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  • Is it normal to have fluctuating feelings in relationships?

    I don't know if "fluctuating feelings" is the right way to put it... but I am completely in love with my boyfriend, and sometimes I feel SO close to him like we are soul mates, want to be touchy and all over him, feel a little possessive, etc. Other times, I don't want him touching me, and I feel some kind of weird distance between us.

    We have been together for almost a year. I wanna know if anyone else can relate??

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Statistics question - help me find the mean & standard dev.?

    In a population of exam scores, a score of X = 48 corresponds to z = +1.00 and a score of X = 36 corresponds to z = -0.50 , Find the mean and standard deviation for the population.

    **I got this wrong on a test because I had no idea how to do it. Come someone please explain?

    3 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • I have a lot of questions about Islam?

    I am reading the English translation of the Qur'an and trying to find out as much as I can. I got goosebumps reading about the Day of Judgment. The signs of that day coming are horrific and scary. It stays that there will be more killing, more wars, etc. And also, that there will be an incurable disease to punish fornicators (STD maybe? AIDS?), and that on the Day of Judgment, the sun will be just a mile away from earth. I was wondering, why are these horrific things going to happen? Is Allah(SWT) making them happen? Or shaytan? I literally am so scared when I read about all this, it brings me to tears.

    How do fellow Muslims cope with this part of the religion? I know that Allah(SWT) is the Most Merciful, but I feel like we are all doomed.

    13 AnswersRamadan7 years ago
  • Can a soprano be a rock singer?

    I am a soprano and my range is G#3 - A5 ... my chest voice has power but my head voice is kind of childish/babyish sounding. It's very light in weight and liquidy. I really want to be able to sing rock songs, like indie rock or something like that. But I was wondering, do you think it could work?

    And can you think of any female rock singers that are sopranos? (Amy Lee, Hayley Williams, and Lacey from Flyleaf are not sopranos) I was thinking Avril Lavigne is probably a soprano but she's more of a pop singer.

    4 AnswersSinging7 years ago
  • How to get past the self consciousness?

    I want to do fun things with my boyfriend and have an exciting sex life. I feel like I have ruined our sex life by setting a very serious and stiff tone for it... basically I get very anxious before we do anything physical together. I hear these stories of couples who are close (I feel we are actually close emotionally) who go in the shower together and try different other sexual activities... and it boggles my mind. Because I feel like I could never do that stuff, even though I really want to. My guy is very patient and sweet, he literally never pushes for sex, he never puts pressure on me, etc. But I have come to realize that our physical relationship is not catching up to the one we have emotionally and psychologically. I am concerned and don't know what to do :(

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I can't make friends and I think it's because of my personality :(?

    I'm 18 and in college... I am a good person with a good heart. I just never learned how to make friends. I was extremely shy growing up, to the point where I would never talk in class, ever. From a very early age, I acted like I was ashamed of something and like I had no confidence, even to raise my hand and say something in class. In middle school, I overcame that and started answering more questions in class without getting nervous. But my social skills never really developed. I remember looking at all the other kids acting silly and bonding over jokes... and I wished I could be like that. I've always been really serious and stiff.

    I have tried to appear more friendly and smile more, "put myself out there" but all of my efforts have failed. I think I come off as aloof and unapproachable, especially when I'm at school. I really want to see a psychologist about this, but I can't afford it. This is a huge issue in my life that I need to figure out as soon as possible.

    6 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • How come Taylor Swift can't sing... after all these years I mean?

    I used to think that the best singers are not the ones who are just "naturally gifted" but have actually been singing all their lives. But I watched an old episode of 60 minutes about Taylor Swift and it said she has been singing since she was two years old.

    Her voice is just very whiney, flat, and her range is very small. How does that happen??

    5 AnswersSinging8 years ago
  • I want to be close to God but I don't know how?

    I know he's up there. I have never had a doubt about that. I just don't know which religion to be a part of. I feel very awkward when I pray because I don't feel like I deserve the things I ask for. I have a lot of blessings in my life, but when I fall back into depression, I don't know if it is okay to pray for help... it feels wrong almost. There are people with bigger problems, and also, I am selfish and do not deserve it.

    For the believers on here, can you relate to these feelings? And what religion do you follow (if any)?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Feeling depressed and worthless...?

    I don't know how else to put it other than... I hate myself. I hate my personality and my traits. I have tried many times to change the way I am, or to at least change my habits, but it's never worked. I am shy and awkward... i don't really have any friends. More than anything, I just wish I had a social life. I wish I knew what it was like to feel fulfillment from relationships. And to have someone love you- someone who's not a family member. I probably would've taken my own life years ago if not for my family. They are so loving and they are the only good thing I have in my life.

    I can't afford therapy by the way. So what can I do? I am in college and as I said, I desperately want to make friends. I have tried to keep myself happy just by being who I am and focusing on my own hobbies, but that only works for so long. Loneliness always gets to me in the end

    4 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Depressed because of my female pattern baldness?

    Since I was 15, I have had lots of hair missing from the top of my head. You can see my scalp, especially close to my hairline/my forehead. My part is kind of wide, and I can tell people notice it when they are talking to me. I am 19 and it hasn't gotten any better in 4 years. Been to dermatoligsts, gotten blood tests and biopsies, and they didn't really give me any answers. The only thing they told me was "use Rogaine twice a day for the rest of your life... oh by the way, Rogaine only works for 1 out of 5 women."

    I am not allowed to wear hats to school... and I don't want to get a wig or hairpiece. I don't know any other girls my age with this so it's really hard for me. I realize some people have bigger problems, but it still gets me down.

    Is there anything else I can do?

    8 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • My hair loss has not gotten any better in 5 years?

    I'm about to turn 20 this August. When I was 15, my hair thinned out really bad. The texture changed from thick to fine, and there is a spot of hair (right where my bangs would be) where a lot of scalp shows. I have been to a few dermatologists, gotten blood tests done, biopsies, etc. and nothing helped. They couldn't find any explanation for it. It hasn't gotten worse, which I'm thankful for, but the texture hasn't thickened and I still have that big bald spot on top.

    Are there any other options for me? I don't want to have this all my life. I am not a particularly vain person, but this often gets me down. I can tell when people are noticing it and it really doesn't make me feel attractive.

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Fear of sex- this isn't normal, right?

    The idea of sex does not intimidate me or put me off when I think about it in my head. But when it is actually about to happen, I freak out on the inside and I tell the guy I'm not ready. I am only 19, but I don't want this to carry on forever. I don't want to end up a 40 year old virgin LOL.

    I just feel really vulnerable when I am alone with a guy. It almost makes me feel like a child. I know that I am more conservative than most girls, and that's just the way it is. But is it kind or irrational to not want to have sex with someone unless you KNOW they love you? I am not sure if I just haven't found the right guy yet or what, but I am so inexperienced when it comes to dating... it's not good. :(

    Most of the time, my love life is dormant though. I am picky and always pick guys who don't like me back. The ones who like me -- I never like them back. It sucks.

    Any advice?

    4 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • How come my metabolism is getting faster as I age?

    Isn't it supposed to be the opposite? When I was like 10, 12, 15 - I had to watch my diet very carefully and my weight was fluctuating like crazy. I was always normal weight, never overweight... but still, I could see that if I ate too much junk and got in the habit, then I would get love handles or my tummy would really start to stick out. But ever since I turned 18, I started eating like 10 meals a day and certainly don't hold back when it comes to junk food. And yet, I am thinner than ever. I really don't understand. I'm 22 now.

    Is this just due to my genetics? When should I expect it to slow down again?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • What can you do when you genuinely hate yourself?

    I hate my traits. I am so serious, somber, stiff, introverted, inarticulate, socially awkward, etc. I want to be the opposite of all these things. My goal is not and never was to be a "downer," and I still try not to come off as one. But there is no denying it- I wake up sad.

    I was just looking at my older brother and I thought "God, we're so different." I love him to death. But I notice we are almost opposites. He is confident, talkative, light hearted, funny, pleasant, social, etc. I am very happy that he is happy and does not struggle with the things I struggle with. I just wonder how we grew up to be so different. Kinda weird to think about.

    I have tried so many things. The only thing that helps me cope with my depression is music. People often advise me to "stop focusing so much on the bad and make a list of your good traits" - I HAVE some good traits, I am aware of what they are. But it doesn't make me feel better. You know what I mean? Where do I go from here? Will I be depressed forever, if I refuse medication (as I currently do)?

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Question about following laundry directions?

    I have this shirt that I really like, it is a thin, crinkled gauze material. It's got cool pleating, and I guess that's what I like about it. I want to wash it in gentle cycle but I am afraid the crinkled-ness/pleating get ruined. The directions say "hand wash warm water" but my washing machine only lets me do gentle cycle with COLD water. Is there a really big difference between using cold water and using hot water? Sorry if that's a stupid question, I don't know these things...

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • My social ineptitude has really started to bother me?

    I am 19 and cannot make friends. My mom used to give me a hard time about it when I was younger, nnd then I think she gave up. My dad has always had a more loving and forgiving attitude- he says I have many other good things about me and that most people are shallow anyway so I shouldn't worry so much.

    I am really thankful for my family because they fill up my life with a lot of love. But still, something is really missing. And that is a social life! I don't have any friend that I can go out to the mall with or just out to get coffee. None. I am a really sweet person but I feel like no one gives me a chance. I am shy and not talkative... that also makes interacting very difficult.

    I want to see a psychologist/counselor about it but I can't afford to. What can I do? :-(

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • Naturally skinny boyfiiend + me always on a diet = :( lol.?

    I'm 20. My byofriend is 28 and he is really skinny, always has been, and probably will be forever. He has told me he likes being naturally thin and doesn't ever wish he looked big and "ripped" like some other guys. I am very happy to hear this from him.

    But here's the thing... I'm not really like that. I have some body issues (I never talk about it). The only reason I am thin now is because I follow a strict diet of mostly oats, fruits & veggies.

    ALL he ever wants to do is go out to eat. I don't want to say "can we do something else?" because he will get upset or misunderstand. What can I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How come there are only white, black, and some hispanic in the Entertainment industry?

    I am only talking about America. We have this whole concept of "Hollywood," and somehow, all the people in it seem to fall into those three ethnic groups. Why are there no famous Asian or Middle Eastern actors/musicians? And don't say it's because people from those groups have less talent because that is beyond ridiculous.

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Need help with serious relationship stuff?

    I am 20, completely in love with my boyfriend (he's 30). He is really like a best friend to me. I want to have sex with him, but I am so shy and awkward about all of that. I'm a virgin, and he's not... so of course that complicates things a bit. But even so, I have tried hard to bring myself to be more physically affectionate with him but something stops me. It's weird. In my head, it's easy to picture myself jumping on top of him and going for it. But in real life, that is so not what it's like haha.

    How do I get more comfortable with the physical part of our relationship? And is the 'foreplay' part supposed to come naturally to everyone?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • He finally likes me after all this time. But now I'm scared?

    I have been friends with a guy for 2 years, and I have hid my crush on him all this time. We are close and comfortable with each other, and that has made it kind of hard on me at times. I don't know why, I just always felt would be perfect for me.

    He started dropping hints and then asked me out, and I'm just not as happy as I thought I'd be. It's not that I don't want to date him because I still do, any girl would be stupid not to. I just don't understand why after 2 years the feelings suddenly developed? I don't like the idea of that. It makes me feel as if I wasn't originally good enough, but now I have grown on him or something. I don't know if that sounds chidlish... but man this is upsetting me! I have been avoiding him every chance I get.

    Btw, I'm in my early 20's but I do tend to take relationships really seriously... what should I do?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago