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Electric Dazeys

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I own 3 dogs, all of whom were adopted from a shelter (beagle/terrier mix, corgi/australian shepherd mix, and a husky/lab mix) 2 goldfish, 1 bunny, 1 bearded dragon and 1 ball python. As you can probably tell, I LOVE animals! I also love piercings and tattoos- I have only 3 tattoos (but I'm hoping to get more) and 14 piercings- -3 in each earlobe -2 industrials -2 cartilage piercings -1 nose ring -1 tongue ring So, I think I know quite a bit about piercing aftercare. =) I recently graduated from college with a bachelors in psychology. Now, I'm working for a local foster care agency that is contracted through the department of human services. I absolutely LOOOOVE my job!

  • Rock music video with car accident?

    I cannot, for the life of me, remember the name of the band or the song of a music video in which there's a horrific car accident. The singer of the band is singing, while riding in the ambulance with his gf, who's a blond woman. At the end of the video, you can see her get resuscitated and her eyes open. The song came out in like 2005 or so. If anyone can give me their best guesses, I'd really appreciate it. :)

    Rock and Pop1 decade ago
  • She talks my ear off..?

    My sister recently split from her partner of 12 years, long story. I never liked him to begin with... anyway. She has a few prospects, and keeps talking to me about them. That's ALL she talks about! When she asks me how my husband and I are doing, and what's going on in our life, she cuts me off because I usually say something that reminds her of one of her prospects. Yes, I realize that this is a HUGE change for her, but I also feel that it's really rude of her to cut me off whenever I'm answering a question that she has asked. It makes me not want to hang out with her, or even talk to her on the phone... I feel like I have my own problems to deal with (finals coming up in college!) but at the same time, I don't want to be a jerk and not talk to her. Any ideas as to what I can say to her to stop her from talking about her love life ALL of the time?

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • I don't consider her my best friend anymore like she does me?

    I just recently reconnected with an old friend from high school. I had met her my freshman year of high school, and we were best friends till about the middle of my junior year, she moved away to a new state without even saying good-bye. I hadn't spoken to her in about 6 years, till we reconnected on Facebook a few months ago. She still considers me her best friend and keeps telling me that my [future] kids (I'm married but we haven't had kids yet) will have a wonderful aunt (her) and she is going to take them to stay with her over the summer, yadda, yadda, yadda. Anywho, I don't feel that she's my best friend anymore, and I feel that she's moving way too fast in our new found friendship... and it's frankly making me feel uncomfortable. Am I wrong in this? Or should I just go with the flow and just nod and bite my tongue whenever she mentions our "wonderful" friendship?

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • King in "Apocalypto"?

    Anyone know the name of the actor who plays the Mayan king on the movie "Apocalypto"?

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • How many pets do you have, what are they, and what are their names? ?

    3 Dogs

    1. Australian shepherd/corgi named Ozzy/Ozzles/Fuzzy Butts

    2. Beagle/terrier named Bell/Miss Bells/ MiMells

    3. Siberian Husky/lab named Houdini/Dini/Deeners

    1 Guinea pig named Chevy/ Mr. Beepers

    1 Mouse named Mr. Bobbles (he was supposed to be snake's food)

    1 Ball python named Midna

    Your turn! Pictures are welcome too :)

    10 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Am I wrong for wanting it to just be us two?

    My husband loves riding dirtbikes, in fact, it's his favorite pastime. I think it's fun, but I don't like doing it all the time. I finally decided to just get over myself and tell him that he and I should go to a track and just ride all day. He told his best friend about it. I thought it would just be something that he and I could do together, plus, I'm not really fond of his friend. Am I wrong for wanting it to just be us two minus his friend?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Is watching a snake eat "too much" for a child to witness?

    So, my brother-in-law finds snakes disgusting (I know, I know!) and is disgusted by the fact that I feed mine fuzzy mice. My nephews, who are 5 and 10, think she's the coolest thing ever, aside from their beardie, and are really curious about her. They are always asking questions and really want to hold her all the time. Now, they're staying with my husband and I for the weekend and I need to feed her on Saturday. Do you think it would be "too much" for them to witness her eating? I mean, it's not like it's live food anyway....

    Also, how old were you guys when you saw a snake eat for the first time? What was your experience and how did you feel?

    I know for myself, I thought it was the coolest f'ing thing ever. Hehe.

    6 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone I can complain to about my mailman?

    So, I'm having a problem with my mailman, and I am wondering what I could do to fix it? We moved our mailbox, I'm not even shitting you, three feet. We placed it on our newly-built fence because we don't want kids breaking it like they have other mailboxes in our neighborhood. All the other mail carriers see no problem with it, and delivery our mail. However, our normal mailman refuses to deliver our mail until we move it back. I have talked to the managers at our post office, and they're just as rude as our mailman and refuse to hear our explanation, which is that we don't have the financial resources to move it back. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do you bathe your reptiles?

    Do they love it? How often do you do it?

    My snake, Midna, is in shed right now and she happens to have wood mites on her. I let her soak in the bathtub last night and she absolutely loved it! =D

    6 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Bedding for Ball Python?

    Okay, so I've had my ball for about three months. Last night, I found mites all over her. I did some research on the internet and found out that the brand of bedding I use carries wood mites. They're not dangerous to snakes, but they're annoying and grow in population rapidly. I took her out of her cage and cleaned it- I scrubbed it down with hot, soapy water, I boiled all her stuff that was in the cage, and I gave her a bath. I also cleaned the surrounding areas of her cage with bleach water.

    I was wondering how many people have had this issue, and what did you do to fix it? Here's the link to the stuff I used to use-

    1 AnswerReptiles1 decade ago
  • My snake didn't strike at her food..?

    I've had my snake for about two months now. She's an 18 inch (or so) ball python. I tried feeding her a live adult mouse, a live fuzzy mouse, than I froze said fuzzy and tried to feed her that, and a live rat pup. She didn't strike at any of them, she just flinched away from them. So, on Tuesday, I bought her a small mouse pinkie and she actually ate it. However, she didn't strike at it. She just licked it, than opened her mouth. I than placed the pinkie in her mouth and let her do the rest. She has struck at me and at my hubby a couple of times, but she didn't strike at her food, EVER, and that seems weird to me. Anyone have experience with snakes doing this? I would love to hear your stories.

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about the media's coverage of MJ?

    Do you think his death is getting too much coverage or too little? Explain.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • I give this to my other rodents, and I am wondering...?

    That's what I give to my other rodents, a guinea pig, mice, and hamsters, and I am wondering whether or not I should give it to my rat pup? He is about 12 days old, I suspect- his eyes aren't open yet, he's growing teeth, and he's got a full body full of hair.

    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Question about socializing rat pup with guinea pig?

    Okay, so I bought this rat pup from the pet store in order to feed my snake. However, my snake refused to eat him. Option 1 was to take him back to the pet store and allow him to be someone else's food and option 2 was to keep him and raise him myself. So, I decided on option 2. He's doing well, he's hydrated and I'm feeding him the proper type of food, but I just have a socialization question. I know it would be stupid to try now since he is so tiny and his eyes aren't even open yet, but I was wondering if it would be okay to attempt to socialize him with my guinea pig when he gets older? Has anyone heard of this or attempted it? Please let me know, thanks!

    7 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Ball python won't eat?

    I bought my ball from a petstore (I know, I know) about three, almost four, weeks ago. She's about 18 inches long (don't know how much she weighs). She has one hide box on the warm side, but plenty of vegetation on the cooler side for her to hide in. The temperature on the cooler side is 75 degrees and the humidity is 65. I make sure that the cage that I try to feed her in is very warm, and I attempt to feed her at night time, because I know they are nocturnal animals (she does seem more lively in the morning, however, and usually moves around from 7am till about 1pm) I've tried feeding her an adult mouse in a separate cage and she moves away from it quickly when it gets near her. She becomes very curious of it and follows it around, but once the mouse turns around or makes a sudden movement, she moves away from it. I tried feeding her a rat pup last night, but she didn't care for it. I even put it in her habitat with her, and still, nothing. She did move it around with her head, away from her, but she didn't try to strike at it or anything. She has not eaten since I bought her, and I'm starting to get worried. I also left her alone in her habitat for about a week before I tried feeding the adult mouse to her for a second time.

    Also, last night, before I attempted to feed her, she was coiled around the temperature and humidity gauges. I noticed that there was some dried fluid on the gauges and on the side of the tank, I believe it was urine, but I'm not 100% sure.

    The mouse and the rat pup were both white too, I read that sometimes snakes prefer a certain colored mouse/rat... and I'm wondering if changing the color of the mouse I attempt to feed her will make a difference?

    Anyway, any helpful tips are welcome. =D Thanks!

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Just recently bought a Wii?

    And I want to know if any of you have personal experience with some kick *** games? I love games such as The Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask), Metal Gear Solid, Tenchu, Harvest Moon, and Super Mario Bros (NES and 64 versions) So, anyone know of any games that fall into the categories of the ones I mentioned?

    Oh yeah, and I'm most likely going to buy Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, that's a no-brainer. =D

    6 AnswersNintendo Wii1 decade ago
  • What the hell is a mini pitbull?

    Okay, so I was looking through Craigslist today and I came across someone who has a mini pitbull. Anyone know anything about the "breed?" I quote it because I'm not even sure it's a real breed.. I'm just curious, I've never heard of it before.

    Thanks in advance!

    19 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dogs won't get along?

    First off, my dogs and my brother's dog are sweet and loving pets. They love people and his dog loves my parent's dog (it's the only dog she will put up with). My brother's dog is a pitbull, not that it really matters, and she's VERY strong. He keeps her in the house on a leash because my mom doesn't like her going upstairs, due to her being so strong.

    Anywho, I took one of my dogs over last week and she (my brother's dog) would not stop barking and trying to pretty much eat him. My dog flipped and he lunged at her too. That was the first time I saw both of them behave that way. I tried introducing her to my other dog today, and again she lunged at him and tried to bite him. She even tried to bite me when I got in the middle of it ( I know, stupid, but I'd do anything to protect my dog). My dog just sat there and didn't move, and he eventually went upstairs when I told him to.

    I really don't know what to do. She is soooo hard to control and I'm afraid someone's pet will get hurt. Any advice as to acclimating her to more dogs, how to socialize her more without being afraid that she'll lunge at a random dog when she goes for walks? I worked with her when he first got her, but I got so caught up and busy with school that I just couldn't go over anymore. I know there are training classes and such, does anyone know of any good and cheap trainers in Colorado?

    Oh, and he's in a wheelchair, so he can't really hold her... my dad takes her for walks and he can barely keep her in control because she's pure muscle.

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • They snore, loudly? ?

    All three of my dogs snore, loudly. Does/ do your dogs snore too? And does it wake you up at night?

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Homophobic boyfriend, gay best friend?

    Okay so my sister in law is dating a guy who is a complete homophobe. However, her rooommate (who happens to be my best friend) is bisexual. He also happens to be very racist, I haven't heard any of the racist bs he says myself, but my friend has told me of it. Anywho, how do you think I should respond to anything racist of homophobic that he says? I honestly haven't come across a person such as this in my life, and I want to make him feel REALLY stupid about it.
