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It's so easy....
Any geeks out there?
I have a Del 8300 2,4g, 1.5gb, 60gb, radeon 9800 pro..... I have a few bucks to upgrade. No PCI-e that I am aware of, just PCI and AGP (radeon....w/1 PCI slot for a fan on the vid card). 19" LCD...anything I can download or buy to speed the system? I have HT enabled for dual proc work. How high can I OC vid or cpu? and, the oc options in bios....anywhere else to look? Thanks!
2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoWhat is your prayer and hopes for the New Year?
What is your desire for this upcoming year? Mine is peace. Not a false peace, but a true peace and settling down of animosities. God is bigger than any of us. We, with our limited senses and knowledge, can not know the whole truth of God. So I ask that all people, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Agnostic, Atheist and more, will be more tolerant and respectful of one another. I may come across as grumpy. I do have my bad days and will show it. But, I truly wish to see us get along.
So, to my online friends and all of you, have a wonderful, peaceful new year. Take care of one another, and even reach out to those who are lacking or alienated by themselves or others. Blessings upon you all.
Yes..Man, currently known as the troll hunting CaveMan.
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoCan good exist and be seen, without evil?
We say things are black and white. What are they if there is no black? Without a contrast to go by, is good visible? Would we grow in the same way, if there was no example of evil? Tell me what you think.
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDid you get your Yahoo! Answers gift?
I got mine. No more having to leave the cave when thirsty. And it only took a couple weeks......
22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoBurden of Proof.......?
I have looked at only a few questions, yet they all had a common theme. Prove He exists. You say He is there, so the Burden Of Proof is on you. Triumphant response.
I see it a little different. I have to know. Do you believe something is fact? Is it proven, can you show it?
Science has come a great way, over a relatively small span of time. Observation, then replication and consistency give us fact through discovery. An exciting event. Great men are given great honors.
Other observations, are a little bit out of focus. No clear evidence. Reproduction is not possible. Tools to help the research are created, then used in proving an observation, being reliable in showing fact. This creates a huge grey area, where it is really nothing beyond theory, but it is presented as fact. Your belief and conviction are proof enough to me of this.
But, tell me. Who made the rules of proving? What makes the tools absolutely zero'd in and precise? What evidence is so overwhelming?
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAnyone here in a state of 'Clear'?
If so, please tell me, how much money are you planning on using, or have used.... to get to the highest OT level?
Are we really plagued by the misfortunes of past lives and a planetery ruler's decision on overcrowding?
Have you reached the next level of OT, only to find it was not what you expected? I know, if you answer this, your excommunication is coming. But, looking at the court documents and reading on Hub's pre-Dianetic life has me wondering.....
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAsk yourself this. Why is there?
No documented and faithfully recorded, miracles of Christ? There were plenty of scholars and men who knew written language.
Is there another reason? Could it be that He wanted us to live by faith in His word? The miracles happened. Is He real to you?
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDoes Yahoo! Answers, seem like a beautiful....?
..park, with refreshing fountains, cool shade from trees and a peace.........that was suddenly shattered by a group of skateboarding, motorbiking, mayhem loving hooligans, who now fly around whooping it up? Spray painted tags cover the concrete and benches, beer cans and bottles are littered around, while the smoke of some pungent herb is permanent.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoEvolution is great?
I mean, hey, let's read some groups opinions and theories, without doubting them. They can't be wrong, can they? I mean, taking a small sampling of preserved artifacts, tossing out the fodder and focusing on the great GREAT discoveries that finally explain that we have a home. OHBOY. I am told, to read this and that. And I am told I don't look before I leap. But, hey guys, maybe I do! Transitional fossils....with disdain the question is answered, yet, it is still there. Todays theory, was not yesterdays. Remeber "Sudden Leap"..loved that one. The worm rubbed up against a rock, scratched itself and the spot became an eye! Amazing.
You, have no firm ground to stand upon. Misshapen skulls do not prove anything. We have people walking around who look like that. Piltdown, Nebraska, Lucy....all proven wrong. Or at least they were misguided and overzealous.
I can't prove my faith to you. You can't prove your faith to me. Theories have had hypothesis and assumption, piled up high
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat are those....?
...things, that look like mosquitos from the jurassic era (inch long body, long probiscus, 6 long legs), that bounce around the room walls and ceiling, called?
One moved into my place last week and I am thinking about charging rent.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoCan a Christian be?
Can a christian be rational, observant, have discernment? Can they actually have a brain that can think, weigh out different perceptions? Can a christian be true to their belief, but able to be tolerant and debate a notion or philosophy? Can a christian have a belief that will not automatically be called 'fantasy' by those who claim to be blessed with knowledge and the wisdom to use it?
Can I be a man, who has defects, who can't answer your questions, who has doubts, who relies on faith, who is educated, who can discern and weigh philosophy and rebuttal?
Can I exist? I think therefore I am....
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIs it possible to have a day?
Where an answer will not include an appendage with "Stupid" "Moron" "Idiot" "liar" "magical" "fantasy"
and all the negative stuff thrown out, like a bully in a schoolyard. What makes you special, as a human, is the ability to deny your nature and desires. Deny em, let's be tolerant.
I feel like a skipping vinyl......
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy do believers?
Ask questions about atheists, then proceed to bash them, instead of bringing up debatable answers? Is this what Christianity is to you? To hurt because you feel threatened. Does their logic and questions threaten you? Do you know what you are talking about? Are you willing to look at their point of view, look it up, google it. Reply with another point, with dignity and awareness?
Please, be a representative of Christ. Swinging the sword as Christ is being led away, is wrong. Lotta ears laying around.
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago"God does not exist" I know for a fact, maybe?
Well, that question went kind of over some heads. It was an argument, people. It was a question. Can there be something, can it exist, if you can't see it or most of it?
It cannot be argued into people to think one way or the other, because, there is no tangible proof of or against His existent. This is a no win situation, if we try to continue pursuing pounding each other.
"IS SO!!!"..."IS NOT!!!" ..."IS SO!"...."IS NOT!!"....
you are just raising your blood pressure and 'sowing seeds of hatred and bigotry' in yourselves, an in people who read your comments. So, no matter what you think, do you want to be responsible- partially- for a person to be hurt or commit an act, that is not socially acceptable in all areas, or in the Face of God? Whichever you believe in?
Love, not hate. Tolerance, not bashing.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoGod does not exist, factually.?
I know for a fact that god does not exist. Can you believe me? What if I gave you proof of things that can't be possible if there is a god? Well, seem to not be possible. I am not sure. The other side of the moon IS colonated, right? I know this because I heard it and I don't see proof that there isn't. I know that if something isn't being seen, heard or observed in any way, it is not in existent. I heard it from a guy named Schroedinger, and no one has PROVEN OTHERWISE. Right? If there is no proof that there is a god, or , if there is no reason to believe there is a god, then, how can there be? There is no proof that you are human. You are probably all generated by a large mainframe, kicked in by key words from my posts. There is no way there is nothing behind my head. I can't see it. I turn around, but it turns around, too. So it is always behind me, so it must not be there.
Well, I know it is not PC to say you are all robots. Maybe there is something behind me. God?
23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoOH MY, I HAVE FOUND CONTRADICTIONS in the.....?
I have found contradictions in most school text books. I have found contradictions in every leader's words and actions. I have found contradictions in all leaders of governement, civil authority, healthcare providers and all institutions. I have found contradictions in what you have been saying and have said.
I have found contradictions in me.
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoConcerning the "Reasons Atheists care about religion" video?
I hear the reasons. Yes, it is unfair. This countrie has developed a character that does not give all equal rights and freedoms. Laws are being based on religious beliefs, forcing you to observe them. You must see the word "God" against your will.
What can you do, without starting a war? This is what this nation has become. My only understanding of a nation growing without religion as a factor in its government, is within communist nations. I lived in them for many years. I was horrified at what people would do and accept, if only a law held them accountable, and not a spiritual morality/mortaility.
There is no respect for others in certain areas. I can't blame the people. I have been treated like royalty in so many places, only because I was from the outside, yet, they felt no shame in stealing, mutilating children for begging, treating orphans as cattle, because it was boring work. Imagine, 50 children being put in a cement room, a big drain and a hose used to spray them off.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAge develops wisdom?
I see many criticism, paganistic affirmations and atheistic views, being expressed by very young people. 12 years old, etc. Being 3 times older than that, I see that what I believed was very limited due to lack of experience, study, etc. Do you think that a person, a majority, can be able to express a viable opinion, without living or experiencing life? At what age would you consider yourself with a firm opinion? What age are you now?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoOk, seriously, turkey sandwich....what is kosher/halal....?
Mayo or miracle whip. Ingredient-wise, what is acceptable?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf you saw me cold and hungry......?
What would be your first thought, then your first reaction, then your final action. Be honest, I have seen it many times
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago