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Lv 56,936 points

sharon w

Favorite Answers16%
  • Hey, Seattle--I need to know if there is such a thing as a cat muzzle-figured you'd know?

    I'm trying to find 'Seattle' to answer this. However, if anyone else knows, please let me know.

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • What is the difference (if any) between Hispanic and Latino?

    I hear both of these words used, mainly by the news media, and it seems that they mean the same thing.

    To our Hispanic/Latino, Latina friends--which is preferred?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know how long it takes (in hours) to drive from Medford, OR.?

    to San Felipe, MX.? 10 points to the 1st person with the closest answer. Thanks, y'all.

    4 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know how to use the font color option in the Open Office Word program?

    The option is right up there at the top of the page, and when I click on it, it opens up a whole box of colors to choose from--but, no matter which one I click on (L. or R. click), it won't produce any color and I'm still typing in black. Gee, Yahz--if you're out there, I'll betcha you know the answer to this. If so, please do share--10 easy points to anyone who can tell me how to use this feature. Thanks.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Is there a financial wizard out there who might know if dealing with Wells Fargo bank is a safe move?

    My son & daughter-in-law have an opportunity to re-finance their home thru Wells Fargo Bank on a 30-yr. loan with a fixed interest rate of 4.8%. This transaction would not only lower their house payments by at least $100 a month, but they would come out of it with around $80K, which would pay off every credit card + the 2nd loan + enough to purchase their own healthcare insurance, and bank the rest. I, personally cannot find a down-side to this. However, I'm not one of the people "in-the-know" of what is really going on behind the scenes. Anyone who can give me/us some accurate information regarding the status/stability of Wells Fargo will be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • 3--Has anyone ever applied for and RECEIVED a grant under the Americans with Disabilities Act?

    If so, would you be kind enough to supply me with a little information about

    this whole process? If you get a grant, does it count as income against your Social Security (I'm on SSD), to the point where they take out dollar-for-dollar, as if you're actually working? And, are grants taxable? I wouldn't think so--I think they fall under the same category as scholarships, but I really don't know. As you can see, I'm brand new at this. Thank you for any help you can give me.

    2 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • 2-Re: grants under the Americans with Disability Act. Does anyone know if grant money is taxable?

    I desperately need to apply for a Government Grant in order to purchase a

    wheel chair accessable van so I can get out of this house whenever I want/need to, without imposing on others. But, if grant money IS taxable, I may have to re-think this whole thing, as I am surely not prepared to rack up a huge tax bill, as I am still paying-off the balance I owe for 2002.

    Thank you for any information you can give me on this subject.

    2 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know the Govt. website to obtain grants under the Americans with Disabilities Act?

    I know that there are at least 2 of these that are not rip-offs, they're straight

    from the Federal Government (and I'm guessing that they end with a .gov). But, I could spend the next 6 months on here and never find the CORRECT ones. I actually have 2 questions, perhaps 3 about these grant programs. I guess it's best to ask each one separately. Thank you to anyone who can help.

    2 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone on here who must use opiate-type pain meds familiar with the Duragesic Patch?

    The active ingredient is Fentanyl. My son tells me that this is actually something called "China White", a form of hi-potency pure heroin (? on the spelling) Does anyone know if this is true? Thank you for any useful information.

    6 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Is it just me? Or, can anbody else NOT find how this $8+billion stimulus plan of Obama's will help....?

    With REALLY stimulating the economy at all? I can't see that this has one thing to do with getting people back to work, creating a health care plan that all can afford, or any of the other things we all heard about during the campaigns and elections.

    Would it not make more sense, and cost far less, to instantly shut down all of the (to start with) "out-sourced" to India (mainly) call centers, bring these jobs back to the USA and put hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) of people right here to back to work? These are jobs that just about anybody who can read, follow instructions and answer a phone can perform. A great deal of these jobs are already government jobs, therefore, the employees could be covered by the same health care insurance that all government employees share. The ones that are private industry could be given a tax break to help provide insurance for their employees. I can only see this as a "2-fer": Many people working again/many people & their families covered by insurance. Am I missing something here, or is this just too simple & logical for our government to understand?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me where I can e-mail Obama re:a great way to create jobs immediately?

    I've searched every website I can find looking for the "contact us" option, to no avail. However, I'd like to contact our President-elect regarding the creation of new jobs situation, and this is something that can be done almost immediately, and will not cost billions/trillions of $$, but CAN employ hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of our citizens who are currently out of work. PLEASE, no joking around, no b.s. comments, IDK's, etc. HONEST replies only. Thank you.

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Anyone have a recipe for (preferably) a no-bake pumpkin cheesecake?

    Actually what I am trying to accomplish is like a New York style cheesecake, except I want to use the cinnamon graham crackers for the crust, the New York style cheesecake, and then use the pumpkin pie mix (NOT the solid pack), which I'm sure I'll have to bake first for the 1/2 to 3/4 inch top. Then I will fancifully, with a decorator tip, top the whole thing with real whip cream. This is something I am just in the process of creating, so all suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance and Happy Thanksgiving!

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is paying yearly property tax on mobile homes that reside within a park a normal thing in all states?

    I own & live in a mobile home which is located within a mobile home park in Oregon. Naturally, we pay monthly space rent on these. However, every November we're presented with our annual property tax bills. My Q. is: WHAT are we paying PROPERTY taxes on when we own no part of this property? I don't know about any other state, but here in Oregon, our (mobile/manufactured)homes are registered through the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles), and we don't have a property deed, but rather we have a pink slip, just like we do on our vehicles. Now, I could understand having to re-license these every 2 years, just like we do with our vehicles, but I do NOT understand what we're paying property tax on when we don't own as much as a blade of grass in this mobile home park. This Q. would not apply to people who have the mobiles placed on their own land--I can understand that one. I've been asking many friends & family members who are also living in mobile/mfg. home parks this same Q. for several years and nobody seems to know. I'm sure that the park owners get hit with property taxes on this entire park, but then we also get a property tax bill. Wouldn't this be double taxation? I thought this practice was illegal. Does anyone else know anything about this? If so, would you please indicate which state you live in? Thank you for any in-put on this.

    4 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Can anyone suggest a category where I can put a Q. regarding mobile homes & Property taxes?

    This might be best placed under Polls & surveys, but--WHERE IS IT? I swear it was listed before, but I don't see it anymore. So, I'll try for anybody in this category. My Q. is: Do you live in your own mobile home within a mobile home park? If so, do you pay annual property taxes? Either way, yes or no, would you please tell me what state you live in?

    I am asking this Q., and have been asking this Q. (not on here) for many years. I own/live in a mobile home that is in a mobile home park, which I pay monthly space rent for my home to remain here. However, we don't own ANY PART of this park--not a tree, street light, blade of grass (we must pay our own gardeners, the park does not maintain each individual yard), we don't even own the pad where our homes are placed. However, every November we get our property tax bills. Now, I live in Oregon, and our mobile homes are registered through the DMV (Dept. of Motor Vehicles) rather than any kind of property. I could understand re-licensing these every 2 years, like we do our cars, but I do NOT understand WHAT we are paying property taxes on when we own no part of this property. I have no idea if this is the standard practice in every state or if this is yet another thing that we're getting ripped-off on. Does anyone else know anything about this type of property taxes?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do we have an expert tech/programmer who can help me get rid of an IE problem/annoyance?

    I have been experiencing this problem for many months now, and cannot get rid of it no matter what I do. This shows up in a box about the size of a 3 x 5 index card, and it is from Internet Explorer. Now, NOTE: This only happens AFTER I've closed any/all programs I may have been working on, and it appears on my desktop right in the middle of my icons.

    There is a purple bar across the top of this box which reads: "An error has occured on this page". Also NOTE: there is NO specific page or program--this happens EVERY TIME I close out everything and I'm back to my desktop. Now, under this message it reads:

    Line: 37

    Char: 150

    Error: object expected

    Code: 0


    Then there are about 3 lines of all kinds of numbers & symbols. At the end of all of this, it asks: "Do you wish to keep running this program?" and there's a "yes & "No" box to click on. You MUST click on one of them to get this thing to disappear. I've already clicked both boxes at least 100 X's each, just to make it go away.

    I have already gone to one of my search bars and typed in the URL (as noted above). All I can detect from the message that comes up with this is the fact that it has something to do with an ad. I'm about at my wit's-end with this business. I've run all my scans, virus protection, disc cleaner & defrag numerous times, to no avail. Can ANYONE please tell me how to get rid of this? PLEASE, no silly comments, IDK's, or anything else of no useful purpose. Thanks so much for any help you can provide.

    Can ANYONE please tell me how to get rid of this thing?

    5 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Are there any political "experts" on here who question the legality of our voting practices like I do?

    I live in Oregon. This is the ONLY state in the Union that has NO polling places. Rather, all of our voting is done by mail, just like everyone is voting by absentee ballot. OK, this is what I am questioning about this practice: We MUST sign the back of the envelope that we mail our ballots in. If NOT signed, they are thrown out. How can we actually be casting a secret ballot when they have all of our signatures on the envelopes containing our ballots, and how would we know if they staple these envelopes to our ballots? Now, say 5 years or so down the road I decide to run for some office, if all of these are kept together, then the entire county/state knows exactly how I voted in any/every election. Is this practice legal? I don't think it is. Your in-put on this?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • This Q. ties in with one asked by Drogehda, does anyone know FOR SURE, if a candidate wins in Nov., but...?

    Dies before they are innaugerated on Jan. 20th, 2009, is the vice-president elect automatically sworn in as president or does another election have to take place?

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • If Obama is elected as POTUS, does anyone else think that one of his first & best....?

    Moves would be to appoint Sen. Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State, where she could serve a much more active and effective role than that of V.P.?

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago