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  • How do I hold it together?

    I could on and on about all the things I am going through at this very moment but there is not enough space on here to do that. I have so many mixed emotions right now and I feel so alone. I have tried counseling and its just not working. The chaos in my life is affecting me in every way even going to work. I am one who rarely misses but when things affect me emotionally I catch myself calling in for 2 -3 days like I have so far this week. I have felt vulnerable and talk to people about my problems at work and wished I had never said anything because I feel people just don't really care. So, why do I say something....I just don't know. I decided to vent on here just to write it down and hope someone understands....truly cares. Friends?.... very few that I have say they care but when I call them sometimes they don't answer making me feel as if they don't want to hear me...I mean I leave a message and one of them has not even attempted to call me back that was 2 days ago. My husband thinks I worry way too much about things. I have been married for almost 13 years to my kids stepdad. It hasn't always been easy. We haven't always gotten along, and neither has him and my kids, especially him and my daughter. Currently, I do not have a relationship with my kids. I have tried to do the best I can as a mother ...maybe I have been controlling but it really was with all good intentions. My ex, their father is a loser(out of their lives for over 10 years I think it's been like the last 4 years he has been back in their lives and it has not been good at all and I have tried to keep them from going down that road. I have failed. My son who is 24 and married shares a house with his dad(my sons wife lives there as well.) My son admitted awhile back he was back on drugs(which has been a cycle with his father drinking as well.) My son told me that his dad is off the drugs he only drinks which not too long ago they have had to call the cops on him for being out of control and they needed money from us to help them keep their place since he was in jail so we helped thinking at the time my son was clean(because he told us he had been for awhile and then later after we paid his rent he came clean and told us otherwise (we did not give him the money we wrote a check to the landlord) and he said his dad would not be back there and he got out and they let him back in because they said they needed help with the bills. We got upset and didnt speak for awhile and then we started talking again when a incident happened with my daughter and we had a question for them and now we wished we had never called(my husband and I) My daughter is 21 and married to a loser that just got out of jail for possession of drugs. Since the day they got married they have lived with people(they currently are now from what we are hearing drug addicts and the girl that lives there lost her first child to drugs.) My daughters husband is 28 and has 2 kids by another marriage which I heard he no longer sees. They have split up several times and seen other people and then got back together and always alot of drama.We feel my daughter just married him at the time because her court order said she could not live with anyone with our grandson. She wanted out of our house. We have tried everything to help her get away from him and get her life on track. She has a 20 month old son. We called cps on her several times and supposely they found nothing. We called about other things as well. Now, we are seeing a lawyer tomorrow with the biological father to help him get custody. I feel so awful as a mother to have to do awful but my grandson is the primary focus. In the beginning my grandsons father and his family and us did not always get along because there were doubts that my grandson was his and there was tension with everyone but once paternity was established and I encouraged my daughter to get child support and all that set up things got a little more stable with us. Now, I am having to go against my daughter because she is not stable(too many things have happened to post) and we have given her numerous chances to make things right but she continues to go down the wrong road and I feel such hurt. We are not sure if she is on the drugs or not. I am afraid that I may not get to see my grandson when the father gets custody even though we are helping to secure the future of his son, our grandson. Currently, we get him every other weekend.) I lost my mom on 6-14-12. My best friend. She died from lung cancer. I miss her so much. A year before that my husband lost his father. Also, lung cancer. On Christmas morning 2009 we had a very bad head on collision....we were not at fault...we were just going to a Christmas dinner at my in-laws and some girls crossed the centerline and hit us head husband, my kids, and myself were all involved....many injuries. So, that is what has been going on for the last 3 years.

  • My grandson wakes up very upset after naps......?

    We keep our grandson every other weekend....however this weekend with the holiday we kept him for 4 days. My husband and I have noticed a new behavior....when he wakes up after his naps he is crying frantically, he won't let us touch him, he's sweating(which he has always had this going on) and if we try to pick him up or get close to him he gets even more upset and kicks and bows back and when I do pick him up to try and soothe him he still cries and bows back sometimes and he has tears rolling down his face which hurts me deeply and after a few mins sometimes the tears are gone but he's still crying if that makes sense. It's like he's having a temper tantrum. It takes anywhere from 15-30 mins. to calm him down. We will give him something to eat and he will take it but not at the beginning of all this it's after the period of crying and sometimes cartoons will calm him down.. I have done some research and seen night terrors but this is during the day. I have also seen some other peoples thoughts on the situation but it's all confusing because people have a different outlook on the situation(which I know I may run into on here.) He does come to our house every other weekend as I said before, and then his dads /grandparents house the other weekend but we have been doing that for awhile and never had an issue with this behavior until recently. At night he figets around sometimes and gets fussy but nothing like what we have been dealing with after his naps during the day. I just wanted to know if anyone else is going through this and what do they know about it. Thanks

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • I have been diagnosed with TMJ where do I go from here?

    I had alot of dental work done in a years time and then when I had a tooth extraction and a major filling on my right side is when I started noticing pain on my right side. I do not know which caused it all I know is I never had it before. So, I told my dentist about it and basically he started me on meds and he also checked to make sure everything was fine through x-rays and to him it was through his x-rays. Then he referred me to an ear specialist as well as an orthodontist. So, I seen both. The ear specialist referred me to an oral surgeon so I went and seen him and he recommended anthrocentesis. I never followed through with it. I wanted to explore more options. I seen an orthodontist which we did splint therapy for about 3 months and I was not consistent. One week I would have no pain and the next week pain. I deal with alot of stress which I am trying to get under control. So, now the therapy is over and he has referred me to see an oral surgeon as well and I went and did a CT scan and found that I have both of my discs displaced. The left is minor and right is severe. I have no pain on the left but he recommends doing surgery on both. Oh, and I have seen a chiropractor as well along the way. No results. I have also had an MRI done from the first oral surgeon which showed my left side to be fine and my right was off which makes sense because that is the side that hurts. I called the orthodontist and told him about my visit with the oral surgeon he referred. The surgery is about $19,000. My part almost $15,000. I do not have this kind of money. I did not speak to the orthodontist directly but I did speak with his assistant and she told me he is probaly not going to want to continuing splint therapy. It seems to help at times but other times no. He told her one time to tell me that I need to quit worrying about money and focus on getting better. Thats easy for him to say. I do not know where to go from here. I thought about a neuromuscular dentist because I spoke with them on the phone and they have different opinions on how the splint is to used. My splint was generated with a computer because my bite is off and the orthodontist could not get it right. Oh, and the last oral surgeon I seen told me basically I needed this surgery it was all or nothing. I am so confused and I don't have lots of money. I keep shelling it out and no results. I hope someone can guide me the right direction. I know this is long but I wanted to try and include everything so you would have a better understanding of what I have been going through. Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • How do I clean a glass top stove?

    I have tried easy off glass top cleaner and no luck. Not sure what else to buy. I have residue on it and also stains from everyday use. Please help.

    8 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What do ya think about this crazy dilemma?

    My son and I having a disagreement. Please share your inputs. In a way this situation is kinda funny because we go back and forth with it. Ok, my son is a delivery driver and he took his girlfriend out with him on his route. Anyway, I told him well you got to spend time with her and he said it's not spending time with her and I said well then what is it and he said well it's not the kind of time I want to spend with her like a date so I told him well it is still spending time. He doesn't agree. What do you guys think? Do you think it is still spending time with her even though it's not the time he wants?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What can help with the pain of an umbilical hernia until you can get the surgery among other things?

    I have been diagnosed with an umbilical hernia. The doctor told me we can remove it if I wish I guess it's not a necessity right now but at times it pooches out but right now I have to save some money to do so for the surgery and the time off of work. What can I do in the meantime to help? I also have the acid reflux disease and since I have had neither before for me it's hard to tell which one is hurting and which one makes me sick possibly both. Anyway, it hurts sometimes from my chest down but I also have an inflammed cartilage that connects my breast bone to my ribs. So, as you can see at the moment I feel so bad at times but I keep on working and my job is physical demanding. Please help with your suggestions. Thanks. I wanted to add I do take medications: Acifex and Meloxicam.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Am I overreacting?

    My husband went after work one day and went to a car dealership and was applying to buy a car of his choice. He called me and ask me for my info and I got upset because he told me the price of the car and I just knew it was going to be a higher payment and he wanted out of that before and he got out of it now we are back in it. So, anyway he bought the car and put only his name on it because I did tell him I did not want to have anything to do with it. At the time I was very upset but he did not want to wait on this car so he did the deal. He said he couldn't wait because we just bought our son a car and he cosigned for him and was worried he would not be able to get a newer car and he got our son's previous car as well and we bought a Jeep after that so that's bull. I am very upset over the fact that my name is not on it we are married and our incomes are combined so I would be paying on a car that I get no credit for. Am I wrong? Please help me out with your opinions. Thanks

    32 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Workman's comp or Unemployment??

    Just curious. If someone got hurt on the job shouldn't they draw workman's comp? I know someone that this has happened to and she is drawing unemployment and has been for over a year. Does this seem right?

    13 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • What to use to put on wood to keep a puppy from chewing it? Something safe.?

    We got a new puppy about a month or so ago and we have 2 older dogs that always got to stay on the deck. Now, that the puppy has arrived they all have to go off the deck. We built a gate to keep them off. We think the puppy is chewing on the gate as well as our deck that attaches to the gate and our steps. Before we had a gate he chewed on our house(the wood part) and chewed our antenna wire in half. Our female dog did chew once on a board on the deck but we have not seen her do it since. The puppy is part pit bull and lab. PLEASE give me your suggestions. We are at wits end. We heard using vinegar on the wood would help would it hurt the wood though? My husband wants him gone. He's actually my 18 year olds dog. He adopted him and since then he is slowing tearing our stuff up. HELP!!!!

    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is a Hyla vacuum/air purifer a good deal?

    I need help. A saleswoman came over the other day and she introduced us to the Hyla. The price of this machine is a total of verything trade and such around $2500.00. To me, that's crazy for ANY vacuum but I wanted to ask some people on here what they thought and if they think we might be getting ripped. PLMK Thanks

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What to do about ex in-laws?

    My ex and I divorced about 7 1/2 years old. We have 2 children 18-son and 15-daughter. The problem is he has not been there for them. No child support. Well, actually in 7 years $50.00. Now, they have caught up with him after several years and he is in jail. His mom wants to see the kids. She has not seen them in about 6 years. My son invited her to his graduation actually called her and she told him she could not go because she was going to her step daughter's softball game. I spoke with her for the first time last night in about 3 years. I started out mad and then I did become nice and now I feel quilty for being nice. My husband now says she's the enemy. She has not been there for the kids. My daughter wants to see her dad in jail. She says she wants to give him a piece of her mind. I don't know if that is what she really wants to do because she has mixed emotions at times and my son says he's done with it. I could go on and on. I need advice. I don't have many friends.

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do you get an access code off of a tv?

    We were just given a 1990 50 in. magnovox tv. The problem is there is an access code on it. The lady that gave it to us doesn't have a clue how to get it off and her ex was the one that put it on there. We called Magnovox and they only go back to 1997. My husband took out the memory battery and put it back in and nothing. It still shows the access code thing. I hope someone can help.

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • If you moisturize often is tanning beds still bad for you?

    I have fair skin and I would like to be darker but I really do not want to go to a tanning bed bacause I have heard and read bad things about it. I have heard that it makes you age faster because it is more strength than the sun and I have heard that when you have freckles it makes them worse just like the sun, I've also heard that it blends them better. I have heard that yes, it looks good for the time being but you are damaging your skin and it will make yu age. I have a friend that recommended a lotion in the hand lotion aisle. She couldn't remember the name of it but she said that it helps you tan but it is not in the sunless tan aisle does anyone know?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago