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Lv 1180 points

Luis Cruz

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  • Probability Homework Help!?

    An organization consisting of 9 men and 7 women needs to select 3 people on a special task force. What is the probability that the task force will consist of at most 2 women?

    Please explain. Thank you very much best detailed will get best answer.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Probability Homework Help! :/?

    The question starts off saying if n=8 and p=0.3 Find the probability of less than 3 successes? And what is the mean? Will rank best answer for this. Thank you very much

    I don't know if this helps but after it stated n=8 and p=0.3 it first asked to Find P(X=3) and I got 0.254

    Then it asked find P(X>3) and I got 0.194

    Then it said find the probability of at most 3 successes and I got 0.806

    Then they asked the question I'm asking and then asked for the mean

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Is it the governments fault that health care is not free?

    in what ways do you think the government is corrupt?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Math statistics Homework help?

    The question says: Heights of men on a baseball team have a bell shaped distribution with a mean of 180cm and a standard deviation of 9cm. using the empirical rule what is the approximate percentage of the men between the following values?

    a. 162cm and 198cm

    b. 171cm and 189cm

    Thank you so much

    3 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • PLEASE HELP :/ What Should My Career Be?

    I don't know what my career should be. I have recently realized that somewhere in the social working field may suit me but im not sure. I am a very talkative person and a very good writer. I don't exactly want to be a therapist and listen to someones problems all day not to be mean lol. I don't mind working with kids. I love kids. I considered maybe being a physical therapist for mentally challenged children or children with disabilities like maybe if a child got into a car accident and lost his memory and motar functions but that's mostly in the metecial field and I cant stand medical stuff. I don't know I just don't mind helping kids lol. Im a very lovable and loving person so I would love to help kids but yet I don't know. What do you think I should do. please help! this question has been bothering me for years now. thank you very much

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • What are stakeholders?

    The question that I'm trying to answer is Provide a description of stakeholders from all points of view. Thank you

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How do i make God first in my life?

    I have a girlfriend who i love very much. i have been with her for about 3years and almost 8 months. Now recently i have relized that i should get closer to God then i already am because it will make me a better person and build a better relationship for us. As i continue to get closer i feel like im only doing this in order for me and my girlfriend to have a better relationship and for a better future because we want to get married one day. we even made a decision to save sex for marriage even though we have already had sex. i need advice on how i can put God first in my life and put my girlfriend second? Thank you

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is there a music download where I can fade one song after another? (Please read details)?

    Is there an app for a phone or some sort of download on a computer where I can make one song fade into another. Its for a Halloween party im having and i'm going to just play music off my phone so instead of playing one song after another and waiting for the song to end and wait for the next song to play i just want to fade a song into the end of another song so it begins right after like a DJ mix. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks a lot. :)

    2 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • Please Help? Relationship Talk.?

    I have a girlfriend who I've been with 4 3 years now and we always had a thing that if we did something bad that would change anything in the relationship we would tell each for example God 4bid one cheated that would obviously change the relationship completely.but anyway here's what the problem is.there's these new girls at work that are kinda cute that maybe twice or so when they'd stop me to ask for help as I listened to them I gave a weird smirk.I new it was a different look at the time but didn't pay much mind to it. I just helped them.I didn't really say anything flirty I just ok and helped. Now i'm having a hard time deciding whether this is worth telling her or not. Was I flirting? Is this worth telling her? am I overreacting? please help and thank you so much

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Should i wear this for a job interview or does it even really matter?

    ok now this may be a dumb question but for this job interview i want 2 look nice. i want 2wear a dress shirt with a tie and dressy vest. now most of my dress shirts have the button strap thing on each shoulder. now u could see it a tiny bit wit the vest but does it just not look right? it probably doesn't even matter but i just wanted 2get other opinions. thank you

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • How can i professionally edit pictures? (Read Details)?

    Any android apps or better yet webcites that I could use to edit pictures in the best of ways. like adding a design or changing the color possibly making a picture look like a CD cover. please help and thanks a lot. :)

    6 AnswersPhotography9 years ago
  • Whats the name of the rock song thats from early 2000?

    I can't remember how the song goes all I remember is this "I'll be your SOMETHING SOMETHING. SOMETHING SOMETHING I Can't take my eyes off of you" thank you for the help

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • Microsoft Question about citing a quote?

    Im writing a paper about Pablo Picasso and one web cite that i want to use shows a quote that pablo picasso said himself. if i were to use that should i cite it under his name or the writer of the web cite? thank you

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Ipod touch internet doesn't work?

    Its connected to the internet so there's not a problem with that and when i turn it on and off it works only for a minute and then it stops working. what could be the problem. Thank you

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players9 years ago