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What is the real purpose of this box? There is no purpose....
Training Classes for my dog?
I think I will take my dog to Petsmart Training Classes. Does anyone know how the classes are? Do they actaully work? It's an 8 week progam and I talked to the guy that will be training my dog, he seemed very legit. My dog is 1 1/2 years old now, and needs training. Any information will be great! Thanks! God Bless
4 AnswersDogs1 decade agoParents on a cruise, VERY NERVOUS!?
My parents are celebrating they're anniversary on Carnival Ecstasy. I am SO scared that something bad will happen! I've been on a cruise before, but it's different with my parents being on one for some reason. I think it's because of the two recent ships having problems at sea?? Is there anyway for my parents to contact me? like thru internet? Or if I can contact them? They do have cell phones, but Oversea charges are INSANE! haha. Is there anyway I can get updates on the ship and see where it is?? Any help appreciated! Thanks y'all!
2 AnswersCruise Travel1 decade agoWill this save money and engery....?
I usually turn off my AC when no one is home. When we all get home, I turn it on. Will this even save money, when were not home, the house gets to around 80 degress, and turn it down to 74-76 at night, Will this save any money?
2 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade agoWhat are the best kind of shoes for me?
I think I've tried EVERYTHING! I can't seem to find some that make my feet feel comfortable. I have high arches, which when I stand, I put most weight on my heels. I've been to the doctor thinking I had heel spurs, I don't. She gave me a prescription Shoe Insole, it helps, but not very well. I like to jog, and I am on my feet MOST of my work day since I'm a Vet Technician. I've tried, Nike, Adidas, Asics, Reebok, umm, some others as well. Anything else I could try that would be good for standing and jogging?
3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoInvisible fences for dogs?
I am searching for really good invisible shock fences. I do have a few questions that I can't seem to find on the internet, so here they go:
First, I will be living in an apartment soon with my sister. I have a rat terrier mix (5yrs old). He came from an abusive family before me. He is scared of EVERYTHING! He is super Smart though! Ok, so the first question is: If I get a shock fence that doesnt need ANY digging up the ground, can I adjust the distance as to which my dog can go? Second, If i do give a shock fence a chance, like I said before, my dog is scared of anything that makes too much noice, sudden movements, etc...Ive trained him quite a bit to not be so scared, but I can seem to 'cure' him from everything....So, sice he's scared of everything, should I even try the shock collar/fence?? I'm worried that he may associate going outside with pain?? And, People, please don't post ANY rude remarks. I am a very good pet owner and I'm just trying to do what is best for my baby! Thanks again! God Bless!
5 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhen will I get my tax....?
return? i got my taxes done about 2 days before the due date. My sister, the day of, and she already got her return. Whats wrong?
2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade agoCan you get Swine Flu from.....?
eating something like pork? this is pretty scary. I've been reading about it. And they raised the level to 5. wow! So is it just transmited from person to person, and/or eating pigs as well? I've been vaccinated with the flu shot last November or so. Will this help me any?
8 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago1920's Flapper Party?
I am having my 21st Birthday party in a couple of weeks. i have a shirt thats so 1920's. but i dont have a skirt. ive been looking for some that i may be interested in, but i can't seem to find any. i need your help. :) so advice on the skirts, o, and shoes. i need shoes as well. thanx much.
1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoDave and Busters question?
so i want to know information about Dave and Buster's Restaurant. i know it's like a chuckie-chesses for adults. but i was just wondering, is there anything in the restaurant that is inappropriate or is it all just games and fun? i know the age limit. it's 19 and over. i'm 20. and the only reason why i am asking this is because, there will be a surprise party for my friend and his girlfriend is making the arrangements. if there are inappropriate things, i will not be going.
2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoWhat costs extra on cruises?
I'll be on Carnival Cruise Line in January. The two main things i want to know is, does the spa cost extra? AND, what about the gym, does that cost extra as well?
5 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade agoI don't know what to get him for Christmas....?
I'm not sure what to get my Boyfriend for Christmas. We've been dating for almost 5 months. I've never had to buy something for a guy before. I will def get him "The Dark Knight". but he told me he wanted that. i dont know what else to get him. i just need ideas. no clothes
6 AnswersChristmas1 decade agoI'm going on a Cruise?
i need information....
I'll be going on the cruise in Januray to Cozumel and Progresso. is it cold there that time of year, or can we still swim in the ocean?
There will be one formal Dinner. What do the girls have to wear?
thanx for all your help. if you have ANY more tips or anything, tell me. i've never been on one before, and im going wih a bunch of people. thanx again, God Bless <3
2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade agoHow long does it take to get your US passport?
i currently dont have a passport. and i want to book a cruise to the carribean and cozumel for January 2009. if i do a US passport thru mail, how long will it take? would it be better to go to the post office and do it in person? i need accurate information ASAP
Other - United States1 decade agoWhen does LOST start?!?
when does the new season start? i need my LOST fix BAD! lol
1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade agoWhy is there NO more Lex?
Why is it, on the new Series of Smallville there is no more Lex. I know there saying that they can't find hime, but he's no longer in the credits. why?
1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade agoWhats the best way to wash an expensive bra?
i figured hand washing it, but should i put it in the dryer? i've had other bras (expensive) that became lumpy and now i cant wear it. so what do you suggest?
14 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoDo you have a secret that you dont want to tell ANYONE?
i have something that im not proud of. i've prayed about it and its gotten better. i cannot tell my parents. but i really want to tell my friend. i'm 20 years old. and no, it's not about sex. i guess im just scared that my parents will find out. and i dont want that to happen. but its really bugging me, and i want to tell, but then i dont. what do i do? have you been in this situation before with a huge secret? what did you do?
6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoI'm really scared about the end times?
i do belive in the second coming of Christ. and lately i've been hearing on the news and on the radio that some liberals are trying to take away Christian Radio Stations. this to me is one of the signs of the end times, this, and the weather is also a big clue for me. but since i've heard about the christian radio stations and some other things about people of faith and whats happening to them; im scared. i ,know theres nothing i can do to change anything of whats going to happen, but im still really frightend. i'm praying about it and trying not to be scared. but i still am. are you scared about the end times? what do you do to help not be scared? if you dont belive in the end times, please dont even answer. thanx.
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat do you think of Obamas new U.S. seal?
this is absolutly crazy. this is just one other reason why i will NOT vote for him. he is so anti-america! he never wears a us flag, never salutes to the flag, and now he takes the US flag out of the seal! why would someone vote for someone like that? dont people not have American pride anymore? this is scary!
11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhat exactly is a mole?
why is there a higher chance of getting skin cancer from a mole? what exactly is it? are they almost the same thing as freckles? but freckles are "raised" off the skin.
3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago