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Attracted to an older man, how to approach him? ( if you disapprove of porn, please DON'T bother responding!)?
I am a younger lady who was searching through my friend's friends on facebook, and I came accross this very distinguished guy in his late 40's. I asked her about him and she dosn't know much. I would like to send him a message, but have no idea what to say.
Here's the twist, I googled his name, and he is actually a male porn actor (no, he's not gay, and I have nothing against his chosen profession, I live in L.A. and have dated all kinds.)
What could I say to introduce myself to him on facebook so I don't come across as a weirdo/stalker. I relieze I am at an advantage with my age ( in my 20's) and I don't think I am too bad looking. He probably dosn't have many young women in their 20's contacting him, but then again I don't look like a porn star ( I look more like he cute college girl or girl next door) then a playboy playmate.
Please let me know what I can say to this man? ( and once again, please don't tell me that you disapprove of dating a porn star...)
14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDo I have to speak to my boyfriend everyday?
I have been with my boyfriend almost 2 years and he is my best friend. We share wonderful times together and speak to each other about 3-4 times a week on the phone and some through e-mail and see each other 1-2 times a week. My friend was telling me its strange we don't talk on the phone or see each other every day, although seeing someone everyday and speaking to them on the phone everyday seems a little excessive to me. I think its important for me to get a little alone time to see my friends, pursue my career and just live my life. What do you all think?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoBigger apartment in Glendale or smaller apartment in Beverly Hills?
Right now I am in Toluca Lake, but I will be moving into a new apartment. I have found a 2 bedroom apartment in Glendale, and a 1 bedroom apartment in Beverly Hills, the one bedroom apartment is about the size of the one I am renting now. Which would you pick? I am a single girl living by myself.
6 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade agoIs there a future with this man? Should I wait?
I am dating a guy who is older then me and who has been a batchelor all his life. According to his friends, he does not date that much, but we have been seeing each other steadily for about two months. I know I came into his life when he is very busy ( work, volunteer, activities he was doing before he met me), but when we go on dates, all his attention is focused on me. I know he's not hot on me going on dates with other guys, and has been exclusive with me from day one. He says he is to busy for a girlfriend, but that there is a chance that he will open to it in the future. What should I do, I genuinely care about this man, and wouldn't mind waiting if there is something there.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow much would you pay for a custom made dress?
How much would you pay for a dress that was custom made to your measurements? ( Cocktail or day dress)
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoWhat kind of rings for a woman?
My friend got engaged, she has a pretty big engagement ring, and now she and her finacee are going to get wedding bands. Should she go with something plain, like a gold band for herself or a diamond band? She is 23.
5 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoEngagement ring?
Whats the adverage size of an engagement ring? My friend says she won't accept anything less then 2 carats.
23 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoAdopting instead of giving birth?
My husband and I would like to adopt a child. I am able to have children, but for medical reasons, my doctor has advised for me that a pregnancy would be harmful to my health. We were looking to adopt a child from Russia/ukraine, anyone done this?
18 AnswersAdoption1 decade agoHousewife with no kids?
Do people actually do this? I was thinking about becoming a housewife, but I don't have any children yet.
13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoDoes everyone's metabolism slow down?
I am a 25 year old woman who can out eat most of my female and male friends, and still manage to stay very slim, most of my friends if they ate the way I did would gain a huge amount of weight, but for me, I am constantly hungry, and the calories just seem to disapper into thin air. I excercise by walking my dog, but I don't go to the gym. At almost 50, my mother is a very slim women, so is my father. Does this mean I will be slim as well, I have just heard that some people tend to pack on weight as they get older, will I, or will remain slim like my mother and father?
4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoDo some malteses have long legs?
I have seen a lot of malteses with very short legs, but mine has longer legs. She was an adopted doggie from a lady who said she was full breed. She is 5 pounds.
8 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhy is my maltese so small?
I adopted my maltese about a month ago from a lady who did not want her any longer. I did know much about the breed before. She came to me weighing 4 lbs, and now weighs in at 5.5 lbs, but I have seen malteses weighing up to 15 -20 lbs, and all of the malteses I see are bigger then her, yet the breed standard set by the AKC is 4-8 lbs.
8 AnswersDogs1 decade agoHow much does someone make who is an assitant vice president of commerical lending?
How much does someone make who is an assiant vice president of commercial lending for a bank?
1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade agoCreative ways to ask a guy out?
Ok, there is a guy who walks his dog on my street. We had a short little conversation today, I thought he was really cute, I offered to give him my phone number, but neither of us had a pen. He then gave me his e-mail adress, but when I went to his website, I found out he was somewhat of a celebrity. I would like to ask him out, but how do I? He also told me where he lives, how can I ask him out, can anyone think of any creative ideas?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoGuys: Which do you prefer, dresses or pants on girls?
I wear dresses everyday, they are so comfortable and versatile, plus they are so feminine, and sexy. I feel much more like a woman in dress then in pants.
Why don't more women wear dresses? Guys: which do you prefer, a woman in pants or in a pretty or sexy dress?
21 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoSmaller then size 0?
I just had baby about a month ago and am rapidly loosing the baby fat. It dosn't matter how much I eat, I can't gain weight. I now am starting a new job and need some new clothing for it ( its at a law firm, so very conservative clothing is needed) I went to the stores, and the size 0 was bordering on being too big. I think my body is going to sluff off another 5-10 pounds, so I'll be around 100-110 ( I'm 5'3),which will mean in a few weeks, that size 0 will be way too big? What can I size can I buy? I can't buy kids clothing, because it is not very lawyerly. I need some serious suits/seperates, yet most of missy clothing runs too big, and petites fit me really weird.
8 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoGoing to a hip resterant in Hollywood, what should I wear?
Me and my friend are going out for to a hip resterant in Hollywood. The dress code is " Casual elegant", I am planning to wear a nice dress, can any one recommend any looks that might go over well? Makeup/clothing.
3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoHow do you know if someone is gay?
I am trying to find out of this friend of a friend is gay. He shares two houses with a guy ( they are both from Europe), but he really is not into fashion, can't dress well, and looks and acts pretty like a pretty adverage all American ( or all English) joe. He also is pretty flirty with women and was married for 10 years. I asked my mom who is a pretty good jduge of these things and she says a flat out no. Could he possibily just be sharing the mortgage with this guy? Or do you think he is gay?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoTaking my husband's name?
Ok, so I have been married for six monthes, and am pregnant and I am not sure what to do about taking my husband's name, my first name is Italian, and I like my maiden name, but I also like my husband's surname name which is English. I have thought about hyphening the name, just so I can have both.
A couple questions on this: When my baby is born, would they have the hypenated name, or just dad's last name?
What happens to my middle name if I hypenate it?
8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat do you think of these baby names?
The surname is Pierce
Evelyn Rose
Isabella Madeline
Isabella Evelyn
Madeline Rose
Isabella Rose
Liliana Madeline
Aidan Noah
Alexander Noah
Alexander Sebastian
Tristan ????
28 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago