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  • Can you roast Gnocchi?

    I've never tried gnocchi, but I do like inventing my own recipes. Does anyone know if you can roast gnocchi. I'd like to do it with, say, cherry tomatoes, onion, and a few other vegetables in perhaps wine or broth.

    Any ideas?


    9 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • I want to believe in God?

    But I really just can't. I don't know why. I hear all these people saying how awesome it is knowing Jesus, and I'd like to. I'm an atheist, and I really just can't figure out any logical reason why God should exist. Jesus sounds so neat, and I know he was a real person. I like his teachings, but I just don't want all the BS dogma baggage that many christians seem to haul around. Is there anyone else out there who feels this way?

    So far as Hell in concerned, I don't believe any loving God would create such a place, or send his creations there. If that is what God is like, I won't follow him regardless of where I end up. I don't care if he did create everything, if he sends his children to eternal torture, he's a Jerk.

    So, considering these opinions, is there any solution? I'm quite happy the way I am, Jesus just seems neat.

    58 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do we celebrate stupidity?

    Moreover, why do we hold educated people in such disdain?

    I'm english, but attend university in America, where being educated is something highly celebrated. Whenever I go home though, I can't help but notice that, although subtle, there is a constant expression from the media and people in general that being in university is not something all that greatly positive. I'm from a working-class council-estate single-parent family, and I honestly don't know too many middle-class people, but the ones I do know do revere higher education a lot more. But why do the general masses not?

    I hate to say that it's because ignorant idiots are what we can better relate to, but I'm running out of ideas here. I know this is't just me, I've spoken to other people, an American professor who lived in england for a short time included. He called it "towns vs. gowns."

    I don't expect people to jump for joy that I'm still in school, but I don't rexpect blatant hostillity either.


    12 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Swollen groin lymph node?

    OK, three days ago I woke up feeling nauseous. The top of my right leg had been aching all day, and laying down that evening I felt and realised there was a tennis-ball size lump there, more oval shaped though. I know there are lymph nodes there and I'm sure it's one of them. Next day I had a fever (I have no surface infections) and it was pretty painful. Yesterday I went shopping for hours and was in incredible pain all evening, couldn't walk, bend my leg, or sit up. I feel alright but it's the lymph node itself hurting like hell. Today it's the same, very painful and making me feel like crap.

    I am trying to look up a specialist to see for it, but I have NO IDEA of who to go to for it? or if I should just leave it. I'm afraid it will burst or something. I don't have a GP but I do have health insurance.

    Or should I just go to the ER now?

    I don't know what to do or where to go or what's causing it. Any input would be great.

    No sarcastic or BS comments, please! This is a serious question

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Natural Process Variation?

    Could anyone explain natural rocess variation to me? I tried wiki but it didn't seem to click at all.


    3 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Studio Lighting for a Complete Newbie?


    I make small sculptures, around 6-15" high. They take a very long time to do, but unlike my paintings I find it hard to put them on my websites. My photography is downright shameful! I am absolutly clueless when it comes to setting up lights. I have resorted to photographing pieces outside and letting the sun do the work for me, but this is highly unpredictable, and I often have to wait days for good weather conditions.

    So my question is where do I start with studio lighting? All I have right now is a desk lamp with a 75w "clear light" tungsten bulb! I cannot afford much, but I have another desklamp I could dig up, and I can probably afford another kind of light. I've found all sorts of information about soft and hard light, and diffusers and reflectors, and my head is swimming!

    Could any photography pros help me out? Just an overview of what I should get, or a good small-scale setup? Any help at all will be greatly appriciated!


    6 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Blood and Rust?

    Why does rust smell like blood? Is it something to do with hemoglobin? Or are they unrelated?


    5 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • What do you think about Furries?

    I think to each their own, but furries (hard to define in the limited space I have here. Some believe they have the soul of an animal, while others have an animal persona, or "fursona" which they communicate through by art, writing, and roleplaying, while some are just fans of anthropomorphisized animals- such as disney characters and mascots.) are a growing sub-culture who are starting to get mainstream attention. It's certainly difficult to spend time on the internet without running into furries (or at least furry artwork). Most furries are average people who have jobs or go to school, they include all nationalities, cultures, religions, sexualities, and opinions.

    Some of them have sexual fetishes relating only to the furry fandom, which seem quite bizarre to outsiders, leading many people to swear them all off.

    My question is simply out of pure curiosity to hear what other people think of the furry fandom. I'm not interested in judgement of their lifestyles at all! This is social

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What shall I have for dinner tonight?

    I'm a vegan, so it must be totally animal-free! Perhaps soup or vegetables stuffed into vegetables!

    Anyone have any neat recipe suggestions? :)


    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Clownfish death?

    I've spent the past few months setting up a new 20 gallon saltwater tank. I thought I'd done everything right. I measured the specific gravity every few days, kept the temperature right, took regular Ph, nitrate, nitride and ammonia tests. I added live sand first, ages ago now, and let it run for a few weeks with just that. Then I started adding liverock, about 10lbs of it. I let it run with that for about three weeks, doing regular tests to make sure everything was in order. Feather dusters sprouted out pretty soon, along with other random tiny living things. I thought it was safe to add a fish, a hardy one, to help. I picked out a healthy-looking tank-bred Ocellaris clownfish, yesterday. Today I came home and couldn't see him. After searching I found him, dead, in a gap in the rocks. There are no traces of harm on him, he looked healthy. I had noticed some Aiptasia, two of them to the best of my knowledge, and I removed them at once. Why did he die? :(

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • My foot got cat-mauled?

    On wednesday I accidently shut my cat's tail in the door, as I fumbled to open it he tore the crap out of my right foot. It has 16 puncture wounds, mainly on the back where he grabbed it to try to pull himself forward, and several scratches on the front. He'd just been outside, so his claws were probably dirty.

    So the long and short of it is that two of the worst puncture wounds around the ankle are swollen, very very tender, red, hot, and leaking pus. The fot hurts to walk on too, and I can't sleep well.

    Should I go to a doctor? Or just keep rubbing antiseptic on it? I feel pretty stupid going in for what look like small cat claw wounds, but it hurts like hell.

    11 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Who is "Jude"?

    In the Beatles song "Hey Jude" who is Jude? Is he a real person?

    10 AnswersMusic2 decades ago