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Hi, thanks for visiting my page... I'm a 25 year old mum of 2, and we live in a beautiful little village in Granada, Spain. My favourite place in the world! I have managed to bag one of the last "real romantics"... He's a blonde, green eyed Latino... I'm one of the lucky ones!! (Even if he does drive me to the verge of insanity some days...) lol I have a 7 year old boy, and a 2 year old girl. They are two wonderful, intelligent, gorgeous kids. I am also expecting baby number 3, due on 29 August 2009! This will be my last baby, so I'm trying to enjoy the pregnancy! Big hugs, Krissyinthesun xxxx


    MIren, a mi ps3 se le enciende una luz amarilla y se apaga, he leido cosas como las del secador, pero no puedo hacerlo porque tengo un juego dentro de la ps3 y se derritiria y ya si que no habria solucion!! AYUDA PORFAVOR!!!

    1 AnswerPlayStation6 years ago
  • ¿Es ilegal la venta de bollería a los colegios en horario de recreo?


    Hace poco he abierto una tienda de bollería y chuches al lado de un colegio. Al principio vendía a los niños a través del portón, como he visto que se hace en muchos sitios. La directora el colegio me dijo que es ilegal y me puede denunciar (quiero añadir que tengo 3 hijos en ese colegio!!).

    ¿Realmente es ilegal? No encuentro nada que diga que lo es en internet... O sea, si son chucherías, lo entiendo, pero también vendo productos caseros etc..,

    4 AnswersLeyes y ética1 decade ago
  • 7 year old son and Father Christmas...?

    My son is 7 and heartily believes that Santa exists.

    I love it that way, but when his friends in school tell him that he doesn't exist, my son will have a proper argument with them and tell them how he writes letters to Santa all year round and Santa answers them. (I do...)

    Sooo... Is it good that he's still innocent and has a vivid imagination, or is it time to break the fairytale because of his school friends? Im worried about him looking stupid and getting picked on, especially if all his friends parents' have told them about Santa...


    5 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • 2 month old baby constipated (4 days!)?


    My little boy is 2 months old, he is breast fed, but has a bottle a day as well because he's so hungry. For the last couple of weeks he has been a bit constipated, only going every 2 days or so, but he hasn't pooped for 4 days now!

    He doesn't even seem uncomfortable, and isn't crying more than usual, but is it harming him? I told a friend of mine today and she said; "Oh no, that's terribly bad for him!" - but is it?? I'd rather not fill him with medicine unless it's really necessary.

    Also, has anyone else had this problem? Any home remedies?

    Thanks x

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Breastmilk conservation - fridge and freezer...?

    My mum says she used to keep hers in the freezer for my sister and I for weeks, but I've read 3 days... Or it that 3 days in the fridge?? But I read 24 hours in the fridge... Argh!

    Can anyone help clarify how long it can be kept a) In fridge, and b) In freezer?

    Thanks in advance! xx

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Do plain "Nintendo ds" games work with "Nintendo ds Lite"?

    Need to know, coz I'm getting my son a ds Lite and I want to make sure the normal games will work...


    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Due on Saturday and having bad tendon pain in top of legs?

    I'm just wondering if it could be to do with baby engaging? This is my 3rd baby and I remember it happening with my 2nd a few days before I had her.

    Has anyone else experienced it? It is like a shooting pain in the tendons at the very top of my legs. I am also having really strong BH contractions almost constantly now, but I have had them on and off for the last 4 weeks or so!

    Thanks for any help on these pains, also, did anyone who has had them find any way to relieve them? I can't really do the whole lying down legs up or anything because a) It hurts! and b) I have my other 2 kids to run around after (lol)

    Thanks again,

    Krissy x

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Painful BH contractions almost constantly - 38 weeks?

    I'm 38 weeks pregnant, due on 29th August.

    This is my 3rd baby, and apparently it is normal to have painful BH contractions with the 3rd, I had a few with my first, and more with my second but never like this!!

    I'm scared to go anywhere bcause the pain is so bad I can't hide it and people look terrified when they're near me because they think I'm in labour (lol)

    I know it isn't labour, but I've been having these pains for 2 weeks now, and when I went in to be checked on the monitors, they were showing cntractions every 15 minutes, which have pretty much not stopped or got more regular since, and that was a week ago...

    Is there anything I can do to alleviate the pain? Yes, walking helps, but I can't walk all the time! Every time I sit down it is agony! I am also getting the shooting pains "down there", making it hard to walk at times.

    I still have 2 weeks to go until baby is due, and if he's anything like my second, I could go to 42 weeks!! I'll be exhausted by the time it comes to the real thing!

    Has anyone else experienced this for so long and had a decent birth? Should I ask to be induced sooner if he does decide to hang on? I am just soooo uncomfortable and all these contractions are really tiring - I could sleep 24 hours a day, but I have my other 2 little ones to look after...

    Thanks for any help / personal experiences...

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Please help - killer heartburn getting me down!!?

    I'm 30 weeks pregnant, and for the last week I've been getting awful heartburn. It's really getting me down, it's sore and I have nasty acid reflux (sorry if TMI).

    If I eat anything after about 2pm it gets practically unbearable (like today). I can't just not eat all afternoon/evening!? Or should I avoid eating after that time??

    Is there anything I can eat which will calm it? I have been taking Almax tablets, but can only take 2 a day and their effects don't last long. I can't get Gaviscon or similar here (I live in Spain).

    I'm just wondering if there is any natural way to make it better or any food that will help soothe it rather than make it worse. This is my 3rd baby, but I have never had it so bad with either of the others. I feel so yuck - please help!!

    17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Been invited to a party on Saturday... A HAWAIIAN party, and I'm 31 weeks pregnant - eeek!?

    Mums - what would you do!!!!!!!!???????

    I have finally convinced my partner to let me go to the party (he was a bit off about it, but I managed to talk to him & he saw some sense in me needing a break).

    BUT.. Now I'm getting second thoughts about going... I'm 30 weeks pregnant (will be 31 weeks on Saturday) and I totally have no idea what to wear!

    People will be in bikinis grass skirt type things, pareas etc.., and apart from not fitting any of my normal clothes, I don't really have anything very Hawaiian anyway! I dread the thought of putting my great big E cup boobs (were a B cup!!) into a bikini, and have NO IDEA what to do with the middle bit - noting fits me round except my boring grey or brown maternity shorts. HELPPPPP!!

    Anyone have any suggestions? It's too late now to order anythaing over the internet and have it here on time, and as I said, I don't even really have anything I can customize....

    Thanks for any help/ideas/suggestions!

    24 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnant and need a break, hubby help?!?

    I've been invited to a party on Saturday and I REALLY want to go. I'm 30 weeks pregnant and have a 7 year old and 2 year old, and the party would be such a welcome break!!

    My problem is, when I mentioned it to my partner 3 weeks ago he shot down my idea of finding a babysitter so we could go together. It's too late for us to get one now, and I commented today about going on my own, since he didn't fancy the idea. (I said it nicely, even though I was angry at the time)

    He went all huffy and annoyed and said something about me wanting to go to all the parties - but I haven't been out for months!! Actually, I haven't really been anywhere but shopping without the kids since Halloween!

    He doesn't go out either, he works all day and barely sees the kids, I don't think he understands that "needing a break" feeling. He chats to his workmates, while I baby-talk all day! I totally respect how hard he works, but he'd much rather be at home watching TV when he's not working than going out, but I just really need a change of scene for once!

    I don't see it's that bad to want a night out for once!

    How should I put this to him nicely, so it doesn't turn into a fight? I have my sights set on going, but I don't want it to cause problems between us... How would any of you guys "ask" hubbys or b/fs?

    Thanks for any input!!

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Practise contractions at 28 weeks? 3rd baby. Normal?


    I'm a bit worried because I've been having practise contractions for a couple of days now. The only way I can describe them is as Braxton Hicks, very close together but not terribly painful, just uncomfortable.

    They haven't really gone away, even at niught time, for the last 2 days, but I haven't lost my mucus plug and baby continues to move like mad about 70% of the time, including while I'm having these pains, so I'm not too worried.

    I'm just wondering if it's normal to get them this early in pregnancy. This is my 3rd baby, and I never had them this early on with either of my others...


    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Chickenpox and pregnancy?


    There is a bout of chickenpox in the village where I live right now.

    I am 25 weeks pregnant, and have a 7 year old (who already had chickenpox) and a 2 year old (she hasn't had it yet...)

    I have had Chickenpox - many years ago when I was a child. Should I still steer clear of kids with Chickenpox? That worries me a bit when I would be my daughter's carer if she did pick it up!!!

    I didn't think it would matter since I already had Chickenpox, but a mum of one of the infected kids said that the doctor told her to keep her son away from pregnant women! Could my baby get ill in the womb, then!?

    I don't really get it...

    Either way, can anyone just let me know! I actually wouldn't mind my 2 year old getting it now, as the older they get, the more they scratch themselves and the more bored they get at home!!..


    Krissy x

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 2 year old with temperature of 38.2 - no apparent reasons / symptoms!?

    This might seem like a stupid question coming from someone with 2 kids and a baby on the way... But my children have always had a reason for their fevers!

    In a nutshell, they have both either had coughs/pains something with a high temp.

    My 2 year old daughter threw up a little earlier and seemed fine afterwards, then an hour later she came to me for a cuddle & seemed hot - thermometer says 38.2ºc. Should I worry, or could it be a pasing thing? Is it possible to gave a fever without an infection / illness?

    She seems pretty OK in herself, although a little quiet. She's playing fine and says nothing hurts!!!

    Thanks for any help!

    Krissy xx

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • ¿Qué os parece el nombre...?

    A mi marido y a mí nos gustan mucho los nombres Martín y Darío. Mi nombre, de haber sido varón, hubiera sido Martín también, es nombre de familia.

    Estoy embarazada de 23 semanas, y los médicos piensan que es un nene aunque no lo pueden asegurar hasta la próxima eco. Ya tenemos un hijo varón (Alejandro David) y una hija (Encarnita Nadia - como su abuela que en paz descanse).

    Le hubiéramos puesto Martín, pero un familiar de mi marido se lo ha puesto a su hijo, y nos llevamos fatal con ellos, así que, ¿Qué os parece Darío Martín?

    Hemos preguntado a alguna gente de aqui y todos odian el nombre Darío - no entiendo porqué, ¡a mi me encanta! Significa: "el protector y poseedor de bienes".

    En fin, me estoy enrollando demasiado, ¿Que os parece? ¿Es feo el nombre Darío?

    Kris x

    5 AnswersEmbarazo1 decade ago
  • ¿Gata esterilizada hoy - 14h después, aún tiene reacción de la anestesia, normal?

    Mi gata es muy pequeñita, solo pesaba 2.200kg cuando la pesaron para operarla, pero además la operación se hizo por tener metritis (infección en el útero), asi que ya estuvo mala un tiempo antes.

    Me dijeron que por su tamaño podía tardar más en espabilar, pero 14 horas parece mucho!!

    Está espeluznada y tiene las pupilas grandes y poco reactivas, además tiene las orejas, nariz y pies muy frescos. (La tengo tapada y calentita).

    Está en su caja de viaje comodita y ha comido un poquito y se ha levantado y se ha ido muy mareadita a hecer pis en su caja de arena.

    ¿Esto es normal? ¿Será como otras cosas que he leído en internet y espabilará mañana?

    Gracias por compartir cualquier experiencia personal/profesional o ayuda.


    10 AnswersGatos1 decade ago
  • My cat is giving birth but although waters have broken, contractions haven't started?

    It has been more then an hour now, and she still hasn't started the expulsion phase, where the kitties should start coming out.

    Her waters came out in the bag - intact - and she broke them herself with her teeth.

    It has been over an hour, but I can still feel the kittens moving.

    I am a veterinary nurse, so I know that the only way to help her is with a Caesarian, but I'm no way qualified to do it, I have only ever seen one performed and I'm only recently qualified!! There are no vets available in the area and none of the vets I am friendly with are answering the phone at this time on a Saturday night!

    Can anyone suggest anything? Any way to help her? I am more worried about toxaemia in my cat than the kittens being born alive, obviously, I would love both to be possible, but saving my cat is the priority!



    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • 17 weeks pregnant and feeling very worried... Please read for details!?


    I'll be 17 weeks pregnant tomorrow, but I've been really worried recently...

    I took a 2.5hr flight on Saturday, and 2.5hrs back yesterday, that may be irrelevant, but I wanted to add it in!

    What I'm really worried about is that my bump seems to have stopped growing. This is my 3rd baby, and I was quite big with my second by now. I seemed to have a big grow about 2 weeks ago, but now it almost seems to be "going down" and the sticky out tummy bit that felt hard now feels soft again!!? (I know, it's my uterus, is there any explainable reason why it doesn't feel hard any more though?)

    I also thought I was feeling baby's first movements a week ago, but haven't felt anything for the last 3-4 days.

    Also, I am in a bit of discomfort, sort of aching in my lower abdomen and sides, but with no bleeding or spotting at all. I am still getting morning sickness too.

    I'm extra-worried because I almost miscarried my daughter at 16 weeks due to a haematoma and placenta previa, although I carried to term in the end with medical aid, and I then had an early miscarriage. I am so worried my baby has died, is there anything anyone can suggest!?

    Our doctor's surgery is now closed until Monday and I'm worried about going to hospital as they always act like I'm wasting their time. (I already went in to be checked up at 6 weeks because of pains). I have had 2 scans since and everything seemed OK, but now don't have another until the middle of April!!

    What would anyone else do in this situation? Should I just wait until Monday? Has anyone else had the same thing / felt like this and everything has been fine?

    Thanks so much xx

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • ¿Me harían una histerectomía después de 3 hijos aunque sólo tengo 25 años?

    Quiero saber si me harían una histerectomía (quitarme la matriz) sin tener complicaciones a los 25 años...

    Tengo 3 hijos y estoy embarazda de 15 semanas. Después de éste, no quiero más hijos, lo que quiero saber es si me harían la histerectomía optativa después de parir, ya fuera parto natural o cesárea.

    ¿A alguien de aquí se lo han ofrecido como opción?

    ¿Alguien sabe si lo harán a pesar de no tener problemas de útero?


    2 AnswersOtros - Embarazo y maternidad1 decade ago
  • Baby measuring 12cms at 13 weeks!!!!?

    Hi, I had a scan today, (I'm 13 weeks), and the doctor said my baby was measuring 12 centimetres! From everything I have read in books and on the internet, that is an awful lot for 13 weeks!!?? It seems the norm is around 7.5 - 10... He also said that everything is going fine and baby is healthy and growing at the right pace, are his measurements out or is he wrong, or is all the other info I have read wrong!!?

    Also, a quickie, when I am in the bath, and I put my head under the water, I can hear a sound very much like baby's heartbeat as well as my own, is that possible?? Maybe the water meaning I can hear it louder? Or is it all in my mind? lol


    K x

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago