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Seventeen Italian Dancer myspace:

  • my dog ate a stud earring. help!?

    my 4lb yorkie may have ate a small stud earring. my little sister took her earring out ( I didn't know this) and put it on the floor, where she says my dog then ate it. I can't find the earring anywhere, but my dog never eats non food items (and rarely eats food ones) so im not sure it actually happened. It may have happened, it may not have. My sister is 5 and has a tendency to exaggerate. Do i need to take her to the vet, or will this pass through her digestive tract okay? the end of it isn't really razor sharp, but im afraid it will cause her some damgage.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I have never seen my dog wag her tail. I'm kind of concerned.?

    She is a 3 year old yorkie/silky mix. I have been her owner all her life, and I have never seen her wag her tail. I have played with her since she was a puppy, which is tug o war with a sock most of the time, and she will playfully mouth my hand with her teeth (never biting), so i know shes enjoying herself, but she has never wagged her tail. Her tail is docked. It was docked shortly after she was born, but i have seen dogs with docked tails wag their little stumps like theres no tomorrow! Im concerned she is not happy or she has not been happy all her life (slim chance and a bit dramatic, i know) because I have never seen her tail wag. Its always relaxed and motionless. Is it possible they damaged a nerve in her tail and that is why she can not wag it? Or perhaps they docked it too short? Or is my dog leading a miserable existence and I am unaware? ha ha.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What makes you (theists) so sure that there is a God?

    Is it a certain feeling you have? Or have you witnessed a "miracle"? What is it that allows you to have faith in something that may not be real? The only reason I used to believe is because I was afraid of going to hell. I never really had that gut feeling that God truly existed.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • my dog never licks my face?

    My dog loves people (other dogs, not so much) and whenever she meets someone new or encounters someone shes seen before, she tries to lick their face nonstop, which i don't allow bc its gross and rude. She has NEVER tried to lick my face. She was licking my cousins face once and i put my face up to hers to see if shed do it, and she just stopped. It was so odd. Even when I put my face near hers she just turns away. Does this have anything to do with dominance or respect (or lack thereof) ? Shes a yorkie by the way. I've always wondered about this. ha ha.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I feel like I have lost a friend. (not religion related, but i really need advice)?

    Have you ever done something for so long that it becomes a part of you? You identify with it so much that if it were taken away, you'd feel lost?

    That's how im feeling right now about dancing. I am 17 and I have been dancing for 13 years at the same dance school with the same friends since I was 4. Being a dancer is a huge part of who i am. I love dancing so much.

    Unfortunately, I graduate high school this year, and that also means that this year was my last year at my dance studio too. My last night of class was on thursday and basically for the past 2 days ive been crying non-stop. I can't talk to anyone... rather, i don't want to. I just want to be alone.

    I feel like a part of me is dead. gone. When you devote that much of your life to something that you love, it becomes dear to you, and I feel like a friend I had just died.

    I don't know what to do right now. I know compared to the rest of the problems in the world, this is nothing to cry about, but i don't know what to do with myself. I miss dancing. I feel like I can't go on without it. The college I'm attending in the fall does not offer any kind of dance program. I can't attend classes again bc i need to spend my pay on college tuition and books and save it for the future etc. I would never dream of asking my parents to pay for classes again.

    I know all good things come to an end, but just can't let this go. Please give me some advice? Im in desperate need of it.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you think the government should be allowed to read your emails and listen in on your phone calls...? order to better national security?

    I really don't have a problem with it. I don't see why anyone else would unless they have something to hide.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists, would you prevent your children/spouse from becoming religious if that's what they wanted?

    Same thing for christians. Would you prevent your children/spouse from becoming atheists if that's what they wanted to become?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should there be a death penalty?

    Do not let the "they might be innocent" argument influence your decision, since DNA technology in this day does a good job of weeding out the real criminals.

    Personally, if a man killed my parents, and his DNA was all over the crime scene, i'd want him to die. I wouldn't want him to sit behind bars and have tax payers feed and clothe him.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • So, if there isn't a sexual orientation gene...?

    How are people supposedly born gay? I DO NOT believe that people choose to be gay, but... if there is no genetic influence on orientation, where does being gay/straight/bisexual come from?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I really want to get into Buddhism?

    I want to learn all about it. In addition to researching it on the internet, i would appreciate if the buddhist members of this section, or people with a lot of knowledge on the subject, could tell me a bit about it :]

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The manager at my mother's medical office has done nothing but hire people culturally like herself.?

    In the past year, the manager of the office (who is african american) has hired all african american med techs. I'm not trying to raise a stink here, but it seems kind of unfair that she is not hiring any latino, asian, or white people for the positions.

    Of course, no one would ever say anything about it because they'd be called out as racist, when in fact, the manager is the one that is discriminating in the workplace.

    Would this be considered discrimination?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Origin of life question for atheists?

    Basically the only reason I believe that there is some kind of God is because of the fact that science has failed to prove the origin of ..well.. existence, quite frankly. We all know about the big bang theory, but what existed before that? Or before that? Or before that? Where did the empty space come from? What I'm getting at is, how did essentially nothing (the verrrrry beginning of existence) come about in the first place if it wasn't created?

    I'm not saying "why don't you believe in the bible and that god created us and jesus died and blah blah blah..."

    I'm saying, why don't you think it's possible that some higher energy or higher force (that has nothing to do with organized religion) outside of this earthly existence set the necessary wheels in motion when there is really no other explanation that science has offered on the subject. To me, its a big fat question mark that i just cant see logically being answered with a scientific explanation.

    I want to know your point of view.

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I noticed that there are quite a few vegan/vegetarians on here?

    I, myself, am a pescetarain. Though I want to know why eating eggs is against vegetarianism. What constitutes egg as a meat? Its not like its fertilized or anything, it's like eating an egg that i took out of a human woman (ew, but that's basically it). Vegetarians don't boycott animal by-products like vegans do, so why don't vegetarians eat eggs?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Am I wrong in thinking this is hypocritical?

    Im trying to get my friends together to go to the barnimum bailey circus this weekend. My one friend said "I refuse to go to circuses because they have a bad reputation with the way they treat animals."

    But obviously she has no problem with the mistreatment of animals that end up on her dinner plate :|

    I dont know, i found it kind of hypocritical for her to make such a bold statement about animal treatment when she eats meat, and visits zoos and aquariums regularly.

    Not saying theres anything wrong with any of those actions, but the usually, people that are against animal abuse and containment do more than boycott circuses.

    Or maybe im just in a nitpicky mood.

    ( i know this isnt in the right section, but i like your opinions )

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • So, did anyone see Angels and Demons?

    Dan Brown is one of my favorite authors, and I had really high hopes for this movie. The movie was grossly inaccurate to the book, but that was to be expected. Overall though, I thought it was pretty good.

    Did you see it?

    Or do you refuse to see it because of what it suggests?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do I sound like I have a hypo-active thyroid?

    I'm going for bloodwork in a week or so because my mom [who is a nurse practitioner] thinks I have an underactive thyroid. I think I do, but if I don't, I don't know what to make of my symptoms.

    I am extremely tired all the time. Not just tired though, its like i have no energy. I crash every day after school [im 17] not by choice, but I seriously can't keep my eyes open.

    I feel bloated a lot and I put on weight really easily. I basically need to eat next to nothing in order to stay where I am right now which is realatively thin, and even now I could afford to lose 5 lbs or so. When I do eat, i eat super healthy. I eat a ton of veggies and the only meat I eat is fish. I am active, I dance 3 times a week for at least 2 hours each night.

    I just feel like crap in general. The worst thing about this situation is the fact that no matter how active i am or how healthy I eat, I still do not have a flat stomach or hips, which I know would be because of a lousy metabolism. I feel like tons of girls my age can eat whatever they want and not excercise and theyre still skinnier than I am. Its been this way for a while now, and Its really bothering me.

    The last thing, is that my mom has significant thyroid issues. She goes from hyper to hypo on a monthly basis, it seems as though her thyroid is never quite right, even though she does all she can to try to fix it. I heard thyroid issues can be genetic, so its possible that they were passed down to me.

    So do you think I have an underactive thyroid? Or do you think it could be something else?

    6 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • I'm not trying to cry "miracle!" here...rather I'm looking for a scientific explanation.?

    I woke up this morning with awful flu symptoms. My body doesn't just ache, there are shooting pains going through every part of me. On top of not being able to get out of bed without getting dizzy and a head rush, i just so happen to be babysitting my siblings today. I went to the kitchen to make them lunch around 1 o'clock with a throbbing head, and pain shooting everywhere on my body. I haven't taken any pain medicine today, and was thinking about doing that. I glanced over at the windowsill and saw the squirt bottle of blessed jordan river water my grandmother brought us from her recent trip to Israel.

    I figured what the hell, if its ~so great it should be able to stop my head from hurting so bad. I took a dab of it and touched it to my forehead. After 10 seconds or so, the throbbing pain in my forehead stopped. I though, "okay, it was just luck, let me try again" So I touched some water to my temples and that pain also ceased.

    Now if i only had enough to rub all over me..... :p

    anyways, im not looking to get angry replies and be accused of lying to try to "prove god is real" I actually don't consider myself that much of a believer. Anyone have a scientific explanation?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • my friend and i are using AIM to connect webcams, but she cant see or hear me. i can see and hear her. ?

    i have a webcam built into my new toshiba laptop. i didnt install any software or anything. i can see myself when i get the webcam up and running. my friend and i used aim to connect via "video chat". i can see and hear her, but she can not see or hear me. what is wrong here?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • what is a good song to use for a dance where dancers pretend to be mannequins that come to life?

    my jazz class is doing a dance for this years recital with the concept of mannequins coming to life and dancing.

    i need a song that's kind of elevator music-ish and a tad eerie in the beginning but kicks into a high powered techno-ish beat suitable for a jazz dance.

    ive scoured the internet for days and ha vent come up with anything. help?

    8 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • how can i get my hair to curl like this?

    please, if you know the size curling iron, or technique to making curls come out like that picture, tell me!

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago