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  • Shana Tova 5775?

    3 AnswersIsrael7 years ago
  • Was war, ist oder wäre Dein liebstes Reiseziel in Israel?

    Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Eilat, Rischon Le Zion, Aschdod, Beer Schewa, Jaffa, Akko, Nzareth, ...? ein Kibbutz, Wüste, Meer, See Genezareth? Tuchen am Mittelmeer oder Roten Meer, Treiben lassen im Toten Meer (Salzsee) ..? Auf den Spuren der Bibel, High Tech oder Rock Concerts? Was anderes? Noch nichts ..?

    2 AnswersIsrael7 years ago
  • How about a Palestinian State in Sinai Peninsula ..?

    Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi has offered Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas the chance to create a Palestinian state in the Sinai Peninsula.

    The offer would have seen 1,600 square kilometres of the Sinai Peninsula given to the Palestinian Authority, creating a Palestinian state five times the size of Gaza.

    As part of the proposal, Palestinian cities in the occupied West Bank would have been autonomous and continued to be under Palestinian Authority control.

    Sisi allegedly said to Abbas in the meeting: "You are now 80 years old, if you don't accept this proposal, your successor will."

    2 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • Will Hamas lose control in Gaza?

    The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, has lashed out at Hamas, saying they are running a “shadow government” in Gaza and Fatah will “not accept the situation.” Hamas has hit back saying the allegations are “baseless.”

    “They have 27 directors-general of ministries and they are running the Gaza Strip,” said the Palestinian President. “The national consensus government can’t do anything on the ground.” Abbas made the statement in Cairo, as he prepares to meet with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

    "We will not accept the situation with Hamas continuing as it is at the moment," Abbas said on Saturday evening, in remarks published by the official Palestinian news agency WAFA.

    Abbas also accused Hamas of carrying out mass executions of Palestinian youths living in the Gaza strip, while Israel was bombing the area:

    “More than 120 youths were killed [by Hamas] because they did not abide by the house arrest imposed on them,” Abbas said. “This is in addition to the extra-judicial execution of 30-40 people during the Israeli assault.”

    Abbas also claimed that Hamas had lost “only” 50 of its men during the war, while 861 men belonging to his Fatah faction were killed. He did not say how the Fatah men were killed and by whom.

    6 AnswersIsrael7 years ago
  • What is your opinion on the Egyptian offer of a Plaestinian State in Sinai?

    Sisi Offered Abbas: Create Palestinian State in Sinai

    Palestinian Authority chief rejected offer by Egypt to create a state 5 times the size of Gaza, give up 1967 borders.

    Egyptian president General Abdel Fatah A-Sisi has offered Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas to cede 160 square kilometers of the Sinai Peninsula adjoining Gaza to the PA, thus creating a Palestinian state five times the present size of Gaza. In return, the PA would stop demanding that Israel return to the 1967 borders.

    The offer was revealed on IDF Radio.

    A-Sisi reportedly suggested that Palestinian "refugees" be allowed to settle in the new, much enlarged Gaza, which would be demilitarized.

    The Palestinian cities in Judea and Samaria would enjoy autonomy and be fully run by the PA, according to the plan, which would leave the PA with even more territory than it would have if Israel ceded all of Judea and Samaria.

    Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was aware of the offer and the United States gave a green light, according to the military radio station's sources.

    11 AnswersMedia & Journalism7 years ago
  • Will you visit the The Book of Books exhibit in Jerusalem?

    Date & Time:

    October 23, 2013 - October 25, 2014

    Location: Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem, 21 Stefan Wise Street, Museum Row, Jerusalem

    The exhibition traces the development of the Bible and discovers where the earliest versions were found! Learn about when the first copies of the New Testament were written, view famous translations of the Bible and explore the correlation between the invention of the printing press and the dissemination of Judaism and Christianity.

    Further information:

    2 AnswersIsrael7 years ago
  • Was isst man an Jom Kippur ..?

    Die oft gestellt Frage. Da es ein definitiver Fastentag, ohne jegliches Essen oder Trinken ist, man dabei aber nicht traurig, sondern fröhlich und fromm sein soll. Hier ein


    Sechs Nullen halbieren und entgräten, grob gehackt in Frischhaltefolie gut einwickeln, dann das Vakuum in gleich große Würfel schneiden, Nichts dazugeben (vorher häuten), nach Belieben mit frischem Niente, Nada oder Nitschewo (ggf. auch Efes) würzen, alles ein halbe Stunde auf mittlerer Temperatur garen lassen. Mit 3-4 EL Leere garnieren.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spiritualität7 years ago
  • Haben wir gestern mal wirklich Deutschland gegen Argentinien gesehen?

    Im WM-Finale in Brasilien waren wohl etwa sieben Spieler des FC Bayern München auf dem Platz, gestern anfangs nur Neuer, der zur Pause ausgewechselt wurde und erst als es bereits 0:4 stand, kamen weitere FC Bayern Spieler auf den Platz. Endergebnis 2:4

  • Should Fox TV host Andrea Tantaros apologize for her Islam remarks?

    The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) is demanding an apology from Andrea Tantaros of Fox News for comments she made on the show “Outnumbered.

    The AAJA statement said that “AAJA calls for Tantaros and Fox News to apologize for the irresponsible, inflammatory statements. We also call on Fox News to discourage its journalists from making blanket comments that serve to perpetuate hate and Islamophobia.”

    Commenting on the brutality of the ISIS terrorists who beheaded journalist James Foley, other panelists noted that for ISIS, beheadings are a daily thing, and that the victims include Muslims, Christians and Yazidis.

    Tantaros agreed and added that “they've been doing it for hundreds of years. If you study the history of Islam – our ship captains were getting murdered. The French had to tip us off. I mean these were the days of Thomas Jefferson. They've been doing the same thing. This isn't a surprise. You can't solve it with a dialogue. You can't solve it with a summit. You solve it with a bullet to the head. Its the only thing these people understand. And all we've heard from this president is a case to heap praise on this religion, as if to appease them.”

    A defiant Tantaros declared today that she spoke the truth and has “no intention of apologizing. Period.”

    6 AnswersMedia & Journalism7 years ago
  • What the British will do to end "the existience" of ISIS?

    • ISIS should be "squeezed out of existence," British Prime Minister David Cameron says.

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism7 years ago
  • What is the use of War Crimes Indictment filed against Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal?

    The Shurat Hadin civil rights group has announced it has submitted a criminal indictment against Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal at the International Criminal Court in the Hague (ICC).

    Shurat Hadin, which prosecutes international terrorist groups and their supporters, said the indictment was in response to the summary execution of 38 Palestinians in Gaza during the final days of Operation Protective Edge. Such executions without any legal due process is a clear violations of international humanitarian law, the NGO pointed out.

    The men were shot dead - some of them publicly - after being accused of cooperating with Israel, following the assassination of three senior Hamas military leaders and the attempted assassination of the terrorist group's military chief Mohammed Deif.

    But rights groups say the charges of "collaboration" with Israel were simply used as an excuse for Hamas to kill off several high-profile political opponents, including members of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party.

    1 AnswerIsrael7 years ago
  • Is it revelevant to learn that beheaded Journalist Steven Sotloff as actually was Israeli ?

    American journalist Steven Sotloff, who was brutally beheaded by the Islamic State terrorist group, took great risks to keep his Jewish faith in captivity, a former fellow-captive of the murdered journalist told Yediot Aharonoth.

    However, it turns out that Sotloff was in fact Israeli.

    A media gag order on the issue was released on Wednesday, allowing publication of the fact that Sotloff made aliyah (immigration) to Israel in 2005 by himself, and studied at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya.

    Sotloff reportedly made sure to fast in secret during Yom Kippur and even prayed in the direction of Jerusalem, as is customary in Jewish prayers, despite the risk he faced if his Islamist captors ever found out he was Jewish.

    6 AnswersMedia & Journalism7 years ago
  • What Hamas has won, when, according to Fatah leader Abbas they accepted the very same ceasefire conditions already offered weeks before?

    The cease-fire agreement that was signed this week between Hamas and Israel is not different from the original proposal made by Egypt at the beginning of the war, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Thursday.

    In an interview with Palestine TV, Abbas said he saw no difference between the original Egyptian-mediated initiative, which was rejected by Hamas, and the one reached this week

    Abbas added that there was no difference "other than the losses and suffering we went through."

    The Palestinian leader's words were seen as being directed against Hamas, whose leaders claim that the long-term cease-fire they accepted this week was different than the original one proposed to them by Egypt.

    Abbas confirmed that Hamas had placed Fatah members under house arrest during the war. He also condemned Hamas' public executions of suspected "collaborators" as a criminal act. If there are "spies," he said, "they should be executed within the frame of the law and not in the streets."

    8 AnswersIsrael7 years ago
  • How will the capture of some dozens of UN "peacekeepers" by Islamist affect the border to Israel?

    43 Peacekeepers from Fiji reported to have been captured by black flag Islamists on Golan. Without them a direct confrontation between the Caliphate / Al Kaida fighters and Israel on Golan becomes likely.

    6 AnswersIsrael7 years ago
  • Do you agree with Nethanyahu s estimation on Hamas?

    "Hamas was dealt a very serious blow, and there is a military achievement of the highest order here, and well as a diplomatic achievement, because in the end they came and removed all their conditions."

    Binyamin Netanyahu

    4 AnswersIsrael7 years ago
  • Is it still valid to say: "Ceterum censeo Qatarem delendam" ...?

    updated edition of a famous quote

    3 AnswersIsrael7 years ago
  • Israels PM: 'Hamas stopped firing and did not receive any of the things it demanded', so why are some disappointed?

    Israel Claims 'Victory' Following Gaza Operation

    srael is claiming victory in the 50-day war with Hamas, which temporarily ended in a ceasefire that went into force Tuesday.

    "We were victorious in the negotiation phase,” said Liran Dan, Head of the National Information Directorate in the Prime Minister's Office, in an interview with IDF Radio Wednesday. “The military blow that the IDF dealt Hamas – the hardest it has experienced since it was founded – was heavy and meaningful. What we saw is that in a prolonged and well executed campaign, Hamas suffered a harsh military blow and damage to the most heavily constructed arrays it built.”

    Idan said that Hamas built up networks of rockets, attack tunnels and terror forces over years with the intent of using them against Israel, and these have been smashed by the IDF.

    "We should ask the opposite question,” Dan said. “What has Hamas achieved with this campaign? It set out with a very clear goal and did not achieve it.” Hamas wanted sea and air ports, it wanted funding allowed into Gaza, it wanted the blockade of Gaza lifted, it wanted the terrorists who were released in the Schalit deal and recently rearrested released, it wanted Turkey and Qatar to mediate in the negotiations, and received none of these things, he noted. Hamas thought that the Israeli public's spirit would break after one week's fighting, and was proved wrong, he insisted.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • What happened to the MH17 black box investigation?

    The black box of the Malaysian commercial plane shot down in East Ukraine July 17, was found 10 days later and was shipped to Britain.

    Now a whole month later there is no public report and also no media request, what may fuel speculations and tinfoil hat theories of all kind.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago