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  • Leg pain, came on suddenly then went away suddenly! Why?

    I can t think of anything that happened today to have been the cause, but my leg started feeling sore (moreso in my lower half, but also a bit in the thigh). So I tried to spend as much time in my recliner to rest it with it elevated a bit higher with blankets. I also used a heating pad on it for a couple hours.

    Every time I got up (for the bathroom, to cook dinner, etc) it got worse, to the point where i almost couldn t put weight on the front of my foot without shooting pain and was limping to avoid it. There was never any pain while resting it, just when standing and putting weight on it.

    I struggled to climb my stairs to go to bed this evening and spent the last two hours watching TV and surfing on my phone. I just had to get up to go to the bathroom, and suddenly, no pain whatsoever with standing or putting weight anywhere on my foot.

    What the heck!? I m 22 weeks pregnant, and I can t help but assume this might be related to to weight gain (15lbs in the last month), but I want to know what made it finally go away so I can do it if it comes back again!

    Was elevation, the recliner, or the heating pad a bad choice? Next time should I try just coming to my bed where I m flat?

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management2 years ago
  • YouTube help: some videos show green screen but sound works?

    Our kids watch a lot of gamers and songs on YouTube via our Roku. A lot of the same videos they watch over and over again are suddenly showing only a green screen. The sound works, but not the video. Other videos work fine, even from the same pages posting the videos, so I m thinking it s not our Roku, but the same videos that go green on the Roku work fine when I check them on my phone.

    Any ideas on what we can try to fix this?

    3 AnswersYouTube2 years ago
  • Questions about DNA and genes?

    My friend just did one of those ancestry DNA test and just got her results. This really isn't about their accuracy. I'm actually more curious about DNA itself and whether 2 kids with the same parents will have the exact same results.

    Technically, if they have the same parents, they have the same family history. But you know how one kid might look more like Mom and another kid might look more like Dad because that's how the DNA worked out... If two kids with the same parent took those ancestry tests, would the results be exactly the same? Or if Dad was Irish and mom was African, would the child who looked more like Dad have a little more Irish in his DNA than the child who looked like Mom?

    14 AnswersGenealogy2 years ago
  • Anybody have a Pixel 2 phone? Willing to do an experiment for me?

    I like to use the speak-to-text feature (that microphone button near the keyboard). It s working fine right now to type this question up for me, but whenever I use it on certain other things, like texting, email, and on Facebook, when I stop talking for a few seconds (about the time the speaker turns itself off from not hearing anything), it erases all of the text that it just typed up for me!

    The fact that it s working here in my browser leaves me thinking that it must be those apps. I was just wondering if anyone has experienced this on their Pixel 2 as well. Even if talk-to-text isn t something you use a lot, is anybody willing to try it in their text and email apps from their Pixel 2, just to let me know if it s with all Pixels or just my phone? Because it s bugging the heck out of me!

  • 5yo: sleep questions and scared of the dark?

    1. Is 8-9 hours enough sleep for a 5yo? He's happy and energetic, but in looking up these other issues, I keep seeing sites that say he needs 11-13 hours?

    2. early rising: as a result of the 8-9 hour sleep, he wakes up at 5 or 6 in the morning. We follow a routine and put him to bed at 8:30p. He usually wakes up between 5 and 6... My husband has found him awake when he left for work at 430 multiple times. Only on those super early 430 days has he had any fussiness.

    3. Waking his brother: he shares a room with his older brother, who we see needs more sleep. He's even told us that he hates his brother waking him up, and 5 won't leave 7 alone when he tells him to. We've talked to him over and over again, but he just keeps doing it (with the exception of those 430 mornings; maybe his brother fights him enough then).

    4. Scared of the dark: the main reason he wakes his brother is that he doesn't want to leave his room at dark early times by himself. We have bright night lights in the hall and living room; he has a stuffed animal with a flashlight belly that can light up the entire room. It's gotten worse lately to the point where he won't even go upstairs alone during the daytime and with the lights on. I keep going with him, asking what scares him; he picks random stuff each time that we investigate together, showing him it's just his stuffed animals or he can turn the light on.

    What do we work on first and how?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler2 years ago
  • If the bold "CONTAINS" on the back doesn t say milk, is it safe to assume there s little to no milk?

    Naturwlly, I wouldn t risk it if he had a severe allergy, but my son is lactose intolerant (he can have a small amount of milk without it irritating him), and he keeps asking me to get him certain things for him for breakfadt or lunch. I check the labels and I don t see milk or any of the other words I know for it (eg whey) in the ingredients...but I m still constantly nervous about hidden ingredients.

    Im printing out a long list of these "hidden terms" I m seeing on websites so I can check thoroughly, but what s your experience? If it has "CONTAINS WHEAT AND SOY INGREDIENTS" and that doesn t say milk, is it safe to assume there s little to no milk in it?

    3 AnswersAllergies3 years ago
  • 7yo never wants to leave, then ends up having fun?

    9 times out of 10, my 7yo son whines when we tell him we're going to do something. He'll whine and dawdle as he gets ready, to the point that we're either rushing him to make it in time or I simply don't feel like rewarding him with the fun after his attitude (I have actually called something off spur of the moment before because of this attitude while getting ready).

    I'll remind him of what we're doing and that he enjoyed it last time, to which he claims he didn't or just doesn't want to do it now. Eventually we get out the door and arrive at our destination, and he's the first to run off and join the fun and the last to want to leave.

    What can I do to avoid the drama before we leave!?

    2 AnswersGrade-Schooler3 years ago
  • Advice for a 7yo and 5yo who always fight routines?

    We have the same routine every weekday before we leave (school or daycare): wake up, eat breakfast, get ready (dress, potty, brush teeth), leave. We have the same routine every single night of the week: clean up toys, get ready (PJs, brush teeth, go potty), reading, bed. (If they follow the routine well, there s time before leaving or going to bed to hang out and play a bit, but thats incredibly rare.)

    Yet every single day, Dad and I have to point at every single item on the floor and/or remind them what to do next. It s incredibly frustrating.

    What can we do help encourage them to follow our routine without fighting it and dragging their feet?

    5 AnswersParenting3 years ago
  • Plum tree: is this white "powder" and green bugs okay for the tree?

    I just moved into a house with a plum tree in the yard, and I know nothing about them. I was looking to see if the plums were starting to grow in for the season and noticed some branches had these tiny green bugs on them. There were tons of them hiking along every piece of the branch.

    Also, some branches have leaves that appear to have a white powder on them, but when I look closer, I see little legs which makes them look like bugs (but if they are nugs, they're all dead, because they don't move when I blow or touch them). There was a small spider Web that appeared to have a lot of them caught (and dead) in the web, and one spider that looked similar. It made me wonder if maybe these white bugs were it's babies (I know spiders lay tons of eggs at a time), but why would they all be dead?

    Anyway, I just want to know if these are okay for the tree. (I don't want to eat the plums it there's anything wrong with the tree). There appear to be a few branches with withering leaves, but there seems to be none of either if these bugs on them.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape3 years ago
  • What was this "corn puree" garnish at a Mexican restaurant?

    I remember going to a Mexican restaurant as a kid, and I distinctly remember every dish being served with about about a tablespoon of some sort of yellow pureed-like garnish. It was delicious and I believe it was made from corn.

    I ve tried googling different things and have gotten results about corn cakes (most look like corn bread, which it was not) and recipes with whole kernel corn. This was more like...a smooth, warm corn sorbet, lol.

    Any ideas for me to look up to try and find this?

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes3 years ago
  • What stores can I find a cheese knife?

    I don't have time to drive store to store only to find out they don't carry them. I'd prefer to go buy one today than wait for 2 day shipping.

    We have the usual stores (target, Walmart, home Depot, an outlet mall) but no bed bath and beyond our home stores. Would any of them carry them?

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden3 years ago
  • How to handle weeds in rock beds?

    We moved into this house one year ago, and there are large portions in the yard that are rock beds. I have tried pulling weeds as they grow, but they are growing faster and faster and I can t keep up. I have tried spraying the kill all Roundup killer and I have tried spreading the kill all powder and watering it with the hose to swap down as it instructed.

    As I pull the weeds out, I can see that there was a tarp (or whatever you call the ground covering) put down before laying the rocks to avoid weeds, but since then it has built up about an inch of dirt between the tarp and rocks.

    What s the best approach here?

    Putting all the rocks into buckets and scraping out as much of this dirt as possible? Should I lay down new "tarp" before putting the rocks back?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape3 years ago
  • Is it normal for a 2yo to wake up multiple times a night (no crying)?

    I've had a few sleepless nights lately, and while lying in bed, waiting to fall back asleep, I've been heading my 2yo seems to wake up, talk to himself, and then go back to sleep multiple times a night every night

    He doesn't cry at these times. And he's not fussy during the day, so he must be getting enough sleep. I'm just curious if this is normal!

  • Do you have the right to share screenshots of posts on Facebook?

    I ve witnessed a bad situation on Facebook, and I m curious what the person s rights would be.

    This is in a closed group, support for a medical condition. Someone made a post, asking a question, and a guy replied with a totally random comment, calling the OP names (eg. Cun*), and making his racism quite obvious (trust me, there is no misunderstanding from any viewer here!).

    The comments and the guy have been reported, though they haven t been removed yet. And the person who was harassed said she took screenshots and intends to share them.

    Does she have the right to do that? What factors come into play here? Would she get in trouble for not blurring his profile pic (it s a man s face; so it could be him) and name? What about the others who joined on the conversation, and their pics and names? Does it matter that it s a "closed group"? (There are over 3,000 members of this group, so it s not like views are limited that much)

    I m just really curious about what s legal and what s not in a case like this. Could he sue her if she shared it? Under what charges?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Is this back pain worth seeing a doctor?

    3 days ago, I was sitting in our rocking chair, per usual, rocking my 2yo for a while to calm him down before his nap, and as I sat up to take him to his bed upstairs, my lower back began hurting. It hurt more and more as I carried him upstairs and put him in his bed. Ever since then, if I pick him orv anything else as heavy as him without doing it just right (lifting all with the legs), it hurts. I feel no discomfort or pain any other time, not in bed, not with the weight machines at the gym, not on the treadmill or elliptical, not when I m paying with my kids on the floor...only when I lift things.

    I figure I must have tweaked it somehow as I sat up with him on my lap that time, but now I m concerned about how to get rid of it. I ve been avoiding lifting him and heavy things and being cautious when I do ever since then, but there are times when it s harder to lift just right (eg, lifting my 2yo up and over the wall of his crib), and it s not getting any better at those times.

    Would having family stay with us to completely avoid those lifts for a weekb of rest help, or should I see a doctor?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management3 years ago
  • Keeping hydrated, but hate water?

    I'm sick and need to stay hydrated, but I really hate plain water. Is something like Gatorade or Powerade acceptable, or is it too much sugar? How about Pedialite?

    5 AnswersOther - General Health Care3 years ago
  • My eyesight gets blurry from moisture; can this be fixed?

    I don't have watery eyes; at least not to the extent that tears are falling down my cheeks. But I'm noticing more and more that at times, one or both of my eyes has a bit of a blur to it, specifically from moisture, almost as if I have a tear in my eye. It's not irritated or painful, as if I have something in my eye. All I have to do is blink a few times and it goes away.

    I'm not noticing any consistency: it doesn't happen more often when I'm tired or after staring at a screen for a while; it doesn't happen any more often when I read or am in different places (so I can't tie the watering to an allergy).

    It's not intrusive; I don't feel uncomfortable with driving or reading. But I am curious what this might be and if it's worth going to see an eye doctor about (I'm not sure if my insurance will cover a visit to an eye doctor, and I'm tight on money at the moment, but I don't want it to get worse if I can help it). The fact that it's inconsistent makes me think that glasses wouldn't help...

    Any ideas?

    2 AnswersOptical3 years ago
  • Is it the doctors, the hospital policy, or insurance that denies young patients vasectomies (and what's the female equivalent?)?

    I keep hearing people who know they never want kids tally about how they went in to try and get "fixed", but that they were denied because they were young and didn't already have kids. But I didn't ask those people if it was just the doctor's personal beliefs, or if it's some sort of insurance or hospital policy.

    What was your experience, or what have you heard?

    5 AnswersOther - Health3 years ago
  • Has anybody had recurring rectal prolapses? What did you do about them?

    My son has had recurring rectal prolapses for about a year now.

    We took him to the doctor after the first one and after an xray, the doctor said it was likely a result of constipation and had us change his diet and temporarily put him on some laxatives. He had another one a few months later, and the doctor upped his dose of laxatives. After not having one for months, he said we could start weaning him off of the laxatives. My son has had 3 in the last two months. They don t hurt, and they always pop right back with a bit of pressure and/or lying down in the right position and relaxation.

    His diet is extremely healthy now. I don t know what more we can do regarding diet, and I hate the idea of the doctor simply upping his laxatives again.

    What did your doctor do? Did yours stop or do you still experience them?

    3 AnswersMedicine3 years ago
  • Sewing - Complete Beginner - advice and tips needed (blanket)?

    I have a sewing machine, but I've tried to use it a grand total of about 5 times, and I still feel absolutely clueless and hesitant to use it. I don't have anybody nearby for hands on training.

    My son likes a kids show called Wallykazam, and there is absolutely no merchandise available for it (what little there is is on pages like Pinterest, and people charge a fortune).

    I want to make a blanket with the characters on it. I'm only planning on something simple (if you Google "Wallykazam Norville", I'm not planning on adding the dots): Just cut outs of the correct colors and the correct shapes for the face, then covering up the top with the correct color and shape hair, then a smile, a nose, and small black circles on top of white circles for eyes.

    What I need help with is advice on fabric and which stitch to do. Is if feasible to do all felt and a basic blanket stitch to put these pieces together on top of a thicker fleece base for the blanket? Or will it get way too thick in places where there are multiple layers (like the eyes: black pupil, on top of white eye, on top of blue face, on top of base blanket). Is it more feasible to do a thinner cotton fabric for the faces on top of the thicker fleece blanket?

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts3 years ago