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  • I have a cannon i560 and a Dell laptop/ w/o a printer connection! what do i do?

    I have a Canon i560 printer and shock of all shocks today I was going to hook it up to my laptop and couldn't find a connection (i know duh)

    so I know my computer Dell xps/ windows 7) prints wirelessly... but how can i use my wire hook up printer with it? is ther an adapter or something... so I can print with it or must I buy a new printer to use..that is wirless?


    and thanks,

    3 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • FREE SPAY AND NEUTER clinic in NY by SPCA tomorrow?

    I just read there was a FREE SPAY AND NEUTER clinic on one of the streets in NY ... put on by the SPCA

    Does anyone know what street it will be on so everyone knows where it is?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • FREE spay and neuter CLINIC in NY tomorrow SPCA?

    i JUST saw a headline that stated there was a free Spay and Neuter Clinic in NY by the SPCA

    does anyone know where it is located so all will know?

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • Well I am going to have to put down my cat (3ed in just over a year)?

    She has the disease (feline gingivostomatitis) her gums are inflamed and she is at the point of not eating even with pain killers.

    I don't want her to suffer but really didn't want to put her down NOW!

    This is the 3rd cat since Feb 09 (21 yrs old) then another in Oct 09 (16 yrs)

    I really miss them but DO NOT want them to suffer.

    I hope that I can cope with this one easier than the others.

    Have you had to put down multipul cats in a short time... how did you cope?

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • class in Insurance/ Medical Billing?

    Does anyone know how much does someone who does Insurance/ medical billing pay.

    I am interested in taking a class but don't want to bother if they don't make enough to make it worth my while.

    I am in SoCal.

    2 AnswersHealth Care1 decade ago
  • if your friend is on a STRICT diet... they refuse to stop for food for you!!?

    I was out with a friend... and because she is on a STRICT diet ... when I asked if we are going to stop for dinner... she said "NO!" ...

    not asking ... I can stop for you or are you hungry etc.

    if they are sooooo afraid to stop and be there while someone else eats how will they EVER be sucessful on thier own diet.

    has this ever happened to you?

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • if you are a NATURAL redhead with light eyes / skin and red hair are you afraid of becoming extinct?

    I find that we are disappearing from the earth.

    most nationalities/ races are dark skinned / dark eyes and hair.

    (and they seem to all want to marry red heads... but that ends the hair / eye/ skin color)

    We have a recessive gene that makes us red heads...

    are you afraid of being wiped off the face of the earth?

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • if you are a NATURAL redhead... light skin light eyes are you afraid we are becoming extinct?

    I find that we are disappearing from the earth.

    most nationalities/ races are dark skinned / dark eyes and hair.

    (and they seem to all want to marry red heads... but that ends the hair / eye/ skin color)

    We have a recessive gene that makes us red heads...

    are you afraid of being wiped off the face of the earth?

    12 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • how to cure standoffishness in a kitten.?

    I have had cats for YEARS...(My own and fosters) and have NEVER NEVER NEVER run into this problem.

    I just adopted a kitten of a feral mom. (who she was overly attached to) at first she bonded with me... calling me running after me etc.

    Then in time she got aquainted with my snowshoe siamese... (hes a bit on the slow side around 2 yrs old adopted around a year ago.)

    and she just loves him... but now I can't get her to come to me or allow me to pick her up. She runs from me when i try.

    she use to purr when she would come to me during the night but now will never purr at all for me. She purrs when she goes to him. (and yes i AM jealous)

    I have tried to isolate him in order to work with her...(and that would work perfect but I can't do that all the time)

    I have done the cat food on my finger ... but it only works for a little while. I have done the catch her ...pick her up pet her put her down routine... I have tried almost every trick i know to make her bond with me... but as long as the 2yr old male is there she won't have anything to do with me.

    I can't get rid of him (i am committed to taking care of him)

    I have run out of tricks... I'm stumped ... got any suggestions (be nice now)

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • WHY do your grown children always need to be rescued?? $$$?

    I swear ... every time I turn around my son (grown) has a good job and apartment is asking to borrow money from me (I make less than 1/3 what he makes!

    I say no ... but when it comes to emergencies (real ones) I give in. (WHICH in turn shorts me $$)

    do your children do this? Do you give in... DO THEY EVER PAY THE MONEY BACK???

    31 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • what is the stupidest thing you have seen someone driving doing at that time?

    tell us what you saw... and what state/ city you are in... or country

    mine is I was stopped at a light a car drove up and a woman was eating with a fork out of a plate... breakfast I assume.

    i thought she would put it down when the light turned green ... but she didn't she just kept it balanced on the steering wheel and went on eating away with her fork in the other hand!

    WHERE are the cops when you want them. SoCal/ LA area./USA


    10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • whats with people asking the same question over and over and over again?

    I have seen the same question at least 7x from one person ... I mention it and they have blocked me.

    but others seem to post the exact same question constantly! (1 abt dirty/ 1 abt poop/ )


    1 AnswerEtiquette1 decade ago
  • printer problems... the thing wont print the words just logo?

    The printer use to work fine,,,

    then it was moved...

    now it just prints out the LOGO on the page ... but none of the words are there.

    I just typed fffffffffffff on a word document page and tried to print it and it came out blanks

    Did the printer have to be reinstalled or what is going on???

    thanks so much for any/ all help!

    2 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • Do your cats wait while you clean the litter box & then...?

    my cats will watch me while I am cleaning the litter box... then when i have done part of it (mine is one of those large concrete mixing pans) they get in and do their business....

    OR THEY WAIT until I am through and then get in immediately and go poo!

    do your cats do this???

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I had level 7 on my other e-mail... now back to 1?

    i even changed my e-mail address that level 7 was attached to..

    how do I get them coordinated??

    or put together... etc?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago