

    Kay thankkss for reading this , anyways im doing this powerpoint of where i live for school and we have to label the pictures as



    -Natural Resources

    -Goverement Building

    -Main Employer


    -Big Event

    And honestly i have no idea what to label my pictures except some of them ):

    Andd i was wonderinn if anyone could help by labeling them for me these are what the pictures are of

    -A flower shop

    -Plant shop

    -Public Libary

    -Gas station


    -My street name

    -The welcome to _____ sign


    -And the grocery store ( local market )

    And if you could list these in order or not in order than just put which it would be by itt like

    Funeral Home- Big event for ex. (:


    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • Economy,Goverment,Ecosystem?

    I have to do this school project and make a scrapbook on the computer of the town we live in . And we need to take pictures of Ecosystem , Economy and goverment stuff . Can you give me like 3-5 examples of each ? Thanks !!

    1 AnswerEconomics9 years ago
  • For alllll you grammar people,.. i need help on my quiz for corrections .?

    Okay i suck at grammar but im good at writing things but whatever , anyways i need help doing corrections for my quiz ok here's the question.

    Write I if the clause is independent; write D if it is dependent. Underline the subject of each clause.

    Then here is where you put the answer

    ___When you go downstairs, ___ please bring a pitcher of cool water.

    Ok so on the first blank line i put D and the second blank I. Which were both right just i didnt underline the subject of each clause what would each of the clauses be? THANKS !

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Battery in camera stuck ):?

    Okay i dont know how ): But somehow i put the battery to my camera in upside down now its stuck ! ): Does anyone know how to or how to maybe get it out ? Thanks if you can!(:

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Where can i get these ?!?

    Ok i want these Boat shoes/Sperrys whatever you want to call them so bad! But i can't find them ANYWEHRE ! Well atleast not in my size ): If you can find them somewhere in woman sizes you don't know how much i will love <3 you ! :D

    Heres the link to them,;

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Wear can i get THESE ?!?

    I want these boat shoes or whatever you want to call them so frigggin bad ! XD but i cant find them anywear. And i dont wear kid sizes (btw (: ) If you can find these in woman sizes i will freaking love you so much :D Thanks !

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • How to Unblock someones Cell Phone number ?

    I had blocked this one kid's number yesterday , And now i want to unblock it. How can i unblock his number. By the way i have a rumor touch (: Thanks !

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago