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  • How to create multiple hyperlinks in a Jpeg picture in Outlook 2010?

    My boss is requesting me to send an Outlook email - with an inserted Jpeg image - and he would like this image to contain several (3) different URL hyperlinks and one working email address.

    Is this possible to do in an Inserted Jpeg? My boss doesn't want anyone to have to open a PDF or attachment - wants only an inserted Jpeg that show instantly when someone opens the email.

    I have Photoshop CS6 - is there a way (perhaps using 'Slice') to put in hyperlinks? Or another app in Photoshop?

    A major problem seems to be that Outlook ONLY allows a Jpeg to be inserted into an email - nothing saved as html.

    Thanks a million for all your help & suggestions.

    3 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • seeing an attachment?

    A friend sent me an email with six attached photos. The first time I read his email, I was able to view all photos.

    Now, two days later, I tried once again viewing his photos attached to the email - and the pictures will NOT show. What is happening? How to fix?

    I HATE this new Yahoo email. There are more bugs in it than anything I've ever seen!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail7 years ago
  • How do I get rid of bed bugs in my apartment? I have wooden floors?

    I live in an apartment with Wooden Floors. How can I 'clean the floor' when I cannot use a vacuum on them? I already have my mattress encased in a bug-tight cover. What do I do about the floors here?

    By the way, do ANY bed bug sprays actually work? I read the reviews on Amazon - many saying they worked. Are these fake reviews - do you think? - put in by the manufacturers? If you've ever used a bed bug spray that really works, please tell me it's name.

    Thank you so much for all your help and suggestions!

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • What's the craziest thing you ever heard called out in a movie theater?

    I'm collecting crazy things people have yelled at the screen in movie theaters - what's the funniest screwiest thing you've ever heard called out during the movie?

    Myself - during the film TRANSFORMERS I - when Shia LaBeouf first appeared, a blond stood up and screamed, "Do me!!"

    At another screening of DEATHTRAP, when Christopher Reeve kissed Michael Caine, someone in the front row yelled, "Say it isn't so, Superman!"

    What have you heard that cracked you up?

    5 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • I am now under attack each day by "W32 IRC Bot Ng" How can I stop this?

    Every time I start my computer now, I get attacked by something - a 'flag' from my Norton Security Suite pops up and states:

    Norton has just fended off an attack by:

    System Infected W32 IRC BOT Ng Activitiy 5

    These attacks have become regular now - and I'm very afraid my computer must has some worm or root-kit (and probably a trojan, too) that notifies the "malicious bot net" people whenever I start up my PC.

    What can I do to remove this worm/rooto-kit/trojan?? I have tried running repeated Full-System Scans of my Norton Security and Malwarebytes, plus Norton Power Eraser. But nothing seems to work. Can you help me to get rid of this bad malware?

    Many thanks for your suggestions!!!!

    1 AnswerSecurity8 years ago
  • Where can I view online the IRON MAN 3 end credits scene?

    Where can I view online the IRON MAN 3 end credits scene?

    I saw it in the theater last night and would love to see it again -- youtube has yanked off every copy of it that was there - what other site has it, or on what blog is it right now?

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • My Norton Security is going crazy seeing a thing it calls Suspicious.Cloud.7.EP - what do I do?

    I started getting messages that my Norton Security Suite Auto Protect was seeing a threat: Suspicious.Cloud.7.EP. This happens quite often during any browsing session (especially in Firefox), and it is driving me insane. Is this really a false positive, and is there anything I can do to stop it?

    I have already run Full System Scans in safe mode with Norton Security Suite and Malwarebytes. Neither one of them found anything at all. I also tried uninstalling my Firefox and then reinstalled. Still - Norton keeps saying it sees a potential threat: Suspicious.Cloud.7.EP

    The popups from my Norton Security Suite are now happening all the time.... Please tell me your suggestions & recommendations. Thank you very much for your help!

    8 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • What movie was it were Gary Busey goes to heaven & comes back from the dead?

    He did a fantasy film with actor Curtis Armstrong... where he returns from Heaven. Anyone know the name of this movie?

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Do most actresses in movies wear wigs?

    A friend of mine said recently that because setting an actress' hair style for a movie is so time consuming to do on the set (and because continuity from scene-to-scene is so important) -- that over 95% of the 'hair' most actresses 'act with' in front of a movie camera are actually wigs. Is this true? And is the 95% figure accurate? I'd really like to hear from someone knowledgeable in the 'Industry' about this. Thanks!

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • How to make Photoshop take image & create 18 printable 'sections' to make a poster?

    I have a big 5 MB jpg image which I need to enlarge to 6 feet high for the office.

    I'd like to be able to print it out in sections and then assemble the sections together.

    Does anyone know if Photoshop has the ability to split up an image into mutiple files -- so it can be printed out and assembled into Poster size? .. would it be possible to choose how many 8x10 sheets wide one would like the poster to be printed in?

    .... is there some way to make photoshop do the cropping, and then give me the "18 sections" (or whatever it would amount to?) as printable jpg's or PDF's?

    I know the site does this - however, they only accept images up to 1 MB, and my image is 5 MB (has to be large, for clarity).

    Thank you greatly for your help!

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Suddenly- when I click on a video file, it won't play... instead I get a webpage popping up for "" -?

    Something strange is happening to my computer and I need help.

    Up until yesterday - I could click on a saved video file on my computer, and one of my 'media players' (like RealPlayer) would start playing the video.

    That's changed as of today. I click on a video file, and a webpage pops up (the URL address is and it reads:

    File Extension AVI

    Information about AVI files and how to open them

    What is a AVI file (a file with file extension AVI)?

    And this webpage is offering me: Products that play and convert AVI files --- Final Media Player to play AVI files - CLICK TO DOWNLOAD........ and Free File Converter will convert AVI files CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

    What is going on? Why doesn't my computer recognize my video files (I have AVI and MP4 files) -- and use one of the video media players already installed (and working - I've just tested them all).

    Why is this webpage for popping up? Has anyone else had this problem? What did you do to fix it? Or do I have some kind of virus or trojan operating on my PC?

    I greatly appreciate your help and suggestions! Many Thanks!

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • I have text showing on a white background. Is there some quick way to isolate the text only & remove the white?

    I have a graffic image of blue text against a pure white background. Is there some way to quickly isolate (and save) the text only --- and remove all the white?

    I'm trying to take 'just the text' and put the words only onto a PowerPoint slide.... and the white background around the text looks very poor.

    How would you do this? I do have CS3 Photoshop, however I'm not super-advanced in it. Could I use some procedure in Photoshop for this? What would you do?

    Thank you so much for your help!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Each time I turn on my computer - I hear audio commercials! How do I stop this?

    Something crazy is going on with my computer!! Just started today --- each time I start up my computer - before a single window has opened - my speaker is blaring out commercials!

    There is no media player on - none at all. Internet Explorer has not yet opened up. YET - there is loud SOUND coming out of my speakers of nothing but commercials! What is happening? Please tell me how to stop this.

    I have run my Norton Anti-Virus 3 times for full scan. I have also run my Malwarebytes for full scan twice. Neither security anti-virus has found anything on my computer - yet these crazy commercials keep going!

    I thank you in advance for any help or advice you can offer - to shut these crazed commercials off!

    3 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • Please help me to understand this provision of the new Obama Medical Program?

    Is the below information true? A friend sent this to me & said this is why he won't vote for Obama. I know he has been given misinformation in the past.... is this particular info on the coming rates of 'ObamaCare' accurate?? If not - please tell me what seniors can expect to pay in the future for health care of this program.

    "The per person Medicare insurance premium will increase from the present monthly fee of $96.40, rising to:

    $104.20 in 2012

    $120.20 in 2013


    $247.00 in 2014."

    These are provisions incorporated in the Obamacare legislation, purposely delayed so as not to confuse the 2012 re-election campaigns.

    Thank you for your accurate and non-politicized information!

    3 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Is there going to be a new movie on 'Avengers' John Steed and Emma Peel?

    I've heard for years that there might be a reboot/remake of the Avengers TV series - not the comic book characters - but the old series with John Steed and Emma Peel as the heroes.

    What is the status on 'this Avengers movie'? If you have real information - please write!

    Many thanks!

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • In OUTLOOK Calendar - how do you set a 'Meeting Reminder' that reminds people on the day of the meeting?

    I'm confused with OUTLOOK CALENDAR. How do I set up a meeting for a month from now -- and make it so OUTLOOK calendar sends out to the participants a 'Reminder' on the day of the meeting, reminding them that there's a meeting they have to attend that afternoon.

    Thank you for all your help.

    1 AnswerCalendar and Contacts9 years ago
  • In OUTLOOK - how do you set a 'Meeting Reminder' that reminds people on the day of the meeting?

    I'm confused with OUTLOOK CALENDAR. How do I set up a meeting for a month from now -- and make it so OUTLOOK calendar sends out to the participants a 'Reminder' on the day of the meeting, reminding them that there's a meeting they have to attend that afternoon.

    Thank you for all your help.

    1 AnswerCalendar and Contacts9 years ago
  • Help! My sound is coming out of the computer, not the two external speakers! How do I fix?

    Yesterday, the sound on my computer was working normally, coming out of two small external speakers I have.

    Suddenly today, the sound stopped coming out of the speakers and is ONLY coming from a tinny speaker located in my computer. PLEASE HELP. How can I get the sound to again flow from my speakers? I need your suggestions and directions...

    Thank you greatly for your help!!!

    1 AnswerDesktops9 years ago
  • Question about the end of AVENGERS - Agent Coulson - spoiler/don't read if you haven't seen the movie!?

    I loved The Avengers - and I left the theater wondering - IS Agent Coulson really dead? Because later in the movie, a character mentions that "...he kept his 'trading cards' in his locker....not his pocket!" So - would that mean that he's coming back?

    I sure hope so -- I liked this character so much, and the way actor Clark Gregg plays him is just so Great!

    What do you think?

    4 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Was 'The Avengers' shot in wide-screen format?

    I saw 'The Avengers' tonight at The Rave Cinema Theater in Los Angeles today, with digital projection (not 3D).

    However, the version that I saw in this theater was NOT in wide-screen (Panavision) format - it was a standard "flat" aspect-ratio format. I'm wondering if the digital presentation is a cropped version...? or did director Joss Whedon simply choose not to go with widescreen for this movie?

    If you're aware of screen formats & know what this film was originally shot in -- please tell me. I'd really be interested in finding this out. Thank you.

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago