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My degrees are in art, religious studies, and film studies. My passions are the environment, culture jamming, cooking, animal rights, activism, health and fitness, and comics. I work as a graphic designer.

  • Food that a cat can't resist?

    So I just got a neutered 1 year old male and he hasn't eaten in about 2 days. I'm keeping him in my bedroom with his litter, food, water, bed, and toys. He was in hiding for the first day but he finally came out yesterday and even played with me. He's taken a liking to me and will come out of his hiding place if I call to him. He's also used his litter box but I know he hasn't touched his food. Not sure if he's drank water. I'm guessing he had a bowel movement from his meal on the day I got him. I've tried showing him the food, offering him wet, dry, tuna flakes, treats, and he smells it and walks away. Is there a sure thing that cats love to eat? I just want the poor guy to have a meal.

    We also have a 1 year old female, his sister from the same litter. They were separated at about 2 months old so her brother is pretty much a stranger to her. She is kept separate from him but she comes by the bedroom door and growls. I don't know if she's causing his lack of eating (bowl is far from the door). I just find it strange that he would be so friendly now, use the litter box, play but not eat. Maybe he just doesn't like what I've offered him.

    10 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • How can I prove to my landlord that I did not put up a satellite dish?

    I received a letter from my landlord stating that I had put up a satellite dish and that I have to take it down at my own expense. But I never put up the dish, I don't even have cable! I went looking for it and sure enough, there is one on the second floor of our building with wires leading to the first floor, which is where our apt is. I guess that's all the proof they needed but we did not put it up. Is there any way to prove that we had nothing to do with it?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Guitar Hero Lag: TV or game problem?

    My SDTV went blank recently and so I bought a Toshiba 32" LCD. I actually wanted just another SDTV but I couldn't find a single one at the retailers I went to. The LCD works fine for movies, tv, and even most games. But I cannot play GH5 on my TV. I've put it in game mode, I've calibrated the game, and it's still off. Not to mention, even if I get the guitar in sync, the drums are not. I'm going to return the TV and try to get my SDTV fixed or find one on Craigslist.

    My question is, is the lag problem native to the gaming software, the tv, or a combination of both? I know that HD is here to stay and I will eventually have to jump on the wagon but I'm wondering if it's the TV technology that needs to be fixed or the game. Just curious.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What happens to my PTO if I switch to part-time employment?

    I am currently a full time employee in California but next year I need to switch to part-time so I can go back to school. I will no longer accrue PTO or receive benefits so what happens to the PTO that I have already accrued as a full-time employee? Do I lose it, do they pay it out, or should I just use it before switching to part-time?

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Do Gas Stoves Require Electricity?

    I am thinking of canceling my electricity service because it's ridiculously high. I can live without all of my electric appliances but I'm not sure if my gas stove needs electricity. Do gas stoves need electricity in general and is there any way to find out if mine does?

    19 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Bachelor's in Nursing vs Associate Degree?

    I'm switching careers and I'm interested in working towards a nursing degree to become an RN. What is the difference between a bachelor's and an associate's nursing degree? Is it harder to find a job or a better paying job with only an associate's degree? I already have a bachelor's degree in another field with student loans I'm still paying off. An AS would be more affordable for me to pursue but don't want to take a short route if it's more beneficial to get the full 4-year degree. Thanks for your help!

    2 AnswersHealth Care1 decade ago
  • Do you cook from scratch?

    There seems to be a lot of research and evidence into America's cooking patterns and it's on a major decline. So I just wanted to see how many home cooks on Y!A still cook all their meals from scratch. No Betty Crocker, no store bought pasta sauce, nothing from a can. Just real ingredients that you manipulate into real food. And if you only eat out, or cook "semi-home made" what stops you from really cooking? Is it just an issue of time?

    12 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Are there pickling recipes that don't require a canner?

    I have some cucumbers I want to pickle but I don't have a canner. Can anyone suggest recipes that don't require a canner? For sweet pickles in particular?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Do Squash Vine Borers live in California?

    No problems with my squash (knock on wood) but I was wondering where the SVB lives? Does it come to California?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Blossoms On Butternut Are All Female?

    I live in Zone 9B, growing in an Earthbox with dolomite and 7-7-7 granular fertilizer in the box. I have a butternut squash plant that is only producing female flowers. Is there a way to get it to produce males? I'm getting desperate and I might even cross pollinate it with my crookedneck just so it starts growing some fruit!

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Is it harder to be vegan if your partner isn't?

    I've been lacto-ovo for 4 years and could only hang in as a vegan for 1. But I really want to try again and I feel this time can be different for me since I actually know how to cook now and live in a city with better eat-out options. The only problem is that my bf, who is also lacto-ovo, does not want to be vegan. I cook all of our meals and I don't want to push him into it by default. So is it harder to stick with veganism when your partner isn't?

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Is there meat in your soy "meat"?

    Came across an online expose on "vegetarian" items not actually being veggie at all. It's hard to say which companies could be a part of this since products from oversees are relabeled for the US market but if the source of those mock meats is manufactured in Taiwan then you really don't know what you're actually getting. Does anyone know how to find out the supplier for Boca, Morningstar, and other big US mock meat distributors?

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • How can I boost my GPA once I've graduated college?

    So I graduated college 4 years ago and my GPA was not very good. Since then I've been working and am now interested in going back to school and I feel so motivated to do so. But I don't meet the minimum GPA requirements. Is there any way to boost up a GPA once you've already obtained your BA? Am I stuck with that GPA for life? :-(

    8 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • CA: Can employers offer an alternative work week only to nonexempt?

    In the state of California can an employer adopt an alternative work week but only offer it to their nonexempt employees? What if there is a mix of exempt and nonexempt within the same work unit/department?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Does it matter what time of the day plants get sun?

    I've planted some vegetables and flowering plants that all require direct sunlight for about 6 hours. The sun sets around 7 or 8 pm where I am. The way my porch is situated they won't receive direct sunlight until around 12:30pm and are in shade until then. So does it matter what time of the day they receive direct light or is it just important that they do at some point?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Help for my sick bell pepper and basil?

    I planted a seedling of a red bell pepper plant about a month ago in a container and now it's developed brown spots on the leaves. It's planted close to a basil leaf (also in a container) and both show brown spots. The basil plant also has little holes like a pest has been eating it. I've sprayed it with a mix cayenne and dish soap and still it persists. Should I just up root, clear out the soil, and start all over? They've been kept outdoors for sunlight but maybe I should start anew with indoor plants?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Rental Move-In Inspection in California?

    I just moved into an apartment on Sunday and was not given an inspection checklist. The landlord told me over the phone before moving in that I can just compile a list and give it to her. I'm worried she'll forget she said that and may consider prior damage our fault even if we give her a list because she was not present to inspect too. Should I request that we do an in-person walk through with her? How long do I have after moving in to do that?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Are We Bad Renters on Paper?

    My BF and I are moving in together. We found a few places that we totally love and fit in our price range but we're worried because we don't really have any rental history. He's lived with his parents his whole life and I lived in dorms, sublet rooms, and lived with my parents for the last 3 years. My FICO score is over 750, I make more than 3 times the rent, I've had the same job for 2.5 years, I have a nice chunk of savings, no credit card debt, with only one student loan ($10k, $78/month) as my debt. My BF has no job because he is a student and so I'll be taking care of the finances. Do we look like bad renters on paper? Would a landlord or company rent to us?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Rear Bike Break Won't Release Completely?

    I took the back wheel off of my bike and I was able to put it on okay and there seemed to be no problem. But when I grip the lever for the rear break it won't release completely. It breaks and when I release the lever I can still continue moving but I can hear the break rubbing slightly on the wheel. To completely release the break I have to push forward on the lever. This was not happening before so I'm sure something happened when I took off the wheel. Any ideas on how to fix the break or the lever so it releases and breaks as it should?

    4 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • How can I ride faster?

    I have a Raleigh 21-speed hybrid bike and I mostly ride paved trails or on the street. I've been riding on and off for a number of years. I have a hard time going up hill and I even have problems on flats. I just never seem to go fast enough. My riding partner is on a mountain bike and he's much faster. So is it the equipment or me? Should I just keep training or is it time to invest in a road bike (which absolutely scare me)?

    4 AnswersCycling1 decade ago