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  • Question about pathology reports, ulcerative colitis, chrones, cdiff?

    Long story, somewhat short. My husband started out with C-diff. It had went untreated for quite sometime, then he was told he had UC, then it was Chrone's. He was on Remicade, imuran all different kinds of meds. Anyways, he just recently had surgery and the labs couldn't tell if it was Chrone's or UC. Just an undetermined type of Ibd. Hmmmm. So, I think it was just the C-diff that had gotten so bad, thats why they couldn't tell. The dr said he had never seen anything like it before. I thought it was very odd. So, I have been searching the net for anyone else who has ever heard of anything like this. He is doing much better now, Thank God! Any insight would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases10 years ago
  • Thanks to all! The baby dust worked! :o))?

    After trying for about 8 months...we are pregnant! I bought a basal thermometer and the first month....BOOM! I knew that exact day, I think. I just knew! Thanks for all of your prayers, and all of the baby dust. Here's to a healthy pregnancy!

    DUE APRIL 6, 2009! SO EXCITED! Baby number 2!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Alcholic, Public Intox...can he be put away?

    Yet another question, I have about law and stuff. Here is the deal....I know someone who has lost his license before over DUI and all of that stuff. In my opinion, he still should not have them. Anyways, he draws disability because he says he can not work because of his back.....but he can coon hunt, cut down trees, ride his 4 wheeler to the bar....and that is where we start. A sherriff found him passed out on a county road after he fell off of his 4 wheeler or whatever. They arrested him and he goes to court on the 28th. Like a said, he has had MANY times of this before....could has lose his license for good this time? This is in Indiana. THANKS!

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Question about an Indiana law...Criminal Mischief, Destruction Of Property, Breaking Restraining Orders, Felon

    Hello. Just wondering if anyone knows how long someone can be put away for: Criminal Mischief, Destruction Of Property, Breaking a Restraining Order (has 3 different ones against him), is a Pryor felon, resisting law enforcement. This is in Indiana. I know someone that is with someone like this, and has beat the crap out of her several times. She has finally stepped up to the plate and realized what was going on. He is know in Jail, and I know that she is scared to death for when he gets out. He has broken into her house, beat her up, harrassed her, cut phone lines, tore down her fence and porch on her house, spray painted her new car, cut break lines and I think that is enough right there. ANY IDEAS? THANKS!!!!

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Gastric Bypass...Pulling Away From Family Members?

    Hello. I am not the one who has had the surgery done. It is my aunt. We are all very proud of her for losing her weight. That is NOT the problem. She has this "new" boyfriend, and he is totally worthless for her. She has even said that in the beginning, that she wants someone to take care of her. He can not. He is an alcholic (she supports the habit), and he draws disability (although he does everything, hunts, cuts down trees, etc.) She does not spend any time with her family any more. The guy says he will not talk to anyone that is related to her sister, well that includes her kids. She will not give her youngest child any money to drive his truck, but she makes several trips a day to see him. The youngest child has even seen her give money to the bf to pay for his booze. She is losing her family. We do not know what to do. I have heard from someone else that has had the sugery done, that it can effect your mind...but I can not find anything on that. She does not come to see her four year old niece anymore. She spends all of her time with his family. She is not even herself. She buys him new shoes, clothes and etc. I think she has totally lost it. She is supposed to be on depression meds but she does not take those either. This guy has been married before and his exwife says this is what he does. He pulled the exwife away from her family and brainwashes you. My aunt can do so much better. She looks great, and could get someone who takes care of her. She already has two kids, she does not need a third. She does get child support, but she tells the kids she only gets 100 dollars when she gets 320. So, another lie. This 45 year old bf tried to pick on my kid brother after a high school baseball game, my brother would have won that match, but my Aunt had to step in and get them away from each other. The bf was bad mouthing her son and my brother stood up for him. My aunt stuck up for her bf saying that an 18 year old should not be picking on a 45 year old man....does that seem right to you. The bf almost walked out in front of my mom the other day, and she just about hit him. Then he tells my aunt that we almost ran him off the road, and she calls us asking why we did that? We have people coming up to us, asking us why she is with him and he is nothing but trash. We just tell them she is out of her mind, and she will not listen to us. Everyone will tell you that he is worthless. So, now she is losing her kids to him. She believes everything the BF says and pays no attention to them, calls them and hangs up on them, won't wave at them, barely even talks to them. When she has something to say, she is usually just yelling. She tells them that she does not have any money...although she can take off of work and go with him to different states, and do whatever but does not have money to give to HER kids. So has any one else had this problem. We were/are very supportive of her getting the surgery done...but the after affects really suck. She is NOT the same person mind set wise. HELP!!!!!!!!

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Turning someone in who draws disability....?

    Hello. Thank you for taking the time to read my question. Ok, so here is goes. I know this guy who is an alcoholic..for real, used to have to go t AA meetings, has lost his liscense for DUI's, etc. Ok so he has them back now, and he draws some sort of disability, enough were he can drive around a great big ole' dodge truck, 4 wheelers and etc. He complains that his back hurts all of the time, and when my family sees him he acts like he can't walk and hurts so bad. Other times when you see him in public he is just fine. Fine enough where he can go deer hunting, etc, and is an avid coon hunter, and even has his pictures on some websites, is always out chopping wood and loading it up. (I wish I would have taken a picture) Therefore, I believe his is frauduantly getting this disability. I know some people get on here and say what are you jealous. I am not jealous and I am not trying to be rude, just wondering what you think, and how I would go about in turning him in?? THANKS!

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Another question, your answers opinions please, TTC?

    Hello. I have asked this questiong before, but something different has happened. I went off the pill in November, Had one light period then in February had a regular period, nothing since. Yesterday, I go to bathroom, and when I wiped there was a light pinky, mucus show. Nothing after that.......what could that be? (Implantation??) Just wondering. I don't really remember doing that during my first child, I feel fine, and I really didn't feel bad with our first child until like 3-4 months, then vomitting. Just wondering what your thoughts where? I plan on going to DR to see what he can tell me. Maybe perhaps give me a pill or shot or something to get me regulated if I am not preggo already. I have taken several pregnancy tests before yesterday and they were all neg. Thanks for your advice...please send lots of baby dust my and my husbands way!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Pregnant, The Pill, Tests?

    Ok, so I am a mommy of one. My husband and I are trying for number 2. I was on the pill and went off of them in November, and last month was the first month I had an "actual" I was supposed to start to start last Saturday, well that didn't happen. So, I did take a pregnancy test, but negative. I have been tracking my stuff on a chart online, but since it was my first "actual" period since November, I am not sure how accurate everything is. Just wondering what your opinions might be, I think I will probably be taking another test in the morning just to see what it says, since it has been a few days since I have taken a test. So, I hope that it is positive, but I will just have to wait and see I guess. The doctor said that the pill should have been out of my system in 90 days, and usually I have a 28 day cycle. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I need something to put on my mailbox at home, So, I know the mailman has been here??

    I actually have a little thing on my mailbox that so when you open the mail box a little yellow ball pops up in the air. I have recently been asked where I got it from and I have no idea. It was a gift...just wondering if anyone knows what I am talking about and where to find them. Thanks!

    I would ask the person for whom I recieved it from, but we rarely that is out.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How do you get tomato juice out of clothes?

    Any Ideas on getting a set in tomato juice stain out of clothes? Other than, just throwing it away, which I am about ready to do. Any ideas or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Toby Keith's high maintenance video, who is the maintenace man?

    Just wondering who the bigger maintenace man is? Please let me know!

    2 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • I have a bad smell coming from my furnace vents, dead mouse/bird? Help?

    I have read several questions about this.......but, let me tell you this......about a week ago, we heard something in our downstairs, and couldn't find anything......well, I am thinking that a bird somehow got into a part of our furnace and couldn't get out, and now it smells horrible.......would it take a week for me to start smelling it?? I guess so.......I have a candle going, and it really isn't in every room, but it is enough to do me in.....should I try the baking soda or vinegar?? If so do I just like set some boxes or bowls of it out?? I am going to my moms today and opening up my windows, I don't care if it is 30 some degrees outside, I have to do something, does anyone know how long it will take for the smell to go away??? Thanks so much for taking your time to read this question and for your answers, I will try to pick the best one!!

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What do I need to do to leave my child with my mother, if something where to happen to my husband and I?

    I mean I don't want anything to happen to us. We both just want my parents to have custody of our child, if anything shall happen to us. Does anyone know how I would go about doing this, without costing me a fortune? I know that money shouldn't be an option, since we want it to happen, but I have been quoted over a 1,000 dollars. And that is a chunk of money for us to come up with. What other options are out there, we live in Indiana. Thanks for reading and for you answers!

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Want a recipe for a quick, simple Big Sandwich??

    I am making this for a party tomorrow, but I also eat it for supper.

    1 loaf French Bread split open and take most of the inside bread out of both sides

    miracle whip

    sweet gherkins pickles

    1 pk slender sliced beef

    1 8 oz package shredded cheddar cheese

    1 8 oz package cream cheese softened

    Take a little miracle whip and line both sides of the bread with a thin even layer. Mix Cream cheese and cheddar cheese together and press that mixture ontop of the miracle whip on both sides, then take a few pieces of the beef and wrap up pickles inside and lay that longwise on the bread all the way to the end. Enjoy. This is really good. We call it the "Big Sandwich"

    anymore questions.....let me know!

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Garfield's Restaurant?

    Hello...don't normally post questions...just thought I would see what the response would be. Does anyone else here like Garfield's? If so what do you get to eat, I usually just eat the same...either Chicken Finger Basket, or a Fiesta Platter. Thanks for you input.

    7 AnswersOther - Dining Out1 decade ago
  • Yet again...about Brachs Villa Cherries?

    I posted a question a few day ago, and some people said they still buy them, although I received this response today.

    Thank you for contacting us about our Brach*s Villa® Cherries. I regret to inform you that this item has been discontinued and there are no plans to reactivate it at the present time.

    Please be advised that all inquiries concerning discontinued items are referred to our Consumer Marketing Department. This information is compiled and may be used to evaluate the possibility of reintroduction at a future date.

    Thank you for your interest.

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Brach's Chocolate Covered Cherries???

    Anyone know where I could buy these? I don't know if they even make them anymore. They where the best. My dad has been looking for them for like 2-3 years and can't find them anywhere. I don't know why they would stop selling...they usually just came out around Christmas time. Thanks in advance!

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago