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Favorite Answers43%
  • Adblock plus blocks answering a question?

    Why is it that when Adblock Plus is activated i can't answer a question on Yahoo Answers but when it's de-activated/switched of i can answer a question

    Hope that the above makes some sense

    4 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • Yahoo answer box is not working?

    Is it just me or is anyone else on here have problems posting an answer and it just wont post

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Old Roman coin or is it a fake ?

    I have what i "think"is an old Roman coin and this coin came from a charity shop here in the UK which was mixed in with a load of other coins.

    Now i am not an expert in this field so any advice given here is appreiated.

    The coin in question is in the link below and my coin does look the same as the one in the link.

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Would this be a Starling or possibly another bird?

    This may read like a stupid question but would a starling or possibly another bird sing it's head of(so to speak) from the early hours of the morning from about onwards.

    For about 2 weeks now i have been listening to this bird singing from the above time and thought to myself that i have never heard a bird at that time at night/morning but it does sound more like a starling than any other bird

    So can anyone here perhaps shed some light on this

    I am in the Uk

    Many thanks

    Silver (Fan of wildlife)

    1 AnswerBirds7 years ago
  • The nurse found it difficult to take blood?

    I went to my local nurse today to have my Blood pressure taken and then blood taken also(i go once a year)This time the nurse found it difficult to get blood from my left arm so she tried with the right arm and after 2 attemps she then managed to take the blood.

    Normally there is never any problems with my blood being taken so is it normal for the nurse to have to change arms after a few attempts with the other arm.

    Many thanks for any replys

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Old coin and very thin?

    Old coin and very thin?

    I have an old coin which is no bigger than your small finger nail and has 2 holes oppisite each other on this coin and from what i can make out the words around the coin are as follows...


    Neither can i see a date on this coin and the coin is very thin indeed and with the bust of a males head and on the reverse is the same lettering as on the front but in mirrored writing if that makes any sense.

    Size of the coin is 10 mm in diametre

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • Block an e-mail from someone?

    I have Yahoo e- mail and i would like to ask here if i could block/stop a particular person from e-mailing myself if thats possible?

    Many thanks for any replys

    2 AnswersAbuse and Spam8 years ago
  • Philippines modern uncirculated type set coins?

    I have had the coins above in the descripton for a while now and was wondering if they are worth anything?

    There are 5 coins in total in a plastic casing thet opens out and the coins are dated in this order................. 1964... 1966... 1966... 1964... 1963

    In order and under each coin on the case it says this.. 50 Centavos

    25 Centavos

    10 Centavos

    5 Centavos

    3 Centavos

    I am asking out of interest and what they may be worth if anything ?

    Many thanks for any replys

    2 AnswersPhilippines8 years ago
  • yahoo profile pics in black and white?

    Within the last 4/5days on here i have noticed that 90% of profile pictures have turned to black and white but mine has stayed as normal.

    Seems a bit strange i thought so has anyone else noticed this or is it my laptop?

    Many thanks

    2 AnswersUser Profiles8 years ago
  • Ghost/Demon/not to sure?

    In the 80s i used to live in a house that had something there and this is the story...

    (1) I live in the UK and my wife and I moved house with our 3 children and our dog and all seemed to be good in our house but as time went by we started to hear noises in the house but only at night time.

    Examples being...(The toilet would flush on its own...outside the bedroom door at night we could here strange language between 2/3 people but not a language i have ever heard before)

    (2) In the kitchen downstairs while in bed we could hear kitchen cupboards and drawers opening on there own.

    (3) At Christmas time the tree lights would just turn off on there own

    (4) In our bedroom we had a walk in wardrobe and while in bed we could here the hangers in there rattle on there own through the night and upon inspection in the morning my wifes clothing would be on the wardrobe floor and mine would still be on the hangers.

    (5) Through the night my wife got slapped across the face and the handmark was still visible in the morning....... (No it wasnt me)

    (6) Quite often through the night while asleep (what felt like a finger prodding me on the shoulder whispering my name to me)

    (7) Strange unrecognisable(may have spelt it wrong) writing on the bathroom window ledge.

    (8) My son got lifted out of his bed and thrown against the bedroom wall...(nothing ever happened to our other 2 children)

    (9) Back to the wardrobe again...a strange smell like (rotting flesh) would come from there from time to time so i lifted up the floorboards in there and nothing was to be seen/found.

    (10) I dont know if this has any relevance to the above but while living there our dog became ill and had to be put to sleep but night after night we could still hear him running up and down the hallway at nightime


    All the above is true and my wife and I seperated some years later and went on our seperate ways.

    To this day i often wonder if what happened there is still happening now.

    Well i happened to be near to where i once lived there and a lady was in the garden with her children and we got chatting and i said i used to live here thinking she may have mentioned something about the strange happenings in that place but no she never said anything and i didnt mention anything to her either.

    So was it just us this ghost/demon was picking on or could it be still in that place?

    Thanks for reading


    10 AnswersParanormal Phenomena9 years ago
  • Neck of lamb after (Spring)?

    Here in the UK for some un-known reason you can only buy (Neck Of Lamb) in the spring months which i know does make sense as lambs are born in the spring... so why are (Legs Of Lamb) available all year round ...(12 months of the year) and Neck Of Lamb is not?

    I asked this question once before and i am not to sure if anyone understood what i was trying to say so if you can answer i would be most grateful for any answer/s

    (By the way its not a riddle)

    Many thanks


    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Neck of lamb/Leg of lamb?

    Can someone please explain why (Neck of lamb) is only available at spring time and (Leg of Lamb) is available all year round.

    I do realise it seems a strange question to ask but does the above make sense?

    Many thanks for any replys...

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Google Chrome not responding?

    Google Chrome is lagging for me and often get the message...(Chrome not responding) and it then takes ages to get Google up and running again.

    Or going through web pages can take what seems a life time.

    Any help would be appreciated

    I have Windows Vista Home Addition and all security is up to date.

    Many thanks

    3 AnswersGoogle9 years ago
  • AVG re-installed again?

    I have just re installed (A.V.G) after the 30 day trial expired but now there are no (tick indicators at the end of the web-links like there was previously to indicate that a site was safe to click on or not.

    Any help would be appreciated...

    Many thanks

    1 AnswerScanners9 years ago
  • Yahoo mail with a strange flashing name?

    When i open up Yahoo mail the name...(Maryannaatsmshreve) keeps on flashing on the top of the email page and when i click on refresh the name has gone! and then when i go to check my mail the same name pops up again!

    Its not anyone who i know or have ever heard of...........who is she/he?

    It just seems a bit strange as to why it keeps on flashing and sorry i forgot to say that the message says also about do i want to talk to this person?

    Many thanks....

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail9 years ago
  • Norton antivirus...can it be installed again?

    I bought Norton Antivirus about 2 months ago and all was working fine but then i had to have a new hard drive put into my laptop.

    The guy at the computer shop who did the hard drive said "he can not re-install Norton because of the new hard drive being put in and plus the serial key for Norton has already been used prior to when my laptop was working just fine.

    Is there anything at all i can do to find a way around this or do i have to buy the Norton again.

    At the moment i have the (Free Avg Edition)

    Many thanks....

    3 AnswersSecurity9 years ago