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Why so many Ignorant people expose their stupidity on Yahoo Answers.?

I Really like this forum, and have found so many interesting and informed people on here, from all points on the political compass.

But,...Yes, BUT, Why are the most prolific posters, among the most ignorant and illiterate scum of our nation?

Isn't there a Jerry Springer Forum where these folks can go babble among themselves?

There are so many good minds available here, and so many honest, and thought-provoking questions, why must those folks be plagued by all the vitriolic, inflamatory, and just plain stupid questions posed by the idiots??

If I felt that Any of these uninformed people would potentially learn anything with their empty intorogatives, I wouldn't be so quick to condemn them, but you can easily see that they have no intention of learning, or sharing, anything of merit, So, Why are they here ?

Hey Yahoo Management! May we have an advanced Q&A forum, where you have to have so many "Best Answers" to participate? Or maybe a number of "Starred" questions ?


Hey, Jeff M., I'm not taking any certain stance here, I actually enjoy answering questions from people who think differently than I do, better than those with whom I tend to agree.

Can't learn anything "preaching to the chior".

Update 2:

Goldenrae9 : Your youth is probably an asset here, and I doubt you sound like a "blithering idiot".

Update 3:

gtochicky; Of course you are right about just ignoring them, and I usually try to couch my answers in a polite manner, But, you can't kill these folks with kindness,..or Raid !

Update 4:

Everybody ! Thanks for all the Great Answers. I didn't think I was alone in my disgust, and I'm glad to see so many others share my feelings. I can't respond to every answer, but I have read, and will continue to read every response, and Am going to let this Question run as long as possible, then send it Y/A management.

Update 5:

Happy Momma, You must be New here, or you surely wouldn't need an example of what we're discussing !

The Late, and Not-So-Great Spiro Agnew said it best, years before the internet was public. He called the press,"The Nattering Nabobs of Negativism". That's what I'm talkin' 'bout !!

Update 6:

zclifton2 : You mistake my motives Sir !

It is exactly the accessability of Y/A that attracted me in the first place.

I don't want to form an "elite" or "highly Educated Only" forum. I am just tired of the attack-style questions and rhetoric of the "riff-raff" you mentioned.

The uninformed, or mis-informed, are the one's who can benefit the most from this site,..(aside from the advertisers someone noted), and while I don't think I'm above anyone, I have had a long and varied life in America, and have always been interested in Politics and government, so I've got a lot of ideas and opinions to share, and lot's of curiousity left too.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're so right. I find myself participating less and less as each day passes. Numerous trolls run this forum. Many good people are becoming disillusioned with this place and rightfully so. Most of them have multiple Id's and they slam this place with the most ridiculous questions that I've ever seen. I used to allow myself to get lured into their 'baits', but have quit doing that because they're simply not worth the time and effort.

    Sometimes out of an entire page of 'questions', there might be one that is worth responding to. That's pretty pitiful.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have to agree that most people posting questions and most the answers are more or less taking up wasted space.

    Most of my answers are perfect examples of it. Some are genuinely serious and many are stricken with sarcasm.

    What I've found is most people here can't tell the difference in sarcasm, seriousness or reality in life anyway... So I add humor too once in a great while.

    One of the most valued pieces of education I ever received was from a teacher who said, the mentality of an average citizen (referring to us here in the United States) was that of a 13-yr-old adolescent.

    By all accounts his assertions were "on spot" with the philosophical accuracy on just how many morons live among us.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Anonymity.

    2. People won't entertain their idiocy face-to-face.

    3. Stupid does as stupid is.

    4. Somebody always takes the bait.

    5. They get kicked off and get a new Yahoo! name and reappear (I think - not real sure on that one)

    6. Self-absorption.

    7. The love to bore others.

    8. Jerry Springer isn't on 24/7 - they are strangely absent from Yahoo! Answers when his show in airing in their city.

    9. They share one brain.

    10. Did I mention stupid does as stupid is (a slight twist on Forrest Gump)

  • 1 decade ago

    When I got wind of the K Street Gang's motis operandi promoting Right Wing Conservatives only and being run by operatives like Delay and his cronies, I decided that I would do everything in my power to fight them with the same vigor that they try and distort the facts of American politics and governance.

    People like Rove, Bush and Atwater have no legitimate place in American Politics, unless you count dirty tricks, lying and cheating a form of legitimate political behavior.

    And until the American people understand just how debased and corrupt these people are, in fact, the fight must at least join the Conservative hoards in battle and not allow them to distort everything according to their ugly style of the politics of destruction.

    This is no time in American history to be shy or whisperer in comments in the defense of American and its true and ever evolving principles.

    So Hey Yahoo management, how about building a forum for only elite writers and charging a stiff fee just to prove they are legitimately above the common riff-raf of American political opinion and spelling.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    STUPIDITY of YAHOO customers?, and additionally you positioned this question below commonplace well-being? Like WOW, communicate with reference to the pot calling the kettle black. yet enable me supply you an answer, and that i will attempt to maintain it common so as which you would be able to comprehend it. in case you or everybody comes directly to Yahoo solutions to ask a question OR to respond to a question there is an risk which you would be able to truthfully MEET somebody. As IN chum. yet calling people stupid shouldn't get you plenty acquaintances. in case you employ the Yahoo seek engine there's a plenty extra advantageous risk which you would be able to get an the two reliable answer in spite of the indisputable fact that it is extra agency and much less guy or woman to guy or woman touch and as such much less of an excellent gamble to fulfill everybody. In different words you will no longer have as plenty exciting. AND so which you would be able to understand part of coming onto Yahoo solutions is to have exciting. Did I confuse you yet? OH one extra factor the EXPRESSION IS TAA DAH no longer TEE DAH

  • 1 decade ago

    It's a price. All things in life have a price. They come in with living. You can't live without people that act that way. Like bad drivers, people that talk in the movies. There are more idiots than not, and at one point at least in all of our lives we are all idiots. I fight them in my own way, by being mostly polite, courteous, friendly, and on bad days I'm still one of the people I complain about. I usually just try to ignore them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's hard because it is anonymous. However, I also admit that although I do try to make informed statements, that I have, on occasion come across like a blathering fool due to being in my 20s.

    However, some people just seem to use the anonymous posting to their advantage.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think there should be an option where the question poster can delete the most ridiculous responses to their questions. And in addition to the star, a button to click on to note ludicrous and ill-thought questions. If a question gets X number of ludicrous clicks, then yahoo should review it for removal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You've hinted at the problem. Most of them do not have access to Jerry Springer tickets. It costs money to get to Springer's show, but YA is free if they can afford internet access. And, there's the anonymity factor. Most of them remind me of Tony Soprano's kid, AJ.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't know the answer to this.All I do know is that I get reported for answering questions in a forthright,honest way,but whenever I stoop down to the level of the idiots here and say something smarmy or's all good....

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