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Lv 31,047 points

Mrs. Donigan

Favorite Answers7%
  • What belt came off my Murray 14.5 Rider?

    Just bought this yesterday from a friend, dont know anything about mowers. Went once around our yard and a belt came off. Its on the left side of the mower, there's another on the right side, but its fine. Murray customer service is no longer available and I cant find anything telling me specifically what kind of belt I need. All i've found is something about a "drive belt". Also the one that is still on, is much larger than the one that came off.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Bleeding after period ends?

    So, my cycle, up til last month was always right on the dot. Last month, I was a day late starting. Odd. This month I was 3 days late. We're trying for baby, so it was a real tease. I ended my period Sunday. Yesterday and today I've been spotting. This has never happened before, when my period stops, it stops. So, I'm pretty confused at this point.....

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • secondary infertility?

    My husband and I have been trying for about 8 months now, im 21, he's 26. He has a 5 year old and i have a 4 year old, both from previous relationships. I had an abortion 3 years ago. We do both smoke & casually drink. I also take multivitamins daily. We've tried ovulation tests, failed. Any suggestions or comments other than seeing a physician? I feel as if the problem is me.....

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Anyone have a recipe for salmon souffle, that uses BREAD instead of flour?

    My mother used to make this using ripped up pieces of bread. I've tried finding a close enough recipe but haven't had much luck. I'm thinking her version was something that was passed down and unfortunately I didn't get that chance. She passed away when I was 14, and I haven't had this dish since she last made it, 6 years is too long for this bombay meal! Any help or suggestions?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • 5 year old on Adderall 10mg XR?

    My 5 year old stepdaughter is being prescribed this, as her mother wanted her tested in february for adhd. Within one week she was diagnosed with adhd. She's been in preschool for 3 months. We're currently going through a custody battle and cannot be involved with her medical issues. She does have alot of energy, but i figure its just her being a kid. The MG on her medication has been upped 3 times. When she has taken it, she was a zombie. Didnt move. Didnt speak unless spoken to. She just seemed emotionless. Her mother also has her taking melatonin. Recentley, her mother sent a note from her doctor stating she was to stop taking her meds for 2-3 days, then continue. I find all of this drastic for a 5 year old. Arent there other non-stimulant ways to treat this?

    2 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Where's our Stimulus Check?

    My boyfriend filed his 2007 taxes in February and we had the refund direct deposited. His last digits are *31, and that group of stimulus direct deposits has already been sent out, according to the irs and treasury websites, but we have still not received our money.... anyone have any answers to this?

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • help with Samsung DVD camcorder??

    I have a Samsung DVD camcorder, model:SC-D173U, and i dont know how to playback what i've recorded, can anyone help? And possibly hooking the camcorder up to our tv and watching it on there?

    1 AnswerCamcorders1 decade ago
  • Weird rash?

    Yesterday, i was very sick, throwing up constantly, running a fever of 101.8, then diahreah. I noticed on sunday night, when i was still running a high temp., that these little circular rash looking spots were showing up on my arms. I then noticed i have them on my leg, and belly. They dont itch, hurt, or anything, im just worried because they havent went away. What could this be?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • How to be nice ??

    My son is 3 months old & has slept with me and his father from birth. He sleeps by me because his father rolls and kicks way too much. I hear every wimper he makes & am VERY aware of him being beside me. Our room is not big enough for his crib and im not ready to put him in his own room yet. When the day comes, i'll do it.

    Yet everyone tells me how terrible i am, that it'll be so difficult to make the transition and what i've started is pretty much a living nightmare.

    Im the mother, I'll have to lay in the bed i made, & when the day come's, it'll be mine to deal with. I am completly aware of this!

    How can I tell people nicely that, im the mother & their opinions are just opinions ??

    26 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Your opinion on when to start baby foods?

    My son is 3 months old & a couple of days ago I tried banana's (in the jar) on him. I've had him on rice cereal for about a month now due to severe acid reflux. He takes down the banana's...slowly and not very much but he does. Everyone has their own opinions on when you should start the solid foods & i'd just like to hear some.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My 12 day old son has been projectile puking for 3 nights in a row. Whats wrong?

    For 3 nights now, My son has vomited all of his bottle and more. Its been around the same time every night and after he does it, its like he feels fine and goes back to sleep. He's on Enfamil Lipil with Iron and we thought maybe it was his formula. We use Dr.Browns bottles and they dont seem to be working...air still comes through, so we just bought some playtex drop-ins. Today he's been restless, really fussy and congested. He's usually a VERY good baby, never have i seen him act this way. Any suggestions of what could be wrong?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Sharp Pains .... in my butt?

    It's awkward and weird but when i move or get up sometimes, or bend over and stand up i get this terrible sharp shooting pain that like, takes my breath away. It feels like the pain is actually in my butt-hole. its raunchy to say, but it hurts like hell and i was wondering if anyone else expeirenced or knew what this was? ....p.s. Im 6 months pregnant.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of the state help pregnant teens in Missouri get?

    Im 17 and me and my boyfriend just found out im pregnant. We want to keep it and make our lives better for our child. I know Missouri has WIC and Mc+ but thats all im aware of. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Legal rights for 17yr olds in Missouri?

    I turn 17 in two months and currently do NOT live with my father. though he is a big threat and says he will 'do stuff' if i mess up. So im wondering when i turn 17, and i choose to live on my own or move out of state is there anything he can do to make me come back home or is there anyway he can send me off somewhere?

    Hes really initimidating, thats why im asking.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago