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  • Why was Bhutto not killed in the initial car explosion?

    I'm sorry if the question above was worded wrongly or expressed wrongly...I certainly would not want anyone killed...but, yes, from a "conspiracy theorist"...I wonder.

    Her story belts out like a Harrison Ford "Temple of Doom". Just got away. In the belly of the tank at "the right time".

    Pakistan is --- coming from this redneck --- STRANGE TO SAY THE LEAST.

    My ultimate question is...and a question in which I think many people who are TIRED OF BULLSHIT would agree IS...

    WHY **** AROUND WITH PAKISTAN??? Why all this malarkey all the time? Whether it be from the Pakistanis or the United States government?

    You are either capable or not capable of leading a country. Why should America or the rest of the world community spend billionds upon billions of dollars propping up failed regimes (the uniform)/old regimes (Bhutto)/past failed idealogues?

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why was Philadelphia only a 3 point underdog to Dallas tonight?

    The NFC sucks...yes, let's face it. And I'm not a gambling man. NFC weakness or not, the Cowboys are the cream of the crop in the weakened NFC.


    Seriously, I don't gamble, but just out of pure curiosity I was wondering why Las Vegas would have come out and given Dallas only 3 points out of their ***? Eagles v. Cowboys? In this 2007-2008 season? And the home team always gets 3 they basically inferred that if the game were played on a neutral site in Knoxville, Tennessee, that this game would be a "pick em"? Dumb.

    1 AnswerFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Have you ever thought that the government was "just another annoying roommate"?"?

    As the current Yahoo headline would say...(as to the above roommate reference)

    10 ways that you can help...10 this, 10 that...

    ONE WAY....


    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why is my air conditioner turning on and off quickly...working but not working?

    Basically, the A/C unit where I live is not working. When it decides to turn on, it will turn on for about 15 seconds, then cut off, then turn on, off, on...for about two minutes. Then it won't work for awhile. Then when it gets too hot inside, it will repeat the above. My question you think this is a thermostat problem (loose wiring connection) or do you think this is a problem with the actual unit or compressor (freezing over)?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • For those who have lived in both the United States and Canada, which has the lower cost of living?

    A friend of mine really wants to move to Canada from the US to continue her career. All she keeps telling me is that Canada is actually cheaper to live in and that the taxes are actually better in Canada. This came as quite a surprise to me. Maybe I've been misinformed all these years.

    Housing in Nova Scotia looks cheaper...but what about its federal/province income tax?...other taxes? taxes? retirement benefits?

    I didn't want to argue or discuss which country is better or healthier or better for business, I was just wanting to know for her sake whether --- at the end of the day --- her dollar would go further in Canada, esp. being an American with already a fairly good amount of savings and a desire to relocate.

    4 AnswersCanada1 decade ago
  • Would you go into public service?

    The words "Bush" and "Clinton" often pop up on Yahoo Answers as scapegoats. Comes with the job, of course. First Amendment rights, etc.

    Knowing that, how many of you would go into public service?

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How do you delete extra IP addresses in your host file?

    I know this isn't a good thing from previous experience.

    Anyway, I went to WINDOWS/system32/drivers/etc to the host file and opened it with Notepad. Rather than just having my local server as the one line without the # sign, I had about 50 lines of SHOPzilla this or that with various shopping websites alongside the IP addresses (all of which were again my own local host IP)

    I have deleted SHOPzilla from "Add or Remove Programs", I have run Spybot and Adware, and my last virus check showed nothing to worry about. I'm pretty sure I don't have anything to worry about (or do I?), but I still don't like having these tenticles of Shopzilla in my host file.

    How do I delete them? I tried deleting them in Notepad and just keeping the local host IP address, but it wouldn't let me. Doesn't it involve the registry? I think it does, but I'm not too good (or confident) about screwing around in the registry editor without specific instructions. Thanks to anyone who can help!

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Do male cats ever really lose their vinegar?

    I have an awesome 2 year old male cat that I've had since he was 6 weeks old. He has moved into a new house with me recently so I can see why he occasionally fights other male cats over his new turf.

    But my question is, why is he screwing the neighbor's cat if he is neutered? I'm not making a big deal out of it because I thought it was funny. I'm just wondering.

    Is neutering a male cat like a guy getting a vesectomy or like a guy becoming a eunuch? One still has a sex drive, the other supposedly doesn't.

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • When does animal rights activism go too far?

    The polar bear story? Killing a LIVE polar bear because it's not good for him? In a Berlin, Germany zoo? (presumably competent to handle the situation)

    I love animals...Lord, do I love animals...but, no, why do groups like PETA go too far sometimes?

    I'll say this in their defense...we all go too far sometimes...we all say some things that don't represent the group...and we all make mistakes. Having admitted that, what's the problem with some people?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What percent of Yahoo Answer users do you think could run for political office?

    ...people sure do seem to have all of the answers around here.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • SPOILER WARN In the movie The Departed, do you think that the child was Matt Damon's character or DeCaprio's?

    The movie seemed to suggest that Damon's character was impotent as they were having 'some difficulties' in the bedroom. DeCaprio's character seemed to take care of business. Movie doesn't really say definitively. Am I just reading too much into the movie or is this a permissable inference?

    Mark Wohlberg, I believe, was tipped off by Vera Farmiga's character thru that letter that DeCaprio left her. This wasn't exactly explained, either, in the movie. But that's what I figure, too. Your thoughts on this additional question as well.

    Really good movie. Still has me thinking.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What is the most amount of points on Yahoo Answers...?

    ...that you've seen a celebrity or politician attain?


    lol...maybe that should tell us something...that or maybe we shouldn't answer their questions until they've gotten to at least level 2.

    would they slam our questions? or would they just answer quickly for the points? thumbs down to us? thumbs up? lol

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do pharmaceutical companies give future grants to med schools that don't recommend their medicines?

    Are any studies ever funded that look for natural ways for the body to heal itself? Are drugs the only way? If not, why does the pharmeucital industry "seem to" suggest that it is?

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Do the UNICEF celebrities or politiicans who use YA ever give Best Answers? If not, does the answerer that...?

    may have inspired them ever get even a nickel's worth of credit? Or do they claim it all for themselves?

    It would be nice if they could at least give you a shout out by name on television or send you an email if they liked your idea. Not just leave you hanging.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Guys: What % of girls in the club scene do you think look cheap? Girls: What % of guys too showy as in cocky

    Work is different. School is different. Bars are usually different. But what about the club scene? A lot of girls look sexy in the club, but I think a good percentage of them look cheap. What do you think?

    And what's with all the 20 year old dudes thinking they're millionaires? I think its hilarious myself.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What are your limits when it comes to self-expression? Should there be limits? Speech? Clothing?

    Where do you draw the line? Are your standards the same as the law which is fairly liberal as compared to most world countries? (for example, "fighting words" that incite are often considered illegal and being naked in public is illegal as well) Are your standards more conservative than what the law might allow? Are they more liberal than the law might allow? Or do you approach this question from moral, ethical, and/or religious grounds rather than legal grounds? "Free spirit" grounds?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Do you get bothered by some forms of public breastfeeding?

    As in by those who don't coverup at all? not nec. by those who make an attempt to be discreet.

    11 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • How long will Anna Nicole Smith stay in the public's eye?

    Not in mourning her death or reflecting on her career...but in all this needless gossip, dramatics, and rumor?

    11 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Eu estou indo visitar Brasil este verão. Devo eu ter que esconder ou disfarçar-se porque eu sou americano?

    Eu sou preocupado que os povos rirã e serão cruéis a mim porque eu sou americano. Que devo eu fazer para evitar este? Também não ajuda que meu doutor diz que eu sofro do syndrome social severo da ansiedade. Nivele em América. Alguns povos disseram-me este. Eu sou preocupado sobre ir a Brasil porque está ausente distante e o mundo não gosta de americanos direitos agora. Eu tenho visões que eu estarei rido e golpeado duramente na parte traseira para o dishonor. Eu trabalho com alguns povos que pensam que Brasil é demasiado perigoso para mim e riem de me. É Brasil agradável e o cofre bastante para que eu visite sem preocupa-se? Obrigado para seus respeito e confiança. Eu nunca esquecer-me-ei de você.

    19 AnswersOutras - Sociedade e Cultura1 decade ago