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The most dangerous place in the world is between a mother and her children...

  • What is the upside of being a Muslim woman? ?

    With what I have learned... I figured it must be heaven... but I've been trtin to research that and I am still coming up blank. There must be SOMEthing that stops them from rebelling or running away... what is it?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The Socialists won in 1981 for all of the reasons below EXCEPT:?

    a. Many of the French were fed up with the seven years of Giscard

    b. climbing inflation and unemployment

    c. the unfair gap in wealth and income

    d. fear of communist participation in government

    e. Mitterrands pledge to grant regions more power

    I hate to do this but the book is absolutely vague and its the last question... I've been at this one question for over an hour...

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • How do I get started after a long slump?

    As a Navy veteran, I used to be decently fit. Even after having 2 babies, I was in good shape because where we lived I walked *everywhere*. Unfortunately, we were then transferred to Maryland (from what I experienced, the whole state is a "bad neighborhood") and my walking days were over. Now, several years and 2 more babies later, I am up to 280 lbs, and I want to fix that, but I just don't know how to begin. Firstly, I want to cook healthy meals, but the healthier foods are just too expensive for my budget. Secondly, I want to start working out again, and have tried a few times, but I am so out of shape now that the pain after a workout tends to shut me down. So, two questions,

    1. How do I cook healthy meals on a very tight budget?

    2. What is a good workout that will begin the fitness process without leaving me in so much pain I wimp out?

    Thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Hearing other homes on baby monitor?

    I have bad ears, so I am *very* dependent on my baby monitor during naptimes. Problem is, I am picking up a child crying from somewhere else in the neighborhood and its driving me crazy! The only chance I get to get stuff done is while the kids are napping so running back there every two minutes to check is very trying. I've gone outside to try to find out where the crying is really coming from, and well, with my ears, its just no good. On a side note I am concerned about the other child because sometimes it goes on for an hour or more! What can I do?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I heard something about Obama wanting to send the gitmo's to Leavenworth... would you support this?

    Could anyone else see a little jailhouse justice happening there, perhaps?

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Sounds amusing but this is a serious question?

    I am trying to get in shape after 4 babies... still breastfeeding the 4th. The cardio class I want to participate in has allot of jumping around (heck any cardio really does) and I am very heavy chested. It is both embarrassing and painful to bounce the way I do. I have tried wrapping them with an ace wrap, sports bras, an too small clothes (underneath normal), nothing stops the bounce, and I feel like giving up rather than go through the pain and embarrassment. What can I do to contain a large chest for workout?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Period after Tubal Litigation?

    Ok, it has been 36 days since my tubal (after my 4th... love em but can't afford any more!) and I'd had a period a week before the operation. Could the operation be affecting my cycle this month... or could I be preggers, again!?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Pitt Bull Anxiety Attacks!?

    My neighbors found a young pittie stranded on a spit of land in the middle of a river. They couldn't keep him (as they already have 3 dogs and 2 cats) so they asked us if we would. He completely meshed with my kids before I ever got to meet him (its a conspiracy, I tell ya!) and so I agreed that we could keep him. It has been 3 months now, and I have tried everything I know how to, extra walks, play all the time, food and water is always available when we go out. But we always come home to a destroyed house. He has chewed out of 2 cages, destroyed the back door, and chewed holes in the fence... we named him Houdini. He just can't seem to handle being alone. I've tried doing it in small doses, was up to half an hour without destruction when I had no choice but to leave him longer... and then he regressed back to freaking as soon as we walked out the door.

    How do I end this anxiety?!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Time of year to plant blueberries?

    What time of year should I plant blueberry bushes? Also, is there anyone selling bushes in the Skagit County area? I prefer to support local farmers...

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Repel Cats, yet unoffensive to Dogs?

    I need something to keep the cats I am babysitting away from the doggie door. Is there some sort of spray that will do this? I have looked into the electronic doors, but they have bad reviews... saying they stop working withing a few hours!

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • Fine yesterday, yelping today?

    First... I am taking him to the vet as soon as I can get an appointment, I have already left a message with them requesting one.

    My 4 yr old Staffordshire terrier is very touch-sensitive around the hips and shoulders. We had evidence from his heritage when we got him that he was not supposed to be prone to hip displaisia. He is of an appropriate weight and has a moderate exercise level.

    Does this sound like arthritis? Or something else? How could he go from just fine yesterday to screaming at the barest touch today? He has never bit, but at this point I am afraid to let my children near him.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How many would support a pettition to cut the wages of congresspeople by $100K?

    Congress and Senate make $165000 a year. While not as obscene as some, these people are *supposed* to be public servants. Lets fix some of the budget problems by bringing them down to an upper middle class wage... maybe some of the crooks will quit and we'll get some honest people who just care about the country in!

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Don't necessarily solve, just help me figure out the right formula, please?

    A pro-shop in a bowling alley decreases the price of a bowling ball by 6% to a price of $89.30. What was the original price of the bowling ball?

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • How does photophosphorylation (cyclic and non-cyclic) tie in with the Calvin Cycle?

    anyone have any images? I'm a picture learner.

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Ewww, I'm worried.....?

    My daughter just drank a cup of milk that apparently she poured for herself this time yesterday... she said it tasted fins... how worried should I be?

    6 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago