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she who is awesome
La di da di da.
I need help finding a painting?
This is a painting, not done recently, I almost want to say rennaissance-era, done by I think it was an Italian painter (the name sounded Italian anyways). It was called "Winter".
It is a painting of a head, but the head looks like it's made of roots, and there's a branch growing out of its neck, and growing on the branch are two yellow lemons. I remember reading that the artist did four potraits like this, depicting the four seasons. If anyone knows what the artist's name is, or where I can see I picture of the painting on the net, this would be great. Thank you.
4 AnswersPainting1 decade agoHelp me find a book...?
I don't remember when i read this, it was kid's book I think...
It's a book about a book. In the book, there's a princess and her dad and mom, etc. The book is all about the people in the book, and how many times they go through the story as the people turn the pages of the book, etc. The princess somehow manages to get into the thoughts of the girl reading her book and help her deal with her grandmother's death, something like that. In the end, I think the princess ended up in a new book with all her family there. Thanks for your help.
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoI need some information...?
Does anyone know the measurements of a standard United States flag, size 3 feet by 5 feet, when it has been folded into an isosceles triangle (as is standard for storage, etc.)?
(ps this is not homework, I'm just curious and hopeless with math)
1 AnswerMathematics1 decade agoIs Pan's Labyrinth a good movie?
I'm thinking of seeing it. Is it good, and is it presented in English if you see it in the US?
3 AnswersMovies1 decade agoWhat should I read next?
I am thirteen years old and have recently realized I have nothing to read. Please reccommend books for me.
To kill a couple of the common reccommendations: I have already read Eragon/Eldest, Harry Potter, and Twilight/New Moon.
12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoPlease...?
I am reading (well trying to read again) the Lord of the Rings. Last time, I got stuck in Tom Bombadil's house, so I am BEGGING you to tell me I can skip that part. I know it's not correct and I won't be getting the whole story, but I really like it this time and I am afraid that reading Tom Bombadil will make me stop reading it again. So would it be okay if I skip that chapter? If you say no, I won't.
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoI really need somebody's help here!!!!?
I am doing a science project. I have to make a pinhole camera. That's all fine, except I just recently (as in two minutes ago) went online to the place from which I planned to order the photo paper, and it turns out THEY DON'T MAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!
If someone would please recommend a brand that makes photographic paper suitable for a pinhole camera, preferably 5 by 7, but any size will work. And this is not printer paper, this is paper that I will actually develop myself.
There was one website I went to and it said that you could also use regular film, but I have no idea how I would develop it. Would someone please tell me, if there are no photographic papers that I can use (in the US-i looked on the Ilford website, and apparently they only sell in the UK), how I woud go about developing the regular roll of film?
4 AnswersPhotography1 decade agoHelp me please?
This is for school, BUT you would not be doing my homework for me, I just need people's opinions on something.
I wrote a poem, and I need to decide if it is a ballad or a free verse poem. I intended it to be a ballad, since that's the requirement but if it doesn't sound like one please say so. Also you can say if it's bad or not, I won't be offended, I wrote it in like 5 minutes.
K, here it is:
"The ship went down three days ago."
Said the man to the heartbroken lad.
"Did you find anything?" whispered the
boy, so shocked he was far beyond sad.
"Funny you ask, because we did."
The man reached into his pocket.
And dangling there, on a fine gold chain,
Was a heavy gold water-logged locket.
He took it in his trembling hand
and walked to the edge of the sea.
He stood there, on the cold winter sand
Wishing it not to be.
Tears in his eyes, he looked down at the locket
And made a rash split-second choice.
He flung it out into the ocean, never
Reminded again of her voice
5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoPlease help me find the song!!!?
okay, so it's a song, but I can't remember much of it, except that the singer (it's a girl if that helps) says fall except it's separated into sections.
but I remember the video, if that helps. It's in color, but all the stuff in it is black and white. It has this man's suit that keeps doing poses like there was real person in it, but there isn't. PLEASE HELP ME!!!
3 AnswersMusic1 decade agoDo you think I should do the low-carb diet?
I would still eat fruit and everything, just no bread.
7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoHelp me....?
I'm ugly. I need some help to be not ugly. Also, don't say "it's what's inside that counts" because it's a lie.
4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoWhat song should I buy?
vote please!!!
idlewild blue by outkast
heard em say by Kanye West
mama's room by Under the influence of Giants
or it's not your fault by new found glory
vote and then tell me any others I should buy.
5 AnswersMusic1 decade agohelp me find the song? please?
okay. I know some of the words, so would somebody help me find the song (and I know I could google it but this is so much more fun!!!!)
K, first one (these are little snippets here, mostly it's all I remember):
"I don't see no holes in the road but you, find another place to fall."
second one (mtv hits plays this video all the time, I've just never seen what it's called):
"it's not your fault so please stop your crying now"
"i like my fish and poi, I'm a big boy, lomi salmon, pi'ikau'a extra large lilikoi, squid and chicken luau"
and the last one:
"I am a rock, I am an island"
okay thanks!!!
6 AnswersMusic1 decade agoHelp with curly hair?
I have VERY curly hair that I want to straighten, but I want to do it myself. Do you think putting gel in my hair before I straighten it will help it keep straight, and is there any product i can use that will make it easier to straighten? thanks.
10 AnswersHair1 decade agoWhat do you think for the first day or school....?
jeans, a t-shirt that says "rock on" (words in black-background in off-white), a black hoodie (cause it's cold!!!) a bright red necklace, and red flats (if I can find them).
If you don't like it, please tell me what else i can wear, but I can't wear short skirts, thin straps, shirts that show stomach, or heels.
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade agoWhat do I wear?
what should I wear for the first day of school? I don't want to wear a mini skirt and my school doesn't allow sleeveless tops. please provide pictures.
13 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoWhere can I get the best leggings?
I want them to reach about halfway down my calves, or just below my knees. They can have lace on them, and it would be great if you could provide a link so I can see if I like them.
7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoQuestion. I don't get it?
In The Amber Spyglass, how did Mary tempt Lyra? I don't get that.
3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoMakeup question...?
Has anyone used bare minerals? how did it work? If it isn't good, could you tell me what is?
3 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago