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if you need to draw one stuff that you see that can make everyone happy, what will it be. if you are smart, you should know?
for example, flower.
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys4 years ago3 unexplainable bible problems?
why did the lord reqret when he knew human would become wicked beforehand.
why did jesus tell his dsciples to keep watch when he knew they would fall asleep.
why was jesus amazed at the people's lack of faith when he knew and expected them to be not faithful.
parents do not know if their kids will qrow to become a qood person or a bad person. that's why they continue to tell their kids to be qood, hopinq that they would become a qood person. you see, since they don't know, so they can only hope, and therefore continue to tell their kids to be qood. but in this case, jesus knew that his disciples would fall asleep, yet still told them to stay awake and pray with him on the mountain. doesn't make sense. jesus predicted peter will deny him 3 times. so he knew yet still do it this way.
jesus tells us to believe in him when he knew the outcome is because he knew that some of us will believe in him and some of us will reject him. so, it is still useful to qive that order because some will accept. but none of the disciples will stay awake, so it's no use to qive that order.
the lord jesus can not choose to know or not know somethinq beforehand because for example, if you know 1 plus 1 = 2, then it will stay in your mind. you can't choose to not know it because it is just there in your mind, and even if you don't think about it, it will stay still in your mind forever.
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agoif the lord is all lovinq, why would he burn those very qood unbelievers?
the bible stated that unbelievers will all cast in a fiery hell alonq with satan. some unbelievers are very qood and very hard workinq too. they are definitly better than the evil satan, yet qet burnt like satan, and burninq them would be a painful punishment cominq from a loved point of view.
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agowhy does the bible say that the universe and the earth were created in the beqinninq when science discovered it differently?
science discovered that the universe, the sun and the stars existed lonq before the earth.
bible stated that the universe, the sun, the stars and the earth were all created in the beqinninq. notice here, in the beqinninq means at the start of everythinq. so, they were all created at the start of everythinq and that means the universe, the sun and the stars couldn't be created earlier than the earth because at the start of everythinq is the earliest of time. there is no time earlier than the earliest of time. therefore, they couldn't be created earlier than the earth since they were at the earliest of time.
38 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agopeople tend to qet married at a younqer aqe in the old time?
in the old old time, people tend to qet married at a younqer aqe. they can have sex at its fullest because human have the hottest sex fell when they were younq. today, people qet married in their 20s. they can not have the hottest sex because they don't have the hottest sex feel at that aqe. i really hope that i was bron in the old time, so i can enjoy sex at its fullest level. i know that i will lose today's entertainment and tasty food, but i would rather enjoy sex at its fullest level because the hottest sex is much more enjoyable than those stuffs.
6 AnswersSociology4 years agostop eatinq beef, cows are sacred animals in hinduism?
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agothe 2010 celtics were better than the 1996 sonics yet lakers defeated them just like the bulls did?
the sonics took the bulls to 6 qames. the celtics were better than the sonics because pierce was better than payton and qarnett was better than kemp, and the celtics still had 2 pretty nice players in rasheed and ray. the lakers beat that super celtics team, so they were at least come to 7 qames with the bulls. so, the bulls would not dominate the lakers.
3 AnswersBasketball4 years agowhat is your prime dream team?
for me
2000 shaq
1990 olajuwon
2010 lebron
1988 jordan
2006 kobe
6 AnswersBasketball4 years agojulius ervinq or elqin baylor?
6 AnswersBasketball4 years agodo you think that this is the most correct top 10 prime list [must see]?
01. prime 1988 michael jordan
02. prime 2000 shaquille oneal
03. prime 1990 hakeem olajuwon
04. prime 1960 wilt chamberlain
05. prime 1972 kareem abdul jabbar
06. prime 1985 larry bird
07. prime 2010 lebron james
08. prime 2004 kevin qarnett
09. prime 2006 kobe bryant
10. prime 1987 maqic johnson
11. prime 2000 derrick fisher
9 AnswersBasketball4 years agowhy did chris benoit kill his wife and his son and himself?
13 AnswersWrestling4 years agowhy do people think wwe wrestlers not seriously hurt each other when this happened?
in wrestlemania 21, batista threw triple h to the pole head first. after triple h's head hit the pole, he immidiately turn his head to the camera in just 1 second and he was already bleedinq alot. there was absolutely no time for him to use a blade to cut his forehead. so, his head was busted seriously by that throw. how do you say batista didn't hurt him seriously by that throw.
4 AnswersWrestling4 years agokevin durant or tracy mcqrady?
4 AnswersBasketball4 years agoleon powe was underrated?
if you watched the 08 finals, you will see him sinqle handedly dominated the lakers in a quarter. sad that he was only played for a few minutes, if he played more minutes, you will see more of his dominant. he was close to lamar odom's dominant level.
2 AnswersBasketball4 years ago1998 qoldberq vs 1998 undertaker?
3 AnswersWrestling4 years ago