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  • One cat really wants to play, the other really doesn't. Any advice?

    Hi there,

    We have two cats who love each other, and turns out one of them has special needs. The two of them used to play with each other constantly, but on her new meds, special kitty is Not In The Mood to play (not even on catnip). Our non-special-needs cat is lonesome! She keeps pestering the special-needs kitty, to romp around with her like they used to, to chase each other around, pounce, wrestle, etc. She's very outgoing, and she doesn't understand that her friend needs to rest.

    Does anyone have suggestions for how to make sure our playful kitty gets to play, while our special-needs kitty can get some rest? Of course we play with her, too, but it's not the same -- she wants real wrestling pouncing chasing-each-other-around action.

    If this was a situation with dogs, I'd arrange a playdate with another outgoing, friendly, confident dog. Would that work with cats? Our kitty is about a year old, highly confident and friendly.

    Any advice would be much appreciated!

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What things do you like to control? What makes you feel like you're in charge of your day?

    I'm 24 and it seems I have a mild eating disorder that's entirely about control. So I'm thinking of other, non-food things that I could control instead, like, to scratch that itch, without being completely unhealthy or driving other people crazy.

    What sorts of stuff do you/other people like to control? (Physical and non-physical things.)

    What do you do that makes you feel like you're in charge of your day?

    or is it more a general thing, people want to feel like they're *in* control, and the specific controlled things don't matter at all?

    Is it fulfilling, or do people just always want to control more/different stuff?

    Thanks guys!

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Does it smell twice as catty to adopt two cats? Does long/short hair make a difference in cat-smell?

    My fiance and I live in a small apartment, and are planning to adopt 1-2 kittens!

    The deciding factor between adopting one kitty vs. two is how much the apartment will smell like cats, especially when they grow up.

    Is it like, having a cat means having some cat-odor, and one cat vs. two cats won't make a significant difference?

    Or is it like, two cats are twice the cat-odor?

    Also, do short-haired cats smell less than long-haired cats? (I really like Maine Coons, but I could fall in love with another kind if it helps our small apartment stay nice-smelling.)

    I asked this a few hours ago, and everyone assumed I meant the litterbox smell, accidents, or territorial spraying. Actually, that's not what I mean -- perhaps I'm just really sensitive, but I can definitely smell whether a small apartment has cats or doesn't, even if they keep the litterboxes scrupulously clean. (It's not at all like a fecal, urine, or ammonia odor, it's a warm and stuffy smell, like, "hey, some animals live here.") (Does dander smell? Could that be it?)

    I imagine cat-owners get used to it!

    I'm certain I can smell cats, and not just their litter boxes... any input on what I'm smelling, and whether two cats will be have twice as much of that scent?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Does it smell twice as catty to adopt two cats? Does long/short hair make a difference in cat-smell?

    My fiance and I live in a small apartment, and are planning to adopt 1-2 kittens!

    The deciding factor between adopting one kitty vs. two is how much the apartment will smell like cats, especially when they grow up.

    Is it like, having a cat means having cat-smell, and one cat vs. two cats won't make a significant difference?

    Or is it like, two cats are twice the cat-odor?

    Also, do short-haired cats smell less than long-haired cats? (I really like Maine Coons, but I could fall in love with another kind if it helps our small apartment stay nice-smelling.)

    Thank you!

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • So, I'm making up a theory on Love, God, Reality. Thoughtful critiques, please?

    Just for fun, but it's gotta hold up.

    The gist so far:

    Love, by definition, transcends physical reality. (Yeah, yeah, firing synapses. But brain chemistry isn't Love... part of the definition of Love is that it transcends physical reality, it's something greater than physical reality. Otherwise you're just not talking about Love.)

    If you've been in looove, you *know* it exists. (And even if you haven't, well, you know it exists, as a concept.)

    Love isn't always logical, it doesn't exist anywhere in space. But it's still real. (Perhaps diff types of valid, coexisting realities: Physical, Emotional,Conceptual, __? Realities shouldn't be confused w e/o.)

    God, by definition, transcends physical reality, otherwise you're not really talking about God. God isn't always logical, doesn't live anywhere physically...

    So, if God works how Love works, God can exist?

    Please critique this concept. I feel like there's gotta be some big ol' holes here, but I'm too much of a romantic to find them!

    7 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Why do people, religious and otherwise, get offended about the concept of multiple truths? (Honest question.)?

    I'm Jewish, raised with the idea that different families believe completely different things (heck, even different *Jews* believe completely different things). And isn't diversity lovely.

    I never had the impression that the different beliefs threaten the validity of anybody else's beliefs... things don't need to agree, to all be true and valid at the same time. Just because I'm right, doesn't mean you're wrong, and vice versa. Why should it?

    So I am a bit confused as to why people get so.. touchy.. when faced with the possibility that people have differing truths that are all true. They seem to act like the existence of other truths threaten them somehow.

    Could anybody please explain to me how their idea of One Truth, with no others allowed, works? (My curiousity is honest, my mind is open, and I have a B.A. in Religions, but I don't quite understand this.)

    Religious and non-religious answers are welcome, but please, try to be respectful to others. Thank you!

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Two eggs cracked when I hard boiled them. Can I eat 'em anyway?

    I'm hungry! :D

    I mean the part where the yolk/eggwhite billowed out from a little crack in its shell, and hardened that way. Each egg is still all one piece, it's just a really weirdly-shaped piece.

    One egg floated right from the start, so perhaps it already had a tiny crack to begin with... when I was bringing the water to a boil, I held that egg under the water with a wooden spoon, to make sure it wouldn't float over the water level and be underdone. But once I put the lid on to simmer them, I imagine it probably floated a little.

    They eggs don't look weird or gross except for their bizarre shape. Will they be unhealthy to eat?

    (And yep, I know/did all the tricks to make eggs not crack when you're boiling them... these were rather crummy eggs, and I boiled the only four in the dozen that weren't cracked to begin with, ha ha.)

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago