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  • A question to the women :) And guys you can come on in too!?

    How many women out there look at porn? (pics or videos)

    Do you read erotica?

    I don't want to know why. I couldn't care less why but I am wondering how many do because there are SOOOOO many uptight women in Marriage/Divorce that freak out about their boyfriends/husbands watching it.

    My answer: I do watch it both with and without my hubby there (though most times with). I have also let him take pictures of me and video us having sex. When I was younger I also posed nude for art classes at a near by college.

    24 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else thought of this?

    My hubby and I before we got married settled (in a legal document) custody of any children we might have. The only way to break this agreement is if it can be proven that one parent is "unfit" by child services or the child is old enough to decide.

    It’s kind of a pre-nup for custody.

    In case any one is wondering why we did this, it was because I was scared of “if” we should get a divorce (I was still fighting for custody of my daughter).

    Maybe this should be something that more couples do... What do you all think?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Yea!!! Maybe?

    I just reached level 5!

    I feel kind of sad and empty inside....

    Anyone else feel like this?

    *sniff* Anyone? Maybe just a little? Maybe not?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • WHY?!?!?!? This sucks....?

    Why is it that everytime I try to leave this site I some how get sucked back in?

    I had just decided to check my email one last time and then get off the computer for a while but then I see an email saying that a contact just asked a question.

    So what do I do? I ANSWER it and then see another question that I just HAVE to answer, and now it's been ANOTHER 15 minutes!!!

    When will the maddness end?!?!?!?

    LOL I hope everyone is haveing a good day :)

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What should I tell her?

    My friend called me (we're not that close, our husbands are friends/co workers so we sometimes hang out, so I don't know why she called me) and left a message in tears, and I know I need to call her back but I'm not sure what to say.

    Here's her problem: Her husband was friends with this girl (I'll call E) from high school (they hung out with a group of friends); never dated (that I know of). Well three years ago, E suddenly texts him on his cell, but he was at work and my friend just messaged back that he was at work and she would tell him to call her later (I was there with a couple other people). Well E went off on her! It was awful but my friend didn't stoop to her level. Okay fine. He got home and emailed her that it wasn't right, etc.

    Well, he has emailed her a few times over these last years (my friend says she has seen them) because E is in the Army and in Iraq.

    Well I guess E is back in the States now and called husband last night and asked for baby pics...

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Mountain Climbing Question?

    Do I need to buy a brand new little plastic latching thing for EVERY time I go mountain climbing, or can I just re-use the old one I have? Last time, when I went with my mom's friend, we only used one and it made some weird noises, so I was just checking. Thanks!!!!!

    5 AnswersClimbing1 decade ago
  • Can we say a little prayer?

    My husband is a deputy sheriff. We just found out that one of his fellow deputies, killed himself. (I am pasting the article below) Please can we just pause and say a prayer for him? Thank you.


    The Caroline County Sheriff’s Office is deeply saddened to announce the death of Deputy Leonard W. Reel, age 23, at approximately 12:30 p.m. The tragic set of events which culminated in Deputy Reel’s untimely death began on September 24, 2007. On that date at approximately 4:40 p.m., Reel’s girlfriend, Elizabeth C. “Liz” Ryan, age 23, was killed in a single vehicle crash on Nelson Hill Road. Deputy Reel was one of the first emergency responders to arrive on the scene of this crash.

    For more info:

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Can anyone give me a pep talk?

    I am going to a co-parenting class tonight with my ex (court ordered) and we just had a fight.

    I have to tell him that I can no longer watch our daughter while he works on his vistation days (ie. everyother Friday after school, his Holidays where there is no school, etc). He is not paying child support, yet he acts like he can tell me what to do (like telling me I HAVE to go to the PTA meeting tonight and cancel our co-parenting class).

    He knows all the right buttons to push to make me mad and upset. I know he's going to try to make me look bad tonight at the co-parenting meeting and I am sick of it.

    Does anyone have any advise or a pep talk to help me through tonight? My hubby is at the range today until late and I can't even talk to him.

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What to do with a baby drinking too much formula?

    I have a five month old that has started drinking over 8ozs every bottle feeding (I now have to make two bottles:one 8oz and one 4oz) to fill her up. If I don't then she is crying for more in an hour. Her doctor said to try her on baby cerial but she doesn't like any of it! I have been trying all diiferent types for a month now.

    We even had her tested for worms! But it came back negitive and she hasn't lost any weight.

    Before you ask she is not over weight or anything like that. The doctor says she's a very healthy baby.

    I have tried distracting her and playing with her but that doesn't help either...

    Any ideas?

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Job dilemma?

    I am right now a stay at home mom of two. I wasn't planning on being one but do to issues with my pregnancy I had to quit my job (with had a daycare on site for real cheap).

    Now I am having an issue finding a job that will be worth working. Most jobs I am finding will pay for daycare, gas (to get there and back), and little else.

    But the one job I can find (and I know I can get hired at) is at a Jail working as a Jail (Correctional) Officer making really good money. Even after daycare, I'll have almost $1,000 left. (of course that will go to take over paying my car payment, cell phone, etc but that will still leave me over $400 left over).

    But it's the fact that it's a Jail. Don't get me wrong, I have worked in Corrections before and my degree is going to be in Criminal Justice (but I don't have it yet). But I don't want to work with inmates. But this money will help out so much and my hubby can quit his second job.

    Should I take the job? or keep looking?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • A birth control question?

    With the issues my husband and are having right now the last thing we need is for me to get prego if we do have sex besides the fact I just had a baby five months ago.

    The Facts:

    I am very medication sensitive. I have to be very careful of any new meds that I take as I have very violent side effects, though most time the opposite if the normal side effect will happen to me.

    I need to find a new birth control. I have tried over 10 different versions of the Pill (all had the same effect, I bleed for the entire time I was on them), the shot is also doing this but I am also loseing my hair (I wake up every morning with hair all over my pillow), and the patch did the same bleeding wise but it also made me break out in a rash. The only one that work was the Mirena (spelling?) IUD, but my hubby got a scar on his penuis from the string plus it caused a small amount of scar tissue to develop in my uterus.

    I need some new ideas to take back to my doctor. Any help would be great.

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • A birth control question?

    I am very medication sensitive. I have to be very careful of any new meds that I take as I have very violent side effects, though most time the opposite if the normal side effect will happen to me.

    I need to find a new birth control. I have tried over 10 different versions of the Pill (all had the same effect, I bleed for the entire time I was on them), the shot is also doing this but I am also loseing my hair (I wake up every morning with hair all over my pillow), and the patch did the same bleeding wise but it also made me break out in a rash. The only one that work was the Mirena (spelling?) IUD, but my hubby now got a scar on his penuis from the string.

    I need some new ideas to take back to my doctor. Any help would be great.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Open Marriage ???

    My husband and I had (or so I thought) a great marriage. He has brought up wanting a threesome but I said no. Then Friday evening he starts talking about "open" marraiges and what I thought of them. I told him I thought the idea was interesting and that more and more people were doing it. He then was quite for a few minutes and then said he was thinking he wanted a divorce. He claimed is was because of his line of work (law enforcement). But after talking all weekend he said that I was the only woman that really understood all the stress that comes with the job.

    But then he brings up that he wants an "open" marriage and that I can have sex with other women (I'm bi) but not men, and he would have sex with other women and maybe we could have a threesome... He's says if I say no then he can't promise he'll be faithfull in the future or he might decide later to just divorce me instead of just cheating on me.

    I'm stuck... What do you think? Please serious answers only.

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Sex... (over 18 please)?

    I have a question about threesomes. My husband wants one and I have no issue with having sex with women (I am bi).

    My question is will this hurt our relationship? (We have a great relationship and are best friends as well as lovers)

    The last thing I want to do is put our marriage in jeopardy but I do want to fullfill his fantasy.

    24 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago