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  • Advice please...on fake friends (please read)?

    Have you ever had a personal experience where someone who already rarely speaks to you still asks for an outrageous favor, and when you can't or WON'T, not only do they paint you as a villain because you didn't make their dreams come true, but they intentionally try to destroy your life and those of the people who trust you? Life is surreal...and scaaaary. Poor sad people. What would you do?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • In the movie "Chocolat", Vianne says: "I've just cooked up a fresh batch of....?"?

    It sounds like she says Mondillon ? Mondeon? What is this food? I can't figure out how to spell it....a FRENCH word, I'm guessing....

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink7 years ago
  • Mixed culture marriage..anyone else have this problem?

    I am husband is Mexican....he has assimilated beautifully into the American culture. But his family CONSTANTLY finds reasons to criticize my children...they have grown up knowing about their ethnic heritage, and have also learned about my Euro heritage. They have grown up with American friends from school as well as all ethnicities of friends. They have grown up speaking ENGLISH, because we are in an ENGLISH SPEAKING country, but they also pick up Spanish when they are open to it. However, I do not MAKE them speak Spanish...everyone here, including her Hispanic schoolmates, speak ENGLISH.

    Anyway, I have a sister in law who is constantly telling us that we need to make them more "Mexican", so they don't become embarrassed of their heritage. On the other hand, my own stepmother cringes when she thinks there is a little too much "ethnic" in my kids' lives. I am getting it from both sides. I really cannot understand why these people feel it is their job, of all the issues in life, to get involved in what my kids do. They are at the tops of their classes, great kids with tons of friends and wonderful heads on their shoulders. Worrying about which ethnic "club" they belong to is LAST thing on my mind....does anyone have a similar story?

    If you are thoughtful enough to read all the way down this far, you will discover that I know that mixed culture marriages are tough. Don't tell me I shouldn't have married a Mexican. That won't change, wonderful guy!

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • TV makes a LOUD constant screeching sound, vertical lines, can't turn off.?

    After watching the tv for sometimes 30 minutes, sometimes 0 minutes, a sound that I can only compare to a PLANE LANDING occurs, even when the volume is low on the tv. At the same time, I see these pretty pastel and black VERTICAL lines, and I cannot turn off the tv remotely or manually. I have to just unplug everything. It has shaken up my kids terribly! It is an OLEVIA LCD TV. We bought it around Feb 2008. Can anyone help me?

    2 AnswersTVs8 years ago
  • Could it be bladder cancer if: (please read)?

    If I have had gross hematuria twice in 3 months, but when I go to the urologist, they even fail to find microscopic hematuria in my urine? (I've had enough blood in urine to have to wear a pad, and 2 separate visits to doctors showed hematuria in the tests, so I'm not making it up....just the urologist didn't see any in the recent test, one week after I saw the gross h.) Thanks.

    2 AnswersCancer8 years ago
  • cytoscopy scheduled for a month later?

    Is this right? Safe? I just saw a urologist, he said very little except he thinks it might be cancer (gave no other possibilities like cystitis, etc) and the testing is scheduled for a MONTH from now. If I have bladder cancer, would a month wait cause a mild cancer to dig in deeper and be worse, or does bladder cancer grow slower than that? I went because I have had gross hematuria twice in 3 months.

    2 AnswersCancer8 years ago
  • Just wondering if anyone else has had this fullness after dieting....?

    Ive been on a reasonable diet for the past 3 wks...1500 to 1800 cals per day.. never hungry, really, and have lost 11 pounds. .I ate a 6 oz burger and I thought my stomach would rupture! It was well within the nutritional guidelines of my plan, which is why im so shocked. Im 3 hours past dinner, and I still feel completely full. I havent consumed much ground beef on the diet, just because I havent had it in the fridge. The first thing that came to mind was gallblader attack, but it isnt like ive been eating low fat...I eat anywhere frome 20 to 30 percent fat every day on this diet. This is just odd.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • muslim somali child tries to cut my daughters hair?

    I also posted this in beauty> hair for more details. This girl has threatened, tried, and once succeeded ib cutting my childs hair. Anyone else have this situation? I have read in news that muslim and somali muslims do this out of religious need to persecute and punish nonmuslims in public, or just out of ignorance and envy, also ive heard of muslims doing this to sikh girls since sikhs religion requires them to not cut their hair, any tips on how to deal w this? Thanks..

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Muslim somali girl tries to cut my daughters hair off?

    Is this common? She is in the first grade, and used to cover her hair. Now this kid no longer wears a scarf, but is co nstantly threatening my daughter with scissors at school. Every day she tries to cut her hair, and has also tried to poke a blue eyed girl in the eye with scissors. My daughter has beaitiul long thick shiny hair..the little girl used to just touch and try to braid my childs hair, but after a while, she started pulling out her rubber bands, which wasnt really a big deal, but now she has actually cut my childs hair on one occasion, but it wasnt any huge amount...I have never told my daughter to worry about it, but she has recently involved her teacher, since this girl is daily threatening to cut her hair, standing behind my daughter in class with scissors, grabbing her hair. I have read about how muslim females, namely somalis, tend to take out their jealousy on nonmuslims who have long hair. I am worried about this girl. Luckily school is out this week, so hopefully they wont be in the same 2nd grade next year...just wondering if wnyone else has had this problem in the past. Thanks.

    4 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • How do I talk to a doctor about their nurse?

    I love my doc...he is so smart and full of helpful info;

    However, his nurse has been with him for decades...and she's always been

    very cold. I went for my yearly checkup, and the doc did bloodwork.

    The nurse called me and said "Everything's normal, except your blood sugar...

    He's diagnosed you with pre-diabetes....That's it! Okay, then, we'll see you in 6 months."

    That's it, no information. I stopped her before she hung up. I said: "Whoah! Wait! Prediabetic?

    What is that? What do I need to do?". She said: "Ohhh, only lose a little weight and cut back on sugar". That was it. To me this seems a little prediabetes something minor that means very little as far as managing my health?

    6 AnswersDiabetes8 years ago
  • which specialist handles varicella (chickenpox)?

    I ask because my family doc is giving me NO information.

    I am disgusted with them. I want to see a specialist before the sores go away.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Do you think I'm pregnant? (please read)?

    I'll be taking a pregnancy test today.

    I had unprotected contact with my husband 2 weeks ago.

    About 5 days after that, I had this extremely light bleeding...clear tinged with pinkish brown.

    From that date on, I've had increasingly worse lower/middle back pain.

    This morning, it was painful, and I am also very fatigued, bloated....

    and I am really not wanting to eat. I almost threw up smelling raw beef today.

    My mouth is watering a lot....I don't feel like I have the flu...just an aversion to food in general.

    I'm interested in knowing what you think.

    Remember, I'm going to take a pg test, so please don't tell me to take one. :)

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Are there any "Bejeweled" type games for Wii or Xbox360 Kinect?

    My kids love Bejeweled, but I really don't want them on my computer...they always mess it up. Is there some sort of game that is JUST like Bejeweled, but for Wii or Kinect? Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Have you, or do you know anyone who has conceived over age 45 by accident?

    I fear I may be husband used the unreliable contraceptive method of withdrawal, and I am 10 days late. I'll be buying a pregnancy test tonight, but just would like to hear some anecdotes about this from all of you. Thanks!

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • We are 90 days delinquent TODAY...(please read)?

    But we are making a payment this afternoon.

    This will make us only 60 days delinquent.

    I was told that I had to be 90 days delinquent in order to be considered for a traditional modification with GMAC.

    They have a full packet of application materials as of today, so they say that by law they have 30 days to make a decision on my traditional in 30 days I'll be delinquent 90 days again....

    Is this TRUE? That if I am not 90 days delinquent, I will NOT be considered for a traditional modification?

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Do all modification programs require that the home is bought before 1/1/2009 ?

    We bought our house in June 2009.

    We are trying for a traditional modification right now, and are pulling our hair out because we are afraid that we won't be considered for it....

    I thought that only the HAMP modifications were held to that Jan 2009 deadline for home purchase.

    Traditional mod is the first in line, then they will put us through for a HAMP, then a HAMP II....but I know for a fact that there is a Jan 2009 deadline for having purchased the home.

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Blue Black Spider Wasp: How dangerous is their sting?

    I have found a blue-black spider wasp dragging a spider away in the dirt near my home.

    I am worried that their sting might hurt my family or my dog, who likes to sleep around that area.

    I have read that spider wasps (in south america) give a 4.0 sting on a scale of 1-4 (1 being least pain).

    Is this also true of blue black? Are they similar in sting?

    Our spiders have been quite under control this year, probably thanks to them. We also have a milkweed plant nearby, which I am guessing they are also enjoying.

    2 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • email for SSM service appointment...what is this?

    I have received 2 emails with the title: SSM SERVICE APPT NOTICE

    Is this a corrupt email, or spam? I cannot find info about it.

    2 AnswersSecurity9 years ago