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  • Manager won't fix anything?

    I've lived in my apartment with my mom for about 7 months. Before we moved in, nobody told us we had cockroaches and a prior rodent infestation. Luckily the rodents were gone, but left behind were mouse droppings pellets, and traps behind the stove and other areas. We haven't had a working heater since moving in. The manager requested three months payment in advance before moving in, we payed two and were making payments on the third. We asked her many times to fix our heater and she said she wouldnt because we still owed her money. Our house was so cold that I could see my own breath indoors. We have faulty outlets, a lightswitch that wont stay off that needs to be fixed, now our toilet is leaking and she is asking us to fix it all ourself. Today the owner came over and said that our use of toilet paper is causing the pipes to clog downstairs (we live upstairs, its a 2unit complex). They have mentioned this before to us so we switched our brand of toilet paper and have been using less. Today he told my mom if we dont start putting our paper in the trash that he will charge us for every time the plumber has to come out. I dont think this is fair as this is America and I have never had toilet paper issues before. Im not sure what steps to take or how to respond to this.

    Also, the managers brother has verbally abused my mom, and today when she met the manager for the first time he was screaming in her face as well. This kind of behavior disgusts me and is leading me to believe we are dealing with slumlords.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Dog has red, meat looking thing coming out of her vulva?

    She is a female 5 year old pit shepherd mix. Recently I noticed (towards the morning usually once a day) she will be vigorously licking her vagina as if it itches her. When I look her vagina is bright red, and today I looked and I saw what looks like a little chunk of meat protruding out of her vagina. She is SPAYED and I have no idea what this could be. Also, it comes and goes within about 15 seconds. It's really weird and I'm considering calling my vet, but I thought id try my luck here first, as the vet would have to sedate her for even a simple evaluation. Please give me your thoughts and ideas.

    9 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Could I be pregnant???

    I have been on birth control for probably about a year now, maybe a little more or less, I'm not sure. My boyfriend and I were having sex, and he came inside of me without a condom on. It was sometime near the first weeks-middle of August. I was taking the birth control pills as directed, but I got my period about a week early. Was this my body getting rid of the egg? I had my period for about five days, and then it went away, and this week (the week I'm orginially supposed to have my period on) I haven't had any blood or spotting. Did him cumming inside me spark my period early, or is there a chance the skipped period could mean I'm pregnant? All opinions and answers are appreciated.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I'm having more boy trouble...?

    Okay, so basically... there's this guy named Chris. I've known him for a while now, but I recently switched to the high school he goes to, and since then we've been talking more and more. I felt I could trust him with a lot of things, so I told him about my ex boyfriend, and other personal things. One day, over aim, he told me he liked me. It was over Spring Break. I didn't know what to do, because even though I was attracted to him, he had always been just a friend. I had never tried to look for the boyfriend part in him, so I didn't really tell him anything except "I'm not sure if I like you back." He also said that he didn't like to talk about his feelings with girls, in case they didn't like him back. He said he was afraid that they would control him, and use the fact that he likes them to their advantage. I kept trying to talk about it with him, and ask him why he liked me, but he didn't want to talk about it. Then all of a sudden he was like "haha, just kidding, this is Chris's friend" and I knew it was Chris, because only Chris knew some of the things we were talking about, so I told him that I was pretty sure it was him. Long story short, he finally admitted to it being him, and we changed the subject.

    Spring Break was ending, and I was still deciding wether or not I liked him "like that." I finally decided I did, and I IMed him trying to talk about it, but he kept changing the subject. Eventually he was like "look, that wasn't me that said I liked you over AIM. It was my friend," and I am still sure it was him.

    Anyways, so up until Friday, I was thinking that I really liked him, and that he probably liked me. I was sort of waiting for him to ask me to be his girlfriend. Friday afterschool I walked him to the corner, and my friend who was walking behind us told me that when he talks to me, he doesn't look at any other girls, and that he smiles like he likes me. Then he invited me to his party which was on Saturday night.

    When I got there, he was sitting really close to this one girl, but the music was loud, so I could be exaggerating. It was an outside party, but all of a sudden he went inside to get something, and the girl knocked on the door, and he opened it. And I swear, out of the corner of my eye, he was closing the door and I think I saw her arms go around him and him kiss her, but I can't be sure. Anyways, so she came out, and then went back in again, and then me and my friend decided we were going to go to Starbucks. My friend knocked, and then opened the door to tell Chris we were going to leave for a little, but she didn't see Chris near the girl. The girl apparently went in there to use her phone, and he was trying to hurry her up because he didn't want anyone in the house. But still, I don't know if I was just seeing things, or if he kissed her.

    Anyways, so today (to try and get it out of him), I was like "you hooked up with that girl last night, right?" and then we talked a little about "which girl", and then he was like "wait so you think I hooked up with somebody, right?" and I was like "er... yes?" and he's like "hahaha okay." But I don't know what that means. I don't know if he's being sarcastic, or what.

    I'm soooo confused. Blehhhhh, can someone give me their advice?

    Oh, and also, he always tells me how beautiful I am, and that he wants to hookup with me, etc etc. Please help!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I have a question about owning my first kitten?

    I have REALLY wanted a kitty for quite a while now. My grandma has one, and my mom doesn't particularly care for it. It can be mean/grumpy, it claws furniture, and it hates our dogs (we have two, one it a big puppy who's a year old, and one is really small and two years old). So basically, my mom doesn't want a cat because she's had bad experiences with my grandmas.

    I tried to tell her that if we got a kitten and raised it with our dogs, it wouldn't hate our dogs, and that it won't claw the furniture and such, but she still doesn't approve. For my birthday (early Feb) my best friend is buying me a kitten. I know my mother will let me keep it, or god, at least I pray, and we already have the whole thing planned out. But I have a few questions.

    One, will the kitten get along with my dogs as long as I control them around it? (especially the big puppy, but I know how to control her)

    Two, will the kitten scratch my mothers furniture? What do we do if it does? I've heard of this bitter apple stuff that keeps animals away from furniture, but I think that's only for chewing... and of course we can buy a scratching post, but I want to make sure the kitty only uses that.

    Three, I heard if you rough-house with a kitten a lot, it can be mean/aggressive as it grows bigger and older. Is this true? (not that I'm going to be rough-housing a lot with my kitty), but of course we'll play. I want to make sure it turns out really sweet, though.

    Four, whenever I hold kittens in the pet shops, they claw my shirt as I'm trying to give them back. Is this something that they normally do? When my grandmas cat walks on me, I feel each step it takes with its sharp nails on my leg, but when my friends cats walk on me, I don't really feel anything. Howcome my grandmas cat walks with it's nails out and the other ones don't?

    Also, in order to prevent that 'cat smell', I should probably empty the cat box every day, right? My friend suggested an automatic one, but said that her cats are afraid of it. Would you recommend one?

    Finally, as I still go to school, and my mother works, no one will be home from 8-2ish (school hours). Is this okay? What do you think the cat will do when I'm gone? Sleep? I know they sleep a lot anyways... but what if it finds 'other ways' to occupy itself? Destructive ways. My dogs stay outside while we're gone, but that cat will definitely be an inside kitty. I read somewhere not to give your cat the whole run of the house at first, but rather to keep it in my room instead. Why's this? And when I leave in the morning, should I shut my door?

    I know this is a lot of questions, but I'm really nervous about becoming a new kitten owner. :) I'm so excited, and I want to learn all I can before actually taking a life into my hands and being responsible for it. I want to be prepared completely so that my mother will have to accept it!

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I have an important question about eBay?

    Okay, so I ordered a pair of Uggs off of eBay not too long ago, and they haven't

    arrived yet. (But it's only been like 3 or so days). Anyways, I tried to view the item

    that I had bought from the link provided in the email sent to me, and it says

    "This listing has been removed or is no longer available."

    I was wondering, does that mean I won't be getting my Uggs?

    What happened to the 100.00+ dollars I spent on them? Will it be returned to my card?

    Please, any help would be appreciated. I'm a bit worried.

    1 AnswerSearch Engine Optimization1 decade ago
  • Pokemon Leaf Green question?

    I've beat the game, and I have a few legendary Pokemon I'd like to transfer over to my Sapphire or Ruby games. I was wondering if there was any way to do this. I have a DS but seeing as the DS can only support one game (the older type), I was wondering how I would go about doing this. I also have the newer type of game, Pokemon Diamond, but I can't find it anywhere. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Pokemon Leaf Green question?

    I was wondering, since I have really good Pokemon on the LeafGreen version, is there any way I could transfer them to my Ruby or Saphire versions? If so, how?

    3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Really important question about masturbation. ?

    Its normal, whatever, we all do it. Normally I only use fingers, but my friend suggested I try something longer and thicker (like a dildo), so I did for the first time yesterday. If felt good, but I didn't come or anything. Today I tried it again (maybe 5 hours ago or so) and my urethra I guess really stings. It kind of feels like a bladder infection, and when I tried to pee I couldn't for a while. Finally I peed more than a few drops, and there was a tiny bit of blood and it hurt. Just now I got home and tried peeing again, and more came out but so did more blood. I thought maybe I had started my period (it wasn't THAT much blood, honestly, I might just be freaking out...) but yeah. So I wiped, waited, wiped again and nothing. Then I peed a little and there was some blood, so I'm pretty sure it's not coming from my actually vagina opening. I'm really worried about this. Can anyone please help?

    PS: no rude comments, and sorry for the graphic details.

    8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I have a few questions about the Nintendo Wii?

    I'm thinking about getting a Wii for Hanukkah. Does anyone know where I can purchase the Wii in red? Is there such thing? I heard it came in a few different colors. Also, what are some good games for the Wii?

    I used to have a gamecube but I went into Target and the guy there told me that all the gamecubes were basically going out of business and such. Then I heard that all the gamecube games fit on the Wii, which is good so that I don't have to buy all new games. But how would I go about doing this? Is there a spot that you plug in the gamecube controller? Please can anyone give me some advice or tips, thank you.

    4 AnswersNintendo Wii1 decade ago
  • For my 16th birthday:?

    I plan on having a really big party, and like renting out a big space or something. I have a few questions though. Since I want there to be alcohol there, what is the best way I should go about doing this? Please no rude answers. And also, approx. how much do you think it would be to rent out like a recreation room or something? Any tips are appreciated.

    3 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • I'm having guy problems.?

    Okay, basically, I'm 15 and I like this guy. (I know, I know, we're young and stupid, blah blah blah) but I really need some advice.

    So I sat next to him last year in Biology, and we always used to talk and flirt like crazy, and I thought possibly just I noticed it, at the most just me and him noticed it, but towards the end of the school year some of my friends in the same class started coming up to me and talking about how much we flirted with each other and how it was cute, ect, ect. Anyways, the point is, he flirted back, and a lot. I mean a lot, too. I failed Biology because of it, and so did he, which wasn't good but that's just an example of how much we talked/laughed and flirted.

    Anyways, now he has a girlfriend and it's really bothering me. We don't talk as much as we did last year, but I'm pretty sure his best girlfriend told him that I liked him currently. He also knows I used to like him in 8th grade. (We're in 10th now, by the way.) But yeah, it's really confusing me how he can act like he likes me, and then go get a girlfriend. They've gone out before, too.

    Also, he's Jewish. I know this mostly has nothing to do with anything, (not to reinforce the stereotype or anything) but Jewish kids, in highschool mainly, tend to all hang out with each other, and I over heard him say that his parents wouldn't be happy if he didn't marry a Jewish girl, which is why I think he hasn't asked me out yet, which really sucks. I'm half jewish and I've been studying hebrew for a while, and I occasionally hang out with the 'jew crew', and when I do I noticed he talks to me a lot more. I kind of need advice and I don't know what to do...

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I think the marijuana was laced?

    I know its wrong do to drugs, I know it's stupid, I know what could happen, I know all the risks, I know only 'losers do drugs', I know, why do drugs in the first place? I know, trust me. I'm not looking for a lecture, I'm looking for a friend and some advice. I'm really worried about this.

    So Friday night I was with two friends, and my friend P bought some marijuana from her dealer. My guy friend W and I smoked it, along with P, and I felt really nice, nothing out of the ordinary. But I realized yesterday that I still felt high, and kind of numb. I could pinch my leg without it hurting, although I could feel it. I called W and asked if he felt the same, and he said that when he got home, his parents drug tested him, and he tested positive for Meth. Could this be a side effect of Meth that I'm experiencing? I'm really worried about it. The only drug I've ever tried is Marijuana, and I'm scared. I can't talk to my mom about it, so I decided to ask Yahoo. Any help would be REALLY appreciated. I never meant for this to happen, ever. My friend P insists that the Marijuana wasn't laced, but then how would he test positive for Meth? Please help.

    6 AnswersBotany1 decade ago
  • How can I convince my mom to buy me a treadmill?

    We're kindof short on money, but I told her that I'd really love one, because I'm trying to lose a few pounds. She was SO close to buying me a 300$ her friend was selling, but my stupid dad talked her out of it. I was telling her that out of all the things she's bought me, video games, makeup, ect, that I need this the most, and her reply was "walk the dogs" which I already freakin do. I saw one on craigslist for only 175$, but then again, who knows if it was good or not? But still. I LOVE to walk, and I can totally see myself using one. Any tips or ideas? I don't want to wait until Christmas, I want to start losing weight now.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Cold sore question? Help!!!?

    Not last sunday, but the one before that, I got a really bad sunburn which resulted in a HUGE cold sore. It came around tuesday-wednesday. Now its in scab formation, and looks like its healing well, but I have a party to go to on friday, and I was wondering if you guys that it would go away soon? I've been putting the liquid form of Campho-Phenique (spelling?) on it, along with occasionally Vitamin E oil, and Carmex. I just took some L-syine, but I haven't taken any before. If I continued with the tablets, will it go away faster? And also, should I stop putting ointment on it so that in can dry up? Please help.

    5 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • What are some really scary movies?

    On friday a couple of my girl friends and I are having a scary movie night at my place, and I'd like some suggestions on what to rent. The grudge scares the crap out of me, and I love to jump. I also love suspense.

    30 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • My puppy is so scared of the little things?

    We rescued a Lab/Shep/something else mix from the pound when she was 2 months old. She's now 10 months. She was found on the street with her brother, but without their mom. Whenever we rustle a bag, or bring out things she's never seen before (such as a doll house), she freaks out and runs. She hates the pooper scooper, any bags that make noise, baby strollers, everything she hasn't gotten time to get used to, she's scared of.

    I actually think this may be because she was possibly parted from her mother too soon. She treats me like I'm her mom, and she's quite insecure. She also has horrible separation anxiety. She follows me around literally everywhere, but it doesn't bother me. If I go on the couch, she lays either next to me or by my feet, or somewhere in the room. When I get up and go into my room she lays on the bed behind me, and when I relax in the den, she's there too. Whenever I leave, she goes nuts and tears everything up: Shoes, clothing, jewelry, glasses, my moms bed, charcoal from the fire place, everything she can get ahold of. Is this because she was separated from her mom too early, and when I leave she gets anxious and HAS to do something? If so, what should I do about it? We have another dog, and they play a lot, so you'd think that would keep her occupied.

    I don't want to crate her, I've never been much of a crate person, and I can't afford a trainer. Will she grow out of this? The main problem is her chewing things up (expensive things), but I also want her to stop being so scared.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I am DESPERATE for help with my chewing puppy?

    When I say desperate, I mean desperate. My mother and I have discovered that whenever we leave Sammy (my lab/shepherd/possibly pit mix) in the house, she chews anything she can get to. (She's about 9 months, btw)

    Anyways, first she chewed up some shoes, then it was two pairs of my moms expensive glasses, then she tore up underneath of my moms bed, and she chewed the cords to all my game systems. She chewed up her outside doggy pillow, and the bed thing under that. She gets into the trash, digs, its horrible! My moms terrified to leave her inside, because what if she chews the couch? She even chewed up ALL of my moms candles.

    We decided to pick EVERYTHING up that she could eat, except for the big things, such as the couch, ect, and leave her in with our other dog, Lucy. We left her with bones and other toys, and a Kong stuffed with frozen peanut butter. Since there was nothing to chew, she actually went into the fire place and got the charcoal out! It seems like she HAS to do some sort of destruction! So we started putting her outside, and she chewed up the edges of all our patio chairs, and my moms flower pots. And yesterday, she chewed up my moms favorite pair of shoes (70$) and her brand new jeans (40$). We can't afford for her to do this anymore! We're thinking about buying her a muzzle, but then she couldn't really be a dog. I think its cruel.

    We've considered that doggy spray that tastes bitter, but we can't spray every single item in the house. We're usually not around when she does the deed, but we still scold her and throw her outside. We've tried bones and other toys that give her something to do, and she STILL chews everything up. We don't really have the money for a training class. I don't know about crating her. I've never had a dog I needed to crate. I can't spray her with water when I see her chewing something bad, because I never see it! We've also tried rewarding her when she chews on the proper item, but nothing is helping. We used to take her on walks every single day, and she still chewed. We know she's a really high energy dog, but what else can we do? I have school and my mom has work. We can't constantly be there for her. We took away all of her stuffed animal toys to prevent her from learning to "rip" stuff up.

    Any help would be highly appreciated. I don't EVER see myself giving her away, because I love her so much, but I really want this to stop. My mom is so fed up with her, and so am I.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I recently got a HORRIBLE sunburn, and?

    I have blisters all over my arms. But thats besides the point, my question is:

    My face has recently started peeling, and its very itchy. I accidentally picked off some of the dead skin, revealing a pinker area. It looks so weird. Will my skin ever be one tone again? I'm so scared. Please help.

    8 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • Another tongue ring question. Help!

    I got my tongue pierced on Thursday, and I was wondering... if I were to change the top ball to an acrylic ball (I know its kinda soon...) but if I used gloves, ect, could it more easily get infected? Please help.

    8 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago