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Lv 43,363 points


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I'm a 60 year-old guy who lives in Indiana. I've also lived in California, Florida, South Carolina, Missouri and Illinois. I've driven in all 50 states, love to drive, and have been traveling all over the nation, delivering travel trailers to dealerships for the past two years. I started this gig to help out after Hurricane Katrina destroyed the Gulf Coast, and stayed on with the same company when the FEMA work was done. I worked in the Tavern and Restaurant business for 30-some years, before injuring my back in 2004. I'm a Proud parent of two great children, now in their thirties, and two Beautiful and Intelligent Granddaughters, one teen, and one grade-schooler. I love: History, Reading, Nature, (all outdoor stuff), Cooking, Photography, Young Women, Old Wine, Politics, Internet Culture, and YOU! LoL

  • Report offensive email via YA?

    Earlier today, I answered a question by a user with the screen name "LIBERALS EAT BO SHlT , it was an ignorant question, but I just had to give a good answer. I received this email shorty after, and when I clicked on the question YA page said "You can not access this page", and the User allows no reply or IM's, Here's the text of his obnoxious email :

    Hello thehermanator2003 (thehermanator2003),

    You have received a message from another user!


    Subject: Hey there

    Message: I never thought there could be a Patriotic Liberal, WTF. You must be a real war hero, which I don't believe because liberals are cowards. LMFAO, moron.

    To continue the conversation, click this link:

    Reply To This Message

    Thanks for using Yahoo! Answers.

    You received this email because you are opted in to receive communications from others through Yahoo! Answers Messaging. Please do not reply to this message to unsubscribe. If do you not want to receive these messages, use this link to unsubscribe.

    If you would like to change or edit your communications preferences for this or other Yahoo! business lines, please visit your Marketing Preferences page. To learn more about Yahoo!'s use of personal information, please read our Privacy Policy. Yahoo! Answers is located at 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089."

    Please find and bar this idiot from YA forever, Thanks You, Herman

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Did You see Senator McCain on Saturday Night Live ?

    He said some pretty crazy crap, all while keeping a straight face!

    It was stuff he probably would love to say for real, least one part, about letting the Democratic race go on, past the convention .

    What did You Think of His Performance?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Any Iowa, Nebraska or Viginia Voters want to Share their Feelings Now ?

    In light of the recent exposure of Obama's Pastor's sermons and beliefs, are any of you idealistic folks regretting your primary Vote?

    If Obama denounced his minister today, and fired him from his campaign, would you believe he was renouncing him for real?, or just in the name of political expediency ?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What role could Ralph Nader play in the next Administration ?

    Could this perennial candidate serve any function in an Administration that could use his watchdog / consumer advocate skills ?

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Did anyone else see Hillary on Letterman's show last night ?

    If not, you missed her at her pleasant and witty best !

    I think Dave likes her, although he never openly backs any politician, he has had a good relationship with both Clinton's, and they always shine on his show !

    I hope some Hillary-haters will watch the segment on CBS or Dave's web site >

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Pakistan ! Does anyone care what's happening there ?

    In recent weeks, we've seen a lot of headlines about what problems Musharif is having at home, and some discussion on TV of what will happen to the Nukes, if Musharif loses power.

    These are all important issues, he is our main ally in the region, (whether willingly or not), and we need his help with eliminating the terrorist camps near the Afghani border, But, I just found out yesterday, what terrible things are happening in those tribal areas, formerly known as Warizistan,..but now called Talibanistan, because the Taliban are taking over more villages and turf every day,are so entrenched, that the Paki' army has signed a treaty with them, so they can keep some troops on the border, to placate the Americans.

    We can't violate Pakistani soveriegnity by going into that area to root out the terrorist, but can we continue to let Taliban and Al Queda mount attacks on Afghanistan, from a safe haven in the Tribal regions. Check:,8599,1686...

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can We have a spelling clinic on Y/A Politics ?

    Sum of the peeple who akx questions here, may have absorbed their propaganda reel wel, but they can't spell for s***.

    Don't they notice those red lines under their errors, or can they even read the "Check Spelling" button at the top right?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is up with the Palestinians Now?

    What I mean is, now, in the absence of Jewish attacks, Fatah and Hamas are killing each other again?

    Do any Palestinians have a clue about the many benefits of Peace, or are they so inured in violence, that they don't know anything but death and destruction ?

    Is martyrdom their highest calling ?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are childhood allergies, juvenile diabetes, and asthma so common today.?

    "Back in the Day", (1950's & 60's), when I was in school, we would have been appalled if some kid had said they were allergic to peanut butter. One of my brothers had asthma, and he was the only one I ever knew in 12 years of school. Out of a student body of about 500, we had one girl who had diabetes, and her parents both had it. So, my question is: why are so many allergies, autism, diabetes, so common in today's grade school kids?

    Obesity is said to be one cause of the diabetes increase, and I understand that TV, Video games, and computers are big contributors to the obesity plague, but what's up with the rise in all these other problems ?

    Measles, Mumps, and Mono', we're pretty much a given back then, all kids had them, and sometimes a lot of us had them at once, but I think we were much healthier in general than today's kids are, So,..What's up ?

    12 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • What would North America be like now, had the European colonist had dealt fairly with the "Indians" they met ?

    The Iroquois, and others, had a democratic system, laws, trade agreements, and other social advancements that worked fine to keep the peace among regional tribes.

    The natives in Mexico had an ancient civilization, which the Spanish destroyed. What might have happened if they hadn't killed the leaders, and enslaved the populace?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do so many people believe all these horrible things about Hillary ?

    I see all these wild statements on Y/A! Things like:

    "She's a crook"

    "She's a Socialist"

    "She's pro-war",or, "she's anti-war"

    Now really folks, don't you think that after all the millions of our dollars spent investigating Bill & Hill in the 90's, that we know Everything there is to know about their backgrounds, and history ?

    Also, since the bad old days of the Clinton Administration, Hillary has been elected twice to the Senate, from New York State ! One of the most politically savvy sections of the country. A place where the politics of personal destruction was born ! I'm sure some Republican opponent would have dug-up any new skeletons she may have gathered to her closet, during these two elections.

    A lot of the negativity about her candidacy seems to come from other women,..the one's you would expect to be thrilled that we have the first seriously qualified woman candidate for our highest office. That really surprises me?

    So what's Up?, is this just fear of change?

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why so many Ignorant people expose their stupidity on Yahoo Answers.?

    I Really like this forum, and have found so many interesting and informed people on here, from all points on the political compass.

    But,...Yes, BUT, Why are the most prolific posters, among the most ignorant and illiterate scum of our nation?

    Isn't there a Jerry Springer Forum where these folks can go babble among themselves?

    There are so many good minds available here, and so many honest, and thought-provoking questions, why must those folks be plagued by all the vitriolic, inflamatory, and just plain stupid questions posed by the idiots??

    If I felt that Any of these uninformed people would potentially learn anything with their empty intorogatives, I wouldn't be so quick to condemn them, but you can easily see that they have no intention of learning, or sharing, anything of merit, So, Why are they here ?

    Hey Yahoo Management! May we have an advanced Q&A forum, where you have to have so many "Best Answers" to participate? Or maybe a number of "Starred" questions ?

    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago