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Former Republican

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  • Affect of law on pre existing conditions with current health insurance?

    My daughter has had health insurance for a couple of years but they exclude gyn visits. They exclude even routine procedures which have nothing to do with any existing condition. I think the new health care law will require removal of existing condition provisions sometime in the future. Any idea where I can get information on this in layman's language?

    5 AnswersInsurance10 years ago
  • Are air conditioning costs affected by the heat index?

    Today it is 91 degree farenheit where I am but the heat index is 109 degrees. I understand that the heat index affects humans perception of the heat, but does it have an affect on air conditinioning costs as well? Does my air conditioning work harder/longer when the heat index is higher than the actual temperature?

    6 AnswersEngineering10 years ago
  • Is Volvo losing the edge in safety?

    I have 2 Volvos right now and have been very pleased. Soon I'll be looking to replace them. I've looked at the independent safety ratings and was surprised to find that other makes actually rate higher on safety. This suprises me since I always thought Volvo was the leader in the field with no close second. Are there factors that aren't commonly included in the measurment that would give Volvo the real edge, or am I grasping at straws here. As an aside, I'm very disappointed that Volvo has not aggressively pursued hybrid technology so this is making me consider other options anyway, but I wanted to gather facts before deciding.

    7 AnswersVolvo10 years ago
  • How to view my home security camera outside of my home network?

    I've set up the camera and can view the output on my home network by logging on to Internet Explorer and going to the address in the operating manual. However, since I used the log in address in the users manual, I'm assuming everyone else is using the same address SO I'm guessing that I'm viewing this on my home network and not on the broader internet. When I try to log on outside my home network I'm guessing this won't work. The security camera sales guide says the output will be viewable on a smart phone while traveling, but the users manual doesn't go into any detail. Any guidance would be appreciated. I'm using a WVC210 Cisco if that helps...

    4 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Adjusted cost basis for tax purposes?

    Sample: I purchased a Muni with a face value of $10,000 for $11,000 a couple of years ago. I've collected interest and recently sold it for $11,300. The bond agency agrees with my amounts above, but says the adjusted cost basis is $10,600. Based on my numbers, I made a profit (and should pay tax on) $300. Based on their adjusted basis, I should pay tax on $700.

    Is there any way that I can rationalize/explain the adjusted basis? I understand that our tax system isn't completely rational, but I've always been able to come up with some reasonable explanation for the method. This time I'm completely lost. They seem to be amortizing the premium over the bond life so that eventually it goes to face value. But denying me the ability to use my actual cost to determine taxes simply makes me pay extra taxes without any rationale at all.

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Internet connected BluRay Player capabilities?

    I have a Samsung BluRay Player that is loaded with a few apps. I would like to be able to access Hulu or otherwise download and play TV shows from the internet. Samsung has withheld the app for Hulu on my player. The operating manual is not helpful, but after calls to tech support apparently there is no way to access tv shows the way I want. I can access Netflix, but they don't have recent tv shows and other content I'm looking for.

    I would think that players connected to the internet would generally allow browsing and playing tv shows on network web sites, but Samsung restricts web content to their own apps. Is this a common practice with other blu ray or game consoles? Is there any Blu Ray player that allows broad access to a variety of network web sites? What is the best Blu Ray player that provides flexible access to web content?

    1 AnswerTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago
  • How to insulate/heat garage level pipes?

    I moved to the south near the shore and most of the homes here have pipes running through unheated crawl/garage space. The pipes are wrapped in insulation, but this isn't enough. The pipes froze once last year and, even absent a freeze, the water becomes unbearably cold during the winter. I've tried heated pipe tape, but the temperature on the tape is fixed slightly above freezing, so it is inactive most of the time which leaves the water just above freezing most of the winter. Any existing products that keep the water in the pipes at a tolerable temperature? I'm assuming that there are safety issues that cause the pipe tape industry to set the temperature so low, but there must be some existing solution that will address the problem.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Problems with telemarketer calls which misdirect caller id to an invalid number?

    I've received a rash of telemarketer calls recently...almost daily. My phone is listed on the no call list but I still get the calls even on my cell phone. I check the caller id and if I call back to verify the number I receive a message that the number is disconnected and no longer in service. I'm guessing that the telemarketers are getting more sophisticated and are able to somehow mislead caller id to evade responsibility for their illegal activity. Anyone else with similar experience? Is the government looking into a possible solution to identify these calls?

    Land Phones1 decade ago
  • Source for information on Israeli land seizures and settlement activity in occupied lands.?

    I'm searching for a fairly impartial source that will provide information on Israeli seizures of Palestinian homs and confiscation of their lands. I object to this practice, but admitidely don't have all the facts and want to know what's really going on. Specifically:

    1. Land is sometimes confiscated in the US by the government for public use. This requires a judicial review...the government can't just step in and take land. Are Israeli confiscations subject to judicial review by an independent judiciary?

    2. If the Israelis are following US practice, then you would think that sometimes land would be confiscated from Jews. Is this the case?

    3. Is there an appeal process for the folks who own the land?

    4. Is there a clear legal trail that establishes who really owns the land or is ownership questionable? I ask this because perhaps there is no formal ownership records like in the US.

    5. Are the original owners provided with compensation for land taken?

    6. Are the original owners offered a new home in a different location or simply ejected with no alternatives?

    By the one is going to consider it a credible response if someone claims that God promised the land to them and therefore they can simply take it. And simply occupying a structure for a short time with no proof of ownership is not credible proof of ownership.

    Please don't answer these questions yourself...simply provide a credible source that I might use for research...

    2 AnswersInternational Organizations1 decade ago
  • Why are Somali Pirates freed when they are captured?

    There have been several instances, most recently involving the Russions, when pirates have been captured and then freed. It doesn't make sense to me. What international laws govern the capture and treatment of Pirates? While my own reaction is to simply make them swim back to shore, obviously this violates international law. Please give an overview of the rules governing capture and trial of pirates. Does it matter if the capturing force is a different nationality than the ship that was hijacked?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Other users have problems with Windows 7 and Office 2007?

    I recently bought a new computer with Windows 7 and Office 2007 and have had a number of problems migrating to the new system. I figured that MS would build on the earlier product versiions so users could use their earlier experience to become productive in the new environment. This was not the case. There were a number of departures from earlier versions and prior experience really hasn't helped me. For example, I'm trying to use MS Excel conditional formating to format one column of values compared to another column. I struggled for awhile but am ready to give up. The interface is significantly different...the menu bar of the past is gone and the new controls are confusing. Right now I'm cursing those people who brag on their contributions to the new software.

    I had the same problems with directory structure and libraries, menu customization and administrative rights on Windows 7. just seems much more confusing than necessary. Perhaps it's loaded with powerful new features that aren't yet apparent, but you would think they would simply enhance the software so people could become productive quickly by building on exsiting experience.

    Are other people having similar problems? Are there improvements that will eventually become apparent that will justify the frustration? Based on my experience so far, I think the so called improvements are all hype and the products are generally failures.

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Windows 7 Administrator Account Question?

    I set myself up as an Administrator on Windows 7 when I purchased my new PC. Recently, the system prevented me from viewing some documents with a message that I had insufficient rights. The image file can be seen in Internet Explorer, but is invisible in the directory view itself.

    I opened User Accounts in the Start Menu and it shows "Administrator" under my name on the right. I then clicked on "Change your account type" and the next screen shows my name at the top with Administrator underneath. However, underneath that it lists "Standard user" with the check box activated. Under that is Administrator with NO Checkmark.

    I can place a check mark in the Administrator check box, but immediately the "Change Account Type" at the bottom greys out and deactivates.

    Can anyone explain this? Is my computer messed up or is this the way its supposed to work?

    5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Help with Home Network between Windows 7 & Windows XP Computer. Suggestions on additional troubleshooting?

    I actually had the 2 computers networked for several days with no problem, but the power went out and I have been unable to restore the connections. Here is the detail:

    Power went out and when it was restored, the computers couldn't see each other

    Both computers are connected to a wireless Linksys router which is connected to a cable modem. Both computers are still able to connect to the internet so the router and modem both seem to be working.

    Desktop computer is named OFFICPC. It runs Windows 7 and has Norton 360 installed. When I select My Computer and then click on the Network tab; the screen shows 1 computer OFFICEPC. In MyComputer, the workgroup shows as HASKFAMILY.


    The second computer is named LAPTOP and the workgroup is HASKFAMILY. There is no norton installed on this computer. It runs XP Professional. Under Network Connections the following show:

    Local Area Connection: ok

    Internet Connection: able to access internet

    Under Network Connections HaskFamily lists LAPTOP computer

    Any ideas on additional troubleshooting?

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Considering our huge budget problems, can we continue to afford the foreign aid that we give to Israel?

    We have provided Israel with 3 billion annually in foreign aid. In addition, they are the recipients of billions of dollars in other support including loan forgiveness and trade incentives. With tax payers struggling in the United States, and with record budget deficits, how can we justify gifting so much to Israel. As a base amount, we provide over $410 in aid for every one of their citizens every year. Someone is bound to respond that they are our allies. This is nonsense. An alliance presumes the existence of a mutually advantageous relatiionship. We give them money. They give us Jonathon Pollard and call Bush a terrorist for refusing to release this spy.

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What is the advantage to AT&T including free wi fi hot spot service with their Iphone plan?

    I think that this allows the iphone to access the internet via the wi fi service rather than using the iphone 3g.. But since the iphone comes with unilimited data access, why is there an advantage to wi fi?

    Am I correct in saying that when the iphone is outside a 3g service area, that there is still dial up access to data? Is the advantage that the wifi will provide better service if outside a 3g area?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Evidence or tests that prove the timed thermostats reduce energy usage?

    I understand that setting the thermostat back at night reduces energy during the night, but doesn't the system then struggle to restore the desired termperature in the morning? Has the premise been tested that more energy is saved with the set back than consumed when normal temperature is restored? Is there a time have to set back for at least 5 degrees for 8 hours to get a savings? I'm just questioning the conventional wisdom here..

    2 AnswersConservation1 decade ago
  • Can you name any issue that Yahoo Answers changed your mind on or gave you a new perspective?

    On the Yahoo Political discussion, I think most of us came to the forum with strong opinions. Can anyone recount a time when you read something on Yahoo Answers that you initially strongly disagreed with, but after consideration, saw another perspective or possibly changed your mind or moderated your position?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How to define Excel Criteria inside the DMIN database function?

    I have set up a table for data that I'm trying to summarize using the DMIN function. There are 10 colums and 300 rows of data which can be summarized into perhaps 20 rows of data. I have set up the formula (dmin = database, field, criteria) where the criteria refers outside the formula cell to pick up those fields where Breaker = 78, Instead of setting up a separate section of the worksheet to identify the criteria, I would like to set up the formula so I define the criteria either within the formula or using the header in the destination summary section of the worksheet. Perhaps I'm thinking of a capability I saw in Lotus instead of Excel.

    I've tried a variety of things including variations of:

    = dmin(database,"outlets","Breaker = 78")

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Want details and implications of Iranian arrest of British Embassy staff?

    It's obvious that Iran is pulling a power play that has nothing to do with British conduct. However, I would like to know some specifics. Are the arrested individuals citizens of Iran who work at the British embassy? If this is the case, it would (to some degree) lessen the influence of other nations in how the detainees are treated. Or are the personnel non Iranian citizens? Do this type staff normally have diplomatic immunity? What are the differences and similarities to the 79 American hostage crisis?

    I'm not looking for a rant against Iran....just the facts of the situation.

    2 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates1 decade ago
  • Search warrant abuse? Limits on police conduct when using search warrant?

    A friend of mine was questioned by police regarding a crime. During the questioning, the officers asked that they be allowed to search his home. Along with the request, they stated that, if they were refused a voluntary search, they would return with a search warrant and be especially destructive during the warrent authorized search. My friend denied a voluntary search. True to their word, the police returned and were very destructive....including knocking holes in walls. During the second visit, they wanted access to a safe, My friend offered to open it for them, but they refused and instead forced the safe open. This destroyed the safe, which was fairly expensive.

    My question is: Are there limits on police conduct during searches? Can they be deliberately destructive? Can they be held responsible for damages done?

    9 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago