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  • I lost my 401ks, how do i find them?

    Ok i know it is very irresponsible that i never did anything when i left two of my old jobs at an early age so please no scolding i already know lol. I have already spoke to the previous employers, i spoke to hr and was given phone number for a rollover systems encorporation but they were unable to find it. So they gave me another number to call and they too were unable to locate it, so i am stuck not sure where to look i have already done the unclaimed money searches and have come up unsuccessful. So if anyone has any other ideas they would be greatly appreciated.

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • scary things happening at home. can a used item bring in a bad spirit with it? has anyone ever heard of this?

    Ever since I was small I have been sensitive to certain things. But have not had a lot of scary run ins since the duplex my fiance and I moved out of about 6 mnths ago. We are now renting a house and have not felt anything bad or strange till about 3 weeks ago. The past couple of weeks a certain picture of us we have up on our key holder shelf has just beenliterally knocked off when we arein the same room.

    The past. Three nights I cannot get much sleep because I hear pacing down the hallway. That's notnthe scariest part I left our bedroom two nights agoand my finance felt a loud thump Under ourbed and thought it was our large dog. Thereason left the room was to let our two dogs inside.lastnight the pacing started again except I can hear them more clearly and I hear what sound like nails or claws . My little dog is on the bed with us and the large dog is sitting up next to my side of my bed staringat the hallway.

    He normally sleeps in the den on the couch. I stayed up all night trying to think of the changes why this could be all of a sudden starting. The only thing that has recently changed was a used Futon we bought on craigslist because my finances sister stays the nights sometimes. So this is the only used thing we have ever bought like this we were short on money.could this bring something with it. Do I get rid of it or do a cleansing?

    9 AnswersParanormal Phenomena9 years ago
  • Can anyone help me? I have an error code 51402 on netflix. It will not let me connect to my wii?

    I have had the new disk for netflix to watch the instant streaming on the wii, it worked fine up until a couple of days ago now when i try to start the app. it comes back with error code 51402. I do have a working internet connection to my wii. I have tried to mess with my settings, and still nothing. Please help :(

    2 AnswersNintendo Wii1 decade ago
  • I have an armitron wr 165 alarm/chrono watch it did not come with intsructions if anyone know how to set time?

    please if anyone knows how to set the time on it i have tried the instructions from other sites and the dumb armitron website does not carry any information on this watch the numbers on the back are 45/6915... the top left button is the adj. top right is st/stp bottom left is mode and the bottom right is light...

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Separation Anxiety for me and my 4 month chihuahua?

    I am moving to another city to go to school and i am not able to take my baby with me yet she sleeps with me every night and out of my family she is the closest to me. I am leaving her with my mom and my sister and i am scared of how se will react after staying a month away from me. I dont want her to have any change in eating or be sad... I am very attached to her so basically i know she will be ok but if there are any ways to help plz let me know

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago