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  • I got Rocksmith 2014. Should I learn bass or Guitar first?

    Here is the thing. I don't exactly KNOW what I like. I have been listening to a LOT of Post Rock like Collapse under the Empire and pg.lost etc and I love that stuff, I LOVE Power metal, the guitars and lyrics and stuff and even though I could never possibly sing I wish I could sing stuff like Gloryhammer's Rise of the Chaos Wizards.

    Guitar Riffs, Bass lines, Classical Music scores, Explosive Drums! I love everything about music. I love every facet of what makes sound sound and nothing gets to me more than a strong Pounding Bass that shakes your entire body when I listen to music!

    I...simply don;t know what to start on. I want to learn both eventually but..AHH...Why can't they make a instrument that does both at the same time lol.

    What should I start with, for someone who loves it all so much they simply cannot decide lol. That Shake and pound your soul to the earth bass or the screeching epic guitar that leaves you quivering in excitement?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop5 years ago
  • D&D 3.5 - Does Haunting Melody Demoralize?

    Does Haunting Melody from Heroes of Horror on page 123 Count as Demoralizing the enemy for the purpose of the Feat Imperious Command from the Drow of the undead book on page 50?

    So If I use haunting melody on enemies and "shaken" a few of them. Does that mean that Imperious command takes over and makes them flee and shakes them again for the following round?


    Does shaken enemies multiple times bump up the shaken to frightened?

    Both instances are causing shaken, so if they are shaken again do they go to frightened as well?

    2 AnswersBoard Games6 years ago
  • Would you donate to science?

    This is the Planetary Societies kickstarter for crowdfunding their Light Sail Project! Its really amazing!

    Planetary society is the worlds largest non government space exploration and research agency which is CEO'd by Bill Nye and has many cool members like the Neil Degrass Tyson who did the newest version of Cosmos.

    So, after checking it out, would you donate to such a thing? Even if it was just $1.00?

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space6 years ago
  • T.V HDMI Cable Problems.?

    I do not know what is going wrong, but here is everything that is wrong, and I don't know what happened to mess everything up.

    Here is everything wrong in order of whats wrong.

    1. HDMI is plugged in to both computer and T.V and Icons on screen enlarge by what appears to be 1/2 their size, plus, no picture OR sound will travel to the t.v AND when it is plugged in, it automatically goes to the Duplicate settings under project settings when I highlight the right side of my desktop top get to it.

    2. When I unplug the HDMI, it automatically returns to This screen only.

    3. When I try and set the screen from duplicate to this screen only, It goes black, no sound or picture available in either my T.V or computer ever, until I plug it back in. The only way to fix anything to restore it is to system restore and I have done that twice already.

    WTF IS WRONG?! I have never had this problem before.

    Not only is for some reason my HDMI not working at all on my T.V, but it automatically switches to duplicate when plugged in, and if plugged in and I try to set it to PC Screen only under devices / Project when highlighting the right side of the desktop that makes it show up, Nothing works....ever.

    What the hell is going on? Please help me!

    2 AnswersSoftware6 years ago
  • Pokemon- What people won't trade for a weedle!?

    Is there anything that people will not trade for a weedle? I have traded something close to about 60 Weedle now, I am a Weedle breedle btw, and I have traded for nearely everything that is NOT a legandary! Starters! Full evolutions of pokemon and the middle ones, rare pokemon you can only get once in a game. The only thing I have not tried for yet is legandaries and I think tonight I will put a weedle up for trade for a Jirachi!

    Is there really anything people won't trade for this little guy? I mean seriously lol!

    Most of the trades come from Japan.

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation6 years ago
  • Here is a question to all Christians and theists alike.?

    Here is a scenario for you. A "what if" scenario. Just play along OK?

    OK! so we all know that Atheists are the second most hated group of people in not only America but in the world. This is true from current polls all over the world. Atheists are hated more the Islam, more then Westboro Baptist Church, more then Hitler or any famous hated person in history.

    SO! Let's say that here in America! We have come down to to people for who is going to be the president of the United States.

    There are no other possible options to vote for and you can only vote for these two.

    Guy 1: Is an Atheist. He is a white man of 70 years old and has 30 years of experience in the government. 10 years in the military and is highly charismatic. He has never committed a crime or done drugs ( that history records or looking at him can show ) and has a lot of really good plans to improve social services to people, lower taxes for everyone and many other really good plans. Including on cutting the dreadful and complete fail of the war on drugs that has lost so much money and to devote a lot of that lost money to schools etc.

    Guy # 2: HE is a WHITE CHRISTIAN!

    However He says his first action in the white house is to launch nukes at Russia, China and Islamics. But he is a Christian. Who do you Vote for? His political plans is to use our nukes to wipe out "GODS ENEMIES".

    So! Who do you vote for? The Atheist or the guy who wants to Launch nukes at about 70% of the world?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Help me with making this Sauce.?

    This is the so called "list of ingredients" for Subways Southwest Chipotle.

    | Soybean oil, water, chipotle sauce (chipotle pepper, water, vinegar, salt,

    sugar, dehydrated onion), buttermilk (cultured skim milk and milk, sodium citrate, salt), vinegar, liquid

    egg yolks, skim milk powder, salt, modified corn starch, sugar, dehydrated onion, phosphoric acid,

    xanthan gum, dehydrated garlic, dry yeast (torula), autolyzed yeast extract, lactic acid, sodium

    benzoate (a preservative), potassium sorbate (a preservative), dehydrated parsley, polysorbate 60,

    disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate, extractive of paprika, natural flavour, sucralose, calcium

    disodium EDTA (to protect flavor). Contains eggs and milk. |

    I found one recipe online, but too many people reviewed it as not tasting anything like the original and more like flavored mayo.

    So what do? I wanna make my own at home but I need to know how I can possibly take this list here and maybe what that other recipe has and make the actual thing somehow.

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • adding fruit to cheesecake?

    I want to try something, but I want to make sure I am not making a mistake lol.

    I am making a Amaretto cheesecake and I am thinking of adding blueberries to the batter and tossing it into the oven. (then BB topping on top.

    I am worried it will make too much of a gooey mess to use fresh blueberries on the inside is all.

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink7 years ago
  • strange feeling in chest and face when eating certain food.?

    I am not allergic and I havent gotten this since I was a child eating the schools soggy lard french fries as a child. But when eating certain food. I have a slight difficulty time swallowing, My chest tightens and my face does too and my face gets warmer.

    Whats the deal yo? I aint chocking on it and my heart feels ok. My blood pressure and weight is always perfect "30 inches waist".

    So what is going on here? Why do I take a bit of burger and feel my chest and face tighen like that?

    1 AnswerMedicine7 years ago
  • Help! my Cayenne pepper plant is broken!?

    I hit it with the hose and it snapped clean in half. How do I fix it? I stuck it into the moist ground. Hoping to keep the top half alive.

    It does not have fruit at all yet. Its still a 1 ft tall baby and had a single flower on it.

    What do I do to keep it going outside?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • Having hdmi problems?

    When I plug in my hdmi from computer to T.V. My Computer screen goes black and wont return to normal. What do I do to fix this?

    1 AnswerXbox7 years ago
  • Goat Simulator Goat Vs Superman?

    Lets break down what they both can do and what they are at their core. I will be using vanilla Superman for this OK?



    Super Strength

    Super Speed

    Laser eyes

    Lets forget freeze breathe since some vanilla mans used it and others do not. Its just too inconsistent for his line to be called one of his vanilla powers.

    Immune to pressure

    Does not need to breathe

    Weaknesses: Kryptonite and Magic

    Goat Simulator goat:


    Increased Strength - Rifts RPG would refer to this as Unnatural physical strength or something like.

    Average speed / a bit faster than your normal goat

    Stretch Tongue that has Super Strength - The goats Tongue is where his super strength really is and it can stretch forever without stop or very much resistance.

    Does not need to breathe

    Rag doll Reality - The goat has the ability to alter the way his body reacts with the natural world around him. This allows him to change how his body reacts to the normal physics of the universe and allow him to enter a rag doll like state where his body will follow more rag doll like physics in an otherwise normal universe. This allows him to do incredible feats of agility and acrobatics that Superman probably could not bend or shape himself to be able to do.

    Weaknesses: Unknown - It is unknown as to What (if anything) the goat is weak to or can be harmed by. He is so far a total mystery.

    So who wins?

    2 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago
  • Humans will become like god?

    In 50-70 years or so. We will have the ability to transfer our consciousness to computers or a computer like device. This will most likely be one of the first quantam computers or something inbetween that and what we have now.

    By that time, The Internet will have become Omnipresent in the world. Already, the Internet is semi omnipresent in our world. Its almost everywhere and will quickly become part of everything. Security cameras around the world connected to an electrical system can easily be tapped into. I have seen apps and websites that demonstrate this.

    Fast forward and soon we discover that everything is controlled, manipulated or influenced by the net.

    so if our consciousness is uploaded to this omnipotent and omnipresent cloud 5.0 or what have you.

    Does that not mean we become god? Every aspect of the entire world is connected, controlled or influenced by the internet and its omnipresent at the time this happens?

    The humans connected to it are then Omnipresent and omnipotent.

    There for it is by my theory based on this evidence that one day we will become GOD.

    cool huh?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If you were the size of godzilla..?

    I always see in t.v shows and movies where stuff the size of buildings can knock them down without getting hurt. Not only that but these buildings seem to fall really easily or explode or whatever.

    Question is....

    How easy would it be to actually destroy cities and buildings if you were the size of godzilla? Would you get hurt from the glass and stone and metal? Or would it just tip over like nothing?

    How hard would you have to kick something to make it fall down?

    3 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago
  • Is it a social stigma to complement a guy on how hot their girlfriend is?

    Not like I have done it before. Its a social norm as far as I am concerned. A guy was sitting in class and came in with his girlfriend together. Both taking the same class together which is normal I suppose. Made sure she could not hear at one point during class as during that time we both had already talked a bit and was feeling comfortable with this guy.

    I am a Empath and feeling peoples emotions as physical energy is something I am quite good at by nature itself.

    So all I said was hey man, your girlfriends kinda hot and before I could even throw in the I am jealous or a congrats man or anything. (also said it jokingly in a friendly manner and not a sarcastic one)

    BOOM! 30 pounds heavier on my shoulders and it felt like someone was cramming a icyhot pack down by chest.

    he was FURIOUS with me?!

    If this wasn't class or nothing he may had actually hit me...why?

    If I had a cute girlfriend I would feel pretty damned proud that other guys thought so especially if they were jealous!

    He basically told me you don't do that and after apologizing twice he basically just told me to just go sit down...

    Never felt so awkward or uncomfortable ever. I have never in my life received that kind of an angry response to a compliment or any comment in my life. If you knew what life is like for an Empath like me and where I can "literally" feel physical pressure from the emotions of others I was quite terrified of him at that point.

    Did I cross a line?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago