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  • Moving homes. Would this be ok? (goldfish)?

    We are moving today, about a 15min drive from our old home. I was going to set up a temporary aquarium 20 gal with some of the cycled water and the fish's cycled filter at the new house.

    That way we can move the 55 gallon aquarium and all our stuff in today. I dont want them in a bowl or something all day! Will my two goldfishes be ok? They are very special to me and I would be sick if anything happened to them.

    Tips are appreciated!

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • The lawyer for my father-in-law's estate never recorded the succession?

    My husband's father passed away in December of last year. The succession took place and closed this past May. My husband was left a house by his dad, and we are selling the property. Well, we have gotten all the way to end of closing for selling the home, and when the loan officer went to pull the title, it had not been recorded in my husband's name. Turns out, the succession had never been filed by the estate lawyer.

    Could I take legal action against this lawyer for delaying this entire process? We may lose our seller because of this. Thanks for your time and answers.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Don't want to leave my child-like husband, but want to be happy?

    My husband is seven years my senior, but he acts very much like a thirteen year old boy that happens to know how to pay bills. His entire life he was brainwashed by his mother, and she made every decision for him. He was never allowed to aspire to do anything, every idea or dream he ever had was shot down. Because of his father's abandonment (his dad couldn't put up with my mother-in-law) he never understood how to be a man, or the roles of men. He literally does not know the difference between a man's roles in a relationship and a woman's roles in a relationship. I never feel 'protected' or feminine, or any of the other things I imagine most women feel like in a normal relationship.

    I love him so much, and the thought of leaving rends my heart. He is a beautiful person, but I'm so unhappy. I can't be his mother AND his father. His father passed away unexpectedly last month, and I had almost made up my mind to leave, but I couldn't after everything hit the fan. I feel like he won't survive without me, and I worry about what will happen to him. He could only go back to living at home and his mom will beat down the little bit of confidence he has now.

    I want to go to marriage counseling, but it will be three months before we can afford to go. I'm just so lost....

    Please only helpful answers.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • I got a ticket for expired vehicle registration. I just found the current one?

    Hello. Today I was pulled over because the sticker on my license was expired. I was in my husbands car, which I rarely drive. I couldn't find the correct registration, just the old one, so I was given a ticket.

    This afternoon I found the current one and sticker deeper in the glove box. My husband had received it, but completely forgot to put on the sticker. What should I do? Will I have to pay the fine now? Thanks for any help.

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • Behavior in a new tank. Is this normal?

    Today I moved my two fancy goldfish (both about 3 inches) into their new tank, (55 gallons, 80 gallon filter) from their old tank (20 gallons, 30 gallon filter). I spent the time to have the new tanks water checked by two different pet stores. Both stores said that all levels in the tank were above average. One employee even asked what type of water I used because she was shocked at the quality. I cycled the tank for two weeks with media and water from the old tank.

    My goldfish spent the first hour exploring the tank, playing by the filter, and pecking gravel. Now they are spending a lot of time sitting in the corner of the tank. How long should this type of behavior last? I'm use to them moving much more, and I'm worried about their health. Would it be safer to move them to their old tank and wait another week? Could adding gravel today have anything to do with it?

    2 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Dreaming so deep it is hard to wake up? Extensive dreaming?

    I have no idea if anyone else has experienced this, i've been looking for an online support group and I feel stupid saying this now. I have extensive dreams that are so realistic that for many times during the day i'm always waiting for things to stop happening because I think i'm dreaming.

    When I dream I often dream about the same places but the strange thing is that they keep changing. Like this morning my dad woke me out of a dream I was having where I was on this stretch of road and all the houses had been added upon or remodeled from previous dreams i've had of the place years ago (these places don't exist in real life).

    In my dreams when I need to find something I can remember where it is from a previous dream and go to that place and retrieve it. It's like all of them are linked together. Please help me :(

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • David's Bridal Bride of the Month?

    I was very excited today when I listened to my voice-mail after work. I was selected as bride of the month for David's Bridal for August. It's late so i'm going to wait until tomorrow to find out what i've won but i'm just so excited? Anyone else here won Bride of the Month? If so, what did you win?

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Mother is upset about cake tasting?

    So my cake tasting is tomorrow and I plan to go just with my Fiance. I made this decision because I believe more than two people would be kind of crazy and I always see just the bride and groom on all the popular wedding shows doing this.

    When I told my mother this today she was upset and said that the mother of the bride and bride are suppose to do this together. She also told me that her best friend and her best friend's daughter did it together and the man she is marrying didn't even go.

    When I found out she was so upset about this I was really confused. I told her I didn't mean to hurt her feelings but it was me and Jimmy getting married not me and her or me and his mom or anyone else. How do I make her understand that it wasn't just me not wanting her to be there?

    For the record i'm paying for the cake.

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Get rid of mud puppies?

    I have a big puddle behind my house but I don't believe it is very deep. In it are several mud puppies. (Strange because I live on a hill and it is dry everywhere else but this one shaded spot). How can I get rid of them without having to pick them up? I want to get rid of them in a humane way because I can't stand the idea of them suffering even if they are just salamanders. I need to dry out this puddle because I can't mow grass around it.

    5 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • What to do with best guy friend?

    I have a problem. I have two best friends, one is going to be the maid of honor based on her gender but I want to do something special for my best guy friend. My fiance already has a best man and I didn't want Marcel to feel left out at our wedding by just being a groomsman.

    We grew up together and he has always been like the brother I never had ( I have a *very* small family). It just feels like we have been through so much together and that he needs a special place in my wedding. He couldn't walk me down the aisle with my dad because I feel that is an honor reserved only for my father. Any ideas?

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Fiance has been different last few days?

    So we have been engaged since my birthday Dec 28th of last year and the last few days things have been very different. Our sex lives have made a complete 180 turn for the better, he seems to be more independent, and he is actually taking care of a lot of 'middle man' stuff between our moms for the wedding.

    I'm just nervous because he seems to be acting strange. 100% sure he isn't cheating. He bought an I-Phone and we were kinda at odds about that because he could have put the money into savings and got a standard phone. Just not sure what is going on.

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Disney World HoneyMoon?

    My fiance is determined to go to Disney World for our HoneyMoon. I decided that it would be fine, he has never been before and it would be a fun trip for the two of us. What do I need to know about honeymooning in Disney. We will more than likely stay five days and plan to bring $2000. I've been three times so I pretty much know my way around the parks (best rides, when to get in line etc.) The 'romance' angle of disney is completely new to me so I have no idea what Disney offers for newly weds.

    Please don't suggest we try somewhere else. This is where we plan to go.

    14 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Why do girls worry so much about 'the ring', 'the dress', and 'the wedding'?

    I see so many questions here posted by girls that aren't happy with their engagement ring, or they are upset about how their wedding turned out. People just get so into the details that they forget that marriage is about two people who love each other and want a life long relationship. I believe the relationships that last are the ones that weren't blown up to maximum proportion.

    My mother and father were both from poor families. Dad didn't have much money, but he was able to afford a small golden cross as an engagement present to my mom. They were married at a gas station because the JP also had a car shop. Then they went back home to their broken down shack that had holes in the floor boards, and that was their honey moon. They have also been together for 30 years.

    20 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How long can you keep fish on ice?

    I plan on going to the smokies next week and I am an avid fisher. The thing is, my dad always does the skinning and gutting . If I caught the fish say on a friday and put them in an ice-chest how long will they stay good?

    It is going to be until the next day pretty late that I can skin them and put them in the freezer at home .

    5 AnswersFishing1 decade ago
  • Non-sappy,non-mushy father-daugher dance songs?

    I've been looking everywhere for a non-sappy, non-mushy father-daughter dance song that fits me and my dad's relationship. We've always been more like friends and the whole 'daddy's little girl' bull does NOT fit our father-daughter relationship at all.

    I've also seen the same songs on websites (yes, I googled) over and over again. I don't want a country song or a modern song. I prefer a 70's or 80's song with more of a rock-and-roll feel.

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Friend suddenly acts crazy after he marries girlfriend?

    This may end up long, and I applogise ahead of time. First off, I have a child-hood friend that has long been apart of my life. We will just call him 'M'.

    Growing up, me and 'M' were poor and lived in Louisiana. Even though I stayed at his house, and he stayed at mine. Around our sophmore year in highschool he moved to San Antonio. There he met a girl, we will call her 'C'.

    For the next few years they were on and off. He would live in Texas then move back to Louisiana and vice versa. We stayed close friends and he always confided in me. Then this past Spring 'M' and 'C' got married. It surprised us because they had been on the 'outs' for a while.

    They had no money and lived with his parents for a while until things went bad and they moved back to Texas. Ever sense he has moved back to Texas he has acted like he was better than his friends and family, and making outrageous claims. He acts like his new wife is the best thing in the world and deserves special treatment.

    He made me go get her guitar from his parents because she came up with this stuff that his mom would destroy it (his mom is the nicest, most accepting person in the world.) Then today he told me on the phone that it was a compliment that she allowed me to do this for her ('C').

    He always makes comments that Louisiana is the lowest of the low and the people here are trash and lowly. He also makes comments that we aren't accepting of 'C' because she is black.

    Where is all of this coming from? Please help me, I don't want to lose this friendship! This is not the person he is! His friends and family have been nothing but kind and accepting of his relationship!

    ((I posted this in Friends, but I just wanted more mature answers, so I re-posted))

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Friend acts crazy after marring his girlfriend? Makes crazy claims?

    This may end up long, and I applogise ahead of time. First off, I have a child-hood friend that has long been apart of my life. We will just call him 'M'.

    Growing up, me and 'M' were poor and lived in Louisiana. Even though I stayed at his house, and he stayed at mine. Around our sophmore year in highschool he moved to San Antonio. There he met a girl, we will call her 'C'.

    For the next few years they were on and off. He would live in Texas then move back to Louisiana and vice versa. We stayed close friends and he always confided in me. Then this past Spring 'M' and 'C' got married. It surprised us because they had been on the 'outs' for a while.

    They had no money and lived with his parents for a while until things went bad and they moved back to Texas. Ever sense he has moved back to Texas he has acted like he was better than his friends and family, and making outrageous claims. He acts like his new wife is the best thing in the world and deserves special treatment.

    He made me go get her guitar from his parents because she came up with this stuff that his mom would destroy it (his mom is the nicest, most accepting person in the world.) Then today he told me on the phone that it was a compliment that she allowed me to do this for her ('C').

    He always makes comments that Louisiana is the lowest of the low and the people here are trash and lowly. He also makes comments that we aren't accepting of 'C' because she is black.

    Where is all of this coming from? Please help me, I don't want to lose this friendship! This is not the person he is! His friends and family have been nothing but kind and accepting of his relationship!

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Taking a break from college, help?

    Ok, I'm in a rut in college, and my parents and I have decided that the best thing for me is to take a break from college. I need some general advice.

    I need a job, and I'm really stuck as to what to do. I've only had one cashier/retail job and two fast food jobs.

    The other thing is that I really need to get in shape (i'm over-weight). Best way to do this if i'm VERY out of shape and cant do much at first?

    I want to take care of a few things before I go back to school primarily lose weight and gain some life experience/responsibility.

    Help? Please?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • A question for people who don't believe in an after-life?

    I'm curious why some people spend so much time on the internet when they believe we rot after death. Wouldn't you want to have more fun in life if you believe after your 60-80 years of life you are worm chow?

    I know its your choice of how you spend your time, but if I didn't believe in an after life I would sure think it was silly to sit around all day and post answers saying 'God is not real' or some variation of that no matter how grand your answer may be.

    Just my opinion. I enjoy life, and I like to have fun. Of course everyone else is entitled to theirs. I'm honestly curious why some people who hang around the internet aren't more ambitious. I like to pop onto Yahoo Answers here and there.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What to wear to a dance club?

    Ok, I was invited to go with a friend of mine to a dance club this friday. I know straight up that the clothes I have are a no-go. Most of the stuff I wear looks semi-formal like 'going to dinner with my parents'.

    The clubs name is Splash and it use to be a gay club, but now a lot of straight people go and hang there too. I'm bringing my boyfriend and a few other friends but I have no idea what to wear. I know i'm going to buy something.

    Help? Tips? Ideas?

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago