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Marrie with two children. Retired after 30 yrs with a company. Like read, cook, crafts when in the mood. Like to decorate my house, rearrange the rooms. Play game on the internet. sometimes chit-chat.
What is the wed address to Verizon?
I like verizon as my default but some how my kids mess it up
http://verizon/ ???? help thanks
1 AnswerCalendar and Contacts1 decade agoI have been getting dizzy spells what.....?
causing it. I don't have high blood pressure, I'm in good health, I get them about every three months and it last for about three days. It worse when I lay down and try to sleep on my right or left side I feel like I'm falling off the bed and I quickly will grab my husband. but if I sleep on my back I'm ok I have to turn slowly on my left side if I want to change position.
1 AnswerDiabetes1 decade agoWhat causes leg cramps?
I been walking one mile for about week and half and yesterday I started getting leg cramps on both of my kalfs, is that cause by not doing a warm up first, the cramps started during the end of my walk. How can I keep this from happening?
13 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agoTo all the BMW owners.......?
I want my husband to buy me a BMW for my fifth birthday instead of going on a cruise, the money for that I can use for a down payment. My question is what are the down fall in owning one, such as upkeep I don't need a 85k. I'm thinking between 3 to a 5 series. Even if it's two to three yrs old.
6 AnswersBMW1 decade agoWhat is your intake on....?
on New England (NFL)cheating???? Do you think that the super bowl worth watching??? Or due you think they should of got supened for the season
6 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade agoHas your husband ex-wife become your....?
good friend? Do you trust them or do you supect that maybe they want to get back together? My husband ex has become a good friend she remarried also, her husband is real nice guy we get together almost every Sunday afternoon to play crotche' or bocce or BBQ and have a great time. My husband has said that there's no way he would want to get back with her because he said that she hasn't change that much.
10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHas anyone read Ann B. Ross on Miss Julia series?
I started reading Miss Julia speak her mind and I found it funny and enjoyable that I went to buy the others and I was wondering if anyone enjoy them as much as I did.
1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade agoTo the Teachers our there. How do I go about helping my daughter....?
get through Jr.high with SDD she been test and does not qualify for special Ed. and reg classes (Math,Lang.) is some what hard for her. It takes her longer to catch on plus, she a visial learner. And if she doesn't make the grades she will go to what they call advance but not go to the ninth grade fall 2008 We have been having her go to tutioring for about 2 yrs.
3 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade agoHave you ever stop loving someone that you....?
just move in together and realize that it not going to work, and you don't know how to get out of the relationship. His clinginess and jealousy has become to overwhelming, He work in the evenings and on Sundays he has to go to work but he's a grouch all day long before he leaves for work and I feel so unhappy he makes me feel like I'm walking on eggs, with him just trying to talk with him is hard. but once he gone to work I can breath much easier. Anyone out there gone through this crap before?
7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoTo the wife's does your husband come home....?
from work and zone out about half and hour to an hour when he get home? Then with in an hour after that goes to bed, and the cycle continue until Friday. My husband does, so there's no point in saying to much because his brain is mush, unless it important enough I have to tell him to focus otherwise he will forget that I even mention it. I know he's tried he has a bussienss to run (consturction). So I was wondering if I'm not the only one.
12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHow and when would be the best time to ......?
tell my daughter that her father is a wanted man. She keeps asking her father's mother (grandma) where is my dad, and they keep telling her he at work. She is only five and I'm not sure how to deal with this because I know someday it's going to come, but I want to be the one to tell her.
11 AnswersFamily1 decade agoI would like to .....?
throw myself a 49th birthday party. I would like some suggestions on a theme. I'm thinking to invite about 50 people.
6 AnswersEntertaining1 decade agowhen moving into your first apartment...?
did you have everything like furinture, dishes etc., and if not how did you get those things? Or where you brought up with a hope chest (for the ladies) and as time went on you slowing bought those things in hoping that one day you will have your own place.
6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoWhat is your all time favorite chick flick?
16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoHas anyone read the book on......?
The last jihad, the Ezekel option, the copper scroll, by joel rosenberg? What is your thoughts on any of the books? I myself found it very interesting and scary.
1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade agoAfter a cat has kittens when ......?
do I take the mother cat to get fixed. Is it six weeks after she had the kittens?
8 AnswersCats1 decade agowhat are the signs when.......?
my cat is about to give birth? Does she start to nest first then start to go into labor? I want to get a box ready for her but not sure what to watch for, it my first cat ever to have kittens and I want to make sure she has a quite place to deliver.
4 AnswersCats1 decade agoDoes any1 know this Love song ?
By the NB Ridiaz I don't know what the song is called but I know how it goes. It goes like this, Lady Lady, Lady, can I tell that I love you with all my heart an soul. Beatuful no matter what they tell you I ganna stay by your side for eva an eva because your so beatuful any way to the T to the letter I change and never for get her On a cold stormy nightv is when Im boming to get her so we can Run away to that speacail place I love the way you talk your laugh you pretty face, to ceto onu soe nata sente I told you gurl that I nothing with out it didn't start till the day that I found you so we cando what ever you like On a hot cot stormy night. Beatuful nomatter what they tell you Im ganna stay by your side for eva you and me because your so beatuful.Beatuful.
1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade agoThere's a punk rock song?
Has the word "I want to be a cowboy". Does anyone knows who sings this song? plus the background sound is the good,bad and the ugly
2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago