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Jos h2o

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I'm now a published author. You can read my short story here: It's available in many formats for various ereaders as well as computer based processors. And it's free. =) I'm an aspiring musician(writing lyrics brought me to learn to play guitar, which in turn made me want to learn to sing, but felt that guitar and vocals alone were somewhat lacking so I am taking up keyboard). I have written lyrics for several years and I would be delighted to offer my assistance in helping you write some of your own if I can. I am a Christian. I'm not perfect--I'm human. If you think I'm supposed to be perfect, or if you want to point fingers, I recommend checking out the nearest reflective pane of glass. We all stumble; me more than most, I imagine... But I still try.

  • I'm not sure what i should do (relationship issues)?

    So me and this girl, we've been inseparable since about March or April. We discussed going out, and we both wanted to so we tried for a couple weeks, but our schedules weren't lining up, and she said it would be about six months before hers settled down any (this was in November).

    Since then, I've done all I can to be just a friend, as she said she needs right now, but she started ignoring me yet still texts other people when I see her... I tried treating her the same way, but I don't have it in me to ignore her. What do I do? This is starting to seriously bother me; I don't care that I lost her as a girlfriend, I just want my best friend back...

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I've a question about a 2001 Volvo S40?

    I bought a 2001 Volvo S40 1.9T from a car lot a couple months ago, and i'm having some issues with it. Firstly, it's losing water/coolant. Quickly. I'll put antifreeze/coolant in, and it'll last about a day before i have to put more in. The thing is, though, it's not showing up in the oil, but it doesn't seem to be leaking out, either.

    Also, there's a white tube (best description would be that it looks like a snorkel) under the hood just behind the passenger-side headlight. I've looked for what it is, but nothing seems to say.

    In this picture, it's got a blue cap ( ), but mine has no cap, just a wire mesh screen about two or three inches down it.

    If anyone know why it's overheating or what that tube might be, i'd appreciate it very much.

    (And i don't have a Hayne's Manual for it--not yet)

    5 AnswersVolvo8 years ago
  • I'm trying to get toned; will this help?

    I've been working out for a week or so, maybe not that long, but mass isn't an issue for me. Definition is. I'm not wanting to lose weight (i'm 6'3", 198-202lbs, and have a 32"-33" waist)

    So i've been doing situps with a 30lb dumbbell held to my chest, running on an elliptical for about 30 minutes a day, and i had been curling 30lbs for about 3 sets of 10-15 reps on each arm but went changed that to 10 sets of 20 reps at 15lbs.

    Here's what i'm really curious about; will having a high-protein diet help with definition, or just with building mass? I've been eating mostly peanut butter sandwiches, tuna sandwiches, and boiled eggs lately. Is this a good idea or no? Or does it matter?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Question regarding shipping a revolver?

    Well, my brother's 25th birthday was last week, and we're planning on buying him a .22 revolver(late, I know). The thing is, is we don't know how to ship one.

    Is it legal to send it through the USPS? I'm in Texas and he's in Wisconsin, if that makes any difference(doubtful)?

    5 AnswersHunting9 years ago
  • Would you give me a review of these few paragraphs?

    I'm working on a story, and I'm trying to develop a side of the main character that is steeped in alcoholism and self-loathing. He's twenty-nine and his wife left him in the chapter based six years before. How does this sound?

    Six painful years had taken their toll. To say he'd become weathered was an understatement. At only the age of twenty-nine, nearly half his hair had grayed, his face had become wrinkled and stressed with a pale yellow tint, his relaxed expression was now a distorted frown that pulled the corners of his eyes into a scowl. Everything about him gave the appearance of a man a decade older. He saw the older man staring back at him whenever he passed a mirror and it angered him, but he'd trained himself to withhold his rage over the last half-decade.

    Love had long been absent from his heart, but so had hate. Life had become nothing more than the present; no past, no future, just living for today. The bottle had become a very dear friend of his, accompanying him nearly every night after he got home from work and greeting him each sunrise, blended into his morning coffee with a spoon of mint-flavored creamer. He called it his “Irish-Cream Pick-Me-Up”. It had gotten to the point that, at least twice a week, he spent the evening doubled over the porcelain bowl regurgitating his daily regimen and self-abuse of his liver, or else he woke up not remembering the night before

    He repulsed himself deep down, but he'd learned to live with what he hated by disguising it with apathy.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Why do we need our imagination?

    That sounds like a weird, unimaginative question(pun!!), but seriously, why do we 'need' it?

    My reason for asking is because I'm writing a story, and I know why this character needs his imagination. But why do we, as *real* people, need an imagination? Why can't we be happy and content with what's real and what's happening?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Effectiveness of a TV Guardian?

    How well does a TV Guardian work? I don't expect it to cut out *everything*, but at least the stuff that would get a movie a PG-13 or R rating, right? Are there like sensitivity levels, to where you can leave in minor cuss words, but have more severe ones muted?


    1 AnswerTVs9 years ago
  • A little help with dream interpretation(long question)?

    I think I know what this dream means already, but I'm not absolutely certain.

    Well, last night, me and one of my best friends(I'll call her Z) decided to limit our interaction. We would chat on FB nearly every day, sometimes for hours at a time, but seeing as she's on the east coast and I'm in Texas... It's just not a good idea. We've never been 'involved' or anything, but it's best to not to tempt fate, y'know?

    The thing is, is I had an unhealthy crush on a girl I knew in person(I'll call her A). I couldn't even talk to A because of how shy I am. Z helped me confront my feelings and start talking to A, and even develop a friendship with her after my crush on her had faded(that's another story).

    So last night, after it was mutually agreed upon that our communications become minimal, I couldn't sleep. It was almost two hours after I went to bed that I finally fell asleep, and had woke up three times within an hour.

    Now here's my dream. Keep in mind I rarely have dreams about people, and I've never EVER had a dream where Z was in it.

    I was walking around at night, and it was really foggy. I saw A(the girl I liked) standing by a creek or stream, so I went over to her to say goodbye(long story, but we're not friends anymore and I never got the chance to say goodbye and Z helped me get through that, too). When I got closer, it turned out to be Z, but I couldn't help it, I still said goodbye as if she were A. I reached out to shake her hand, but she just sort of disappeared instead and I felt alone.

    My interpretation is this: When my feelings for A dissipated, Z was there for me. Maybe, subconsciously, she'd replaced my crush and now I'm losing her, too.

    I do have feelings for Z, but they don't feel like the ones I had for A, or even for a girl I said "I love you" to when I was like 15(six years ago).

    Sorry for the length. If you have any ideas, please, let me know. This seemed like a very meaningful dream.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Who would I contact concerning writing a novella based on a video game?

    This is a repost of a question I asked in "Book & Authors" a couple hours ago, but haven't gotten any answers there, so I'll try here...

    I've been a fan of Red Faction for years; ever since playing the second one back in.... Ages ago. I've played all of them and think it's one of the greatest game franchises, and I think there's so much space that could be filled up with a couple novels or novellas by linking these:

    Red Faction to RF II(for instance, how nanotechnology was altered for new purposes, like reanimation and human alteration),

    Red Faction to Guerrilla(what went down on Mars during the time of RF II, like the evolution of the EDF from saviors to conquerors),

    and RF II to Guerrilla(explaining how the nanoforge got back on Mars, how the Ultor people got it back, what happened to the Ultor scientists and stuff like that).

    Heck, even explaining how Hale survived what happened in Origins and what caused him to become a "cultist" and how he somehow rallied thousands to an insane ideology.

    I'm thinking THQ would be the ones to contact, but I'm not certain. Any ideas?


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Who would I contact concerning writing a novella based on a video game?

    I've been a fan of Red Faction for years; ever since playing the second one back in.... Ages ago. I've played all of them and think it's one of the greatest game franchises, and I think there's so much space that could be filled up with a couple novels or novellas by linking these:

    Red Faction to RF II(for instance, how nanotechnology was altered for new purposes, like reanimation and human alteration),

    Red Faction to Guerrilla(what went down on Mars during the time of RF II, like the evolution of the EDF from saviors to conquerors),

    and RF II to Guerrilla(explaining how the nanoforge got back on Mars, how the Ultor people got it back, what happened to the Ultor scientists and stuff like that).

    Heck, even explaining how Hale survived what happened in Origins and what caused him to become a "cultist" and how he somehow rallied thousands to an insane ideology.

    I'm thinking THQ would be the ones to contact, but I'm not certain. Any ideas?


    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • How's this sound(rough draft)?

    Keep in mind, this is barely more than a first draft and needs revised terribly; I'm just getting the basics out of the way for now. Opinions, however, would be appreciated.

    Kadota and Nola had been in a relationship since they were fifteen and, after school ended, Kadota finally decided it was time to let their relationship mature. They were adults now, old enough to live on their own. Kadota loved her, just as he had told her nearly every day for the last three years. More often than not, they found themselves sitting on top of an abandoned warehouse, the result of a bankrupted manufacturer that closed its doors due to the economic woes of over a half-decade before, and stargazed. They spent hours at a time there, staring at the sky, sometimes joking and laughing, talking, finding and naming their own newly-discovered constellations. Sometimes they would spend the entire night in silence, without a word between them, content in each other's company alone. They'd fabricated seats out of the wooden pallets left inside and brought candles for light. It was on that roof that he asked her hand in marriage. The scene, he thought, was beautiful. As it neared one o'clock in the AM, he brought himself to one knee. She sat up, shocked, though it wasn't completely unexpected after all this time.

    “Nola Paikka,” he recited the words he'd practiced in his head at least a hundred times the day before, “You are my everything. Not a day goes by that I don't love you more. Each day without you feels like a thousand years. You make me whole. You give meaning to my life. You make me real.”

    She put her hand against her heart and stood motionless, like a pillar. The little he could see of her face from the candlelight grew pale.

    “Will you grant me the honor of never having to wait another thousand years?”

    It was silent.

    The silence was finally broken by her taking a deep breath.

    She turned and ran inside, down the scaffolding-like steps and out the door of what used to be the lobby.


    Yea or nay?

    This isn't the plot of the story, by the way, this is just the third page or so. It's just something to help urge along two of the main characters into a greater personal development.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Is it possible I have Asperger's Syndrome?

    Well, after looking up the symptoms, I have, and have had for as long as I can remember, all the symptoms except the lack of empathy.

    I've always been clumsy, even to the point where running wasn't allowed when I was 14 or 15.

    Socially, awkward is an understatement.

    I use words that most people never use, and hardly a week goes by that at some point, my parents don't know what I'm saying because I'm using words they don't know, or using them in contexts that are apparently uncommon.

    As far as repetitive interests... Well, I can tell many commercial jets apart, though I'm scared of flying(I fly a few times a year, but I get panicky on the plane). I know more about rifles, pistols and calibers than anyone I know, but the only firearms I've touched are a .30-06, .22, and a .40 S&W. I become obsessive about certain things, even though I don't care about them.

    These are just a couple examples.

    I'm 21 and have never been in a relationship, and that doesn't bother me; never has. For some reason, picturing being by myself in an empty apartment or small house the rest of my life doesn't worry me--on the contrary, it appeals to me.

    Something happened a few weeks ago, and I tried describing the emotions I felt. I couldn't in the slightest. I felt like I was trying to describe a color to a blind person, though they probably knew exactly what I couldn't convey.

    I know it's nearly impossible to diagnose someone online without knowing them, but I'm not wanting a diagnosis, I just want to know if it's likely. I'm not a hypochondriac, either.

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • I need a name meaning "Real" and a name meaning "Fake"?

    I've got the general plot for a story written out, but now I need names for the two main characters. One is real, one isn't, and I'd like their names to reflect that... But after looking up "names meaning real" on Google, all I get is sites saying they have "the real meanings of names".

    If anyone could help me with this, that'd be wonderful. If ya'd like, when it's done, I could email you a free .rtf of it for your trouble(lame incentive, I know).

    *Reposted from the Words & Wordplay section*

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • I need a name that means "real" and one that means "fake"?

    I've got the general plot for a story written out, but now I need names for the two main characters. One is real, one isn't, and I'd like their names to reflect that... But after looking up "names meaning real" on Google, all I get is sites saying they have "the real meanings of names".

    If anyone could help me with this, that'd be wonderful. If ya'd like, when it's done, I could email you a free .rtf of it for your trouble(lame incentive, I know).

    *will repost under the Books & Authors section*

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Favorite Richard Matheson story/book?

    I've recently gotten into reading Richard Matheson's stories.

    Found a book called "Steel" at an airport that was a collection of short stories by him. After reading through it, I needed more, and the local bookstore only had two; "The Box"(more short stories) and "Steel".

    Since I've been reading through "The Box", I've ordered "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet", "Duel", "I Am Legend" and "What Dreams May Come"... Waiting for their arrival.

    So far, "The Traveler", "Lemmings", and "Clothes Make The Man" have been my favorites.

    What is/are your favorite(s)?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Windows Media Player 12 reinstall on Windows 7?

    I'm wondering if there's a way to reinstall WMP 12 on a Windows 7 computer. It's not adding files to the Library anymore(iTunes is from the same Library source), and reinstalling seems to be the last resort before a system restore to 12/1/2011...

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • Why do people listen to depressing music while depressed?

    This has just been a strange day. Nothing in particular made it that way, there's just been some real weird stuff flooding my mind and I feel not depressed, but definitely in a slump. The past week or so has just been kinda crappy. Finally did what I'd been trying to do for years, and since then have felt apathetic and ennui.

    Anyways, I've been skipping almost every track when my media player is set to shuffle, with only the depressing songs piquing my attention. I've noticed the same happens when others feel this way, too.

    When depressed, it seems like happy songs would be the ones we'd want to listen to.

    What is it that makes the sad songs more attractive when we're feeling kind of down?

    9 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Problem with the frets on my guitar?

    My guitar has been doing just fine, no issues whatsoever. However, today, I was playing a scale that I play all the time, and noticed that the 11th fret of the high first string produces an E note. It's only the high e string that's happening with. It seems to be that the 11th fret is seated lower. Could be the 12th being seated higher, but seeing as it only happens with the 11th fret and not the 10th or lower, it's likely the 11th being lower.

    Anything I can do to fix this, or will it take a guitar tech?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Is it possible to fret a violin?

    I've seen the Viper electric violins that have frets, but I was wondering if it would be possible to have frets put on a standard(not a guitar-styled) electric violin? Maybe just strands of copper wire or something either embedded in, or super-glued on the fingerboard.

    2 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • All sorts of confused--not used to these emotions. Advice?

    Okay, well, I've had a crush on one girl for a while(predictable way to start a question, I know). The thing is, is I've barely been able to utter more than a couple words to her before. I added her on FB a few weeks ago, and we've talked a few times on there. Saw her earlier today and had a short conversation with her(first time in person I've said more than "hey" or "how are you?" to her.

    Now the confusing part; I figured I'd be excited that I was able to talk to her. I'm not. In fact, the only reason I can figure that I was able to bring myself to conversation is that my feelings are diminishing(though still there).

    This is only my second 'crush', and the first one was a very dear friend of mine who I'd known for a couple years. Told her I loved her and it just got awkward between us and we drifted apart.

    So yeah, this whole situation is very unfamiliar to me, and the emotions I've been feeling today have been all sorts of crazy.

    I don't know what to do now. I'm confused about what I'm feeling. Maybe I put her on such a pedestal in my mind that she couldn't meet my expectations, but my feelings have been declining for a while now.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago