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  • What could be the cause of sudden dizziness?

    A couple months ago I had a slight feeling of dizziness, and a slight tingling feeling in the arms.

    Last week I had a scorching headache most of the day, and when I went to lay down on the couch I again got dizzy and everything started to spin and I was nauseous as well.

    Anybody have any ideas?

    6 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Why are people in love with the .380?

    Seriously, what is the attraction with this less than stellar round?

    The .380 as we all know is not the best round out there. It lacks the ability to punch through multiple layers of clothing, or even heavy clothing. Also many of the .380s out there are very selective in what they will feed. I have only owned one .380 (for a very brief time) a Sig 230 that I got for a very good price. It would not feed hollow points, none, nothing, period. I even had an armorer friend of mine do a little work on it. This achieved only marginally better results.

    I have heard the argument from people that they wish to carry it in a pocket or ankle holster. To which I say Smith 642 or similar. I have seen numerous small auto loaders jam after being carried in a pocket or ankle. A Clock 26/27 also conceals easily in an ankle holster.

    Given the fact that a .38 is a superior round, and the ability of most modern weapons to handle +p or even +p+ , and the ability to easily conceal a mini Glock, with serious firepower, why on earth would one choose the .380?

    16 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Why are pants called a "pair"?

    I have been wondering for a great deal of time why pants are referred to as a pair of pants.

    The most common answer I have gotten is because it has 2 legs. Hello....a shirt has 2 arms and it is not called a pair of shirts.

    Anybody have a more plausible explanation for this phenomenon?

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Do you think black friday is the biggest scam ever created?

    I mean seriously folks, giant marketing ripoff of actual bargain filled day?

    And whilst we are on this matter, is not the whole idea just loony? People camping out for hours if not days to have the chance to get one a very few discount products that the retail world uses as a come on so they can fleece the public into spending more than they can actually afford?

    And who in their right mind would brave the inclement weather to participate in this?

    Fights over parking spaces, people trampled to death as the masses rush into the store, yet more fights in the aisles, i could go on but I am sure you get the idea.

    I would like to hear actual stories if you don't mind sharing them. Why you participate in the madness and what on earth you think is so special that you have to subject yourself to this torture.

    Next year (or even better this year as there is still time) skip the madness and join the boycott.

    Yes there is a grass roots movement to not participate in black friday. Lets all do it and make the world a better place.

    6 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Considering a move, would like come advice?

    I am thinking of moving to either Charleston South Carolina or Southeaster Ct, somewhere in the Stonington / Mystic area. I would appreciate help from anybody who lives in those places.

    A brief list of pros and cons would be much appreciated. (jobs, taxes,cost of living) that sort of thing.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How do you save a soul from a bad thing?

    Ok, hypothetically here if someone sent an amusing, albeit stupid text message to another offering their soul in exchange for something that they really really wanted is that bad?

    I will mention that I never really gave much credence to that sort of thing, but since that ill fated day some pretty bizarre things have been happening.

    Allow me to explain, strange noises whilst talking on the cell phone to the person the text was sent to. Noises of a strange electrical / static nature that seem to have some form of garbled voices mixed in. The same sort of message has also been left on the answering machine several times,

    Shadow figures have also been seen in the house as well as unexplained eerie indistinct noises that are now beginning to really freak me out. Also text messages with a series of numbers and letters that appear to be some form of code.

    I would really appreciate any help you might be able to provide here, as I said I did not put much thought into that whole thing prior to this, but now ........

    Help!! Please

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Best way to meet women...ladies I need your help here?

    Let me start by saying that I am not into the whole pick em up, sleep with em and dump em bar scene. That may be great for some people, but it is just not who I am. Nor is it who I want to be.

    I am looking for someone who has a good personality and sense of humour and the ability to carry on an intelligent conversation.

    Any information would be appreciated, thanks for your input.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Bad cracker incident?

    The other day I was eating crackers and started to choke.

    Whilst coughing to try to expel the piece of cracker that was doing its best to try and kill me I soiled my pants.

    Has anything like that happened to you?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What do women find most attractive in a guy?

    I would like an honest answer here.

    Would you rather date a hot hot guy or someone who has a great personality and sense of humour and is capable of having an intelligent conversation about a broad range of topics.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • An unwanted exorcism?

    I would like to know what the proper reaction is when someone conducts an exorcism on you without your consent. I stated to a woman on time that I did not believe in god, and apparently that's where I went wrong. She laid on hands and started to "battle the forces of evil for control of my soul"

    This went on for almost 30 minutes, I was enjoying the insanity too much to tell her to stop.

    It was all i could do to keep from laughing and call her a raving loon.

    After she had rescued me from the clutches of darkness she said "your soul is clean" At which point all i could think of to say was thank you very much.

    What is the proper response in a case like this? Should it ever arise again.

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago