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  • My University Lecturer doesn't understand how offensive she is being. Do I follow my gut or take her advice?

    Okay so, I'm doing a Creative Writing Prose module At University. I have to write a novel about what ever I want. I chose for my protagonist to have Autism, since my better half has autism and It means a lot to me.

    Every time she gives me feedback on my writing, she gives me compliments but she says "its not autistic enough" . This SHOCKS me. I understand that I need to portray it more in my charactisation but I'm not going to play up negative attributes for frequently when its not realistic. High functioning autism exists, people can be relatively normal and "quirky" at the same time. how do I explain to her that my character doesn't need to be throwing tantrums in every chapter to convey his mental state? how do I tell her that this is really offensive to people who have autism? do I exaggerate just to get high marks, even though its against my morals or do I go with my gut and do it my way?

    1 AnswerPsychology2 years ago
  • So im planning a 90's themed party for march..?

    Its my mums birthday in march and the 90's was her favourite era... we both love old school songs etc and its her big 50th...

    Now im stuck on how I put this theme into place..

    I know what they wore but I don't know what decorations to use...

    ive looked on google and it says neon but I think that was the previous era or something? im not sure but my mums told me in the past.

    any ideas?

    1 AnswerEntertaining7 years ago
  • Ive never even been in a relationship with the guy, let alone cheated on him!?

    Ok so this is a long-ish story so i will bullet point it in sentences.

    . i decided to go on The Challenge powered by NCS, the first day i met my group it was pretty awks as none of us knew each other but the following 3 days were great because we all travelled up to Wales and stayed in accommodation.

    . whilst we were in Wales, we all got super close, we were the only team to have our own meeting room with a kitchen and everything (it was like our living room/hang out room). we also got close because we did life risking things like ab surfing and mountain climbing. A couple people from other teams would hang out with us there,one of them was "Kevin" (his real name is hidden).

    . Kevin became like one of the family, when everyone in my team exchanged numbers (including him), me and him ended up texting every night till early in the morning.

    .Kevin knew i had a crush on him, but i also liked his friend "Gary" too and he was aware of this because Gary told him and so did i. Both Kevin & Gary were understanding and said i could take my time in choosing.

    . but because Kevin was constantly with me 24/7, obsessively, Gary couldnt get a chance....

    Kevin wanted to prove himself to me, whilst at the same time preventing Gary from doing so.... Kevin started calling me his gf and i kept telling him to stop because i wasnt, he kept grabbing my bum and being overly sexual all the time (now and then is fine but not in public or infront of my mum). Kevin kept calling me Mrs (his last name) and saying that he could see me as his wife and the mother of his children etc (ffs im only 17!)

    . My mum dissaproved of him, yet id stick up for him because i thought it was a "love sick" phase of his. In Wales he was a joker, always dancing and supportive but back home he was so negative and different.

    .It was a friends birthday during The challenge, so those close to her went to Nandos for a meal. Gary saved a seat for me so i was in the corner and Gary was on my left hand side, most of the evening we acted like friends... id flirt a bit by stealing his phone so that he would have to try and get it back and we would hold hands every now and then under the dinner table.

    .to me, holding gary's hand was to see what it felt like if i were with him because dont see why Kevin should get it. :l Gary was fine with what ever the outcome was, with who ever i picked which was another reason i liked him (he didnt pressure me)

    .so a friend of both mine and kevins told kevin that me and gary had gotten close by text,which upset kevin a lot. this caused an arguement between me and kevin and somewhat gary,in which i told kevin i had met up with gary outside of The challenge too. ( i mean why not if i meet up with kevin outside all the time?)

    .kevin blanked me the next time we all meet up at the next "the challenge" event, which upset me because i did miss him in that week he blanked me (considering we met up everyday for 3 weeks before that so the sudden change shocked me)

    . then most of my team turned against me calling me a cheater, a whore, two faced and fake. my theory is that because kevin made it look like we were together as bf and gf so people assumed we were...and he also confided in them with his emotions and they felt for him and decided to back him up.

    . those that heard my side, knew that i made no commitment to either of them. They also know i have trust issues because ive been cheated on before, i could never cheat on anyone.

    .so basically the group and i have been having arguement,debates, issues (what ever u wanna call them) back and forth on whats app up until 2 nights ago. i have now left the group because kevin has finally decided to speak up (even if what he is saying is wrong and horrible (but dont worry i can defend myself and comeback twice as hard))

    i just want to know the publics opinion on the situation,if they think im right or wrong.....

    and because i graduate from NCS today, which will be the last time i see the two faced b***h*s, how i can deal with this evenings events gracefully (either than ignore etc because thats common sense)

    (P.s keep in mind i met these people just over a month ago)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I wanted to buy a nail Uv drier on ebay but i havent given my bank details yet and its saying ive purchased it?

    I wanted to buy this product as it was quite cheap but it asked if i was sure i wanted to buy it,which i was but it wanted to charge by pay pal which i dont have.... i had my Barclays VISA card and normally i can purchase online with it but ebay wouldnt let me after i selected "pay by card"... so i emailed the company that is selling the item and they said just email them my details and that to sounded risky... not to mention that the reply took so long i decided to find another version on amazon...

    but now im getting emails from ebay saying "thank you for your purchase"

    and i dont want to be charged as i havent technically paid and ive also got a nicer one from amazon which accepted my card....

    whats going on?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Can i buy cigarettes in turkey, put them in my suitcase and buy 200 more for hand carry on my way back?

    I am going to marmaris in july, I don't think its apart of the EU so if it is I have 600 or 800 limit... nd if not then a 200 limit...

    I don't know if I should buy 200 to bring back to uk and then buy a few packs of 20 to put into my suitcase...

    or bring 200 in the suitcase and buy 200 on the way back and keep that in my hand carry?

    and whats cheaper? buying them in the Uk before I go out or buying them at the Turkish airport... or buying them at the resort or near by local shops.

    4 AnswersPacking & Preparation8 years ago
  • I like this guy, he's like 3-6 years older then me....?

    well there are two guys, one is 3 years older and the other is older then that...

    the one thats 3 yrs older hardly notices me and we only spoke like twice and i fancy him- only he talks a lot with my brother and they work together.

    this is the same for the guy that is 3+ years older... right now im doin my work experience and hes been helping me on it a little... i didnt think HE would but his co worker.... so now we have been talking more... the first time i spoke to him was at a work-do evening that my brother and mum took me too (both guys, my mum and brother work at the same office but in different departments)

    so how do i talk to them... how do i get them to see me as more....

    the 3 yr old seems a little interested because he keeps looking over but the other one probably doesnt see me like that and *maybe* as just another teenager...even though im sure he has checked me out a couple times and we've had a few laughs.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • is "Milk protein smooth" basically the same as Casein powder?

    yes i know milk is 80% casein etc

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How old do you have to be to buy Casein powder or Whey protein?

    I'm 16 and im going to the gym regularly now, like 4 times a week or so...

    I dont have a lot of body fat, just a bit on the tummy and love handles lol!

    My legs, arms.. and everywhere else is fine but i just would like a little boost or help in getting to the figure i want.

    I just want to loose that bit of weight and a slow gradual help to tone my tummy and abs as i can already see the top set near my boobs already becoming defined (and im sure if i lost the tummy weight id have a nice pack of abs underneath...

    i want to be ready for July, thats my goal.

    I know the difference between Casein and Whey protein... the pros and cons of each because i have spent a number of occasions doing research on it including right now.

    I understand the differences (but if you would like to include tht in your answers i wont complain or mind much as its a nice thought of someone going the extra mile for the sake of it)

    So anyway:

    My brother takes whey protein and i was thinking of using some of his for a while but then i got thinking that what he takes will not benefit me in the same way it benefits him (or more so i dont want to get the development he gets) so i after research thought of a milder version, a slower version... Casein :)

    so how old do you have to be to go into a shop like hollands and barretts or an online shop and be able to buy it? is there a law (in the united kingdom) sorry for long essay haha :)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • What is the legal age to use a sun bed in the UK?

    Ok, well i know people are going to talk about skin cancer so lets just get that out the way!

    Im 16, i did a coursework about the risks of sun bathing and sun bed etc... I know the pros and cons economically, enviromentally, socially and the health benefits/disadvantages...

    I am a sensible girl that is just curious about this... slightly considering to use one once a few weeks before prom. (Bare in mind its not a definate decision)

    I am half indian so when i tan in the natural sun i get a nice golden glow kinda portuguese tan... my skin is well pigmented and my background ethnicity means i dont burn but i am still quite fair when i havent been in the sun for a long time.

    I would just like to know what the legal age is to use one in the UK....

    In previous times is was 16... some girls younger than the age could pass for being older because they looked mature...(14 and 15 y/o's)

    However, i read this article about a recent sunbed ban... now you have to be 18? I mean i can pass for 18 but i just want to varify the age restrictions for 2013

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How much does it cost per text when sending a message from the UK to USA?

    Im on o2, i looked on the website and couldnt find the prices... i found out how much it costs to call per min but not to SMS

    It would be of help to find out how much a text would cost if im on a Pay Monthly deal... and also the costs of general countries not just the USA :) thanks

    4 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Did Antibiotics (PenicillinVK) Caused my thrush?

    Last week i had a cold, my body had recovered on its own from it whilst taking two days off school...

    Over the weekend i was fine but then on Monday after school i discovered white patches on my tonsils.... after doing research i self diagnosed myself and knew i had streps. I was so worried that i made my mum call in for a doctors appointment and Tuesday morning i went to the doctors.

    The doc varified i do have streps... im on a weeks antibiotics

    but after a day of being on the atibiotics my outer vagina has become irritated and sore. It is itcy, it feels nice when i rub it because its soothing but after i do its sore. Ive tried to stop/reduce the amount i itch or touch it, my mum said it could be thrush because shes had it before and the symptoms are similar to what she went through....she said that she may have given it to me through cchild birth but i doubt that! i even considered it was because my pubic hair is still growing back from the last time i got it waxed... but in all the times ive waxed ive never experienced this iritation!

    Anyway, a moment ago i googled "what causes thrush" (because im not sexually active and i am a 16yr/o virgin) and it listed "antibiotics" *BING* lightbulb went off in my head!

    im hoping and praying it was caused by the antibiotics.. (caused an over growth of the yeast organisms) and it will die down after my course of antibiotics has finished!

    I just found out that my mum bought some thrush cream to sooth the external itch...but im not sure if its safe to use it whilst being on meds... wont it cancel the other one out? or make the antibiotics less affective on my strep...

    are there any soothing methods i could use to calm the itching and soreness down until next week?

    7 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • i need to know the name of this song...? :L?

    it goes .... "ohhh weeee, oh we, ohhhh weee, oh we.."

    and in the video there are a bunch of women and one guy doing gymnastics to the song... and its a pretty old song... i have the tune in my head but cant think of the song title... im trying to download the song so i can put it on a playlist and burn it on a cd...

    2 AnswersLyrics8 years ago
  • He wants me to delete my facebook?

    Ive been seeing this guy, im 16 and hes 22 almost 23... urg i know save any lectures about age...

    We both werent looking for a relationship but the way we speak, meet etc is like we are together...

    But he thinks hes a bad influence, which he kinda is but i know i wont let him be a major influence on me... anyway dont want to get into too much detail about that or ill ramble onnn

    So he is worried that when i go to 6th form or college ill find someone closer to my age so he's trying to distance himself from me (he calls me his drug).... i can see a future with him but at the same time i cant.

    So i told him some guy contacted me on facebook that is around his age.. i told him the convo and he got mad that i was even having a mutual convo with him... i told him not to get jealous etc....

    then it went into an arguement... he was bossing me around and being controlling! he told me to delete my facebook account and he doesnt like how i can easily talk to guys without him i told him that i dont like being belittled and controlled.... he told me i should be loyal.. and then i went into telling him that i dont even know what we are.. etc

    How can i be "loyal" if we arent together... and having a basic conversation isnt cheating... how can i cheat when he told me himself he doesnt want a relationship?! plus i couldnt cheat on him! Then i questioned his trust for me... blah blah - not going into more detail of the arguement.. anyways he said " You know what, forget u bye" and i said "Im through with your tantrums! Your 22 almost 23! sure you have a childish side but that doesnt mean you act like a 13 year old boy"

    (He is older and mature normally which i like... i act and look older then i am so my age mentality to him is like 18... and he acts and looks younger then he is so he is like a 20 year old overall)

    ANYWAYS HELP! what to do? is he right? am i right?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I have a hickey on my neck... how do i hide it from my boyfriend?

    And no it wasnt a cheating thing.... my friend did it as a joke and i dont want my boyfriend to jump to the wrong conclusions and stop trusting me

    10 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Long description : I've just turned 16 and this guy i've been seeing is turning 23 next month?

    I don't see myself with him in the future, ive got to be honest with myself on that one.

    I act really mature for my age, i also look about 18/19 years old. We started talking via an App and then it progressed to calls and meeting up.

    He works Just down the road from me at the airport so he parks his car down my road, it was crazy to find out that he works so close to me and that for the past 2 years he has been parking down my road on a regular bases and i would have never of thought we would hit it off.

    Anyways, he isn't looking for a relationship and neither am i. But when ever we speak there is a mature flirtatious vibe, he always tells me he is missing me and that im like a drug to him. We have only met once before, i met him near his work and we walked back to his car.. then we drove around, talked, laughed, it was clear we were on the same level... anyways towards the end of the night we ended up kissing in his car... then it got too physical for my liking and i already told him im not like that before we met. So i pushed him of several times, each time i did it would calm down and we would talk but it would happen again... to the point i got mad and he could tell from my face i was mad... i was on the verge of getting out and walking home (we were parked down the road from my house) and he saw that and couldn't let me leave knowing i was upset so he ended up cheering me up somehow...

    since then we have been calling and texting... all this happened on the weekend just gone... and already its like we are obsessed with each other... i get nervous, excited feelings and he talks to me as if im his a relationship way... but he reassures me he just loves me company. Another thing, he really isn't my typical "type" either in the physical attraction region... but i don't know im just pulled towards him.

    Also my brothers are 24 (25 in january) and 26( just turned) ..... and im not sure they'd be too happy about it.

    My mum doesn't know, she thinks i went out with a different guy that she knows i used to talk to. And this guy thinks i told my mum i simply met up with some friends....

    Also the way he speaks... is as if he is really interested in what ive got to say and my opinion, he gets mad sometimes when he thinks im ignoring him... but he does move to fast when it gets physical... im 16 and i like things slow but i think he is kinda sexually frustrated because he has told me he hasn't had sex in ages and simply got carried away in the heat of the moment

    What do i do? Any opinions?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Where can i buy vampire thangs from in the UK?

    £15 max... just the thangs (girl ones)

    the store names please, :) sites and prices

    thanks :) oh and i need them by tuesday

    p.s wasnt sure what category i should put this under :L excuse that.

    4 AnswersOther - United Kingdom9 years ago
  • The packet says for nominal 56mm width...he is less? what to do?

    My boyfriend and i are legal age to have sex, we haven't had sex ever and i want to savor our virginity's but just in case we get lost in the moment or something- i took one of my brothers condoms... on the packet it said 56mm in nominal width... and of course i have felt my boyfriends penis before.... (1st time yesterday) and i remember the width from using my fingers wrapped around it (tmi i know) but then i realized his width is smaller then 56mm so im wondering "what should i do"

    i don't want to go to will be embarrassing for me :L and if i tell him to get condoms he will assume we are going to have sex and i don't want to get his hopes up because i might even savor myself for marriage :x plus i don't want the chemist to know im thinking/having sex because they regularly see my mum because she goes to that chemist to get her medicines and they could say something by mistake.

    What should i do? any advise?

    14 minutes ago

    - 4 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    i am a young respectable and dignified teenager with hopes and dreams... i will not throw that away for sex. Im the kind of girl who has sex with the man she loves not a one night guy... i check everything properly to avoid complications. If i were head set on having sex then id take more then one form of contreception, but no i am not planning sex... im reassuring myself. If i know that the condom wont fit... i wont have sex but if there is another option out there or opinion then im willing to listen, take it on board and act... so enough of the stupid patronising comments, thanks. :L

    4 AnswersMen's Health9 years ago