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  • Tripp pants = bondage?

    I recently heard the term "bondage pants" being applied to Tripp pants by someone wearing them, so i was just wondering if wearing Tripp pants was a way to show that you were into that kind of stuff. i mean, its kinda a silly question but i'm being totally legit. Is there certain etiquette one can show in order to let others know that they are into BDSM? i'm sure people don't go up to people and go "Hey, i like to be tied up, wanna top me?" How does one communicate to others that they enjoy that kind of stuff?

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What does "te chiamo" mean?

    my best friend sent me a text, and it said "Alright, te chiamo." when i told him i would talk to him later. what does this mean? i don't know what language it is... i think its "my love" but i'm not sure...

    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Issues with Skype and Music?

    when i'm listening to music and talking on skype, if i get a message and skype beeps at me, it will make my music skip and stutter... its really annoying.. i want to know if there is anyway to fix it.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • What are some good swing songs?

    Any swing songs similar to this:

    I'm trying to make a CD of songs to swing dance to, but i don't think of real swing songs as anything that doesn't sound similar to the above, with drums and trumpets. So sue me :-P

    Just wanna find similar styles. (i know most of that artist already :-P)

    2 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • How can i make it to where my step-dad is my legal guardian? aka adopts me?

    I'm about to be 18 in 8 months and i want to petition for my step-father to have the legal rights of being my father. i live in ohio, so i think that will make a difference, but i have no idea what i'm supposed to do to get the process started or anything like that. i don't want to do it until i turn 18 because i know my dad will try to stop me. My step-father has been more of a dad to me than my father every will be. i want to legally be called my step-fathers daughter.

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How does government affect my life?

    My government teacher assigned me a paper that i had to figure out 50 ways the government affect me, we have 17. We have the general stuff like taxes, health care, school funding, curfew, and speed limits.. but we are having issues with the last ones... we've googled and searched the internet... but we still haven't had much more luck. Any help?

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • My Nikon D40x flash won't work?

    I have a Nikon D40x with a flash that will not work. I have had it for about a year and a half. I have already reset it to the original settings but it still doesn't work. It pops up like it's going to flash, but it still has a fairly long shudder speed. How do I know if the flash is burnt out? Or how can I fix this? Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Wireless internet isn't working?

    ok, i have a wireless internet setup for my house. Right now, the only computer connected to the internet is hard wired to the router. The rest run on the wireless internet (a laptop and a desktop computer) and they won't connect. The wireless internet is actually connected but they won't display any web page or actually connect to the internet. I keep reading stuff about a local area connection and the cable being unplugged (it says that and that is what i was looking up) but i tried disabling it and it didn't help any...

    im fairly computer savvy, but not perfect, so take it easy, lol :-D

    Thx for the help!

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Internet/computer issues.....?

    i have a laptop and its worked fine for about 7 or 8 months. Now, all of a sudden, it has stopped working...

    Whenever i try to download something from Mozilla (a picture, a file, anything!) it won't show up... the download pop-up thing comes up, it appears as if the file has downloaded, but when i go hunting for the file, it is simply not there....

    If i go to Windows Explorer, it will let me download a picture, but... nothing else. i tried to download the update for Mozilla, but i would click run, it would act like its downloading, but it would ask if i wanted to run it, i would click yes and then *poof* nothing would happen...

    I'm fairly computer capable (i know what the command prompt is) and my dad is good with them too... but, we have run maleware, spybot, avg and everything else we can think of... its still having issues...

    *Warning, Geek Alert*

    I noticed that when i went to the Hosts file and opened it in notepad, i had another number listed underneath the i know you are not supposed to and i was instructed to delete the number and then save the file again... i was unable to save it. It said that the file path did not exist and would not let me save.. the number that is shown is

    ::1 localhost

    i dont know what else i can do, its driving me crazy... i cant think of anything i did that caused this to start happening, but i noticed it was doing this a couple days ago..... i've restarted my computer numerous times and windows even restarted it for me last night...

    5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • I have this ring i bought...?

    I bought a ring from walmart (yeah, it was just a cheapy) but i love the look of it and can't find something similar enough.. i was wondering if there is a way to find out if i can get it plated in silver to keep it from turning my finger green.. there is alot of intricate detail, but really, the only thing that would need to be plated is the inside of the ring where it turns my finger green. i was just wondering how i could find out if i jeweler would do that or if there are any home rememdies that i can try..... (i've tried the clear nail polish trick, doesn't really work...)

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Should i contact child sercvices?

    Ok, ever since last summer i have been having trouble breathing ( i took a summer gym class and when i was physically active, thats when i had trouble breathing) I am not a very active person, but i had played softball for the apst three summers and didn't have any trouble. It kind of went away once school started back up, but a month or two later it was back. It got worse, and i was also having some stomach issues (Acid reflux) and around the end of December i told me dad about it. he did take me to the doctor, but when the doctor said that i may have asthma and to try (i think Albuterol? maybe? it was something like that...) this inhaler, my dad refused to get it. I wasn't too worried about it, becuse it was always after i had done something active that i had trouble breathing (basically, i feel like i can't get a full breath and my chest feels very tight). Now, about 6 months later, it is a whole lot worse. If i walk into a room that is hotter or colder then the previous room, i have trouble breathing. If i walk to fast (and i mean, its barely faster then i usually walk) i get out of breath and start having trouble breathing. Its starting to scare me. I told my dad about it and he won't take me to the doctor. What should i do?

    My mom agrees that there is something wrong, but as my dad has full custody, she can't do anything. My step-dad said i could probably call child services (but i am very shy, and don't like talking to people >.<) should i write a letter? should i even contact them? i am really concerned! It is starting to scare me. One night, i stayed up for about an hour, trying to breath, becuase i was so out of breath. I couldn't even breathe through my nose. i had to breathe through my mouth (and it wasn't becuase my nose was stuffed up, it was because i couldn't get enough air)

    sorry its so long, i feel that you have to know the whole story >.<

    12 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Can/should i contact children's services?

    Ok, so i became a vegetarian about a month ago. I told my dad i was going to do it before i actually did, and even asked what he would do. He didn't reply (and rarely ever does) and so i became a vegetarian. But now, he isn't feeding me very well. I live with my dad and step mom and they don't agree with my becoming a vegetarian because they don't want to have two different menus. I can sort of understand it, but when we go to meijer's and the vegetarian meat is cheaper then the meat that they are buying and they won't get it for me, that's a problem. I've thought about buying my own food (i have a job and do my own laundry when i go to my mom's house, i also buy my own lunches) but i would have no place to keep it as i am pretty sure they would not let me put it in their refrigerator. I am concerned for my health. Tonight all i got was a small salad and a piece of bread. Not exactly a balanced meal. But they are constantly putting me down about my choice and i am really upset about it. I don't know if that is something i can call children's services about. Oh, btw, I'm 16. My dad has full custody of me. And this isn't the only crap they've pulled, i've got pics of the hole that my step-mom kicked in my door when she was mad at me. . . . . And if it depends on the state i'm from Ohio.

    Thx for the help!

    19 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Upside down USA flag turned to a German flag?

    There is a place by my school, that was hanging a regular old USA flag. The one day i just noticed that the flag was upside down. I looked at the flag everyday from then on, to see when it went back to being the right way. Then one day, all of a sudden its now a German flag. WTH? i know that upside down flag means a sign of distress, but... we are in the USA... One tiny little business is not going to hang that up without there being a reason for it. And then all of a sudden, its a German flag? I am totally confused and was wondering if you could enlighten me on this predicament and let me know your thoughts on it and whether or not i should take a different way home :-P lol

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Vegetarian stomach pains and the shakes?

    I recently stopped eating meat (like 2 days ago >.<), i am trying to become a vegetarian, but every time after i eat i get the shakes (not bad, i just feel kind of unstable and my hands shake a little) and my stomach hurts. Not severely, its just uncomfortable. I want to know if this will go away or if its a side-affect of not eating the meat, and i need to consider eating meat again. I don't really want to, the whole idea of how animals are treated before they are killed and all the chemicals they put in now, i really don't want to eat meat anymore... I am a 16 year old, perfectly healthy girl otherwise...


    13 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Any1 know any good books?

    I NEED something to do over the holiday break....i'm a teen, but i do read on a higher level. Also not opposed to reading down a level or two, but i read very fast so, its gotta be long :-D or a series..... I like sci-fi and romance-ish (not too racy!) Also, anything that has to do with the supernatural (i guess that counts as sci-fi :-P)

    Before you ask, i have read Twilight Series, Harry Dresden Series, Harry Potter series and attempted the Chronicles of Narnia (didn't like it all that much...) I've heard the Sword of Truth series is pretty good, so i may start on that....Also, i've read Wrath (which was REALLY good) and Urban Shaman (also a good read) Oh, and the Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons was pretty good, know any like that?

    I don't particularly care for Non-fiction but i will read some, it just has to be interesting, about the only Non-fiction i can read is stuff about the holocaust...which is a topic that i would like to read more on, (I've read Maus, Cigarette sellers of three crosses square, Number the stars, THe upstairs room...all a couple of times each, oh, and Schindler's list) any good holocaust books? They can be fiction or non-fiction (And no, please don't mention Diary of Ann frank...didn't really like it)

    I know this is alot, lol, sorry, i've read alot of books! :-D i can read a 500 page book in 6, i go through books like crazy! and then it drives me crazy becuase i can't find anything to read....but anyways...yeah, so can you help me? Plz? Thank you!

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • My dog keeps biting people...?

    My dog has bit me three times (drawing blood everytime). He also bitten several other people, but never more than twice (and she was a younger girl that was running and screaming, so i think thats why he bit her) But i don't do that. He is a Jack Russel terrier about 2 years old. HE IS NOT NUETERED! Will nuetering him change his behavior? Will he stop biting me and other people? I don't do anything to him, i simply am petting him and then he wuill turn on me...i may have to get rid of him, thank yo for the help! (Please be honest, i don't want to get bitten anymore)

    20 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What gun is standard issue for cops in Los Angeles?

    I am currently writing a story and one of the characters is going to be a crooked cop, but i don't know what kind of gun or ammo they use (the main character is going to find a bullet and match it to her own gun, since she is a cop herself) But i need to know the specifics of what kind of gun it is (i really don't know all that much about guns) and what kind of ammo is generally used. (i may change it, if i can find a different kind of ammo better suited for my main charcter, if it is compatible with the gun)

    and possibly, if it is okay and i can be lucky enough to find one...if there is a cop out there in Los Angeles that wouldn't mind answering any questions that I have, please leave an email address that you would prefer i contact you by. Thank you for your help in advanced...

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Want to talk to a doctor......?

    i am a 15 year old female and i am taking a PEd class and after the first couple of days, i started to develop pain on the left side of my chest after i had done a little running. At first i thought it was cramps and just left it alone, but one of the bones of my rib feels like it is bumped up, almost swollen. I don't feel like i can get a full breath, and it is starting to kind of worry me. Little background, pain started after a stretched and continued the entire time i walked, running didn't help it stop or make it worse, eventually it wnet away (not sure when) even sitting here it feels like i can't get a full breath but that might be becuase i am thinking about it- i don't know. Pressure seems to help a little, (i hold my arm across my chest, pushing on the side that hurts and it helps a little with the pain)

    I know you aren't supposed to give diagnosis online, but i just wonder what it might be and if it is serious (i hope it isn't) and if i should tell my mom, she worries alot

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • i need a lawyer, but don't know what kind of lawyer i need!?

    i am 16 and am trying to get my mom custody of me. my mom has gone to court 3 times, and everytime they say she can't have me. But things have changed and she can't go to court again (can't afford it) i am sick of the way i am living and i want to actually be in the court and talk to the people there. talk to the judge and everything, but to do that i think i need a lawyer. Anyways, i just need to know what kind of lawyer to look for in the phone book/on the internet.

    Also, if my dad had custody of me and i refuse to go to his house and i stay with my mom, what would happen? would she get in trouble? would i? would it help me at all? i hate the way i am living!

    Oh, i know this is in the wrong section, but there are more people here then there are in the other place nad you guys are smarter so i figure you guys might help me? PLEASE!

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Poem? Any good?

    Ars Poetica (the art of poetry)

    Poetry is in:

    ........The blackness of an angel's soul,

    ............."Should I care if mankind dies?"

    ........The farthest reaches of God's fear,

    ............."Is this a failed experiment?"

    .........The stillness of a beating heart,

    ............."Is is ok if I just take a rest?"

    .........The innonence of a young mother's smile,

    .............."Why did I think I could trust him?"

    Poetry is at:

    .........The pinnacle of belief,

    .............."God told me to kill them."

    ..........The heart of love,

    .............."I can't wait for the next great high."

    ..........The center of the universe,

    .............."How soon will this all be gone?"

    ..........The core of everything.........................................

    This is what's called an Ars Poetica, basically any poet that is worth their salt writes an Ars Poetica, which is basically a poem of what they think poetry is about.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago