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I like the possibility to get in touch with people just by pressing a button. Yahoo answers is great, to know that generous good people are ready to share their knowledge and experiences makes me feel very emotional. Together we can all help each other and make this world a bit better.

  • maths questions pleaseee help?

    solve 7(x+2)=7

    simplify a4xa5

    simplify 45e6 f8/ 5ef2

    write down the value of 9 1/2

    write 0.000376 in standard form

    write 8.2x105 as an ordinary number

    please show the working out for all

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • please help maths question!!!!!!!?

    how do you simplify 5x + 4y + x -7y please show the working out

    and solve 7(x+2)=6 show the working out

    thankyou in advance

    7 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • ¿cuanto tarda un abogado para hacer una division de inmueble?

    Hace mas de 1 anio que fallecio mi padre. Nos dejo a mi y a mis hermanas unos 3 departamentos. queremos dividirlos legalmente pero el Abogado despues de 1 anio ni siquiera ha empezado el tramite, siempre tiene una excusa, primero estuvo resfriado, luego falta de tiempo etc ahora dice que hay que pagar por adelantado sino no se puede empezar, ustedes que creen? me esta tomando el pelo? cuanto tarda una division de inmueble?

    3 AnswersLeyes y Ética7 years ago
  • Why mi pretty niece gets less likes in fc whereas her ugly friend gets lots?

    My niece is pretty, brown hair, sensible, friendly, good hearted and does not get much likes when she post her photos in facebook. Her friend is ugly, dark hair, short legs, never says thanks to the hundreds of likes she gets for her photos in facebook, she is from Ecuador and i wonder if this ios the reason why she gets hundreds of likes, don't you think people feel sorry for her? it is frustrating dfor my niece, I knoe tastes are individual but there is a huge difference why this happen is it to do with popularity in school? my niece says this girl kisses and hugs all boys.

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Why my beautiful niece doesn't get as much "likes" in facebook as her ugly friend?

    it's true, my niece is pretty, intelligent, good hearted, friendly and everytime puts a picture of herself on facebook does not get as much likes as her friend who is same age, ugly, short legs, black hair and eyes, and from Ecuador. I wonder if she gets many likes because comes from a poor country? this girl from Ecuador does not even thanks anyone whereas my daughter does. Is it that being selfish and mean pays more? please help me to understand and don't take me wrong I have nothing against the ugly girl is just that I don't know why this things happen.

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • How can i go back to my yahoo e-mail page?

    I am not happy with the new version of e-mail page it's confusing and I feel like an alien dealing for first time with computers. How can I go back to the classic older version of yahoo e-mail page? thanks for answers

    2 AnswersPassword and Sign In8 years ago
  • What can i do with regard to a solicitor who I gave power of attorney and dissappeared?

    I gave my solicitor abroad power of Attorney to divide an inheritance between me and my sisters since i cannot travel to my country. This Solicitor was very keen in helping me but all of a sudden stopped writing me and despite several e-mails he has no replied. he vanished. What can i do?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • ¿Como hago para ir a Argentina a reclamar la parte de herencia que me corresponde?

    Desde que fallecio mi mama mis hermanas no han querido saber nada de darme la parte de herencia que me corresponde. Dicen que si la quiero que me vuelva a Argentina. Yo encontre un Abogado en Argentina que dijo me iba a ayudar a hacer una division legal entre yo y mis hermanas hasta le mande un Poder pero de un dia para el otro se volatilizo. No ha hecho nada y tampoco me ha dado una explicacion de porque largo mi caso. Ese abogado era el unico en quien confiaba y ahora no se que voy a hacer. No puedo ir a Argentina y no se como hacer para conseguir otro abogado bueno y en el cual pueda depositar mi confianza. ademas me da miedo ir a argentina porque mis hermanas me han dicho que en sus casa no puedo estar y me da miedo ir a un hotel porque me pueden robar o matar estoy muy mal y es injusto que mis hermanas no me quieran dar lo que me corresponde, que hago?

    2 AnswersLeyes y Ética8 years ago
  • what can i answer to a rude person?

    I did write in my home page that my male friend is very pretty, almost perfect and that i would allow him watch movies in my room with me. it was all innocent but another guy put a comment in facebook to my male friend: "get in there, Rob". This means that he advises my male friend to have sex with me this is horrible and i am ashamed should i reply to him and say how rude he is or better keep silent? thanks for advice.

    10 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • Do you think the Nasal Air Filter for hay fever is safe to use?

    I suffer from hay fever. I have just read you can buy Nasal Air filters to protect small particles of pollen getting into your nose. It sounds good. But I don't know why my GP never advised me about it actually none of the hay fever websites recommend the use of nasal filters. Is it anything wrong? I understand filters can get blogged but you can just clean it or replace it so why they are not more publicised? if anyone of you knows anything please reply to me. Thanks very much.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • ¿que pasa con mi relacion con Virgo?

    Segun la Astrologia Capricornio y virgo se llevan muy bien. Sin embargo mi novio, Virgo, es bastante extranio, alterna momentos de gran ternura a otros de una indiferencia que me deja insegura y me hace dudar de su amor. Si le pregunto me contesta que el no ha cambiado pero que tiene mucho trabajo o mantiene con preocupaciones. Si quiero hiur de la relacion el me busca y por unos dias es encantador lleno de atenciones y ternura despues vuelve a ser la persona fria e indiferente a todo, Que hago lo dejo de una vez por todas? Gracias por contestar.

    1 AnswerHoróscopos8 years ago
  • Does Capricorn woman and Virgo man suit to each other?

    Do you think this is a match likely to succeed? thanks for answers

    2 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • ¿La mujer de Capricornio se lleva bien con un hombre de Virgo?

    Por favor si alguien me puede dar una respuesta. Gracias!

    3 AnswersHoróscopos8 years ago
  • Why do you have to wear Retainers after the Braces?

    I have to wear braces for 2 years, after that a retainer for another year. However the Dentist said that if I do not wear the retainer the teeth will go back to their original form before putting the braces on. Sometimes you need to continue using the retainer for all your life. I wonder if it is better to leave mu teeth the way they are. Are they worth it?

    5 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • Hey! I need an answer for this movie question Thanks xo?

    There's this movie which i watched once but i forgot the name of it i will explain it and if you know PLEASE tell me the name of the movie thanks x

    It's about a girl (who looks very much like MEAGHAN JETTE it might be her) who talks to this boy on her phone and laptop but every time he chnages his age and says he's a bit older each time.They decide to meet up and when she sees him she cries because she see's he's to old. He then abuses her and her parents try to find out who that man is this is a school project about cyberbullying so i have to know the title many thanks xo

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • can you answer this math question for me?

    look at these number cards: +3 0 -5 +9 +2 -8 +7 -2

    now choose a card to give the answer 4. +2 + -5 + =4

    choose a card to give the lowest possible answer.

    fill in the card below and work out the answer

    -2 + -8=

    I need to know what is the procedure tom reach your results, please do not give me just answers but show me what do you do to get the results. Thanks

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • what is the result for these math questions?

    add two point five to three quarters

    I think of a number "n" I square my number and then add four, write an expression to show the result

    thanks for answers

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago