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  • Which Geico Commercial is your favorite?

    My favorite is the one with R. Lee Ermey as the ex drill sargeant/ therapist. LOL

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can my brother charge me rent on a house that I legally own half of?

    This is a little complicated. My mother passed away in March and I was living with her at the time due to the fact I recently went through a divorce and I am on a very low fixed income. I do work part time and get child support but still not enough to pay all the taxes mortgage and homeowners ins and all the other regular bills. I also have a young son with a disability that restricts me from working full time due to daily care and treatments that he needs. In my mothers will she left the house to me and my brother equally with me as the executrix. Right after she died my brother and I made a verbal agreement that I would pay half the mortgage and insurance and all the taxes as long as I could until the house sells and he agreed to this and even said that if it took too long for the house to sell and I couldn't afford all the taxes he would help out and I told him that at the end of the sale of the estate I would pay him back with the executrix fee I would get. Well now he is with this woman that is telling him that I am screwing him over and I should pay for everything and possibly should be making a profit off me living in his half of the house. He now owes me $800 for his half of the mortgage and ins. Because of the fact I am paying 100% of it all I'm short of that money to pay the taxes. I'm still not asking him to help pay the taxes just to pay what he owes me so I can keep up my end of the bargain and pay the taxes. I also maintain the property he does absolutely nothing. I have also paid for repairs, lawn maintenance, packing up my mothers things cleaning and preparing it to be shown on the market and all the legal paperwork.. I never intended on living here alone because I knew I couldn't afford it but due to an unfortunate event it was dropped into both our laps and that is why I agreed to sell it. My lawyer tells me that he is, no matter if I'm living here or not, he is legally responsible for half of everything and I can take what he owes me after the estate is settled but there may not even be an estate left if I can't pay the taxes if he doesn't pay now. My brother and I had a great relationship until this woman came along. Since he now thinks he's my landlord I think I have the right to call him and tell him that I need work done here that a landlord is responsible for. Any opinions on what I should do?

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Where are the best seats at Madison Square Garden for WWE wrestling besides ringside?

    I want to take my son to the Dec. 26th WWE event but I'm not sure what seats to buy. He's only 7 so I don't think the floor would be good cause he won't be able to see over all the people and ringside is just too expensive. What other seats would be good?

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Anyone have success in moving out of state (N.J. to be exact) after a divorce with your children?

    I have a son with medical problems and his specialist's are at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. My ex is supposed to carry health insurance and pay any extra medical but doesn't. As I mentioned I'm in N.J. and I can't afford to keep paying for all the trips out there. The other problem is that I have my son on N.J. Family Care and they won't pay for all his medical care while we are out there only the Dr's not tests or other things they feel he can have done in Jersey but when tests show he needs to have procedures done I have to take him back to Ohio. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I have got to move closer to his Dr's in Cincinnati Oh. I do have a lawyer working on this but she can't say for sure a judge is going to rule 100% in my favor but she thinks I have a great chance especially for the reason I'm asking to move. Just to feel a little better can anyone that has been through something similar help boost my confidence.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Anyone have success in moving out of state (N.J. to be exact) after a divorce with your children?

    I have a son with medical problems and his specialist's are at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. My ex is supposed to carry health insurance and pay any extra medical but doesn't. As I mentioned I'm in N.J. and I can't afford to keep paying for all the trips out there. The other problem is that I have my son on N.J. Family Care and they won't pay for all his medical care while we are out there only the Dr's not tests or other things they feel he can have done in Jersey but when tests show he needs to have procedures done I have to take him back to Ohio. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I have got to move closer to his Dr's in Cincinnati Oh. I do have a lawyer working on this but she can't say for sure a judge is going to rule 100% in my favor but she thinks I have a great chance especially for the reason I'm asking to move. Just to feel a little better can anyone that has been through something similar help boost my confidence.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What can I do if my ex cashed our tax checks without my knowledge and kept the money?

    I've been patiently waiting for my ex to tell me that all our tax money came in for 2008. I got tired of waiting and found out that he got the money cashed it without my knowledge and kept the money. Does anyone know the steps I should to take to get my money and press charges on him for forgery. Should I try doing this on my own or should I get an attorney?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do I have any rights to withhold my son from visitations from his father if I feel that he may be in danger?

    My ex husband has taken up friends neighbors that he rarely would hang around with while we were married due to the fact my ex was/is a recovering alcoholic and all they do is drink and party.

    Now that he is friends with them he wanted to take my 6 year old son around them and out camping in their mobile home. When I heard this I held my son from that visitation but here is the main reason why I did not let my ex take him.

    About 3 months ago their house was raided for drugs. It was a very big deal. The whole street was closed no one could get down the street unless you showed proof that you lived there or your car would be searched. They did find drugs and stolen property at the home and they are now up on charges and facing jail time.

    Now am I wrong or would any parent in their right mind not let this happen? I will not let my son ride around in a mobile crack house with a bunch of drug dealing drunks. Also does anyone know how I can permanently prevent this from happening in the future?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do I have any rights to withhold my son from visitations from his father if I feel that he may be in danger?

    My ex husband has taken up friends neighbors that he rarely would hang around with while we were married due to the fact my ex was/is a recovering alcoholic and all they do is drink and party.

    Now that he is friends with them he wanted to take my 6 year old son around them and out camping in their mobile home. When I heard this I held my son from that visitation but here is the main reason why I did not let my ex take him.

    About 3 months ago their house was raided for drugs. It was a very big deal. The whole street was closed no one could get down the street unless you showed proof that you lived there or your car would be searched. They did find drugs and stolen property at the home and they are now up on charges and facing jail time.

    Now am I wrong or would any parent in their right mind not let this happen? I will not let my son ride around in a mobile crack house with a bunch of drug dealing drunks. Also does anyone know how I can permanently prevent this from happening in the future?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Do you think I should take my son out of school and sue them?

    My son is 6yrs old and has a disability and with his type of disability he has a restricted diet and most dairy products are on the list with milk being #1. The school has all his restrictions listed and when he buys his lunch his name and restrictions come up on the computer. The other day somehow he got milk and his teacher told him he couldn't have the milk but she never took it away. At 6 years old he wants to be like the other kids and doesn't completely understand why he can't drink milk. When the teacher turned around she had noticed that my son drank the milk and told my son that he did wrong and wasn't listening. First of all don't tell my son that he did wrong when the school shouldn't have let him have it in the first place. So who was wrong??? Plus the *** teacher should have taken it right away from him as soon as she told him he wasn't allowed to have it. Then he started to get sick at school but they never told me. When he came home he told me that he was not feeling good. I had to play detective to figured out why then he told me that he drank milk. The poor baby was so sick he stayed in bed watching for the rest of the day. The next morning I went to the school and wanted to know what had happened and how did he get the milk. His teacher told me that it was not her responsibility to monitor the lunches and that they go above and beyond for my son as it is. He is in an exclusion class so to say that they go above and beyond for him is what they are supposed to do not to say it like it's a burden and it is their responsibility to make sure that my son is safe while he is in their care no matter what. Also this was not the first time something like this has happened. I'm also wondering if I have a lawsuit to some degree. They sent me some kind of paper that claims they did wrong and I am to sign it if I feel that they have rectified the matter. I think they want me to sign as to say ok I won't sue you.

    35 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How hard is it to move out of state with your child after a divorce?

    I just recently went through a divorce and as in most cases we have joint custody and my son lives with me. My problem is that my son has a disability and has to be seen by his dr's in Cincinnati Oh every 3 months. Since the divorce I can no longer afford to do this (I live in NJ) and my ex is already saying that he can't afford it neither and can't even afford to pay for the medical bills for his primary dr here in NJ. He doesn't even carry the health ins on my son right now I do. Being that my sons disability is rare there are not that many dr's in this area that specialize in it. My son is 6 years old and the dr in Cincinnati has been his dr since he was 9 months old. I know it's my only choice to make the move closer to Cincinati to be able to afford the care my son needs but I know my ex is going to give me a hard time and believe me it's not because he would miss all the quality time with him because he really doesn't see him as much as he should anyway.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Any other parent's feel like they're going insane with an ad/hd child?

    My 6yr old son has been prediagnosed with ad/hd and I haven't a clue how to deal with it yet. He is an absolute tornado in the house. I can't even do dishes or anything else that takes my attention away from him. He has learned how to take the chain lock off the front door and goes outside without telling me and many other spontaneous things. I just feel like I'm losing my mind because I can't seem to stop him or control him.

    4 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think this woman is insane?

    Lawmakers are livid that a school superintendent in Keansburg is retiring with a $740,000 severance package.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Have you ever dialed 867-5309?

    I personally never did but I've been with friends that did they they really pissed some people off.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What was your biggest "Duh"?

    I was in Florida and someone handed me the most delicious orange I have ever eaten and I actually asked where they got it."DUH"!

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Could my son be dyslexic or just a lefty?

    My 5 year old son keeps having a problem writing his name. He naturally wants to pick up the pencil with his right hand but he also uses his left sometimes and we noticed when we play baseball he bats lefty but when he writes his name with his right hand (his name is Scott) he will put the two t's first then writes the S & c backwards and with the o instead of making the o going counterclockwise he strugles making it going clockwise. When you tell him to write it with the the left he does it perfect S* c* o* t *t no letters out of place or backwards and no strugling with the o. I am so aggravated with his teachers because I think they should have been able to pick up on this instead of telling me that he needs to focus on learning to write his name better cause he is behind the other kids in his class. I'm the one that picked up on the left hand not them.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • What was your biggest "Duh"?

    I was in Florida and someone handed me the most delicious orange I have ever eaten and I actually asked where they got it."DUH"!

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What happened?

    I thought Senator John McCain was going to run for president?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are you...?

    The first born, middle, youngest or only child?

    I'm the middle child

    49 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What Breakfast Club member were you like in high school?

    the brainy nerd

    the stoner

    the jock

    the prepy rich kid

    the oddball outcast

    I was a stoner

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you play air guitar?

    If so what song(s) do you play?

    I like to play,

    More Than a Feeling by Boston

    Freebird BY Lynyrd Skynyrd

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago