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  • Should I remove old nail polish before going to the salon?

    I don't get pro manicures. Ever. But I'm making more money now and I'd like to take better care of my nails. If I already have nail polish on, should I take it off before going to the salon? Or will they do this for me?

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • Which sketch do you like better?

    I am creating a letterpress print but can't decide which sketch to go with. Which do you like better? The theme is "piles" so I have a pile of cakes and a piles of socks.

    Will be printed in two colors at 5x7"

    Thank you!!!!

    3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration10 years ago
  • Cast-iron cookware help?

    I was given one of my grandmother's cast-iron sauce pans a few years ago. My stupid old roommate used a metal spoon to stir things in it, and my boyfriend put it in the dishwasher by mistake a few times. Now the surface on the inside isn't black anymore, but a raw metal! Is there a way to re-surface my pot so it's back to normal?

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Introducing adult cats: Old cat is chasing new cat! What should I do?!?

    My old cat, Macy is a 2 year old female shorthair. She is smaller than the new cat, Winston, who is a four year old Himalayan. We have had Winston for almost three weeks now, and he has been roaming free in the house for almost two weeks. Last week we stopped shutting him away in his safe room at night and when I leave the house. He has been using both his safe litter box and the litter box that Macy regularly uses, and she has been using both as well.

    Yesterday, Macy chased Winston until she got a hold of him and started to wrestle/bite him. Winston is being submissive, and he wailed when she got him. I separated them immediately. She is chasing him again today and swatting at his rear. She isn't hissing or growling at all, though. I shut her in the bedroom for a time out.

    What should I do? Is Macy trying to play-fight? Why is she being so aggressive all of a sudden? How do we get over this so that they can get along better?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Advice for introducing two adult cats? Cat behavior/personality help?

    My cat Macy is a 2 year old female short hair cat. I adopted her a year ago when she showed up as a stray one day, so I don't know her entire history. She is an independent type, likes to play but not too eager to cuddle.

    A week ago, I adopted Winston, a 3-4 year old male Himalayan. He is a cuddly mama's-boy. He's been in his safe room for the past week.

    Today I opened the door and let them interact for the first time. At first they sniffed faces then separated. Now Macy has been constantly growling, and following him around as he explores the house, going up on higher levels than him. It's been like this for the past 10 hours. I've been putting Winston back in his room every once in awhile.

    Will they get better or do they need to be separated for even longer? Winston doesn't mind Macy one bit, he is trying to be friendly and go up to her, but Macy has been growling non-stop and making challenging eye contact. Is there a better way to go about doing this? Will Macy be O.K?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Adopted cat has a weird meow?

    I adopted a new cat today from the SF SPCA! His name is Winston and he is a 4 year old Himalayan. He is so cuddly and loveable! So when I first saw him and he made a weird noise that I thought was a hiss I was confused and gave him space. Now, after having spent time with him, I've realized that he's not hissing, that's his meow! He makes the sound when asking for attention; when I walk into the room, or when he wants to be picked up. It sounds like the airy noise you can make out of the side of your cheek; kind of an airy, wheezy squishy noise.

    Is this normal?

    Could he have possibly had his voice box altered by his previous owner? The only sound I've heard that is familiar to it is of a dog that I heard with it's voice box removed. I'd hate to think that someone would do this to Winston.

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Do male cats/kittens really "spray?"?

    I am looking to adopt a kitten to bond with my 1.5 year old cat. She is a medium-sized Russian Blue mix. So far people have been recommending that I adopt a young, male cat. However, my mom says that Male cats "spray" urine to mark their surroundings. Is this really true? Even if they are neutered?

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Help, I'm getting taken advantage of! Anything I can do here?

    So. I once lived with two girls. One of these girls had a boyfriend. He lived with us for three months and didn't pay rent, but promised to pay the utilities and internet. I was in charge of the utilities and collected money appropriately from my roommates before this, so I had saved up a tab for him basically. The total was $254. He said that he'll pay me later. After he moved out he sent me a check and it bounced. After that whenever I asked him about it he shooed me off. This was three years ago! I have requested money from him via paypal so many times, and is now lying to me telling me that he doesn't have an email address, when I know full well what it is.

    Now, I KNOW. I was stupid! I didn't get it in writing. I can't take him to small claims court (nor would I want to, for my own reasons).

    Now he is refusing to pay. Basically all I can say is that karma will get him. But is there anything ANYTHING else I can do here? My old roommate refuses to help me in this situation (she's a *****, I know).

    I feel so stupid and taken advantage of :(

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • If a girl gets engaged... (etiquette question)?

    If a girl gets engaged who once previously I was very good friends with and talked often about married life, weddings, etc. but completely ignores me now, should I congratulate her?

    Some details on the friendship:

    Our boyfriends are (were?) best friends and that's how we knew each other, so I also know (knew?) her fiancee very well. He doesn't talk to me either but still talks to my boyfriend often.

    We talked all the time about dream houses, dream weddings, where in the world we want to raise a family, how our boyfriends would be each others' best men for sure, etc.

    She has the tendency to invent disputes.

    She has the tendency to be deceptive....

    ...So she could have just been pretending to be my friend the whole time(though I feel that that's a huge stunt to pull for no reason. We were friends for two years).

    She suddenly, within a week's time, completely cut me off from her life with no warning or confirmation, with no obvious reason. She stopped talking to me, de-friended me on Facebook, stopped following me on twitter, the whole nine yards. I mentioned it once and she pretended like nothing was changed or wrong, added me as a friend on Facebook for a month and then went right back again. This was more than 6 months ago and I haven't heard from her since.

    At this point I don't care, but I don't want to seem rude. I definitely don't want to claim her coldness as being my fault (and I feel like not saying anything might be the same thing). And I definitely don't want things to be awkward if I end up at the wedding.

    Should I congratulate her or should I give up? At this point I'm leaning towards giving up just for how ridiculous she's been...

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • HELP! My boyfriend wants to declaw our cat! Training tips, PLEASE?

    Our kitty, Macy, is very well behaved! But since we moved into an apartment with carpeting she has been clawing at certain spots where the carpet meets the wall. I think there may be something that smells good to her there or something, because it's only these three specific spots. Two of the spots are in our bedroom, and she is constantly waking us up with her picking. My boyfriend wants to declaw her and I won't have any of it!

    I need any tips on training her to not pick at the carpet! Is there anything I can put down to make it smell/feel bad to her? Should I get more scratching posts? Should the posts be carpeted or would that make her scratch the carpet more? Any tips are much appreciated!

    13 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What is going on with my finger?

    I woke up this morning to find my left pointer finger tingly to the touch and covered in little bumps. It swelled a little and is hard to bend. I can't imagine this is an allergic reaction because it's only on my pointer finger. Have you ever heard of anything like this and could help me figure out what it is? Any home remedies?

    7 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Can cats have attitude phases like teenagers?

    I've had my kitty for about a month and a half now. She's a stray that the doctor told me is between 6-9 months: almost full-grown, but still young. At first she was very very snuggly, she liked to follow me closely all over the house, sleep with me, curl up in my lap, etc. Now that she's gotten very comfortable in my house she's become much more cold. She doesn't seem to enjoy being pet, she doesn't sleep with me or sit with me, and the only time she follows me is when she wants to bite my ankles to try to get me to play with her. All she wants to do is play! Could this be a phase that she'll grow out of or is she just s sassy cat from now on? Is there anything I can do to make her like me more?

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My cat has a weird drinking habit...?

    My cat has the weird habit of hitting her water bowl before she drinks out of it. Sometimes she paws at it, sometimes she scratches it as if it were something in her litter box. She ends up hitting it across the room and spilling water everywhere. Have you ever heard of a cat doing such a thing? Why could she be doing this? Is there anything I can do to make her stop?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Help translating my lease?

    I am moving out of my apartment, but my roommates are staying. I want to bring someone else in to take my place. I pulled out my lease to see what it says about ending it to find this text, which is somewhat confusing. Can you help me figure out what it means? (Some background: I finished the first "term" which was one year long.)

    At the end of the term, this agreement shall continue from month to month unless terminated in writing by Certified Mail by either party no less than sixty (60) days prior to the end of the original term or any in a continuation of the original term. Tenant(s) obligation to pay rent continues during the 60-day notice period.

    I've lived here for over a year, so the lease has been renewing itself month by month, as it says in the first sentence. I'm not sure what it means about the sixty day period, though, there the language gets confusing. Have you terminated a lease? Do you think my landlord would cut down the 60 day period since I am the only one moving out? Any help would be much appreciated!

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to watch Netflix "Watch it Instantly" on PS3?

    Is there a way to get Netflix watch it instantly on PS3? like installing Linux and using Firefox to do so? Have you done it or something else to do so? What is the quality like? I would really like this to be a wireless thing. Any help would be much appreciated!

    8 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago
  • Do cats need their claws clipped like dogs do?

    Do cats need their claws clipped? I've heard that cats take care of their claws themselves with a scratching post, is it true? Should I be clipping my cats nails for her?

    14 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Help! What are these sudden small bald spots on my cat?

    I recently took in a stray cat and while I try to find the owners I have been taking care of her. I took her to the vet recently to find that she is in perfect health: no FIV, no feline Leukemia, no worms, not even fleas! Suddenly, virtually overnight, she developed these two small, 1/2-1 inch bald spots on her back. It's not ringworm, just naked cat skin, though one of the two bald spots has small red marks on the skin. Has anyone seen anything like this? I google searched it and people seemed to have been saying flea allergy, but the vet didn't see any fleas... I'm confused!

    Additional info: The cat is 6-9 months, female, indoors (since I took her in) Russian Blue mix.

    Any ideas you have on what this could be would be so helpful!

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • If a cat becomes a stray cat but is then found, can it seem like a different cat?

    I found a stray cat and took it into my apartment. My neighbors lost a cat that looks just like the one I found, so I had them come over to see if she is theirs. At first they were convinced it was their cat, Emma, but then they were unsure because there were some things they noticed: her voice was totally different, her attitude was totally different, she was very skinny, and her coat seemed a little darker. Could this be Emma but she lost weight (which makes sense), got darker, became friendlier and caught a cold to make her voice raspy? It was so sad seeing them excited to have their cat back and then become unsure if it is their cat or not.

    I am taking care of her until we figure it out, and the only way to do that is by going to a vet. I want to know if it's possible that it is Emma to know if I should get attached to the kitty or not!

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I found a stray cat, should I take it to a 24hr emergency vet?

    I found a stray cat and she seems very healthy! I am more than ready to adopt her as my own. But I need to get her to a vet to make sure that she is alright and get any medicine she needs. I work during the daytime, though. Should I take her to a 24hr emergency vet clinic after hours? Do I need to make an appointment with a place like this? How much will it cost me? Any help would be amazing! Thank you.

    18 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My sisters still hang out with my ex boyfriend?

    I'm 21 years old, my older sister is almost 25 and my younger sister is 19. My ex boyfriend and I dated for two and a half years. It was a VERY serious relationship, and we got to be known as a unit by our friends and family for awhile. Things got bad and I broke it off for my own well being, but he didn't take the break up very well. It's been two years since we broke up and my sisters are still hanging out with this guy. I understand that he was "cool" and in a band and stuff (the reasons why they would still hang out with him), but every time I visit my sisters I'm afraid I'll run into him. Also, I constantly get the feeling that my sisters are hiding things from me. How can I mentally deal with this bizarre scenario and keep myself from going paranoid that they are all ganging up on me?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago