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Is it normal to be this sad?
My boyfriend of a little under a year and i just broke up about 3 weeks ago. I initially ended things with him because i got weird anxiety around him. We got back together for a day then he broke up with me. the day we were back together. we got a long great and had sex multiple times. we were each others first and we only did it because we got along so well and genuinely thought we were gonna marry each other. now he will text me inviting me over and we will hang out but it inevitably leads to us hooking up. then he texted me a week ago saying we should only hangout in an open setting so we arent tempted.. well i offered suggestions and he basically said he didnt want anything to do with me. in our whole relationship we rarely got in arguments. and would spend all weekend together just playing video games and talking. hes my best friend and i feel like i need him as a friend. i could barely eat this past week cause i just feel so heart broken. i feel like i need him back but i dont know how i could possibly get him back. i physically feel sick. i know im still in love with him and i feel like by having sex with him outside of our relationship made him lose all respect for me.
does anyone have any guess as to what he is probably thinking?
does anyone know how to maybe get him back at least as a friend?
or does anyone know how i can stop being so sad and like regain appetite and not cry 6hrs a day?
sorry im sad and pathetic
thank ya
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoDoes my uterus control the weather?
I am not quite sure if that is possible, but there was a small tornado inside my uterus this morning and there was also a tornado outside my school this morning.
1 AnswerWeather7 years agoWhat type of precedure could I have if I still want to have kids?
I'm 16 years old and have been bleeding for three months. It is extremely heavy and I have been to a gynecologist who just keeps giving me different birth controls. I get frustrated when that happens because clearly birth control isn't doing the trick. An example of my heavy flow is I have to wear a tampon and two pads to bed and will wake up a few hours later in a pile of blood. I just need something done because clearly the prescription drugs aren't helping. I want perhaps a slight operation but most risk fertility and I can't make decisions like that yet. Please give suggestions.
2 AnswersAdolescent8 years agoAre there any options I can do for my period?
I've been on my period for three months straight now and I don't know what to do. I've been on birthcontrol for a while because of how awful my periods are but that hasn't helped. I just turned 16 so I don't want to consider anything to prevent me from having children. I went to the ob/gyn today and all she did was prescribe another birth control. She told me that was my only option, but I can't even begin to describe how terrible this has been for me. When my flow is extremely heavy (about every four days) I get really dizzy and often throw up. I also am extremely emotional and heard to deal with. My cramps cause my whole body to shake and I lose so Much blood I'm literally shaking and feel like I'm about to pass out.
I'm so dissapointed the only thing the ob/gyn did was switch birth controls because I know that's not go an help. I'm miserable please tell me some options for me to consider. Thanks!
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoWhat should my daughters punishment be?
She is a sophomore in highschool. We were on a family vacation in Mexico (where the drinking age is 18). She igot drunk while hanging out with a 20year old guy. She lied about her age too. Then she was corralled back into the room and lied about where she was sleeping so she can sneak back out which she did and hung out with the guys. The next night she snuck out and got extremely blacked out drunk. Her age was revealed that she was 15 and she started dropping the fuc word in the lobby. Then the older sister went to get her and she punched her in the face all while screaming and crying profusely. Then I (the father) and my son went and got her. She went to the room saying the f word at top volume. Then she attacked my son and cut him in three spots after punching at his balls. The hotel staff and everyone on the fifth floor came out to see what was wrong. It was unbelievable she didn't go to jail. Then she would only get quiet when we left her alone so we did and she lied and went back down stairs. She then screamed at my wife the f word and attacked her. After that, she decided to scream the f word louder and louder when my wife asked to be quiet. Finally, she passed out and puked all over the couch which we had to clean and scrub. Please think of something clever and harsh. Oh and my wife got two hours of sleep babysitting her and cleaning her puke and she caused an argument between my wife and me.
12 AnswersParenting8 years agois it bad to drink cooking rum? what could you use as a mixer?
it has about 40proof and its pretty much rum and corn syrup but what would you mix it with? and is that healthy? my patient and i were in a debate and we couldnt find much so we are asking yahoo answer....
1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits9 years agoFather's Day golf gift for my dad....?
My dad and I were walking my dog one night, and he saw people golfing in the dark. They were chipping and putting using light-up balls and a light was attached the flag on the hole. My dad who legit LOVES golf was fascinated and watched them for about an hour. He could not stop talking about it. I thought that would be the perfect father's day gift. IF YOU KNOW OF SOMETHING SIMILAR TO THIS PLEASE HELP((:
5 AnswersGolf9 years agosore legs and cheer tryouts....?
my legs are really sore from jumping and i really dont know why because i really dont get sore and ive ran 14 miles without stopping.... ANYWAY,, i am stiff and sore which is awful because cheer tryouts are tomorrow and how am i supposed to do my jumps well when im so sor?....
3 AnswersVolleyball9 years agoAny ideas for a boat?
My family of four is looking for a relatively small, affordable boat. We are specifically looking at Yamaha because we have had much success with one in the past. I am also not a huge fan of seadoo.
Descriptions of the boat I would love
-holds about four passengers
-easily accessible
-goes about 50mph
-able to tube off of it
I really couldn't find much online. Please help!
1 AnswerBoats & Boating9 years agoHelp! I cant find the permit test online....?
I'm like legit an idiot and cannot find the FLORIDA permit test online. I found the handbook and am currently reading it, but I would like to start the four hour drug and alcohol test now because that is the one you don't really need to study for.
I am turning 15th this friday (18th) and thank-you sooo much!
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation9 years agoI am FORCED to be FOR internet censorship in a debate....?
how should i rebuke that it isnt turning into communism.....
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoInternet Censorship Debate...?
I have to be FOR internet censorship.... anywhere from piracy to child porn there was no specifics...
is there anyway i can use the constitution in my arguement??
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoDoes anyone know funny songs like this?
Its like a poem song thing they're really funny
here is an example but i would like to know more lolol
boys are cheats and liars, they are a big disgrace.
they will tell you anything to get to second
baseball baseball they think they're gonna score
if you let em go all the way, then you are a
horticulturists study plants, geologists study rocks.
all guys really want from you is a place to put their
cockroaches, beatles, butterflies and bugs;
what they'd really like to see is a pair of great big
jugglers, acrobats and a dancing bear named "chuck"
all boys really want to do is --
forget it no such luck!
1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop9 years agoAny tips before getting cartilage pierced?
Im getting my cartilage pierced, and I am extremely nervous any tips? THANKS
3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years agoIdeas for a graduation present?
My very best friend is graduating high school. I am a year younger than her. I want to make her something involving pictures and maybe quotes or something...
We have TONS of photos together.....
I was hoping for something framed with like 5ish photos and room for quotes or something i could like decorate
please post links of pictures of your ideas if you have any haha
1 AnswerOther - Holidays9 years agoShould my daughter take ADHD/ADD medications?
My daughter is turning 15 next month, and was recently diagnosed with severe ADHD. It did not come as a surprise to me or her friends because she is very hyper, doesn't sit still, and has much trouble paying attention. She is naturally very smart. She started high school this year and has had much more work than before. She tries really hard to get good grades and is in all honors classes. However, she must re-teach herself after school precious lessons, because she cannot sit still. She is struggling greatly and often takes her anger out on me. She cannot sleep well because she simply won't try to fall asleep in bed she doesn't even need an alarm clock because she does not like being in bed whether morning or night.
The reason I do not want to put her on medicine, like the Dr. suggested, is because I know someone who lost their personalty on medications. And, I just dont want that to happen to my daughter. She was voted Most Humours. She is a crazy individual! I love her so much and want the best for her!
Please show pros/cons of putting her on ____________ (medication).
5 AnswersMental Health9 years agofasion help! tank top...?
Will someone please post a link to where i can find this type of tank top?
They're like baggy and bright colored and usually have like large font/writing.. idk what they're called but they're not like normal tanktops.. they're soo cute!
my friend has one that says:
(letters dont fit ahha)
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years agoWhat's your opinion on my daughter getting a tattoo?
My daughter is turning 15 in May and wants more than anything a tattoo of a foot print on the bottom of her foot. She is very funny and outgoing like that. She received "Most Humorous" for superlatives last year. It is something completely like her to get. There are three reasons I am considering it.
The main reason is it would be on the bottom of her foot so even if 20 years from now she doesn't want it, it doesn't matter because it's on the bottom of her foot. It would be easy to cover up.
The second reason is she has wanted this for over two years, and her mind hasn't changed.
The third reason is her sister got her belly button pierced after forever begging us and Katie can't get her belly button pierced ever because of surgery.
Sorry this is so long,, please tell me your opinion((:
9 AnswersTattoos9 years agoWill this negatively effect my GPA?
I got a "B" in the second quarter for Pre-Calculus (my first B), but I got an "A" in the first quarter and an "A" on the exam making my semester grade a 92%. Do quarter grades effect GPA or just semester grades?
1 AnswerOther - Education9 years agoanyone know this type of bikish thing?
i saw these elderly folkes with these on the trail.. okay so let me describe one:
you stand on it
im pretty sure it has three wheel
it looks like two razor scooters put together with bike handles
and you kick off then lean side to side to go faster and make turns
i tried googling to find it out but got no where
3 AnswersCycling10 years ago