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Lv 58,556 points

same girl/new name :)

Favorite Answers7%

I am 38. I've been married for 19 yrs. I have 2 great kids and 2 awesome cats! :}

  • plz help! 4got ipod password?

    I'm not good at this stuff at all!! I 4got the password 2 my's the older kind..not the touch..(8gb if that tells u anything) it's the long skinny 1..sorry I don't know alot about this stuff but I hope some1 can help! I tried hooking up 2 itunes but didn't help much.thnx!

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • Have Dale Earnhart cars 2 sell any ideas? Help plzz!?

    I have some Dale Sr. cars 2 sell but have no clue where I would go to sell them or how much they are worth (I know they were expensive when they were bought as a gift for the person I got them from) I don't really have alot of time or $ to buy a book & research the values & how do you know who to trust to get the worth? I have researched some on the internet but I'm not the greatest at it & haven't had the best of luck finding the right places to look to help me find out the values. Thanks for any & all help!

    3 AnswersNASCAR10 years ago
  • "A Child Called IT" Dave Peltzer Books! Plzzzz help!?

    His life story is so amazing! I am not a reader but I read the 1st book "The child called IT" & HAD to get the next one, "The lost boy" Do you know exactly which order the books go in next? I just assumed it would be "The privilege of youth" but it seems like "A man called Dave" might be next. I hope it doesn't matter in which order I read his brothers memoirs "A brother's journey" because I wasn't sure which of the other 2 books came next so I started that 1. I did start the Priv of youth 1st & I stopped until I find out for sure which order they are supposed to go in. I hope that one gets better as it goes cuz it was pretty boring at the beginning, which is surprising cuz his books have been unbelievable! Thanks for your help! =}

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • eBay 10% off coupon question?

    I have received one of those 10% off coupons from eBay through my account but it say's up to $100.00. What if the item I want to buy is over $100? Can I still use it? Will they just take the 10% off the $100 then I pay regular price for the amount over $100? Thanks!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who has had an upper GI test done w/in the past few years?

    Is it horrible? I'm a big sissy when it comes to having things done. I heard they make u drink that nasty barium stuff then they put a little camera down your throat?! No way! I'm NOT doing it!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • who has had an upper GI test done w/in the past few years?

    Is it horrible? I'm a big sissy when it comes to having things done. I heard they make u drink that nasty barium stuff then they put a little camera down your throat?! No way! I'm NOT doing it!

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • Serious help plz! Basset Hound is turning mean all the sudden?

    My sister has a Basset Hound(apx.4yrs old) & my dad has a black lab (apx.7yrs) they are like brothers. My sister moved back home with the Basset so the dogs have lived 2gether for few yrs now & when the B.H. had thyroid disease the lab is the 1 that detected it! He would stand over his neck & cry,wine & lick his neck all the time until the vet found out he had thyroid problems(& ur thyroid is in ur neck) but just w/in maybe 4mths or so the B.H. has been getting nasty. He is normally a wonderful happy lovey dog. My dad bent down to dump food in his bowl & he growled & grabbed ahold of his arm & wouldn't let go (he's done this a few times now & he's very close to my dad) as soon as any1 walks into the house he's happy 2 see u but then goes straight for his bowl, stands there & growls. If you try to take anything outta his mouth that he should not have he growls. This just isn't him, he's such a sweet dog! The lab is big & so gentle. He takes whatever the B.H. dishes out & will never retaliate against him. What would cause him to change like this? As for feeding him, they try to feed them in separate rooms at different times but B.H. won't go for it. Plz help! We love him but my dad say's he can't have him in the house if he's gonna be afraid he will bite at anytime. Thanks! =}

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Honesy Questions Survey ~all about you =~}?

    Honestey Questions ~ Survey

    Whos your best friend? - my sister

    Got a boyfrined? - hope not! I've been married for 19 yrs! lol!

    How many siblings do you have? - 1

    Still in school? - nope

    Would you ever get an abortion? - no

    Ever been abused? - no

    Are you on drugs? - only prescription! lol!

    Do you know anyone on drugs? - yep

    Are you against drugs? - yes

    Do you smoke? - no

    Who do you live with? - hubby, kids & 2 cats

    How many kids do you want or have? - 2

    Were is your home town? - right here

    Ever had something serious happen to you or a close friend?(feel free to elaborate if you'd like) - yep

    Do you get along with your extended family? - yep

    Who are you closer to your mom or dad? - both

    What do you like best about your mom? - she's my friend

    What do you like best about your dad? - he's funny

    Are your parents married? if so how long?- yep- 40yrs! =}

    Do you have step parents? - no

    Name 5 people that mean the world to you? - hubby, son, daughter, my sis, mom, dad & gram (sorry thats 7)

    Name one person you could never live without? - sorry gotta say 2, both my kids

    Whats you fav boys name? - michael

    Fav girls name? - Emma

    Favourite color? - Green

    who was your last tex message from? - my sissy =}

    Has anyone close to you ever died? - oh yea! my fav unc in the whole world! I miss him so much! ={

    Have you ever been dumped? - no

    Have you ever dumped someone? - yes

    Have you ever seen someone just before they died? - yep my grammy

    Would you take a bullet for anyone? - yep

    If so name the top 8 people you would take a bullet for? - hubby, my son, daughter, my sis, mom, dad, gram any kid in danger if it would help

    If you could go anywhere right now were would it be and who would you take? - anywhere just to get away, my hubby or sister

    If you were stuck on an island and could take one person who would it be? - same answer

    What are your hobbies? - nothing special

    If you could go back to any moment when would you go back to? - not really sure

    If you could change anything right now what would it be? - $$

    Have you ever cried because you were laughing so hard? - yea

    ever peed your pants from lauging so hard? -no

    When was the last time you cried from being sad & why? - last wk (miss my uncle) ={

    Did you like this survey? - yea

    Are you glad its over? - yea lol!

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • mini laptop, can u answer some questions plz?

    My daughter wants 1 for xmas & I don't know the 1st thing about them. Are they expensive? Do u have to buy separate internet connection for them & are there good & bad ones? Which laptop do you prefer All the info u can give me would be very appreciated! Thanks! =~}

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • girls plzzz tell me why u all do this when u take a pic?

    Why do u alllll pucker ur lips? The face looks so dumb! I'm serious & I'm not trying to be mean but I really gotta know why? Most of the time ur very cute & u would be cute just smiling but when u do that damn pucker thing it does not make u look as pretty as u really are.

    23 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What kind of vaccum cleaner do you have and....?

    Do you like it? I need a new one & I don't wanna pay alot. I prefer an upright, bag less kind. I just needed some opinions. Thanks! =}

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What kind of vaccum cleaner do u have... and?

    Do you like it? I need a new one & not sure what kind to buy. I love my upright & prefer bag less. I really don't wanna spend a ton of money. I wondered what kind you all have & what you think about it. Thanks! =}

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Y&R Paul had a son w/Isabella named Ricky........?

    Where the heck is he & how old do you think he is? Wonder if he'll ever show up?

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH I haven't watched it in many years but I have a question about Robin?

    She has aids right? How did she get pregnant & have a baby then? Unless there's something I didn't know. Just curious, thanks!

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • what is a good crafty thing for a 12yr old girl 2 do?

    I don't have alot of money but I'm looking for something I can buy her to keep her interest. Thanks =}

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • How do I tell my daughter her weight & eating scares me?

    Plz don't be rude! I'm not sure how to tell her I'm worried about her. She's 12 & she wants 2 eat all the time. She's getting heavy & her eating habbits are terrible. I'm very heavy & I try 2 tell her I'm worried she'll end up like me if she's not careful & she say's, "so ur saying I'm fat!" & she cries. Everything I say she takes as an insult & I don't want 2 hurt her feelings but I want to help her understand if she continues down this path she will be sorry ={

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does my cat understand when I..........?

    raise my voice at him? I have 2 cats & the black cat is totally the boss of the 2 & he always bullies the orange cat. He sneaks up & attacks him & he's scared all the time. If you just as much as move your foot he flips out & hits the ceiling! lol! The black cat comes up & I guess wants to play but he gets really rough & the other will yell & squeel & doesn't wanna play. So I will sometimes yell & say don't you be so mean! He knows by my voice I'm mad I can tell because his ears go back but does he understand why I'm yelling at him? I know dog's know what you're saying but I don't know if cat's do. Thanks! =~}

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I need a good book 2 read but I'm.....?

    not very much into reading so I want something that will keep me wanting to read. I have trouble keeping my focus on things unless it's very interesting. I would appreciate any books you could recommend. I liked the old books, Flowers in the Attic if that helps you recommend a book you think I may like. Thanks for the suggestions! =~}

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Y&R Did any1 else notice Victoria.......?

    has been wearing black alot & holds her pocket book in front of her? She looks like she's pregnant in real life if you try & look it looks like she has a little belly bulge.. Plz don't be too much of a soap spolier tho...thnx! =~)

    8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago