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  • How can I be more articulate / be better at improvising while speaking?

    I can do perfectly fine in improvised writing...but I just can't take improvised speaking...... its so hard to get my thoughts straight and articulate them at the same time

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • How to shift non-normally distributed data into normal distribution?

    Not by using rules like lognormal or whatever

    Can you by shifting the mean, or adding/multiplying a number onto each datum or what?

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Spice Up a cream dress?

    What color accessories and shoes should I wear with this dress? :)

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Can I be a vet if I'm afraid of insects?

    I really want to be a vet and I'm good @ sciences and I love animals! However I'm afraid of insects........

    6 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • US position in Arab Israeli Conflict?

    Detailed and clear answers please, I still don't get it :/

    3 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Psychologists please?

    Dear Psychologists,

    I am currently investigating on how to portray emotions/personalities through painting the eyes for school.  In order to further investigate how to portray them in my drawings, I have to take my project further into the fields of psychology. I have some inquiries about the eyes in psychology: 

    When studying a patient, what would you be observing patients for through their eyes? 

    Psychologically, can emotions and/or personalities be perceived through looking at patients’ eyes?

    How is this observed? (Directly/Indirectly)

    Is there a relationship between emotions and personality? If so, can you please describe it?

    Please leave your qualifications too:p

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • Having No Interest in boys?

    I'm 14 and I don't know why I have absolutely no interest in boys? I mean I love and admire love true relationships <3 But like I have lots of girl celebrity idols but not that interested in boy ones? I'm not lesbian and I don't want to be but I'm not interested in boys. I'm not normal am I? How do I develop interest or will it come to me naturally?

  • Is it possible to give a gift & meet Lady Gaga at her concert?

    I've made a drawing of her and I would like to give it to her. I love Lady Gaga. I'm going to her concert and it would be a dream come true to meet her. She inspired me in so many ways. <3 Do I go before or after? How do I give it to her? Will I get to meet her to give it to her?

    2 AnswersCelebrities9 years ago
  • Impacts of the marine radar?

    What impacts does the marine radar have:





    I need answers ASAP, thanks:]

    3 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • Victoria Justice Makeup Help :P?

    Hi I love vic justice :P <3

    im goin to a party next week i just wanted to know if anyone knew how to apply victoria style makeup like in this picture? :)

    what kind of makeup would be helpful (brand not needed)

    thanks :)

    3 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • I'm 14 and is my Breast size normal?

    My bust is around 31 cm, which is really small compared to my peers. Will my breasts continue to develop? I didn't notice them developing......?

    Am I able to fit in a size M dress?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Is there right to fair wages in India?

    Right to fair wages and safe working conditions

    (Do women get the same wage as men for the same job? Are trades unions allowed?)

    1 AnswerEconomics10 years ago
  • What are the limits or shortcomings of each group?

    1) National Governments

    2) United Nations

    3) NGOs

    4) International courts

    5) individuals

    please helppppp

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • How do the following protect Human Rights?

    1) National Governments

    2)International Courts



    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Yahoo News says Avril Lavigne is married?

    Yahoo News from a few days ago:

    Beijing (China Daily/ANN) - While singing What the Hell at the Pinggu Peach Blossom Music Festival in Beijing in late April, Avril Lavigne took off her leather jacket, shouted, "Who wants my jacket there?" and threw it into her screaming fans. By "my jacket" Lavigne actually meant a jacket created by her. The 27-year-old rock star is determined to make a big buzz in the fashion industry. In 2011 and 2012, Lavigne will join hands with Italian sportswear label Lotto to launch the Avril x Lotto Collection across the Chinese mainland. China's post-80s generation received their first exposure to Western pop music and culture through Lavigne, along with Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears, in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Unlike Aguilera and Spears though, Lavigne wrote her own music, sang rock, and never attracted gossip. Her trademark style was clearly evident at her press meeting where she turned up with hair partly dyed green, in a bright-pink hoodie with an oversized cap, black fishnet stockings and a pair of leather boots. "They are all my creations. There is even my name on the jacket," Lavigne said. In keeping with the rock look, motorbike jackets and T-shirts with designs of skeletons, rivets and stars dominate her collection. But Lavigne is less restricted when it comes to colors, experimenting with bright pink, light yellow and fluorescent green. "'Sweet Rock' is my style. The message (of the collection), as always, is have fun, believe in yourself and be yourself," Lavigne says. While some pieces of her Avril x Lotto collection - clothing, shoes and accessories for men and women - have already been released, more will be out in July and October. One of her favorite pieces in the collection is a beautiful drape dress that she wore while shooting an ad for Lotto in the United States. "(It has) an asymmetrical design and a sexy leopard pattern. Its cool skeleton and metal rivets form a striking contrast and leave much room for innovation," she says. The new collection's style is like that of Abbey Dawn, a label launched and designed by Lavigne in 2008. In 2009, she released her first fragrance, Black Star, featuring notes of pink hibiscus, black plum and black chocolate. But they were only available in Europe, Canada and the US, much to disappointment of her Chinese fans. Avril x Lotto's launch was held in Beijing's Image Base, a spacious venue developed from an old factory, "the best place to rock 'n' roll". "What is enticing about fashion is it is a path to reality, freshness, fun and expression," Lavigne says, sitting backstage, with her fans screaming her name outside. The performer-turned-designer says she is mulling over plans to hold her first show in Beijing shortly, as part of her Black Star world tour, which has begin in China. "Every time I played a concert in China, it was so much fun. People are so passionate about my music, so I guess they will also be interested in a style that goes with this rock music." When a reporter asks, "For many of your Chinese fans, you are a bit rebellious. Is that the way you treat your boyfriend?", Lavigne bursts out laughing. Few Chinese know that she is already married. "Sure," Lavigne answers without explaining. She pauses, and then adds: "I am a free spirit, and I have fun in my life - first music, and now, fashion."

    it says "few chinese know that she is already married". To whom? :OO

    9 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • How does solar panel help/affect the economy?

    ASAP :) as much details as possible

    4 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Blood clot in period?

    Like im having my period and i had a serious period pain then i felt sth coming out and it was like a red worm like thingy. could it be a blood clot or what? its about the size of half a pen.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago