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  • What is the best type of dog for me?

    IM adopting from a shelter as previously posted and want to know way kind of dog I should get, these are my living conditions:

    IM active, IM an army national guard soldier and would like a jogging buddy, Im financially well off but Im not rich either, Im going to college this fall for vet tech courses (I love animals especially dogs). I do have two cute hamsters, I rent an apartment with two room mates who don't mind pets. My lifestyle isn't as busy as it seems though, but still kind of demanding at certain times. Sometimes I won't have as much time home as I wish but there will always be someone there to take care of him or her, I think a shelter dog would much rather live with me than live in a cage. So what kind of traits should I look for in a suitable dog? Young, old, female, male, trained, aggressive, gentle, smart, big, small etc. Btw I really do prefer medium sized dogs.

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • What is the best type of dog for me?

    IM adopting from a shelter as previously posted and want to know way kind of dog I should get, these are my living conditions:

    IM active, IM an army national guard soldier and would like a jogging buddy, Im financially well off but Im not rich either, Im going to college this fall for vet tech courses (I love animals especially dogs). I do have two cute hamsters, I rent an apartment with two room mates who don't mind pets. My lifestyle isn't as busy as it seems though, but still kind of demanding at certain times. Sometimes I won't have as much time home as I wish but there will always be someone there to take care of him or her, I think a shelter dog would much rather live with me than live in a cage. So what kind of traits should I look for in a suitable dog? Young, old, female, male, trained, aggressive, gentle, smart, big, small etc. Btw I really do prefer medium sized dogs.

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • I want to adopt a shelter dog?

    I want to give a poor doggy a happy new beginning, especially the sad ones in shelters and pounds I feel so bad for them. I've never taken care of a dog for more than a few months though since I never AD one of my own, what are some things an owner of a shelter dog should know in order to be a good owner?

    7 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • What does Nephilim mean to atheists and theists?

    I would assume a theist might argue that a Nephilim is the half breed spawn of a human female and angel male, but Angels don't have genders. Or would that be the theory of what an atheist would get out of it since they think that religion is a bunch of fairytales. Well the Hebrew word whether your religious or not means tyrant, sometimes used as burnt or ungodly MEN. Not some ugly giant masculine monster half demon.

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Is it possible that human intellegance is caused by?

    The eagerness to share information with one another? If you think about it that makes perfect sense, apes lack the enthusiasm to share knowledge with one another, it's a huge difference between us and them.

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • The religious meaning of Nephilim?

    It isn't actually four row toothed demon spawn half breed giant like my best friends lunatic father told me when I was 14 is it? I think the Hebrew meaning for Nephilim in the old testament meant tyrant or worrior, which one?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Ah $hit I realized I have very bad anger issues?

    I am usually very quite and nice to people, I stick to myself, keep my mouth shut if something bothers me but recently something happened and I exploded, I have brothers who all have anger problems but I never thought I wouldn't be able to control myself, it felt so good to hurt people and I felt justified. It's wrong's so wrong and I just joined the military. Can someone please help me control myself? :(

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • A two face whore threatened my relationship?

    And pretends like it didn't happen what should I do?

    Btw she's my bfs sister.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • I don't like my bf`s family?

    They're very obnoxious and just...the way they are bother me. His father claims that his wife is more important than their children and spoils her, she has anger issues and used to best my bf when he was young, a few times she hit her 16 year old pregnant daughter who is also very obnoxious and slutty. The pregnant sister claims she is severely depressed, bipolar and has multiple personality. Oh and also sees dead people. This is clearly a stupid lie, when I went to the doctors with her he told her none of that was true and she wanted attention, she is always giggly and smiling and wanting good because she's always pregnant. She's on her second child now by a different guy. She was very nice to me though so I was nice to her but yesterday she got on her exs Facebook and saw that I recommended he get a DNA test and told her mom and dad on me. Now they're mad at me and I no longer want anything to do with her, they told me to stay out of her business but they're the ones who dragged me into it, constantly complaining to me and asking for advice and posting their problems on Facebook. I don't want to pretend im not angry at her. Is it wrong since she's my bfs sister? Should I just let it go?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to keep your man bed?

    Aside from the last couple of nights, sex is so boring and dull for me. I never know.. orgasm unless i do the clitorus thing myself, he doesnt know how to do it but most times its so boring i dont even care to make myself come. The difference between most nights and the last two times was the emotional connection, i found out that his justified anger towards others turns me on.

    We have been together for two years. How can i keep this emotional conection slash sexual attraction towards him? Will it ware off like most things did?

    I need tips from a real woman ! lol

  • Does the intensity of a sin make any difference?

    To me raping a child is worse than having casual sex with an adult prostitute, yet one who is a rapist will get about 4 to 6 years in prison while a prostitute herself will go to prison for 17 years. The legal system is such a fail and it makes me sick. It also bathels me that is also makes no difference in the bible, a sin is a sin and you can repent for it. :/

    What are your thoughts on this? Also could sexism play a role in these rules? It seems like a man almost always has the upper hand.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • To my fellow Christians, WE DID NOT INVENT MARRIAGE?

    Let the homosexuals be married too, it is their business not yours so if you have a problem with them getting married you need a reality check, homosexuality isnt even a quarter of the deadliest sin in the bible.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Will aliens cause the zombie apocolypse?

    Why not, theyve caused everything else!

    6 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • What is it called when youre petrified of aliens?

    This is my top three things im most afraid of.



    People and the wicked things theyre capable of

    Im wary on the existance of demons, i would sooner belive an extraterrestrial is using me as a lab rat. Dont get me wrong, i am spiritual! I am horrified, on the other hand at the thought of being abducted. The sheer lack of respect bewilders me, just taking me from my home and experimenting on me like some kind of object, it almost makes me as angry as it does frighten me. Anyway, im sure ive ofically developed some kind of phobia against being abducted. After watching that one move about the aliens in Alaska, i didnt sleep for two nights, and then yesterday i watched Dark Skies, which was a fantastic movie by the way, i sobbed a little in fear of being captured for "knowing" of their existance at all.

    Im not crazy!! Believe what you will but for me the evidence is there and its clear the invasion already happened...a long time ago. Out of the bilions of people on this Earth its unlikely ide be selected to be abducted, but i stil cant sleep at the notion.


    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • Now that ive figured out the Bible?

    i dont feel afraid to dap into my intellectual side or guilty for doing so. the origins of the religion ive worshipped my whole life is unknown, therefor what was i worshipping? a bunch of errors and language misinterpretations? silly me. but i do respect it and all other religions, i dont feel the need to "spead the word" of my new found knowledge at all. i guess i just want to share it with those who already know, maybe i can find out more. afterall history was my favorite subject.

    anything else i might not know?

    ps. none of that bashing bs please.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • When you dream of death and dark things?

    I keep dreaming that before being deployed, ill die somehow. Each dream is different and its been happening ever since i signed up for the military. People joke and say that i "sold my soul" to the government, but these dreams have me wondering if i'm being punished for just that. Perhaps i'm just being silly, but i have always believe in the supernatural, be it fate, karma, or luck.

    What do you think? :O

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • URGENT military question!!?

    i dont have a ride to drill this weekend, i have exhausted everything all this week to find a way to get there which is an hour from my house, i cant walk, i cant take a cab i have no money, my original car ride has lost their tire and will not be able to replace it until today at three, but my drill is today at 0745 am!! i will be calling my squad leader shortly, i am very ashamed and embarassed for not being able to afford a car of my own.

    What is he going to say to me? I dont handle dissapointment well at all. Will i go to jail? :-(

    4 AnswersMilitary8 years ago