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My car cuts off when I drive slow or am idle.?
I drive a 97 Chrysler Sebring. The check engine light is on, so I got it checked at autozone, and the codes were P1782, P0733, P1788, and P0700. Which all is to do with my transmission, but the transmission cant make a car shut off can it? My car does what I said in the headline, but it also does hesitate to go when I push the gas. And it rolls back a lot when I am stopped at a light if it doesn't shut off. What could the problem be?
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs8 years agoCan you make seperate accounts to use a Papa John's promo code more then once?
They got that free pizza deal, and I used the code on my account once, so it says im at my limit. But if I make another account with a different email, will it still let me use the promo code even though its the same customer name and address?
1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink8 years agoDo you have to teach, if your trying to become a physicist, or an astronomer?
I'm thinking about going to school to become an astronomer, but I wanted to see what jobs, for that position looked like, and I see a lot of college tutor/teacher positions. I don't want to be a teacher. So is that basically the most common job for either career?
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoCan you beat a game on ps3 and not have the trophies to show it?
I got a friend that impossibly beat Mass Effect 1 and 2 in 4 days time and swears up and down that he beat them. Thing is, his trophies aren't no where near even being complete. And I brought it up, but he was like "I didnt do an update". Is he lying? or Is that a possibility? Lol. This isn't a life and death question, 'Im just trying to be educated if I'm wrong. Cuz I hate liars lol.
2 AnswersPlayStation8 years agoHow long did it take you to learn how to drive a forklift?
I drove one for the first time today, and it is NOTHING like driving a car lol. It's like driving a backwards car, and im in a busy warehouse environment and some of the freight we carry around is as long as the trailer so im really nervous about how I will do.
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation10 years agoYugi Oh fans I have a question...?
Why in the video games did Konami give everybody the same trap cards?? EVERYBODY uses Bottomless Trap hole, or Mirror Force, in fact the ONLY thing I see different in each deck is Monster cards. So your telling me that they have hundreds of cards in their library but wasnt smart enough to build decks with variety??? It takes the fun out of the game and its REALLY frustrating. Know what I mean?
4 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoCan WWE get any worse?
At first I stopped watching when Miz won the WWE title, and then I OFFICIALLY lost interest when I found out that Del Rio or whatever his name is, won the Rumble. Wrestelmania is looking pretty lame, and the future of the WWE seems close behind, atleast thats my opinion anyway.
6 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoWhat are the pros and cons of being at the club?
Ive only been to the club a couple times and it was a long time ago, so im jus kinda anxious about it, i have social anxiety so being around a whole bunch of people makes me nervous and feel like they are all looking at me and judging me. lol, so ease these fears of mine because i feel like im missing out.
3 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade agookay im confused, is the Dallas Halloween Block party supposed to be a str8 event, or a gay one?
This isnt a biased question, just a question.
2 AnswersHalloween1 decade agoComic book fans dont you feel like the Captain America death and rebirth storyline and the Batman's are alike?
Like how both men were supposedly shot and killed, but instead were sent to different time-lines? or how about the story lines where they had to fight to get their respected superhero identities back from their replacements in the story lines, "Who will wield the Shield?" and "Battle for the Cowl"?
2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoWhat is your favorite kind of fish to eat?
Mines is catfish, that's the only kind of fish I seem to like eating. ESP, when its fried!
10 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agowhat's the hardest language to learn?
5 AnswersLanguages1 decade agowhy is a undershirt(sorry don't know proper name for it) called a wifebeater?
that is just such an ugly word.."wife beater". lol
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoAt what age do men stop growing?
3 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agoWWE fans have you noticed that there is ALOT less blood in the matches now?
Personally I miss it. Is all this intentional? I remember when an "I Quit" match, or a "Last Man Standing" match was a blood bath, now its just sweat and tears.
13 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoDo you think I should just get liability instead of full coverage on a car that is nearly 15years old?
Its just a regular car nothing special, it runs real good, and doesn't have alot of mileage, and id like to save money, because the liability would cost much less then the full coverage, but at the same time i want to keep the car cost id pay for any damages low.
4 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agofellas i need good tips on building muscle.?
there are two different body types that im aware of, the easy gainers and the hard gainers..unfortunately im a hard gainer and i have to work twice as hard to show results. im trying to build up my mass, and muscle, and i kno you have to eat alot to do that. so like what do you eat? and what work out routines do you use? is it better to lift more and do less reps? or the other way around?
1 AnswerMen's Health1 decade agowhy does it seem like some weights of the same pounds weigh more then the other?
i just got back from the gym, and i was lifting dumbbells and then went to lift a different kind of weight that weighted about the same amount and it felt like it weighed alot more. is this something to do with mass? does mass, make things of the same weight heavier if different?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago