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Lv 32,321 points

Specious λ Neurotica

Favorite Answers17%

My 360: ~~ λ I’m no more “PROUD” of being Gay than having pride in the ability to laugh, to cry, to love and care about others; when I'm sad or that I'm able to walk and to breathe; to appreciate the inspiration that a beautiful sunrise evokes, even though I don't fully understand why. λ I'm not "proud" that I can gaze upon an exquisite painting and recognize the magnificent talent that created it. λ I'm not "proud" to stand in awe in a silent field at midnight as the many wonders and miracles of nature surround me, or to know the gentle caress of the man I love who stands at my side. λ Am I "proud" to be blessed with these elements that are but a few of the many facets of my life that when combined comprise the very essence of my being? NO. λ Am I THANKFUL for all of these things? ABSOLUTELY! ~~~~~~~~~~ WE MUST NOT CONFUSE DISSENT WITH DISLOYALTY. WHEN THE LOYAL OPPOSITION DIES, I THINK THE SOUL OF AMERICA DIES WITH IT ~Edward R. Murrow

  • What is the Kyoto Treaty?

    When was the Treaty written and why, and in what year did (does?) it go into effect?

    At what level has America become involved?

    6 AnswersEnvironment1 decade ago
  • Can You Define this Word Please?

    This word is apparently taken from one of the many African languages.

    It was found in a video with subtitles, and in the subtitle the word was explicitly defined; however, I've done extensive searches and cannot locate the definition of the word OR confirm its authenticity.

    If you know the definition of this word, please...

    CITE YOUR SOURCE(S), i.e., dictionary, encyclopedia, lexicon (of indigenous language or general).

    The word is: BHULU or "AMA BHULU".


    6 AnswersSouth Africa1 decade ago
  • Define this word please...?

    This word is apparently taken from one of the many African languages.

    It was found in a video with subtitles, and in the subtitle the word was explicitly defined; however, I've done extensive searches and cannot locate the definition of the word OR of it's authenticity.

    If you know the definition of this word, please CITE YOUR SOURCE.

    The word is: BHULU


    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Cultural/Racial Tensions in South Africa - Real or Sensationalized?

    I'm reading more and more often that crime, especially directed toward Caucasians, appears to be escalating, specifically in Cape Town which is well known for its hospitality and welcoming people. I've read that local law enforcement is rife with apathy along with corruption and is virtually of no benefit to the victims.

    I find this almost impossible to believe since S. Africa has the most inclusive and embracing constitution of any country on earth.

    This is difficult to accept, especially coming from a country perfectly positioned to accomplish many great things. Does anyone have first-person experience or knowledge about the crime situation in Cape Town -- or South Africa in general?


    8 AnswersSouth Africa1 decade ago
  • Is there a past tense of...?

    Not meaning to be vulgar; however, does anyone know if there is a past tense of "sh!t"?

    Clearly, there is the present tense and a future tense. But a past tense? This doesn't sound correct: "I took a shat yesterday", nor does this, "I shatted yesterday".

    Hmmm.....can the word even be conjugated?

    (Sorry. It's Sunday evening and I've a lot of time on my brain; clearly very little else!)

    9 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Does the high price of gasoline have you angered?

    A number of years ago when gas prices were escalating, a nationwide boycott on purchasing gasoline was held ... just for one day. And it was successful. Gasoline prices began to drop overnight - literally.

    Once the oil barons realized that it is we who provide THEIR PROFITS, and the resultant loss of revenue from only one day was so large, they began to act reasonable again.

    I SUGGEST WE BEGIN ANOTHER BOYCOTT ON THE PURCHASE OF GASOLINE FOR ONE DAY and allow the ultra rich to once again realize on whom they rely for their **BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN PROFIT**.

    How many of you think this is a viable alternative to just b!tching and moaning?


    13 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • What do YOU think? How do YOU feel about being Gay (or a GLBT individual)?

    Larry Kramer said it best, mirroring my feelings about being Gay and the GLBT community overall, in an address to the Gay community on November 7, 2004 in NYC:

    "I love being gay. I love gay people. I think we're better than other

    people. I really do.

    I think we're smarter and more talented and more aware and I do, I do, I totally do. And I think we're more tuned in to what's happening, tuned into the moment, tuned into our emotions, and other people's emotions, and we're better friends. I really do think all these things."

    I feel the same as Larry. I know many, many more of us do too.

    My brothers and sisters are among the most dynamic, the most resilient, the most innovative and we're certainly among the most brilliant to have ever graced this planet.

    Whether all of us have realized it or not, we're also among the most powerful cultures our world has seen.

    How do you feel about yourself as a GLBT person?

    Best Wishes!

  • Are we complacent? Are we too quiet in our demands for total equality?

    The following comment comes from an online discussion forum. As a GLBT individual, do you agree? What are you doing to further our fight for equal status under the [US] law?


    "Many American gays have a very narrow view of the world, one in which should be labeled the "American conservative-gay" mindset (Said mindset is that of "Primetime Televsion & Fox News, chat rooms, and DVD rentals")!! Most NEVER see past their shallow box of entertainment, and they are egarly brainwashed by right-wing and heterosexual programming. Thus, they don't speak out, mainly because they choose NOT to COME OUT! They remain locked in isolated closets of shame and they LASH out at uncloseted gay men and women who have PRIDE in their sexuality. They use OUTDATED machoisms and heterosexual references to "gay men" as "SISSIES" and "EFFIMINENT"..... Those gay people are at the helm of the gay communities destruction. While they choose to stay silent and IGNORANT of politics and the effect...

  • It was Asked: Matthew Shepard is a household name. Why not Jesse Dirkhising?

    Does anyone know why this question was removed? I'm certain the Asker was "Julia". Did logical, thoughtful and respectful responses finally prevail?

  • For the GLBT Community and Friends: Who is your best pick for the WORST?

    In relatively recent history there were two Republican presidents (the term is used loosely for one) whose inaction or action(s) seriously and adversely impacted the GLBT community: Ronald Reagan and

    George W. Bush.

    Of the two, which individual would you consider be the most hostile toward our community?


  • Any thoughts on the Kymco GrandVista 250?

    I'm looking closely at purchasing the Kymco GrandVista 250.

    Anything I should look for or inquire about?

    This will be my first two-wheeler and a scooter seems to be the most economical option, and it will also be my primary mode of transportation.


    2 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Only those of the GLBT Community need Answer ... The Gay Agenda?

    A scheduled meeting to be held on August 4th at 18:00H to open discussion regarding 'The Gay Agenda' (yet to be published).

    PLACE: The Screaming Queens Motor Lodge, Grill and Fashion Boutique

    ADDRESS: Provided upon request

    QUESTION: Those who believe the following is a Good Thing (All praise be to St. Martha), please Answer here.

    Topic to be discussed: Modifying Section I, Paragraph 3, Subtopic 4 to read:

    "In lieu of our failure to successfully convert all hot soccer moms (potential candidates for our Lesbian Nation) and all ultra hot baseball dads (potential candidates for our Queer Nation), it has been suggested that our focus now be placed on the aging population located in The Hamptons since they have the greatest potential for fulfilling our "Anna Nicole Smith" campaign (Treasurer reports we're BROKE!)

    Please be present to vote. Only card-carrying members of the Official Gay Agenda will be allowed to vote at the meeting and enjoy the refreshments that will be served.

  • I'm purchasing a scooter, any suggestions?

    Because of the economy and record high oil company gouging at the gas pumps, added to the fact that I think the Vespa scooter is really kewl and fashionably continental, I am going to purchase a scooter; however, it may not be a Vespa. I've seen others online that look good.

    Your advice is appreciated.


    9 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Are you a fan of 'Grey's Anatomy'?

    If you are, this is for you!

    What is it about Grey's Anatomy that has made it so successful?

    Is it the characters?

    The storyline?

    The genius of its creator?

    The casting director?

    The writers?

    What do you think has made this show a major hit?

    10 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Is it a cult?

    Does 'Christian' Fundamentalism fall within the defined parameters of "cult"?

    41 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to dream your own death?

    To dream not *about* dying, or the *portent* of your death, but to dream that you indeed died within your dream?

    If this is possible, are there any adverse effects from this type of dream?

    7 AnswersPsychology2 decades ago
  • Did you know .....?

    There are over 300 admonitions against Breeder's in the Bible and less than a dozen for Gays (all found in the Old Testament, with most being listed under Levitical Law ... which, according to my Christian friends, is old, out-dated and useless)?

    I don't think it's that the Breeder's are necessarily bad; they just need closer supervision.

    What say you?

  • Is this the God of the Christians? If so, why is this god so revered?

    The following quote describes my perception of the Christian god. How about you?

    "Today the new morality is offended by a God who condemned all humanity to eternal torture for the sin of seeking enlightenment, then changed his mind and decided to forgive some of the sinners, provided they ate the flesh and blood of his Son, who was also the Divine Father in human form, sent to earth for the express purpose of being sacrificed to himself, an allegedly loving Father who decreed his Son's painful slaying, then punished those who carried out his order. This bloodthirsty Son-killing or self-killing Father, who was one but also three; who professed to want good, but created evil; who pretended to love his mortal children while preparing for them a hell sadistic beyond belief; who ordained all things in advance, yet held humans entirely responsible for the errors he knew they would make; who talked of love and ruled by fear..."

    by Barbara G. Walker

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Where do heterosexuals come from?

    It seems to concern many people the cause of homosexuality. Being Gay, I've never really considered WHY I'm who I am; I'm merely thankful!

    But I have wondered about the origin of HETEROsexuality. Have there been any studies or any type of research done to definitively prove the origin of Straight people?