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  • please answer would like advice and solid opinions or facts.?

    I had an accident with my partner and I had to take the morning after pill the deed happened on 9th September and I took the morning after pill two hours after the deed, I then had a light period from the 23rd sept for 4 days I did however do a pregnancy test two weeks after the incident which was on the 23rd September and it was negative I then tested again with first urine of day on the 30th sept it was negative and I have tested again 2nd October is it safe to say I am not pregnant? also me doing a test after three weeks of sex does that give an accurate result?

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • please advise would like to know accurate answers.?

    I have had to take the morning after pill on 9th sept as I wasn't sure if it broke or not. but my question is this if you have sex with a guy that has never tested for sti but has always used a condom with previous girls what are the chances he can give something to me if we used a condom and it never tear or slip or break? also have I mucked my cycle up now taking the morning after pill as I took a previous pill on my period 14th aug

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • please answer need serious advice or opinions?

    had sex with partner on 14th august and was having my period which started on 12th aug normally lasts 4 days but on the same day of the 14th aug I took the morning after pill due to contraception fail. I have done pregnancy tests on the following dates 28th aug and 4th sept which came back negative first urine of the day, when is a pregnancy test accurate as these were 2 weeks and 3 weeks after sex? my second question is if I was facing an ectopic pregnancy would the test still show positive. ?

    3 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • hi help....?

    me and my boyfriend had a slight accident with condom I was on my period so I am not sure if I could get pregnant or not but I decided to take the morning after pill as don't want a child just yet.. any way as soon as I took the morning after pill which was two hours after sex I stopped bleeding and now I am bleeding again today. my questions are these

    is it normal to have bleeding like this two days after taking them morning after pill?

    can I get pregnant on my periods?

    should I worry if I bleed for rest of the month til I am supposed to have my next period which would be around the 10th sept?

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • hi please advise me on this one?

    I had an accident on Friday between me and partner where the condom broke. now I was on my period as I also noticed that day that I forgot my pill from day before being so stressed at work I had no other choice to take the morning after pill the doctor advised you can take the morning after pill any time in your cycle including on your period but when I took the pill my period stopped and now when I go to the toilet I wipe there is blood and sometimes it settles on the pad is this normal?? for the morning after pill to do that when should I do a pregnancy test to be sure? could I get pregnant on my period?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • help needed!!!!!?

    I had to take the morning after pill twice in one month one was on the 27th june 23 hours after sex and the other was on 21st july taken one after sex.

    The 27th june incident my period came a week earlier which started from 10th-14th july.

    after taking the second morning after pill on the 21st july I only had a bleed for two days from 29-30th july.

    my questions is this

    have I messed up my cycles?

    I did a pregnancy test on the 8th aug and it was negative is that definitely accurate or do I need to retest?

    I have recently on Thursday 6th aug tested for stds and got negative for all is that accurate as its two weeks since the last sex.

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • please answer need serious answers?

    10th June had protected sex panicked took morning after pill one hour late bled at my normal time for a period between 17-20th June. (took std full test on 25th June all came back negative)

    26th June had protected sex panicked again took morning after pill 14 hrs. later had a bleed a week earlier than expected for normal period from 10-14th July all normal (also did std tests again 10th July and all negative)

    21st July had unprotected sex and took morning after pill 1 hour later had a bleed one week later only for 2 days 29-30th.

    took a pregnancy test 19 days after the last incident which was on the 9th august came back negative.

    also had symptoms of a uti infection on the 3rd august when doctor dipped urine he said urine infection gave antibiotics symptoms went and came back the symptoms are frequent urination no pain and just pressure on pubic bone.

    on 6th aug did a std test again has come back negative went to doctors yesterday he said he send off urine to see what bacteria has done swabs for std to be sure but he said by now it should be positive.

    if no uti is found then what is causing my symptoms?

    do I need to do another pregnancy test?

    do I need to do another std test?

    could stress be causing this

    1 AnswerSTDs6 years ago
  • need advice please had sex on the following dates?

    10th June had protected sex panicked took morning after pill one hour late bled at my normal time for a period between 17-20th June. (took std full test on 25th June all came back negative)

    26th June had protected sex panicked again took morning after pill 14 hrs. later had a bleed a week earlier than expected for normal period from 10-14th July all normal (also did std tests again 10th July and all negative)

    21st July had unprotected sex and took morning after pill 1 hour later had a bleed one week later only for 2 days 29-30th.

    took a pregnancy test 19 days after the last incident which was on the 9th august came back negative.

    also had symptoms of a uti infection on the 3rd august when doctor dipped urine he said urine infection gave antibiotics symptoms went and came back the symptoms are frequent urination no pain and just pressure on pubic bone.

    on 6th aug did a std test again has come back negative went to doctors yesterday he said he send off urine to see what bacteria has done swabs for std to be sure but he said by now it should be positive.

    if no uti is found then what is causing my symptoms?

    do I need to do another pregnancy test?

    do I need to do another std test?

    could stress be causing this?

    2 AnswersSTDs6 years ago
  • really worried anyone got experiences or good advice on this.?

    I am really worried and possibly over stressed I went with a guy whom I known for ages we have had sex three times in the space of three months two times being protected and the last time unprotected.. the dates are as follows to make story brief...

    10th June had protected sex panicked took morning after pill one hour late bled at my normal time for a period between 17-20th June. (took std full test on 25th June all came back negative)

    26th June had protected sex panicked again took morning after pill 14 hrs. later had a bleed a week earlier than expected for normal period from 10-14th July all normal (also did std tests again 10th July and all negative)

    21st July had unprotected sex and took morning after pill 1 hour later had a bleed one week later only for 2 days 29-30th.

    took a pregnancy test 19 days after the last incident which was on the 9th august came back negative.

    also had symptoms of a uti infection on the 3rd august when doctor dipped urine he said urine infection gave antibiotics symptoms went and came back the symptoms are frequent urination no pain and just pressure on pubic bone.

    on 6th aug did a std test again has come back negative went to doctors yesterday he said he send off urine to see what bacteria has done swabs for std to be sure but he said by now it should be positive.

    if no uti is found then what is causing my symptoms?

    do I need to do another pregnancy test?

    do I need to do another std test?

    could stress be causing this?

    1 AnswerSTDs6 years ago
  • please answer need advice?

    ok had unprotected sex on 21st july and took morning after pill one after. a week later I did an std test which came out negative but I am aware I would need to retest in a week. but on the 3rd I started to get symptoms where I had abit of pain when I sat down and keep going toilet all the time. but no pain passing just frequent. went doctors he dipped my urine and said I have an infection so gave me antibotics which I am supposed to finish on Monday. the pain has gone but I still have the frequent urination. prior to this I did however take a further two morning after pills one was 10th june and the other was 26th june both times with them I bled at my normal expected date for 4 days. I also did pregnancy tests which came out negative. can anyone tell me what may be happening as with the last morning after pill I took on the 21st July I bled for two days a week later and haven't bled since. yet I did a pregnancy test yesterday and it came out negative. my questions is this

    is my body so overdosed that probably causing my symptoms?

    when can you do a pregnancy test where you get a clear accurate result?

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • please help me?

    I took the morning after pill on the 21st july and bled for two days a week after which has now stopped. my problem is I thought I had thrush as I was having the need to go wee more often and feeling like I always had pressure on my pubic bone so I took thrush medicine which made it ok for a couple of days and now the symptoms have come back as if I have a uti infection. I have been drinking a lot of fizzy drinks and been abit stressed. I did take std test and that was negative after a week after sex but can the morning after pill cause uti or thrush what is happening all I want to do is pee and after I go I have pressure on pubic bone. no pain the only pain I have is my hips. please help

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • please advise need serious answers as quite concerned?

    had protected sex on two occasions and took morning after pill for both within 12hrs of sex. both incidents happened on the 10th and 26th june.

    I had a bleed on the 16th june for 4 days everything looked normal.

    then for the second incident had a bleed from 17th july for 4 days all looked normal.

    I also took std tests twice both two weeks after each incident all clear.

    I had now unprotected sex on the 21st july although he never came in me to my knowledge however I did take the morning after pill 1 hour later.

    I then started bleeding on the 29th july which lasted two days which was a week after the pill.

    my questions are these?

    the bleeding that I had for two days should I be worried?

    when can I do a preg test to make sure I am not pregnant?

    when will I get a proper period?

    have I really messed up my cycle?

    has the recent morning after pill I have taken worked?

    3 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • hi I need advice on this one please as really worried and never get any good answers.?

    Its abit of a long story but I give brief details not to make it boring.

    had protected sex on two occasions and took morning after pill for both within 12hrs of sex. both incidents happened on the 10th and 26th june.

    I had a bleed on the 16th june for 4 days everything looked normal.

    then for the second incident had a bleed from 17th july for 4 days all looked normal.

    I also took std tests twice both two weeks after each incident all clear.

    I had now unprotected sex on the 21st july although he never came in me to my knowledge however I did take the morning after pill 1 hour later.

    I then started bleeding on the 29th july which lasted two days which was a week after the pill.

    my questions are these?

    the bleeding that I had for two days should I be worried?

    when can I do a preg test to make sure I am not pregnant?

    when will I get a proper period?

    have I really messed up my cycle?

    has the recent morning after pill I have taken worked?

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • need advice please.?

    I am quite worried so need solid advice. I had unprotected sex on Tuesday and one hour after I took the morning after pill. my worry is in regards to the morning after pill as I have taken it 3 times in 3 months,

    so the first one was I took 10th june and had my period as normal on the 16th june then the second morning after pill I took on the 26th june and had my period a week early which was the 10th july now I have taken another one on the 21st july.

    my question is will the morning after pill work? the doctor told me since I have had a bleed from the last one I took its ok to take this one but I shouldn't be relying on this. I am really worried also can I take an std test a week after sex. ?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • please advise if someone has had unprotected sex yesterday and taken the morning after pill literally one hour after sex will it work?

    also what if they have had a morning after pill on the 26th June and then bled from 10th July for 5 days which was a week earlier when there period was originally expected will the current morning after pill taken still work. as I have been advised that doctors recommend not to take it on a regular basis what do they mean by that? and they also say not to take it more than once in a month?.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • advice needed no silly answers please?

    had sex twice on two different occasions both were protected with a condom. which never broke. as extra precaution I took the morning after pill twice in the same month the first one I took 10th june and had a period 17th june which was my normal time the next pill I took was 27th june so I am awaiting my period to come. I also tested for std which was 25th june which was 2 weeks after the first sex which was negative and now have done another std screening on Friday just gone with gp she said when these results come back that's it no more test needed. of course the last sex was seven days prior to the gp tests.

    my questions?

    would the first std result be accurate for the first sex?

    would the second set of std testing give an accurate result? gp said it would as its 7 days after sex so enough time?

    also could the morning after pill be causing my bladder to have pressure as of the burst of hormones as it suddenly did happen after I took the second morning after pill?

    1 AnswerSTDs6 years ago
  • please help me serious advice needed?

    I had sex on the 10th and 26th and 27th june both were protected and everything in tact but for extra precaution I took the morning after pill twice one on 10th june and 27th june, had my period 17th june for 4 days which seemed normal. now awaiting my next period which should be 17th july. I also went to get tested for std's on the 25th june which was two weeks after the first occasion results all negative ive now on Friday just gone went to my gp who done another std screening as I am having the symptoms of constantly wanting to pee and feeling pressure on my bladder all the time I don't have any pain or discharge or bleeding. my questions are these?

    1) will the std screening my gp has done rule out stds like chalymdia and gonorrhoea as she said it will since the last time was 7 days prior?

    2) could me taking two morning after pills in one cycle be causing these uti symptoms?

    3) if you have chalymdia in the throat can a swab from vagina still pick it up?

    1 AnswerSTDs6 years ago

    I had protected sex on the 10th June with a guy the condom was in tact never broke but for extra precaution I took the morning after pill. my period came 17th june for 4 days all normal.

    I then did a std test on the 25th june two weeks after the sex and all came back negative.

    I then again had sex with condom on 26th june and took morning after pill on 27th june. no bleeding as yet. I then went to my doctor yesterday and she has done a std screening to be sure as I am having uti symptoms but results conclude I have no uti.

    my questions are these

    1) what will happen now I have taken two morning after pills in one month?

    2) will the std tests taken on the 25th be an accurate result and the one yesterday?

    3) can the morning after pill be causing bladder irritation?

    1 AnswerSTDs6 years ago